Sis(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic...

By OliviaLovesSnow

1.8M 41.2K 11.6K

When 12 year old orphaned Olivia gets the call there still is one living relative in the world to care for he... More

Prologue: Yeah. Thats not cheesy.
I have a brother?
Like the brother I never had.
I have a sister!
How it all fits in....
Before anyone says anything hurtful: Authors note
Welcome aboard
This is the best day of my life
When I can update: Author's note
Couldn't have made a better wish
Get the frog and the car keys
Why'd you flick yourself?
Teeny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny spoiler: Author's note
Snow Girl!
BrouwerPower: Author's note
You need to play with Tobuscus
The teacher's part of the Sky Army, too.
MC president
There are going to be some MIGHTY good changes with you around.
You're lucky the Canadians are still staying at Ty's
I wanted to help them
Thanks Jason
My life is perfect
Thank you!: Author's note
Anytime is good for me
Dedication: Author's note
Ah! I'm Princess Peach!
Darn you Jordan!
Happy dance!
Raw fish and mustered?
Dig in!
Good job Snow Girl.
Let's destroy them!
Vote for the battle dome: Author's note
We need to enchant our armor!
Ah! They're on the base!
Jason! You jerk!
You were going to die!
Meah? Is that you?
Oh no. I think he let Gryphon do it.
You! The evil one!
Dawn broke up with Sky: Author's note
Not you! The Moon!
A name: Author's note
Slumber party!
Cast: Author's note
Crazy Canadian.
Mascot name: Author's note
PIXAR!!!!!!!: Author's note
Join the party!
Video: Author's note
Justice: Author's note
Wow. Just.... Wow.
You owe me a sprite.
Corner Gas: Author's note
Oh! It's so beautiful!
What's happening?
Nyles it is!
Nyles: Author's note
....If only that where true.
Her brother!
YAH!!!: Author's note
You're going to be late!
Let's go!
I'm going to love this.
Uh oh.
Whaling for someone to love her.
Guilty as charged!
Happy birthday!: Author's note
This is a true family.
It's not my fault it hates me!
For being Seto.
I like Hawkeye!
Welcome to the army.
Phat?: Author's note
What's this?
Would she ever come back?
CONTEST!!!!: Author's note
It went black.
BOOK?!: Author's note
There must be MORE we can do!
You go down with her!
No one survives
Don't die.
The Olivia he loved.
I have NO idea!
Epilogue: My happily eva after!
Dream: Author's note


12.5K 294 89
By OliviaLovesSnow

After the cops and robbers, they signed off, and ended the call. Olivia got up, and walked up stairs.

"That was fun!" She hoped up and down.

"Happy dance?" He asked her.

"Yep!" She started a kinda grove.

"Here's something that will make yah do the jitter bug... Monster University is in the cheap theaters!"

"Oh my!" She started doing the disco. She was so happy, because she had wanted to see it so badly. Her favorite animation movies were Pixar. Her foster parents hadn't let her see it, though. They never let her see movies. But she did remember the time Justice snuck her out to see Jurassic Park in 3D.

"Is anyone coming with us?" She asked.

"Ty and Jason have nothing to do. Would you like them to come?" Ethan and Dakota had gone to Quentin's for Monday Night Hockey.

"Yes yes! Thank you!" Smile smiled. He texted them, and was going to pick them up on the way to the theater.

They climbed into the jeep. Olivia turned on the radio.

"Sweet home Alabama!" They sung together. After getting Jason and Ty, they arrived to the theaters. They settled in their seats, and the movie began.


At the end the movie, they struggled to get out of their seats. They had sat at the back, and the only way to get out was to climb over their own seat. In the confusion, Olivia lost the guys. She felt herself being pulled away by the crowed, and had to literally hang on to the corner of a wall to keep herself from getting swept away. Adam found her, and they started to head home.

Adam and Olivia were in the front, and Ty and Jason were in the back. Adam decided to take the long way home so they could show them the land. Olivia this time hooked up her shuffle to the radio, and played on of her favorite songs.

"Just when you safe, over hear some hissing from right behind. Right right behind." She waved her hands in the air, and took her hat off. Her dark blonde hair twisted in the blowing wind.

"I forgot what your hair looked like without your hat, Olivia. I like it." Ty said. Olivia felt so warm inside. Then they all began to sing along to the song. Then it changed to the Numa Numa song.

"Hello. Salute. It's me. Your Duke." Olivia sweetly sang. Then Adam turned it off.

"Hmm?" She said.

"I now want their full attention on the land." He said.

"Oh." She rolled her eyes. Adam stuck his tongue out at her. He drove up to the lake.

"I plan on making the dock bigger. We can get a power cruiser or something for those hot summer days." He smiled. After driving through the whole property and explaining his plans to the guys, he started heading home.

The jeep stopped.

"What now?" Jason asked.

"We seem to be stuck in a bog. There are lots around here." Adam said.

"Technically, this is a fen." Olivia said looking out her window.

"Well aren't we the smart ones." Adam mumbled and hoped out of the jeep. Olivia giggled as he began to push. After no progress, Jason got out as well. Then Ty.

"We... Just need... Someone to... Drive forward." Adam said as he almost collapsed.

"On it!" Olivia jumped into the driver's seat.

"Um.. I don't know..." Adam couldn't finish. She floored it. Ty and Jason had been smart enough to step back as it drove forward. Adam wasn't as lucky, and was sprayed head to toe by mud. Olivia leaned out of the driver seat window.

"Aww. Think of all the Dalephinia you just killed." She said in a sarcastic sympathetic voice. Adam clenched his fists and hunched his back. He opened the door, picked her up, and heaved her into the back seat. He climbed in in utter silence. Ty climbed into the back with her, and Jason sat in the front.

Adam slowly turned around to Olivia.

"What.. The.. Heck.. Is.. Dalephinia?" He said under his breath.

"Small creatures that live in wetlands. You know, I'm kinda sad we drove threw the fen. The world is losing its wetlands." She said in response.

"Super!" He said in a high woman voice as if he was Barbie.

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