16. He hits you (part 2)

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He hits you (part 2)

Niall: You stumble into the nearby bus shelter and slouched on the seat. The rain had soaked you to the skin during your fast stumble down the road, anyone who say you would have thought you were drunk. Your head fell into your trembling hands as your tears joined the rain that soaked your thin sweater. He hit you. He actually took his hand and hit you. A load sob erupted from your mouth when you felt something being placed over your shoulders. You jumped slightly as you looked up to see a puffy eyed Niall standing over you. His t-shirt was starting to collect rain as he took a seat beside you. You wrapped his jacket closer to you and refused to look at him. "Princess." His voice cracked slightly, breaking you. You allowed him to put his arms around your neck giving you a tight hug, sobs coming from you both. He kissed your lips repetitively and began to apologizing with sobs in between"I'm so sorry. I'll never put my hands on you like that please, please...don't go."

Louis: (His P.O.V) I wandered back through the people. The last few moments had been a blur to me I hadn't even realized what happened. I turned to the scabby door I had just come through and went over everything. I pulled (Y/N) away from a guy who she was grinding against. I pulled her outside and then I-. I felt my blood physically freeze in my veins. I hit her. "Shit." I silently cursed to myself as I shoulder bash my way through the crowd that had seemed to grow since I last entered. Ignoring the glares and "What the fuck"'s and ran out the door. (Y/N) was still standing by the car holding her cheek. I stood and watched her for a bit listening out for any cries, but none came. I watched her slowly sink to the ground sitting on the edge of the curb. Letting out a short sigh I made my way over to join her. . "I'm sorry, I will, nor will anyone else, ever touch you like that again." She turned her head to me and gave me a small nod giving me permission to envelope her in my arms. I caressed her bruised cheek hating every part of myself. "I'm so sorry." A few tears escaped my own eyes. I felt her head shake against my head as she lifted it finally meeting my eyes. "It was a mistake. We all learn from them."

Zayn: You allowed your body to slip down to the floor, leaning your back against the door. The cold tiles sending goose bumps along your legs. You heard quiet knocks over your loud sobs. "(Y/N) please beautiful, open the door for me." Zayn had obviously sobered up and come to his senses but it didn't remove the fact that he hit you. Your sobs quietened as you held your sore cheek. You heard an alien noise come from the other side of the door. You noticed the knocking had stopped and had been replaced by soft cries. Wiping the few remaining tears away you stood up and creaked open the door. Sitting against the wall with his head in his hands was a very broken Zayn. "Zayn?" His head snapped up and a small smile appeared on his scared face but it soon disappeared. He gradually pulled himself from his position on the ground and made his way over to you. You moved into his arms and buried your face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. "I'm sorry boo. I love you so much, I'll never ever hurt you again." His chin rested on the top of your head as he kissed your hair, rocking you from side to side calming you both down.

Liam: It had been about 3 weeks since the night. Liam had apologized and you had forgiven him but there was still something in the back of your mind that still made you cautious around him. It was a typical Saturday night and Liam and you were doing your usual cooking dinner together. You had been doing this a lot since the night of the incident. "Love will you get me the olive oil?" Liam nodded to the high cupboard where it was stored. You reached up for it but it was too close to the back. Liam let out a small sigh and quickly reached up for it. Without even thinking you felt yourself stumbling back in fear. Liam looked confused at your actions. "What are you-" He noticed his hand was still in the cupboard and realization flooded his body. "You though I was going to- going to hit you?" You held back tears and gave him a small nod. He pulled you into his strong arms, nuzzling his face into your neck. "I'm sorry, I will, nor will anyone else, ever touch you like that again."

Harry: (His P.O.V) I hated myself. I hit her. I hit my baby. I was too ashamed to even apologize. The rest of the shopping trip seemed to go on for hours. She let out small nods as replies or she shook her head but either way she never spoke another word. She smiled at fans and did everything she usually did but never spoke. I had scared the shit out of her. Her sad eyes avoided me at all costs she was even too scared to look at me. The car journey was silent and painful. The sound of her hoodie zip filling the car was driving me crazy. I pulled the car onto a small country road and pulled over into a nearby lay-by. I turned so I was facing her confused face. "Baby girl I'm so sorry about what I did. The rumours were getting to me and the anger just took over. Please forgive me." I looked at her eyes, which were already on the blink of tears. "I didn't cheat on you, I promise!" Her voice cracked before she could finish her sentence and I allowed her to fall into my arms. "I know beautiful, I'm sorry." I let out a relieving sigh anf before I knew it, a tear rolled down my cheek.

1D preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora