Marcel; Sequel

By Sebraeya21

130K 4.1K 669

Sequel to Marcel~ More



2.7K 99 20
By Sebraeya21

"Marcel, I swear if you don't hurry your ass up!" I shout from the living room, arms crossed, leaning against the front door.

"Riley! Chill out! I'm getting ready. I want to look decent." He shouts back and I roll my eyes.

"Marcel, we're going to a three year olds birthday party. Are you trying to hook up with moms or something?" I shout, now becoming impatient.

"Only you." He smiled as he walked into the living room, now pulling a black t-shirt over his head. He's also wearing black skinny jeans and all black converse. Sexy, but sort of scary considering the fact that it's march and it's nice out, yet this is what he's wearing. "Aren't you going to be cold? It's still a bit chilly out." He walks towards me with his car keys. I'm wearing light pink shorts that reach my knees and a baby yellow tight short sleeve t-shirt, allowing my bump to show clearly.

"No, I'll be fine." I smile, reaching for the door handle.

"Wait, let me grab your cardigan." He says and runs to our bedroom before I could respond. Seconds later, he rushes to me with my black cardigan. "By the way, you look beautiful." He whispers before rubbing my stomach and placing a peck on my lips. I smile at his sweet gestures when he pulls away.

"Thank you. Now can we go? The party started at 4. It's 4:30." I whine and he rolls his eyes.

"Babe, I doubt Jessie and Louis will worry. They only live like, twenty minutes away." He assures me and opens the door. "Oh, and have I mentioned that you've been awfully moody?" He furrows his eyebrows playfully and smiles while taking ahold of my hand and walking me to the car.

"Yes Marcel. You've been telling me for the past two months. I can't help it." I frown just as he opens the car door for me. "Today, I'm just excited about seeing my gorgeous nephew, my beautiful best friend, and her husband." I climb in and he shuts the door. When he gets in on the driver side, he lets out a sigh. "I can't believe Jessie got pregnant by Louis before graduation then married him a year later." He starts the car and pulls out of the driveway.

"Don't judge other people's love." I say while putting on my makeup. He let out a disgusted noise and when I look over, he has a disgusted look on his face.

"Why do you put that shit on? You're prettier without it." He scoffs then turns his attention back to the road.

"Oh, shutup." I mumble and put on light eye shadow.

"You shutup." He smirked and I roll my eyes before taking his free hand in mine. "Love you, Ri." He sucks up.

"I love you too, Marc."

"You better."

"You better." I copy in his voice and he lightly punches my arm.

"You're terrible at English accents!" He laughed, stopping at a red light.

"Ok? So? I can't say anything insulting to you because I've never heard your American accent." I say, hoping he does one. He clears his throat and begins to drive once the light turns green.

"Riley, I love you so much and even though you have an attitude most of the time now, I still can't wait to marry you and raise a child with you." He spoke in the most gorgeous American accent. I look at him in aw, my mouth slightly parted.

"That was so hot. Next time we have sex, you're talking dirty to me in an American accent." I assure him and put my seat back so I'm sort of laying down. I close my eyes and suddenly feel Marcel's large hand on my stomach. I lay my hand over his, allowing it to just rest there. I open my eyes, watching him as he concentrates on the road. He's so gorgeous and he doesn't even know it. Everything about this boy is perfect. And I do mean everything. I wish I could have spent all my years of living, with him. Even if we started off as friends when we were infants. I just wish I had more time with him. I have this strange fear of growing old.. Because once I die, everything will go to waste. I won't have Marcel anymore. I won't have my kids when I do have them. It's almost like we live and receive just to die and lose. Lose everything we've ever experienced and earned in life. I'm scared of dying because I'm scared of losing Marcel.


"Babe, we're almost there." Marcel nudged me, causing me to flutter my eyes open and look around. It feels like I've been sleeping for hours but I know it's only been about five to ten minutes. I sit up and rub my eyes before rubbing my arms.

"Babe, I'm cold." I yawn and he reaches into the back seat then hands me my cardigan. I quickly slip it on just as we pull into Jessie's crowded driveway. Thankfully it's pretty big. I open the car door and step out as Marcel did the same and grabbed the Spider-Man gift bag out of the bag with Aiden's Spider-Man costume in it that we bought him. He's literally obsessed with Spider-Man. As Marcel and I were walking up the sidewalk, he cursed under his breath.


"What's wrong?" I ask, stopping us as people walk around back.

"I just realized all the boys are going to be here. You know, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Of course they'd be here because it's Louis' kid's birthday party." He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, stick by me. They won't start anything because I'm not in the best mood, neither is Jessie. We'll put their asses in check. And if anything they'll just say hi and compliment on how different you look. I promise." I squeeze his hand, earning a nod and we walk around back and into the big back yard. The second we walk around the corner, Aiden spots me.

"Aunt Riley!" He shouts in his childish voice while running to me with wide arms.

"Watch out for her belly, Aiden!" Jessie yells as she runs to us. I pick Aiden up in my arms and he hugs me tightly.

"How's my favorite nephew doing?" I ask before giving him a kiss.

"I'm good. I'm three now!" He holds up three fingers.

"I know, babe! You're getting big!" I set him down and he looks at Marcel with a smile on his face.

"Hi." Aiden says shyly, hiding behind Jessie's leg.

"Hello." He smiled. "This is for you." Marcel hands him the gift back and Aiden looks up at Jessie.

"You can open it. But go get daddy first so he can come over and see what they got you." Jessie says and Aiden was quick to get Louis. I noticed Marcel tense up so I hold onto his hand, leaning into his side. "By the way, Riley, you look gorgeous! Look at that bump!" Jessie screeches and gives me a tight hug. "I can't wait to be an aunt! Louis' sisters are still too young to be having babies." She frowns and I chuckle just as Louis and Aiden approach us.

"Hey Riley!" Louis smiled and pulled me into a hug but I still didn't let go of Marcel's hand. When Louis pulled away, he focuses his attention on Marcel. "Hey soon to be father and husband." Louis smiled and shook Marcel's hand. Jessie and I look at each other with wide eyes, obviously surprised at Louis' words.

"Sup, man." Marcel pulled his hand from mine as him and Louis began to talk.

"So, let me see your ring!" Jessie grabs my hand and looks at the diamond ring on my finger. "It's gorgeous!"

Marcel's POV•

"Dude, I just want to apologize for all of the shit the boys and I have put you through in high school. They are actually over there right now and they would like to speak to you also." He explains and I nod understandably.

"It's cool I guess. I mean, yeah it hurt, but it was almost like I was asking for it." I shrug. "And sure, I'll talk to the guys-"

"Can I open it now?" Aiden jumps up and down, asking me, Louis, Riley and Jessie. All of us nod and he pulls out the card first. "Daddy, can you open this for me?" Aiden held the card up to Louis and he opens it. He squats down next to Aiden and opens the card and it began playing the Spider-Man theme song which causes Aiden to jump up and down and laugh.

"Let me read it to you, Bud." Louis says and Aiden calms down. "Hope you have a wonderful 3rd birthday! Love, Aunt Riley and Uncle Marcel." Louis says and Aiden seems pretty happy. "Oh and look Aiden, they gave you ten dollars! Go thank them before we look at your presents." Louis says and he runs to me first so I squat down as he gives me a hug.

"Thank you, um.. Unc-.." He stops and looks at Louis.

"Uncle Marcel." Louis helps him out and Aiden looks at me.

"Thank you, Uncle Marcel." He smiles.

"You're welcome, buddy." I smile and he runs to Riley, also thanking her. When he opens the rest of the present, he spazzes out and begs Louis to put his costume on him. Louis takes him inside and changes him into his costume while Riley and I stand around.

"Want me to get you something to eat or drink?" I ask her and she smiles.

"They have peanut butter brownies over there.. Can you bring me one please?" She asks sweetly, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling our bodies closer together so my stomach is against her bump. I push loose strands of her hair out of her face and smile.

"Of course I can, beautiful. But that's only if you give me a kiss." I tease and she gently grabs my face, softly placing her lips on mine.


We pull away and look over to see girls that are about seven years old watching us and they are dressed up as princesses.

"Look! It's a princess and her prince!" One of the little girls shouted, pointing to me and all these little girls ran over to us. I look at Riley and tears formed in her eyes.

"You never called me out on being emotional lately." She smiled as a tear falls but I wipe it away.

"Aw babe, why are you crying?" I ask.

"Because this reminds me of the day we skipped school and went out to eat then that little girl thought I was a princess and you told her I was and I asked why you lied to her and you said that you didn't because I really am your princess." She rambles and starts crying even more. See what pregnancy does to her?

"Soon you'll be my queen." I whisper and kiss her.

"Stop, you're going to make me cry even more." She wipes her eyes and waves her hands in front of her face.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna go get your brownie." I chuckle and walk over to the table filled with food. When I turn to look at her, she is on her knees and sits on the back of her calfs while all of these little girls talk to her. I smile and couldn't help but think about how much of an amazing mother she is going to be.


Authors Note: I'm actually very proud of this chapter! Please please pleeeease comment and vote! I really wanna know how you guys are liking the story! And please comment your favorite part of this chapter!

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