The Other Ranger [ Lord Of Th...

By Silmarilz1701

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#1 in Tolkien, #1 in Silmarillion, #1 in Lord of the Rings, #1 in Elrohir, #1 in Dunedain First in LotR serie... More

PART ONE - A Spirit of Fire
The Other Ranger
Well Met
Familiar Memories
In Need of Healing
Hall of Fire
The Council (Part One)
The Council (Part Two)
The Book
The Journey Begins
Journey Days
Tavern Time
Meeting with Halbarad
In the Inn
Into the High Pass
Grimbeorn's Hall
The Cairn
House of Beorn
On the Gladden
Vengeance Granted
A New Mission
Into the Woods
Very Helpful Indeed
Bug Squisher
Exploring the Mines
Into the Deep
Ill Tidings
Familial Comfort
Treating Wounds
A Doomed Bloodline
You Knew
In the Mirror
The Next Step
Parting Gifts
Treachery of the River
The Tenth Day
Tragedy of Rauros
Four Hunters
The Hunt Continues
The Riders
Unexpected Visitor
The Return
A Hope Unlooked For
Promises Kept
The Golden Hall
Helm's Deep
Dawn's Rising
Road to Orthanc
End of the Hunt
Beware the Voice
Riders in Grey
Old Friends
The Dead Keep It
The Battle Begins
The Second of Nine
Hands of a Healer
Conversation After Dark
Meeting of Commanders
No Regrets
Day Has Come Again
At the Fields of Cormallen
Crowning of King Elessar
The Trustworthy
The Elven Host
House of Fëanoriel
Joining of Houses
Last Goodbyes
PART TWO - By Doom Mastered
Dol Amroth
Finding Clues
Children of Imrahil
Begin Again
The Council of Gondor
Explaining the Plan
The Leaving
Meetings by Moonlight
Taking Responsibility
The Lord of Waters
The White Swan on a Field of Blue
Of Harad and Revenge
Shadow of Caranthir
Cannot or Will Not
Conversation at Emyn Arnen
Choosing Paths
Tower of Sorcery
Walking into Mordor
At The Crossroads
What Fire Leaves Behind
Approaching Thaurband
A Long Expected Announcement
On The Move Again
New Foes
Taking Action
A New Song
Epilogue: Part One
Epilogue: Part Two
Bonus Scene: 1
A Well Earned Thank You

A New Tale

542 29 34
By Silmarilz1701

It was several weeks later that Míril finally had to face her destiny. It was a morning in June and Aragorn, Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir, and Míril were eating breakfast together in their private dining hall. Two door wardens stood on either side of the large doors minding their own business.

"This is quite good," Elladan commented as he swallowed a bite. "What is it?"

"Some kind of pheasant sent here from Faramir in Ithilien," Aragorn replied as he too took a bite.

Míril nodded. "How are they doing. Eowyn and Faramir, I mean?"

"Eowyn sent me a letter a few days ago." Arwen smiled. "Apparently they're doing quite well!"

"Good!" Míril nodded. "Good."

Suddenly they were interrupted as the doors swung open and in stumbled a man, covered in blood and cuts. He was clearly a Knight of Dol Amroth. His armor showed as much.

Everyone at the table immediately shot up in their seats. Aragorn and the Twins raced over while Miril pushed Arwen behind her to protect the queen in case something more sinister came through the door after him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Aragorn asked in surprise. "Speak, Knight of Dol Amroth!"

As soon as the knight caught sight of King Aragorn, something in him changed. His eyes went black, jet black. He stood taller and drew his sword. A chilling voice came out of his mouth, an unearthly voice.

"Lap dog of the West," he said, "That is what you are. You no longer have the Grey Wizard to protect you, Elfstone. We have grown strong in the South. You will not be able to withstand us. Bow to our black magic, ranger of the North."

A wisp of black magic flew from his outstretched hand. Aragorn drew Anduril just in time and blocked the shot of magic.

"With who am I speaking?" Aragorn demanded. "Who threatens me?"

The possessed knight laughed. "Two of Five. The Two forgotten. But we will be forgotten no more. Beware, Elfstone, beware old Thorongil. Sauron may be gone, but he was not the only Maia in Middle Earth."

Aragorn approached the Knight of Dol Amroth with his sword raised, "Release this man!"

The knight cackled maniacally. Suddenly a new voice came out of him. It was small and childlike, and distinctly female.

"Is the child of Caranthir there as well, Elfstone?" the knight said in the girl's voice. "Tell her that resistance is futile. She will bow to me, to us."

Miril was stunned silent. The girl. It must be the one from the Mirror. She drew Galmegil and approached the knight.

"Tell me yourself, child of darkness. I have seen your face," Míril cried. "I do not fear you!"

The knight laughed. "You should."

"Enough! He has delivered your messages." shouted Aragorn. "Release this man!"

The knight dropped to the ground, his eyes going purely white. He was not moving or breathing. Elladan and Elrohir knelt beside him and felt for a pulse, but there was none. He was dead.

"What was that?" Elrohir asked as he closed the man's eyes.

Aragorn sighed. "I do not know."

Míril narrowed her eyes and sheathed her sword. "He addressed you as Thorongil, Aragorn. He knew you as you were known in the South."

"Indeed he did." Aragorn paused. "Come. To my inner chamber we must to to discuss this. Guards, deal with the body reverently. He knew not what he was doing."

The five royals left the dining hall and retreat up many stairs to the Royal Chambers. Once there, some sat, some stood. But all were in deep contemplation. Míril paced in front of the door, deep in thought and hardly paying attention.

We need to send someone to Dol Amroth. This is certain." Aragorn insisted. "The three of you should go."

Elladan nodded. "Of course. When should we leave?"

"As soon as you can be ready.". Aragorn turned to Míril. "Miril. Recount what you saw in the Mirror. Obviously you know something."

"Hmm?" She jerked around and stopped her pacing.

"What do you know of what's going on?" Aragorn asked her again.

Míril nodded. "The mirror told me much. If you recall, the words spoken to me through it were "When at once the servant of the Black Foe is gone, three must set forth. Find the oath breaker and retrieve the jewel at last. Face the darkness that will rise in the South and East with the light of Valinor"."

"What about the young girl's voice. Why did that sound familiar?" Arwen asked her.

Míril closed her eyes. "Back when we were in Rohan, I had a nightmare. There was a child of Haradrim decent. She was engulfed by darkness and used it as a weapon. I blocked the magic with the Silmaril before.... Before a giant spider took it and my hand."

Aragorn mulled over her words. He wondered what it meant. It was no mystery to him who the three must have meant: Míril, Elrohir, and Elladan. But the rest of the prophecy: find Maglor and the Silmaril, defeat a new foe in the South. It was simple, yet incredible dangerous.

"The Mirror showed you Maglor was in the Mountains, yes?" Aragorn asked her.

Míril nodded. "Indeed. Though which mountains, I do not know."

Aragorn scratched his chin. "Go to Dol Amroth. If all is alright, spend time in their archives. We will search here. Return within three weeks. If anything is amiss, deal with it or send for help."

The three half-elves nodded to him. They went from the room to dress in traveling clothes and packed bags with a few days worth of food. Míril put on a black and grey tunic and strapped her cloak on. Elrohir and Elladan dressed as well and soon all three met at the stables. Míril was saddling Bruidal when the Twins showed up and prepared their own horses.

Once saddled, they mounted up and trotted down the streets of Minas Tirith and out onto the Pelennor Fields. They crossed Anduin at Osgiliath and were pleased to find that cleanup and restoration was going well there. Míril remained silent for most of the trip. When they reached half way at nightfall, they rested beneath some trees and ate dinner. Tomorrow they would reach Dol Amroth and find Prince Imrahil. And hopefully they would find some answers.

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