Marcel; Sequel

By Sebraeya21

130K 4.1K 669

Sequel to Marcel~ More



3K 88 44
By Sebraeya21

Authors Note: So, I'm like heartbroken right now guys. Harry kissed a guy, and no one understands what I am going through right now. I'm crying, I feel sick, I just don't know. When I say that I love Harry, I don't mean it the way most girls do. Please don't agree with me on that.. I have never felt this way about anyone besides Harry and if he wasn't famous, everyone would understand but considering the fact that he isn't, everyone takes me as a joke. Now, I just feel awkward writing this chapter because he isn't even straight and it's just.. weird now. (I do not have anything against gays, I just wish he wasn't..)


I sit at the counter, waiting for my coffee and Marcel's tea to be done. He's still in bed, and I decided to just let him sleep after what went on last night.

Ugh, last night. The memories are flooding through my mind and it makes my heart flutter, including the butterflies in my stomach. He is so perfect and I'm just so thankful that he's mine. I hear groaning come from the living room and soon see a tired Marcel walking into the kitchen. He rubs his eyes and leans against the island. When he looks at me, his eyes are squinty and he sniffles.

"I," he pauses and looks around confused before looking at me. "Feel like complete, and utter shit." He said in a raspy morning voice but there's a hint of stuffiness. "My nose is stuffy, my throat hurts, my eyes burn and I just feel like dying." He laid his head on the island tiled top and groans. I hop off the counter and pour his tea in a mug and walk it to him, running my hand up and down his bare, warm back.

"Drink some tea, babe. It may help your throat." I say softly, not wanting to necessarily bother him. He lifts his head and smiles at me.

"Thanks." He puckers his lips and closes his eyes. I gently grab his face and press my lips to his sick ones. "You're gonna get sick now." He chuckled after I pull away and he takes a drink of his tea.

"Ok? I'd rather be sick than not be able to kiss my everything." I wink before walking back to the counter to make my coffee. As I'm doing so, I feel those familiar strong arms wrap around my waist, laying his head on my shoulder as I continue to make my drink. I lay my head back on his shoulder as he sways us back and forth. I stop stirring my hot beverage and rest my hands on his arms. It's moments like these that make me realize how much this boy actually means to me. How much I actually love him. How lucky I am to have him.

"Thank you for being such an angel and making me tea." He whispers in a scratchy voice. I turn around with a smile on my face. "It tastes great." He pushes loose strands of my hair from my face.

"Just returning the favor. You always make me coffee and you're the sweetest guy ever." I gush and he rolls his eyes playfully, wrapping his arms around my waist again and leaning his forehead against mine.

"Only for you, baby." He says in the hottest voice ever and I could feel myself go weak in the knees. "Now kiss me, gorgeous."

I stand on my tippy toes a bit and press my lips to his softly, wrapping my arms around his neck as our lips move slowly against each other, favoring this moment. He brings one of his hands from my waist, to my cheek, caressing it as we kiss passionately. When he pulls away, I sigh at the loss of touch. I keep my arms wrapped around his neck and he smiles. I love staring into those sparkly green eyes, I love the way they stare back into mine. These are the times I will never forget.

"What would you like to do today?" He asks before coughing and clearing his throat.

"I would like to take care of my baby today. You go lay on the couch, I'll put a movie in for you, and I'll make you some soup. Ok?" I push him towards the living room and to the couch.

"Babe, are you sure? You don't have to wait on me all day." He sniffles and I nod. "Trust me, Marcel. I'm sure. I want to take care of you until you get better whether it takes days or even a week in that matter." I smile and he lays on the couch. I tell him that I'll be right back and I scurry off to his room. I grab a pair of grey sweatpants, a black t-shirt and black ankle socks from his drawer. When I walk into the hallway, I open the hallway closet and pull out three very soft cotton like blankets and walk to the living room.

"I brought you something to wear since you're only in your sexy boxers." I smirk and set them on his stomach. "Get dressed, and I'll cover you up and bring you some soup and your tea." I say and quickly walk to the kitchen. I got out two cans of chicken noodle soup from the pantry and get a pot to put it in. As it's boiling, I walk his tea out to him. He's already dressed and laying down so I cover him up and tuck him in. Before I could go over to the movies, he grabs my hand and pulls me on top of him.

"Babe!" I laugh, trying to get off of him but he is too strong. "Baby please. I wanna put a movie on for you then get your soup or else it's going to burn." I assure him and he sighs.

"Just one kiss, then I'll let you go." He says, giving me the most cute and innocent look I've ever seen. I roll my eyes and place a quick peck to his lips before climbing off of him and putting in the movie Love Actually then walking to the kitchen.

As I'm stirring his soup, he comes into the kitchen and watches me.

"Babe, go lay down, I've got it." I push him to go back to the living room but he opens the cabinet and pulls out a bowel. "Marcel, stop. Go lay back down." I groan and he drops the glass bowel on the floor and sneezes directly in my face. I close my eyes, hold my arms out beside me and try to calm down. When I open them again, he has his hand over his mouth and wide eyes. "Go. Lay. Down. Now!" I order and he quickly walks to the living room.

I turn the tap on and instantly rinse my face off. I pick up the hand towel to dry my face and once I'm done, I quickly get a new bowel and put his soup in it. Before taking it out to him, I clean up the broken glass. I can't believe he actually sneezed in my face. That is the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me but I feel bad because I yelled at him and it isn't necessarily his fault. He just wanted to help. I grab his bowel off of the counter and carefully walk it into the living room and set it on the coffee table.

"Do you need more tea?" I ask as sweetly as possible. He shakes his head no and smiles in appreciation. He sits up a bit and grabs his soup as I sit on the floor beside the couch and watch the movie.

At one of the greatest parts of the movie, I hear slurping, but I choose to ignore it.. That is until the sound continues to go. I slowly turn my head and watch Marcel slurp the broth from his soup. I stare for nearly a minute until he stops right before he slurps again, spoon up to his mouth and his eyes wide while looking up at me. He sets his spoon down and smiles.


"It's ok." I smile and turn my attention back to the TV.

During the five minutes of me watching the movie, I heard his constant sniffling and coughing. I lay my head back on the couch and close my eyes as he continued to sniffle and cough. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn my head to look at Marcel.


"Can you lay with me?" He asks quietly, his sore throat affecting his sexy voice. I smile and stand up as he scoots over on the couch to make room for me to lay beside him. When I do, he covers the both of us up and wraps his arms around my body before laying his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you, babe." He whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek.


Authors Note: GUYS I'VE NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED TO WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT THEN I HATE YOU BC OMG IM EXCITED. Btw, ignore the authors note at the top. I was having a mental breakdown and it was just pathetic. EEK.

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