10. He pisses you off

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He pisses you off

Harry: "Just shut up!"You yelled.Anger boiling and about two seconds away from throwing the nearest object at him.You two had been fighting lately and it has just been getting worse and worse."No,You never listen it's all about you."He yelled back making you storm off to the bedroom."F*ck you,I'm finished!"You screamed.Packing the last few items and then leaving out the room."Wait,babe.I'm sorry."He said grabbing your wrist.You turned around and yanked it away."Bye Harry!"And with that you left.

Liam:You hit his arm and got up.He was totally checking out this hoe in front of you."Babe what's wrong?"He asked."You were checking her out you pig!"You said making a scene."Look,I wasn't I just happened to look that way."He pleaded.You shook your head and continued walking."And sleep your ass on the couch tonight because you are not sleeping with me!"You heard a few snickers from people in the restaurant.

Niall: "You're calling me at now?!"You yelled."No,I was just saying you shouldn't eat that much!"He said trying to pull you back."I'm going out for some air I don't have time for your sh*t right now Niall."You rolled your eyes and got dressed to go to a bar or some place he wasn't."I'm sorry."He pleaded."Whatever."You slammed the room door and left the house to go have a few drinks.

Louis:"Why Louis!"You whined."I just don't want to!"He replied."Fine."You groaned getting off the couch and into the room to watch it yourself."Babe."He asked peering into the room."What peasant?!"You asked.His eyes widened."Sorry you still want me to watch it with you?"He smiled.You nodded quickly and you two watched the film together.

Zayn:"All I ask is for you to clean your f*cking sh*t up.But no you leave it here for me!"You yelled.He groaned."Sorry boo,I was going to clean up."You turned to look at him."No,you weren't stop lying!"You said walking away."Wait!Are you going to clean it?" "No!"You yelled from the room leaving him to clean up the mess he made.

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