Marcel; Sequel

By Sebraeya21

130K 4.1K 669

Sequel to Marcel~ More



2.3K 83 17
By Sebraeya21

I couldn't be more happy. I've got a gorgeous soon to be husband and father of my baby. I've got amazing friends. We're having a boy, and Anne is planning my baby shower. Nothing, and I mean nothing could ruin my mood right now.

"Do you want anything babe? I can make you a drink or something to eat." Marcel calls from the kitchen as I relax on the couch.

"No, just you. Hurry and get out here. I miss you!" I shout with a smile on my face. "Plus I already have popcorn." I giggle as he walks into the living room with a Hershey chocolate bar.

"How do you miss me already? I've only been in the kitchen for five minutes." He laughs before sitting beside me, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"You could be away from me for not even a second and I'd still miss you." I lay my legs over his lap and he hits play on the movie. "So why is Love Actually your favorite movie?" I ask while eating popcorn.

"Well, it is a very popular movie in England, plus there's nude scenes." He smiles cheekily and my jaw drops then I throw popcorn at him.

"My body isn't sexy enough for you?" I laugh just as there's a knock at the door.

"Oh baby, your body is the sexiest I've seen." He chuckled and I stood up to go see who was at the door. I could feel him watching me so I turned around and smiled at him sweetly. "Answer the door, miss crazy." He smirked. I let out a sigh and twist the doorknob, only to reveal Katy standing on our doorstep, hand over her.. stomach. She looked pretty surprised to see me and I could say the same.

"Is Marcel here? I need to talk to him." She says, rubbing her large stomach. She's pregnant. It can't be his though. Could it? "Hello? Are you deaf? I said, where is Marcel." She says rudely and seconds later, Marcel is standing beside me to see who's at the door. His jaw dropped and my heart was racing. "Hi Marcel." She half smiled.

"What.." He tries to speak, but he couldn't.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, knowing that's what he was going to ask.

"I came by to talk to Marcel. I think it's pretty obvious why." She pointed to her stomach and my heart dropped.

"You're not actually going to convince us that he is the.. the one that.." I can't even say the words because if it's true, I'm just going to just..

"Yes, he is the one that got me pregnant." She answered the question I didn't want to hear the answer to. I look up at Marcel and he just looks shocked. "You're going to be a father of a baby girl." She smiles at her stomach. I put my hand over my mouth and look up at Marcel again. "And don't try to deny it, because you're the only person I've had sex with in the past year."

My heart is racing and I feel sick. I unthinkingly start pounding my fists against his arms and chest, screaming at him as tears stream down my face. "I FUCKING HATE YOU I SWEAR I HATE YOU!" I cry, my hits becoming softer as I sob. He grabs onto my wrists, trying to calm me down but it's no use. "I can't believe this! You're a fucking whore, Katy! I hate both of you!" I scream before quickly but yet still slowly due to my wobbling walk, go to "our" bedroom and start throwing my clothes into my suitcases. He rushes into the room and tries to grab ahold of my body to stop me from packing.

"Riley! I'm begging you please just stop!" He pleads but I push him hard.

"Don't fucking touch me, you bastard!" I cry, sitting on the bed to try and calm down. "I am leaving and I swear to god I'm not coming back. This is all your fault! If you would have just tried working things out with me three years ago like I tried, we wouldn't be in this situation!"

"Do you really think I got her pregnant on purpose?" I could see the tears forming in his eyes but I wasn't going to use that as an excuse to feel bad.

"Why weren't you wearing a condom?" I cry and hide my face in my hands. "Now nothing will ever be right. I just.. I don't know what to do." I become frustrated and I am ready to strangle him but I restrain myself from doing so.

"Hey.." He whispers, sitting beside me and wrapping his arms around my body. "We can work this out. I don't even want anything to do with that baby." He tells me and my hand immediately connects to his face.

"Why the fuck would you say that?" I yell and stand up. "That poor baby is going to have to grow up without a father! Jesus, you're such a pig, Marcel!" I screech.

"Stop fucking hitting me!" He yells for the first time in a while. And it isn't the shout type of yell, it was the scary type of yell where his voice changes.

I cross my arms and face the wall so that my back is facing him. "I hate you. And I'm leaving." I say quietly, loud enough for him to hear. It is silent for a few seconds and I could just feel my heart breaking. I'm not leaving him over something stupid. I'm leaving him because this is literally just the worst feeling I've ever felt. He got Katy pregnant. Just thinking about it causes tears to form in my eyes. What have I done wrong in life to deserve this?

"Riley.. please, Riley don't." He says softly as my sobs start up again. I slowly and hesitantly slide the diamond ring off of my finger and turn around to face him. When his eyes meet the ring in my petite fingers, he covers his face with his hands and begins to cry. "Riley, what can I do to keep you from going? I didn't know that I got her pregnant! I don't want anything to do with her, please Riley don't leave me again!" He cries out and I want to hug him, and kiss him and just tell him that everything will be ok... but I know that it won't.

I place the ring in his large hand and it gives him the opportunity to grab ahold of my small one.

"Please.." He whispers while staring into my eyes.

"I can't do this." I say softly before walking back to our dresser and packing all of my clothes.

I stood by my car after putting all of my stuff in the back, thinking twice about this. I know he didn't know about Katy being pregnant... but things just won't work. Now, I'm pregnant with his baby and I can run from him, but I'll never be able to hide. He will always be in my life now. I pull my phone out and immediately call Jessie.

"Hello?" She answers, giggling and I hear Louis in the back.

"Hey Jess?" I sniffle, my voice being high pitched due to the fact that I'm about to start crying again.

"Hey babe. What's wrong?"

"Can I please stay with you until I can get myself together?"

"Riley, of course you can. But what happened?"

I sniffle and wipe the tear away that fell from my eye. "I'll tell you when I get there."

After hanging up, I climb into the car and buckle myself. I sit there crying for at least five minutes, and when I look up, Marcel is standing on the porch with his grey on and his brown boots. He stood there watching me, and I began to cry harder. He slowly made his way down the driveway and to my car. He opened the door as I tried to lock it, but I failed. I look down at what I was hoping was my lap, but instead it was my huge belly. I cry and allow my tears to fall on my bump, soaking through my shirt. He tilted my chin up, and I knew what was coming, but I didn't stop him. He leaned in, pressing his soft lips to mine. When he pulls away, I look at him, feeling completely broken.

"I'll fix this. Ok?" He croaks as tears form in his eyes. I nod my head, hoping to god he does. This feels so unreal and I just don't understand what is going on. "I love you." He says one last time before shutting my door and I start the car, watching him walk inside. Evie stood at the screen door, watching me. I'll be back for her, but as of right now, I just need time to think and I know he'll take care of her.

"I love you, too." I whisper, wishing he was here to hear it being said.

Marcel's POV•

I know that baby isn't mine. Katy has even told me that she has had sex with some guy before dating me. I was sure to wear a condom every time, but there was no point in telling Riley because she'll think I'm lying. Nothing I do or say will bring her back to me. I'm going to confront Katy on the lie, and she will tell Riley the truth. I guess as of right now, I need to give Riley some time and space.

Authors Note; Guys! I'm so happy that I'm updating and I'm really sorry that I haven't updated! I will be updating everyday now, though. Promise! I understand if you guys are mad at me for not updating. BUT I LOVE YOU OMG PLEASE VOTE & COMMENT!

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