His Appointed Wife

By fathy_writes

7.7M 192K 12.2K

"What if the right person is also your Mr. So Wrong?" *** Her lips touched and teased and coaxed him and he f... More

Prologue : Ups and downs
1. Strange men and stranger proposals
2. Psychos, deals and wives
3. Kisses, motels and adventures
A little bit of him and her
5. Mansions, hot guys and almost kisses
6. Sticky notes, breakfasts and New friends
7. Cookies, contracts and first fights
8. Lonely nights, ugly tables and job offers
9. Lips, cold showers and rock stars
10. Twin troubles, families and fun times
11. First jobs, meetings and real identities
12. Crushes, dreams and first loves
13. Childbearing hips, turn ons and stupid guys
His and her business cards.
14. Possessive jerks, mouthwashes and teases
15. Envies, Charity Galas and fictions
His and Her Wedding Ideas
16. Paybacks, save the dates and plans
17. Friends? Lovers? Friends with benefits?
18. Rings, promises and meetings
19. Mothers, OSLs and Hot girls
20. Fake weddings and very real kisses
21. Wet dreams and very real Realities
22. The morning afters and the surprises
23. Good songs and bad, bad shocks
24. Old Girlfriends and new wounds
25. Confrontations, promises and healings
26. Tulips, burnt candles and romance
27. Memories, gifts and coming endings
28. Mistakes, feuds and wrong kisses
29. Incriminating photos and confessions
30. Rejections and heart breaks
31. Goodbyes, and new beginnings
32. Confusing notes and confusing behaviors
33. Heart to hearts, denials and heartaches
34. Plans, plots and failures
35. You, me and everyone else
36. Friends in need and the exes you don't need
37. Almost ex-wives and very ex-mothers
38. How to heal the broken hearts
39. How to break the healed hearts
40. Ex husbands, sex services and slumber parties
41. Love, loving lies and appointment orders
42. Dates, memories and second chances
43. A kiss goodnight
Note From Fathy
44. Home is where you are
Epilogue: Downs and ups
Fathy Light's Bookish Angels

4. Friends, Rivals and Faking its

247K 7.1K 358
By fathy_writes

You pretend like you are made of granite. But when you are not trying, I can see the velvet in you. - Alex

4. Friends, Rivals and Faking its


"That blonde, he is my best friend and the other one... " Somehow she knew.

"Your Stacie's ex?"

"Not my Stacie, but yes."

"Oh, you are so dead." She said to him before she ate her ducks.

"And do you even care?"

"Oh, I do. I care very much about my duck."

"God. You are the most irritating creature I have ever come across."

"Thank you."

"That is not a compliment and shit, they are coming this way. Can't they see I am having dinner with a beautiful woman here?" She raised her eyebrows. Beautiful woman? He didn't look like he noticed what he had just said and Alex felt a strange tingle in her bones.

It was so weird -- these feelings rippling through her. She had never been attracted to anyone before. She didn't have a relationship more than four months and there were only one who could be remotely come anywhere closer to being called a boyfriend and she had stayed four months because she liked him, as a friend.
It wasn't like guys didn't find her attractive, but all those guys who asked her out, they all made her feel like she was somewhat sexless. Asexual. Like she couldn't feel it.

But with this one, it was all so much. Too much. The sensations. The weird feelings. The tingles and somersaulting intestines.

She had to be careful with him or she would soon be nursing a heartbreak. And she couldn't.

"Why are you freaking out? You are going to out yourself if you act like that." She said as she tried to put a stop to her thoughts. They were freaking her out.

"Now you are giving me lectures?"

"Grumpy." She poked her tongue out.

"How old are you? Two?"

"How old are you? Two hundred? Stop looking like you have just been caught smuggling stolen diamonds. Take a deep breath. Relax. Or it will all be over before it has even started."

"I didn't expect this. I was planning a perfect... " He trailed off, irked.

"But it happened. Now, we will see if you have really got game. Just smile and follow my lead."

"Your lead?"

"So you are going to lead?" She quirked her brows and he shook his head. God, he looked really pale. And as she looked at him, she realized how really important it was for him. But why? Why was it that important?


"Thought so. And now, smile, here they are."

"Logan, hey man, when did you come back from the conference? Why didn't you send me a text?"

"Hi Daniel. Hello Collins."

"Hey Forte."

Forte. Alex's head jerked up and Logan looked at her, his eyes wide. They seemed to be pleading with her.

'Don't mess this up.'

'I won't, but buddy, you have got some explaining to do. Logan Forte?'

'I will. Just not now.'

Ok, how are we doing it? Alex though as she shook her head.

"And who is this?" Daniel looked at her, his eyes suspicious.

"I am Logan's friend."



Did they just do that? Talking by eyes? Weird, Logan thought before he looked back at his friend, who was now pulling a chair back and was getting himself ready to sit down.

Yeah, why don't you just go on and sit down? As if I am not having a dinner with a woman? Logan thought as Daniel sat down.

He stomped on Daniel's foot and he looked at Logan with a frown, looking totally clueless. Finley Collins stood there, staring at Alexandra. It looked like he was in a conundrum. He wanted to stay, but he didn't want to look like he was interfering.

Danny, though, had no such dilemma. He was now blissfully eating Logan's food, as he studied Alex with a suspicious look.

"And who is this?"

"I am Logan's friend." She smiled with a secret twinkle in her eyes that contradicted her words and she threw him a wink, pretending to be all secretive.

Danny saw that, so did Finley. Their eyes were round as saucers as they continued to stare like they had never seen a woman in their life.

"We met at the conference." Alex said with a smile. "Talked and realized, we are pretty... I don't know how to say it. Compatible? You understand? There is something there. I asked him out, but he had a girlfriend." She looked at Logan, her eyes filled with longing and Logan couldn't breath. "So friends it is, the universal solution. Eh." She joked with a smile and Danny smiled back.

"Finley, you go on man, and join Peter and I will join you two later."

Grimly, Collins nodded and walked away, but Logan was sure he didn't want to. He wanted the gossip. But he wasn't getting any, not today.

"I am Daniel Anderson. And I think we can establish that connection." He smirked. Playboy!

Logan gritted his teeth. "Stop hitting on her."

"You jealous?" Danny smirked. "Oh, look like you are. But you have Stacie and I am single."

"I don't have Stacie. We broke up." Logan said and he felt strangely relieved by that thought. What now?

"Thank God, you finally become smart enough. She is such a... Oh, sorry." He looked at Alex and scratched his chin with a sheepish smile. "She just makes me so angry."

"Oh, go on. Don't stop on my account. I don't mind. I would love to hear what you thought of her. You see, I am not such a fan of her." Alex shrugged as she took a bite of her souffle.

"I like you." Daniel said with an appraising look. "Man, this one is a real prize. You should hold on to her or I will steal her away."

"No one is going to steal anyone. Close your mouth and eat." When Danny opened his mouth, Logan waved a hand. "Stop. Don't say that."

"He can't close his mouth and eat."

"Great minds think alike."

Logan threw them an exasperated look. "Really?! Alex? I just warned him not to say that."

She chuckled. "I know. That's why I said it."

"Very mature." Logan said. "You two will get along famously."

"Because we are both funny and easy going. You should be like that. I mean, you don't have to carry the world in your back, anymore. You are finally in a place where you can relax and enjoy." Danny said and Logan glared at him and whispered, shut up.

Alex looked at him curiously. "So... Logan Forte, who were you before all this glamour and fame?" She asked with a curious look on her pretty eyes.

Why was he using so many adjectives today, to describe her beautiful eyes? There he go, again!

"It is nothing." Logan was quick to answer. She scrunched her nose and shook her head.

"It was not nothing. But if you don't want to say, it is okay." But her eyes said it was not okay. For the added effect, she had a pout. And those lips... Oh. He sighed.

"No big deal. And don't look at me like that." Logan pointed a finger at her.

"Hmm." She widened her eyes with a smirk. "Look how?"

"It is a big deal. Logan here... He is a self made man. His parents are not poor, but they aren't exactly rich, either. You see. All his money, he had to work for it, work hard for it. And he did it, too, at such an young age and people are always looking at him, people like Collins and waiting for him to tumble down from the top. Praying. Wolves. And it made him so cautious." Danny's voice was proud.

There was a smile, one of pure boasting on Danny's face. Logan felt like he wanted to hide his head inside the table. He looked at Alex and she looked like she was contemplating something. She did not say anything to what Danny had just said.

"God Danny, will you stop that?"

"But as I told you, Logan, you are there and you are going to be there. No one is going to change that. You are smart, you got that drive and you fit in."

"So what was it like fir him when he first come into this world?"

"Not easy. I mean, these rich people, they don't like outsiders trudging inside their territory. They were sneering, full of contempt. They were sure it was some first timers luck. They were not ready to accept a man from outside their turf, not accommodate him. But Logan proved them all wrong. He changed their mind about him and he accomplished everything on his own."

"Not alone. You helped." Logan said.

"What? By my constant wisdom? And my witty insights? Eh." Danny waved him off with a dismissal, but Logan knew how much Daniel had helped him by just being there, by having his back.

If it wasn't for Daniel, he would still be a nobody. Still stuck in a single bedroom apartment infested with rats. He would have been working under someone, calling someone else as boss. But because of Daniel, who had pushed him to follow his dreams, --when they were doing architecture and then MBA-- here he was. His own boss. And many other called him boss.

"Don't dismiss it. Having a friend can go a long way in strengthening your backbone." She said as she looked wistfully at her hands. "Oh, I miss my friend. She is in Canada now."

"You talk with her often?" Daniel asked.

"Not recently. But yes, we do. I recently lost my phone and lost the contacts." She replied and then looked at Logan for the first time since Danny told her about him.

He watched, mesmerized, as her eyes touched his with tenderness. And pride. He watched as she gently placed her hands over his and squeezed. And he wanted her to look at him like that, always.

"As Daniel said, you are here, Logan. You have worked a lot for that, but sometimes you have got to relax." She whispered.

When she took her hand away, he instantly missed her warmth. Her touch.

Danny looked at them and whistled.

"I have stretched my stay here. I feel so unwelcome." He stood up. "Ta-ta. See you soon."

"Bye." She said, but her eyes never left Logan. Logan felt trapped. Imprisoned inside her eyes. Lost. And Found, all inside the depth of her eyes.

Daniel chuckled as he walked away. "Friends they say... And... " His voice was a distant memory.

"Okay. It is done. Phew. Good acting. He wouldn't dare second guess us again." She said with a smile and he felt like someone had poured a bucketful of ice cold water over his head.

He jerked upright. Acting? God, what a fool he was. For a moment, he really believed the pride in her eyes, and the warmth, it was all real. It felt real.

"You are a good actor." His voice was filled with disgust and derision.

"What? Why are you complaining, now? I helped you out."

"You did. You did. Hmm, look at that. Let us go. It is already late." He stood up and she followed with a knot in her eyebrows.



Self made man. No wonder he is so sensitive and arrogant. But she could see that now, behind the mask, his fear. He had been rejected a lot and another one from Stacie, it would have hurt. Though he refused to admit it, it would have.

But he was strong. He survived the wolves. She knew how rich people could be. She was the victim of their greed and selfishness.

She looked at him, pride filling her insides. She melted. Her heart was a gooey mess. As her eyes locked with his, he was staring at her, too. His grey eyes were like stormy skies, like rain clouds. Dark. Dangerous. And equally enthralling.

She felt like she could get lost in there happily.

Her breath stuttered. She watched with wonder as her hand moved over his, as if it had a mind of its own. The touch was all electric.

"As Daniel said, you are here, Logan. You have worked a lot for that, but sometimes you have got to relax." She said and took her hand back. Any more minute and she couldn't take back her hands or her emotions.

"I have stretched my stay here. I feel so unwelcome." Someone was saying. "Ta-ta. See you soon." Oh, Daniel. He was still here.

"Bye." But she couldn't look away from Logan's eyes. Magnetic, his eyes refused to let go.

Daniel chuckled, breaking her from this trance. "Friends... " Daniel's voice faded into a noise.

No. She shook her head. She couldn't do this. She didn't know him. Don't you dare! She warned herself. He would laugh at her if he could hear what was running through her mind.

"Okay. It is done. Phew. Good acting.
He wouldn't dare second guess us again." She lied through her teeth. His eyes shuttered and he jerked upright.

"You are a good actor." There was a bite in his voice.

"What? Why are you complaining, now? I helped you out." She looked at him with irritation. But she was confused. Why was he acting like this, as if he was hurt when she said it was all just an act?

"You did. You did. Hmm, look at that. Let us go. It is already late." He stood up. She picked her bag and walked out with him.

She watched his back as he walked in front of her, looking strong and she knew why it was so important to save his face, his pride in front of all the people who had mocked and ridiculed him and his passion. Who had refused to believe in him and thought he would fail.

If they knew, people like Collins would surely use it to beat him down and she didn't want to give any of them that chance. She wanted to protect him with everything she had and this feeling was so intense that it shook her to the core.

She wanted to stand in front of him and challenge any and everyone who wanted to chase Logan back to where he came from. It was like an instinct.
And it scared her.

This here between them, whatever this was, was transient. Fleeting. He didn't believe in love or marriage. This was all just a ruse to save his pride and it would be over soon.

So losing her head over this man was not a sane idea.

Keep your cool, Alex. Yes, he is super cute and super inspiring. You can watch him from afar and hero worship. Don't get too close. No. No.

She strengthened her resolve.

As they drove away, the car was filled with silence. Suffocating silence.

And she could smell him everywhere around her.



Logan looked at her, subtly, through his side eyes. She was leaning against the window, her face pressed to them as she watched the night passing them. There was a small smile playing peek-a-boo in her lips. She looked so content and peaceful. And relaxed.

And the silence, it was like a noose around him. He was never much in to conversations, but somehow it came easier with her.

He had easy time bantering with her and he only ever truly enjoyed talking with Daniel, who had been his friend for almost eight years now.

He opened his mouth and then snapped it shut.

"What?" He was surprised when she asked.

"What what?"

"You look like you are itching to tell me. something. And then keep deciding against it."

"Nothing. I just want to say... I mean, sorry for snapping back there."

"It took you long enough." She complained. "You didn't like it, right? Telling sorry."

"Hmm, let me think. No."

"So Logan Forte? Huh? Shouldn't you have mentioned it before?"

"Would you have agreed sooner if I told you my name?"

"What? No way. I would not have stopped to hear you out in the first place."

"Thought so. You are one strange woman."

"Stranger than you?" She gave him a sneer. "You are the one who asked a stranger to marry you."

"I could feel the goodness in you."

She put a hand to her heart and pretend to swoon.

"Haha. Very funny." He said.

"Eyes on the front, idiot. I don't want to die today, even though I want to kill myself for agreeing to your plans."

"Why do you keep moaning about that?"

"Because I love to remind you how much of a sacrifice this is on my part."

"Oh yeah, you sacrificed your seedy motel and hunger pangs. Pray tell me what else you sacrificed."

"You are an egoistical..."

"...arrogant jerk. I know, I know. I am getting bored hearing the same. Be creative next time."

"Oh, creative. I can be very creative, you..."

Bleep. Bleep. Bleep.

"God, stop. you have such a dirty mouth. Stop, please."

"Next time don't ask me to be creative." She warned him as she pointed a finger at him.

"Lessons learned. Moving on." He said as he pressed the remote to open the compound grill gate. It opened with a groan that was so familiar.

"Welcome to my home."

"Oh wow."

"Better than the motel? Right?" He gave her a cheeky grin. "Are you glad you agreed to go with my insane plans? Huh?"

"Yeah." He gave her a smug smile when she answered. "But there is one problem here. You. Creepier than the men in the motel."

"How the hell you came to that conclusion? I am not creepy. Those men in the motel who looked at you... Now, they were really scary creeps."

"Oh, yet none of them came to me and asked me to marry them." She laughed when she saw his narrowed eyes.

"God, when are you going to let it go, child?"

"When I feel like it."

"Oh God, please save me."

"Um, He already did, didn't He? I am here with you, becoming your fake wifey."

"Yeah, I am still deciding if you are my saving grace or another one of my headache."

"I have already decided. You are a headache."

"Oh God..." He groaned.

"Please save him." She finished.


Please read: I have never earned anything from what I have been writing, but suddenly I have a chance to earn it, but readers like you don't have to pay. This is a great chance for me to do the thing I love and get some money by doing it. All you have to do is, click the link and continue reading it on Inkitt, if it is not such a bother. Maybe, vote and comment, so that I can earn something for all the time I have been spending on writing and editing things. Thank you. Much love.

His appointed wife: (click the link in my profile page or in the inline comment.)

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