78. He doesn't want the baby

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He Doesn't Want the Baby

Harry: When you found out, you were completely and utterly devastated. Of course, you had always wanted a kid, but not yet. Not when your life was just starting. Not when you and your boyfriend had only been going out for four months. God, what would he say? You hoped for your sake he would be okay, or at least help you. Your heart beat wildly in your chest as you walked into his living room for him to come and talk with you. "Okay babe, what'd you want to talk about?" he asked as he sat beside you on the couch. "Um, well..." you gulped. "I know we're both young and we've not even been dating for half a year and everything, but I'm pregnant." Silence. In those silent moments you hadn't looked at him. Not even a peek. "What?" he croaked out. "I-I can't have a kid. Not now. I'm sorry (Y/N) but I can't. What will everyone say? God this is gonna be all over the media!" By this time he had started pacing and nearly pulling his roots from his scalp. "Look, Harry I know. But I won't say anything. We can-" "No!" he roared, cutting you off. "I don't want your baby! Just...just leave! Disappear! I don't care but I don't want anything with you or it!" Your heart dropped. You didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't this. While you still had your pride, you gave one simple nod and left. Expecting never to look back.

Niall: You had never thought it would come to this. Not in a million years. Everything was supposed to work out and you were supposed to be one big happy family. But in the back of your head, you almost knew everything would go to hell. -Flashback- "Hey, Ni. Can we talk for a second?" "Sure, babe. What's wrong?" he asked, sitting beside you on the bed. He could see that you were worried, and put his hand on you inner thigh, rubbing soothing circles. "I'm pregnant." you spat out; not wanting to delay any longer. "A-are you sure?" he drew his hand back from you, folding them on his lap. And in that one moment, you knew it wasn't going to go well. A lump formed in your throat so your only answer was to nod and look down at your own hands. "I'm sorry," he paused, shaking his head. "But I can't. I just can't have a baby right now." His words traveled to your ears and your head snapped up to him and you stood, now furious. "What?!" you all but yelled. "Then what the hell do you suppose I do?" "I-I don't know. Whatever the hell you want! Get an abortion or something." Everything fell silent after those five words left Niall's lips. "An abortion." you muttered. Tears sprang to your eyes. You couldn't believe that Niall, your Niall had said that. "You know what Niall? Go fuck yourself. It takes two to make a baby you idiot." you spat. Turning around and storming out of the place that ten minutes ago was your home.

Liam: Your relationship with Liam had been going strong for about 3 years now and even though you weren't married yet or anything, you were extremely elated to tell him your news. Last week after a trip to the doctors you had found out you were pregnant. Since you and Liam were so happy together and you talked about having children together, you assumed he would feel the same way. So when Liam came home today, you ran to meet him at the door and jumped into his arms. "Woah, babe!" He exclaimed. "Someone missed me today, huh?" You grabbed his face and kissed him, nodding. "I have news! Good news. Come," You informed, pulling him into the living room and sitting on the loveseat. "Okay, what is it?" He begged to know, a curious gleam in his eyes. "I'm pregnant! You're going to be a daddy,Li!" You grinned, waiting for Liam to jump up and down with excitement. But that never came. Instead, you watched all the color drain from his face and that curious glint disappear. All your worst fears had come true. "Li..." you trailed, waiting for him to say something. He put his face in his hands and slowly inhaled, then exhaled and stood. You could feel your heartbeat accelerating as you stared up at him. "I don't want it." He said blatantly. "What?" You shrieked in disbelief, even though you already knew it was going this direction. "I. Don't. Want. It." He emphasized. "Why not? We've talked about this before! I thought you wanted this?" "Well I changed my mind okay! It's not my fault you got pregnant!" His voice rose, both of your tempers rising. "Not your fault? You're the one who got me pregnant you dumbass!" You took a deep breath. "You know what? Fine. I don't need you anyways. Get out. Just leave." "Leave? This is my house too!" "You know what else is yours? This baby! But you don't want that so..." You pointed to the door, rolling your eyes. "You know what? I will leave." He growled, brushing past you and slamming the door as he left. You plopped on the couch with a huff, tears blurring your eyes.

Louis: "I do want kids. I just don't want them with you." Those words were on repeat, playing over and over in your head. Your face was tear-stained and you had a major headache coming on and you so desperately wanted to sleep. But you couldn't. The fact that Louis didn't want to have kids with you had been eating at you for the last week and a half but you couldn't just sit and do nothing anymore. You couldn't wait to see if he would call you and beg for your forgiveness. And as you brushed your teeth in the hotel sink, you decided you weren't. You weren't going to let the media know you broke up. You weren't going to let Louis leave you when you needed him most, and without any sort of explanation. You were going to take care of yourself. You were going to be strong. But as you put your key in the lock, all the nerves began you kick in. But you weren't going to back down. As soon as you stepped over the threshold, you smelled beer. Old, stale beer. And there were beer bottles and glass and just everything, everywhere. "Louis!" You called out, beginning to panic, even though you knew he was the only person responsible for this mess. After quickly- and carefully -scanning the living room and kitchen, you made your way to the bedroom after seeing that those areas were vacant. You carefully pushed the door open, not wanting to alarm Louis if he was in there. "Lou..." you whispered after seeing him sitting on the floor at the end of the bed, arms on his knees. He was silent, still. It looked as if he'd been waiting for you. As you came in closer, you could see his eyes were red and irritated, his face decorated with unshaved scruff. "Louis. Look at me." you demanded.

Zayn: Your hands are sweaty and they're shaking uncontrollably. You want to turn and run for the hills, but you can't. Your feet are frozen in place. 'He's going to hate me.' You thought. 'He's never going to talk to-' Then the door opened. He leaned against the doorway, his lips pulled into a smirk. "I knew you couldn't stay away. So this is going to be a regular thing, you and I? You'll say it's nothing but a one night stand again?" he laughed. You gulped, wishing that was the reason you were once again at Zayn's doorstep. But it wasn't. "I'm pregnant." you said slowly, your voice breaking. As soon as the words left your mouth, Zayn's smile fell and your eyes began to fill with salty water."That's impossible. I used protection." He scoffed. "Well it wasn't enough, Zayn. I'm 100% on this." you sniffled. "Look, if this is just some way to get money from me, no need to put yourelf all the trouble. How much do you want?" "What are you talking about? Zayn I don't want your money. I just need your support, I can't do this on my own." you tried to explain. "Well you can learn. I-I can't do this. It's probably not even mines. How many guys have you been fucking this week, (Y/N)?" He spat at you. "ZAYN! Why are you acting like a fucking jerk on this I-" you started but he cut you off. "No (Y/N). I don't want anyone to know about this. That baby" he says pointing to your flat stomach "isn't mine...Don't call me again." He scoffed, shaking his head. You opened your mouth to speak but he had already slammed the door. You turned, sobbing as you made your way back to your car.


Sorry that they were acting like straight up douche bags on this preference 😂
I might do a part 2 on this and it won't be as bad

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