It's not over (Taken 2)

By nikkihope82

57.2K 1.7K 141

It's not over (Taken 2) Let's set the mood. Jason and Lauren are on there way to Italy to go see Lauren's f... More

Chapter 1~ guilty greetings
Chapter 2~ nightmares can come true
Chapter 3~ brother hood
Chapter 4~ out of comfort zone
Chapter 5~ holidays take off
Chapter 6~ perfect as it is
Chapter 7~ Mr. Corleone
Chapter 8~ This is the story
Chapter 9~ dirty memories
Chapter 10~ let me tell you about Robby
Chapter 11~ strict
Chapter 12~ what a joke
Chapter 13~ to hurt to feel pain
Chapter 14~ more seek less hide
Chapter 15~ say it again I dare you
Chapter 16~ hit and run
Chapter 17~ meet kilo
Chapter 18~ don't mess with the ex
Chapter 19~ sticky situation
Chapter 20~ all open
Chapter 21~ secret messages
Chapter 22~message man
Chapter 23~ putting your head together
Chapter 24~ déjà vu
Chapter 25~ two in three
Chapter 26~ substances
Chapter 27~ for the best of you
Chapter 28~ 5 second rule situations
Chapter 29~ what i know
Chapter 30~ the pleasure of the ex
Chapter 31~ this is us now
Chapter 32~ miss me?
Chapter 33~ under-estimated?
Chapter 34~ role call
Chapter 35~ All grown
Chapter 37: in your arms
Chapter 38~ in your dreams
Chapter 39~ Reimagine
Chapter 40~ Nightmare Down
Chapter 41~ Find Peace
Chapter 42~ Let's Go
Chapter 43: It's You
Chapter 44~sweet nothing
Chapter 45~ just a start

Chapter 36~ Federal Commitment

1.1K 31 10
By nikkihope82

Songs for this chapter:
Bang my Head- sia, fetty wap
The good,the bad, and the dirty~ panic! At the disco
Hands of love ~ Miley Cyrus

Lauren's pov:

" welcome to Washington, D.C. My name is Linda cutchman, and I'll be your escort to the White House." A lady wearing a long- tightish skirt and a suite jacket came up to Jason, Rylee and I and shook our hands.
" I can drive there, I'll follow you." Jason said seriously.

" okay sir. Whenever you're ready." She smiled and took her keys out and walked to her Honda.
" joe is in the suv waiting for us." Jason said picking Rylee up.
" alright." I walked quickly to the suv and got in the passengers seat.

" long time no see. What's up?" Joe said looking over at me.
" freaking out dude."
" don't worry you'll be fine. The guys are ready. Everything will go smoothly." Joe said in a relaxed voice.
" I sure hope you're right."

Jason came and put Rylee in the car seat. Joe moved to the back and Jason got in the drivers seat.
" alright to the White House." Jason said putting the car in drive and following the lady from earlier.

" fredo isn't here correct?" Jason said as we got closer and closer to our destination.
" nope, fredo, Brandon, Ariana, Ana, Jess, and Ryan are all at I think fredos family's house in Virginia, ready if you need them, and Matt is with his finance I think and yeah that's it." Joe said.
" good,Im glad you think. Now call them all and make sure they are all where they are suppose to be." Jason said rudely.

I hit his arm and he looked at me.
" what?" He asked moodily.
" don't be rude." I whispered.
" I will when you guys get there." Joe said.
I looked back and he was playing with Rylee.

We dressed Rylee in a cute dress and I did her hair in a cute braid.
" our child is going to be so cute." I said to Jason.
" let's not get ahead of ourselves." Jason grinned keeping his eyes on the road.
" I'm just saying." I rolled my eyes.
" I saw that." Jason looked over at me.

" saw what?"
" that eye roll." He said focusing back on the road.
We passed the pentagon, and it was so much bigger then what I expected it to be. I saw all the memorials in front of it. It's so sad.

We continued and drove over a bridge and were on a main road.
" there's the Lincoln memorial and the reflecting pool!" I said pointing.
" yeah!" He smiled.
I looked around at everything. I saw the Capitol building, and so much more and knew we were getting really close.

" and we are here." Jason said as we got to a gate. The gate slowly rose, black cars surrounded our vehicles with guards also around it, and Jason drove slowly behind the lady in front of us.
I took deep breathes.

" wait Jason, my tracker." I said when I saw guards with metal detectors.
" if they ask you and Rylee, say because you both have them in your arm. You got in a car accident and they had to put a screw in your arm because of a broken arm." Jason said looking over at me.

I nodded my head.
" act cool." Jason whispered. He unlocked the doors and we got out, Jason got Rylee and joe got in the drivers seat and "left" .

" hello miss Martiez, mr. Bieber. And who is this?" The president walked towards us and greeted us before the guards could check us.

This is odd.
The guards even looked confused. Usually we have to be fully checked by the guards before we could even be 50 feet from the president of the United States of America.

" this is Rylee bieber. My little sister." Jason said looking at Rylee.

" well it's nice to meet you, I would like to show you around then we can sit and talk. My wife is inside also. She would love to meet all of you." He smiled and walked us in, totally bi-passing the guards.

I looked at Jason and he shrugged and held my hand.
When I saw the First Lady I squeezed his hand in nervousness.

" Hello!" Michelle came from a room and shook my hand.
" Lauren Martinez."
" nice to meet you Lauren. And you must be justin bieber." She smiled and shook his hand.
" yes ma'am." He gave a million dollar smile to her and we all walked down the hall.

" so how are you two recovering from the whole incident? Are you boyfriend girlfriend or just close Friends?" Michelle asked.
" boyfriend and girlfriend." Jason said holding rylees hand, he's letting her walk.
" and we are just trying to keep our minds off the whole thing. It's hard when it's always on TV and you have friends in the hospital, but life goes on you know?" I added.

" well we hope for the best." Michelle said kindly.
" Justin if you don't mind, could Michelle take little Rylee to the playroom so I can talk to you and Lauren in private?" Obama asked.
Jason looked at me and I nodded along with him.
" sure thing! Be good Rylee!" Jason let go of her hand and Michelle led her down the hall.

This all seemed so nonchalant.
" we are going to go to the Oval Office, I'm sure you've heard of it?" Obama said leading up through a different hallway then Michelle and Rylee.
" of course." I said holding Jason's hand.

" we can have some more privacy in there." He said as we got closer.
When we got to the door there was three guards.
" Guards, you're being dismissed please leave." Obama said standing in front of them.

They looked at Jason and I up and down and left in an orderly fashion.
When we got in Obama invited us to sit and he locked the door.

" so guys how are you doing?" Obama asked pacing around.
" um good."
" pretty good."

" glad to hear. And lemme me guess Lauren your 18 and justin your 18?" He said in a laughing tone.

I nodded my head and Jason did too. Obama smiled and walked the window.
" it's a beautiful day out." He looked outside.

I looked at Jason confused.
" umm sir what did you have to talk to us about partially in the Oval Office?" I spoke up.

" listen I have all the cameras shut off. This is a total confidential meeting. I'm not even going to have you guys swear in for it we have to get to business." He said sitting down taking his top suite coat off.

I looked at Jason confused.
" what business sir?" Jason asked sitting up.
" let's clear something up right now. Jason McCann, Lauren Martiez, I know who you both are. "
" and may I say, Jason you're a pro at lying cause you had me at first." He added with a grin.

I looked at Jason nervously.
" okay. Well umm what is the problem sir?" Jason asked confidentially.

Obama stood up. " three days ago, someone kidnapped my daughters. We are keeping this out of the press, when people ask we say they are on vacation with friends." He paused and I was taken back.
" I've done research on you Jason, I know your gang is large." Jason then interrupted.

" largest in the country sir." He smiled.
" my mistake, largest in the country. I need to ask a favor." Obama sat back down.
" and that is?"
" I need you to find my girls and bring them home." Obama was pleading.

Jason looked over at me.
" one second." I said to him and leaned to Jason.
" how do we know this isn't a set up?"
Jason nodded and stood up.

" and what's in this for me? My gang? You get your daughters back, no press finds out, but yet nothing in return?" Jason paced around.
" I figured money wouldn't do it since you probably have enough... so, I'm willing to take you off every single wanted list in every state you're wanted in. You get a fresh start."

I looked at Jason shocked.
" and how do we know this isn't a set up sir?" Jason leaned on the desk.
" because I'm smarter then to invite some newbie in the game, you've been doing this for a while. I know what your gang can do. Trust me I know what your gang can do. I have no cameras on in here and all guards away. You are my last hope. My girls are gone, those are my babies. I've watched them grow up, and now they are out of sight." He paused. Jason turned to me.

" I know you two are together. You might not have a child but put Rylee in Sasha or Malia position. What if you didn't know where she was, but knew she was in danger? I know you would break your back to find her. I'm begging you to help." He finished.

I stood up and walked over to Obama.
" does anyone else know about this?"
" Michelle and my first secret service man. Those two are the only ones."

" get them in here. We are going to make a plan."
" we need to go in the meeting room then. There's more room." Obama stood up.

" listen, I am warning you right now, if this is a set up, you will regret it and I could give one last fuck if this is some federal threat, I'm telling you now, mark my words you'll regret it."
" Jason in a serious situation like this, getting you in prison is the last thing I need." Obama opened the door and we walked out with him.

We all walked down the hall, Jason held my hand, and the first guard that came up to us Obama gave him an order.
" send rich to meeting room 201, make sure he is there in less then 5 minutes, tell Michelle she needs to be in there also. You stay in the playroom with the little girl.
Don't scare her be nice and play barbies with her." Obama said seriously then walked further down the hall.

We got to the room and there was a long table with black roller chairs on each side to fit about 20 people in this room. There was also a projector and white board.

" sir, my gang needs to come here also. I can't plan anything without them." Jason said sitting down.
" okay send them to the gate. I already know they are in Washington, D.C." Obama said walking over to the wall where a voice call button thing was.
" how the hell?" Jason took his phone out.

" guards, there will be a series of cars coming, they will say justin bieber, you let them in without trouble."

I looked at Jason and widened my eyes.
" tell them!" I said to Jason.
" okay. Brandon can be here in 10 along with Ariana, fredo and Ryan and all them, they will take the helicopter." Jason said texting them quickly.

" great." I sat back in the chair.
" hello my name is sergeant rich. I'm head of the secret service men." A guy wearing all black walked in.
Jason and I stood up to shake his hand.
" ju-"
" Jason McCann, I know, Lauren Martinez. Nice to meet you both." He shook our hands.

Michelle came walking in after him and sat down across from me.
" so how old are you guys really? I want to know your story." Michelle said interested.
" umm..." I looked at Jason.

" you can tell her I don't care." He grinned.
" well I'm 18, he's 23. We sorta met last year in September I think it was."
" end of August." Jason added.
" yeah, well umm he kinda took me away from my home." She turned her head in confusion.
"But like he was hired by my mother who died and knew her husband who was my step father, was going to try to kill me considering he teamed up with my ex boyfriend and their gang was Jason's rival... The school shooting was the last people from that gang." I explained. Jason laughed at Michelle's facial expressions.

" wow!"
" what?" I smiled.
" that's actually really sweet. It's like you two were destined for each other." She smiled.
" well... Yeah." I looked at him and he was staring at me with a cute look.
I bit my lip and looked away.

" Brandon said they are landing in 3 minutes."'Jason said as his phone vibrated,
" okay great!" Obama went and sat down, and rich sat down next to him.

" so do you know who it was?" Jason asked.
" cause that will make this a lot easier. " he added.
" we have video footage but we can't pull the face up." Rich said.
" I'm sure Brandon can get it." Jason said sitting back.

This felt weird. We are helping the president of the United States of America because his daughters were kidnapped. I'm sure this wasn't what Jason planned to happen at all.

" they're here." Jason stood up.
" okay guards will let them in."
" this is crazy." I whispered to Jason.
" I have feeling something was up."

" how are we going to find them?" I asked still whispering.
" going to find out as much information as possible." He said leaning back in his chair and running a hand over his chin.
I nodded.

There was three knocks on the door, two secret service men brought the gang in.
" welcome, take a seat." Obama said as he took a seat at the end of the table.
" hey guys." I whispered.

Brandon walked over and kneeled down in between Jason and I.
" he knows everything?"
" mainly. We are keeping it to the task." Jason whispered.

Brandon nodded and sat by Ariana.
The two service men were dismissed and rich locked the door when they were gone.
" alright. Hey guys. Barack Obama, my wife Michelle, and this is my head secret serviceman." Obama said introducing his 'crew'.

Everyone went through who they were. Fredo introduced Ana. But everyone else spoke for them self.
" okay so let's cut to the chase. My two daughters, Sasha and Malia, were kidnapped about 3 days ago. From knowledge I would've thought it was you guys. I know all about the brotherhood gang, but something came to my senses it wasn't you guys considering you were just in a school shooting from another gang. I want to thank you all individually for the help you did in that also... If it wasn't for you who knows how many other innocent lives could've been taken recklessly. But since I knew it wasn't you guys, I knew I had to call you in cause I can't get this out in press." He looked at each one of us making good eye contact.

" if this gets out in the press guys, things could get bad. Terrorist attacks have been sky rocketing, and if they know we are in a weak time and place right now, they will come straight for us." Michelle added.
" we do not know who kidnapped them. We only know they were taken 3 days ago at 2 in the morning." Obama finished.

Jason stood up and paced around.
" okay so you want us, to find this guys or people who took your daughters, keep it out of press, and we are out of all wanted lists?" Jason asked.
" yes."

Jason looked at the gang.
" sound reasonable?"
" how bout we add, if any of us get sentence it will be sorta, cleared." Ryan added.

We all looked at Obama.
" has any of you even been to jail?"
" nope." Jason said impressed from himself.
" then we will make that also part of the deal." Obama nodded.
" okay great. Well first thing is first we need to find out who this is." Jason said walking over to Obama.

" cameras?" Brandon asked.
" I'll bring you to the room that operates all of them." Rich said.
" I'll go with you guys." Ariana said joining them.

" maybe you should come too." Brandon said to Ana.
" okay." She looked at Fredo and left.
" Fredo, Ryan, and Jess, go to each hotels and tell the guys what's going on. Do not let anyone over hear you." Jason commanded.

They all got up and left so it was just Michelle, Obama, Jason and I.
" how many other guys do you have here?" Michelle asked.
" they aren't like in the White House." I laughed.
" 55." Jason said biting his lip, he looked like he was thinking.

" 55 guys?!" Michelle said shocked.
" you think that's a lot?" I laughed.
" for a gang it is."
" brotherhood gang is the largest in the nation." I mentioned.

" they wouldn't understand." Jason laughed.
" I know every gang in the country by heart. There is only two I could think of, but the one gang I had to have a couple guys go and control them, and the other just lost their co-leader, so it can't be them either." Jason said obviously pissed.

" what if it's not in the country?" I said looking at him.
" then there will be issues." Jason said sitting down.

Rich came walking in.
" Brandon needs you and Lauren." Rich said to Jason.
We both got up and walked out with rich.

He stared at us awkwardly.
Jason just rolled his eyes.
" he's in that room." He pointed.
" okay." We walked in and Brandon looked like he was waiting for us.
" yes Brandon?" Jason said sitting down.

" okay this gang is an out of country gang."
" how do you know?" I asked sitting down.

" because we know mainly every gang, and these guys are scanning in America." Brandon said typing quickly.
" I don't know all the gangs but it isn't scanning America." Ana added.

" okay and?" Jason said standing behind them.
" I need you to look at the profile information to see if you know them.."
Brandon pulled up their information and his eyes immediately widened.

" you've gotta be fucking kidding me." He shook his head and I got up to go look.

I got up and went over.
My mouth dropped when I saw who it was.
" well we know where they are." A frown appeared on my face and rich walked in also.
" so who is it?" Ana asked.

We turned around and looked at each other.
" it's..."



Think really think, I bet you'll get it!


Bet ya didn't see that one coming-

Okay well I hope everyone is enjoying the book! Only a couple chapters left 😢

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