Home (A Jax Teller/ Sons Of A...

By ree_louise

880K 16.2K 906

I freeze at the sound of the all to familiar woman's voice, a voice I haven't heard in twelve years. I swallo... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 23

13.9K 286 5
By ree_louise

I hear the sound of beeping that draws me awake and I feel my eyelids flutter open. I blink a couple of times to get my vision in tact and soon realise that I'm in a hospital bed. I look around the room and see that it is empty. I go to move my hand when it stops, the feeling of metal being cut into my wrist. The door to the hospital room opens and I look forward to see Tara walk in, looking down at my chart.

"Tara." I croak, my throat dry.

She looks up and her eyes widen, "Emily." She breathes, rushing to my side.

"What the hell happened?" I ask, still adjusting to my surroundings.

"You had a severe panic attack that mimicked the symptoms of a heart attack. So much stress being added to your body over this past week, it took a real toll on your body. In normal circumstances we wouldn't have much cause for concern but in your condition, we had to keep you in for observation to make sure that everything was okay." She explains, her doctor voice coming out.

I shake my head dazed, "What do you mean in my condition? Is there something wrong with me Doc?" I ask.

"There's nothing wrong with you but with your pregnancy, we had a cause for concern. I wish you had told me sooner." She states and I feel my heart stop beating for a moment which shows on the monitors.

"Emily, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" She asks, her eyes flying towards my heart monitor.

"Pregnant?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

She raises her eyebrow at me, "Yes, according to the ultrasound you aren't that far along. Around five weeks to be exact."

I look at her in total shock and she looks back at me wide eyed, "You didn't know?"

"No." I whisper, staring at the wall.

We sit there in silence as I try to process everything that is happening to me in my head. I returned home to visit Abel to only find out that he has been kidnapped and is currently in Belfast Ireland. I then had a severe panic attack which caused me to be rushed to hospital where I assume cops were waiting for me. I wake up after all this to find out that I am five weeks pregnant to a man who last I spoke to could barely even look at me.

"Have you told Jax?" I ask, not looking away from the wall.

She shakes her head, "I'm not legally allowed to tell any of them anything because none of them are your next of kin. You'd have to fill out a form for them to complete in order for us to fill them in. I told them that you were fine and that it wasn't anything serious."

"Don't tell any of them, especially Jax." I say, looking to her.

She looks at me for a moment before nodding her head, "Of course. Would you like to see him?"

I nod my head, "Bring Clay and Gemma in with you too."

She looks at me for a moment before turning and making her way out of the room. I try to calm my breathing as I try to focus my thoughts on one thing for now, pushing the rest of it away. Soon enough, the hospital door opens and Jax, Clay and Gemma walk in and Tara goes to leave, "You too Doc." I say, my voice clipped.

She looks at Jax who gives her a look before shutting the door, her leaning against it. I look around at all of them and my eyes land on Jax, "What happened? The truth, all of it." I ask, trying to keep my cool intact.

He looks at me for a moment before letting out a breath, "When Cameron killed Sack, he took Abel. Feds weren't doing shit, so we hired a bounty hunter. We got this a few days ago." He says, getting up and handing me a piece of paper.

I take it and look at it as he continues, "He's somewhere up in Vancouver. We were just trying to protect you Ems." He says as I look down at photo.

My eyes snap up at him, "Bullshit! You were trying to protect yourselves." I hiss.

I feel tears come to my eyes as I look down at the picture of Cameron Hayes holding my boy, "He's not in Vancouver." I say.

I look up and see them looking at me in shock, "That call I got last night, triggered all this... It was Maureen Ashby."

"Who's Maureen Ashby?" Jax asks and I look straight at Gemma and Clay.

"McGees old lady. Friend of the MC." Clay explains and I see Gemma have a contained look on her face.

I turn to Jax, "She told me Abel's in Belfast."

He shakes his head, "He can't be. Jimmy and O'Neil saw Cameron get scooped up as soon as he hit Belfast. He didn't have Abel with him."

I look at him confused and I shake my head, "Well then somebody's full of shit!" I yell, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Take it easy babe." Jax says stepping forward and I round on him, "I'll take it easy as soon as I know where the hell my son is!" I yell.

The door opens and an older woman in scrubs walks in, "Come on everybody out. She needs rest."

Jax, Clay and Gemma leave the room and Tara looks at me, "Emily, be careful of the baby."

"I need you to bring Jax back in here please." I say, not looking at her.

"Are you going to tell him about the baby?" She asks and I ignore her.

She is quiet for a moment before her and the nurse leave, closing the door behind them. I wait for Jax to come and soon the door opens and I look up to him walk in. He shuts the door behind him and he walks forward, stopping at the end of the bed.

I look him dead in the eye and feel the tears begin to brew, "You lied to me." I say, my voice shaky.

He tilts his head to the side, "I told you, we did it to-" He begins but I cut him off, "You fucking lied to me Jax. You know how much I love that boy, he is my world. For you to lie to me like this, that hurts Jax. That is right up there with all the shit you put me through in high school."

"You throwing all that shit in my face again? Look, I should have told you about Abel, but you had enough to deal with at the time. I was handling it." He says, his voice growing louder.

"I don't care if you were handling it, he is my son!" I yell.

We both stare at each other, both of us breathing heavily. I feel slightly woozy and I lift my non cuffed hand to my head and take a deep breath. I move my hand away and avoid looking at him, "I think I just need some time to myself to think."

"This really where you want to leave it?" He asks and I nod my head, "For now." I say.

He looks at me for a moment before pushing away from the bed storming out of the room. I feel my chin tremble and I let out a choked sob. My life is such a mess at the moment and I know that it's only going to get worse. I hope that they just find my boy and bring him home soon.


I stare aimlessly at the TV, not really paying attention when there's a knock at my door. I look up and see it being opened up by Wayne and a large smile comes to my face, "Hey Wayne." I breath.

"Hello Sweetheart." He smiles, shutting the door behind him.

"How're you feeling?" He asks, walking to my side as I sit up in my bed.

I look down at the cuff on my wrist and jingle it, "A little stupid."

"Hm, join the club." He states, nodding towards his casual wear instead of his uniform.

I reach over and grab his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, "Thank you, for everything."

"I'm just glad you're okay." He says.

"I'm sorry about Hale." I state, truly meaning it and he shakes his head, "Kid shouldn't have gone out that way. That's why I'm here Emily, towns worried. Fools in Charming are struggling with SAMCRO, I got a lot of people looking over my shoulder. I ain't gonna be able to run much interence."

"What's that mean for us?" I ask, worried about where this is going.

"Means... I gotta be a cop for awhile. Sorry." He says.

"Go tell them." I say and he nods his head, "Yeah, take care of yourself." He says before heading out of the room.


I feel myself begin to drift off when I hear the door open and I look up to see that last woman I want to see.

"Morning." Stahl smiles, overly sweetly to me as she steps into the room and closes the door behind her.

"Tell you what, I got the stink eye from your doctor friend out there as well as all your boys. It's funny how you two have become such close friends after everything that happened with Jax. I tell you what, I couldn't be friends with my boyfriends ex-lover." She says, standing at the end of my bed.

"Is there something you want?" I ask, looking her in the eye.

"How's you son?" She asks and I glare at her, "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"We're trying our best despite the lack of cooperation from your club. Everyone's a little vague about what happened." She says.

"Don't ask me, I was with you getting framed remember?" I state and she gives me a look, "That attitude isn't going to serve you."

"What do you want? From what I've heard, you've been demoted. So you must be desperate." I state.

"I'm thinking you may wanna cut a deal?" She asks and I scoff, "I've already been screwed over enough by you, don't need anything else."

"I can cut you a deal, if you get Tara to tell us her story. Everything, including everything about the Irish." She says.

"And why would I do that?" I ask.

She steps forward, "Because I can get you a shorter sentence. Who knows, it might even give you more time with your son? If you find him." She says.

I strike forward and go to hit her but she steps out of my grasp in time and dodges my blow, "I'd be careful what you do there Emily, I'm your only hope."

The nurse comes in and I hear the sound of my elevated heart rate as I glare at Stahl, so much hatred running through me for her. Stahl backs away as the nurse tries to calm me down. She exits the room but not before turning to me and saying, "Think about what I said."


I wake up some time later, feeling no more relaxed than I was before. I look to my side and see Tara sitting there, staring off into space, "What's got you off with the fairies?" I ask.

She just shakes her head, "I don't know, I'm just tired."

I look at her for a moment before speaking, "Stahl was in here earlier, wanted to cut a deal with me." I state.

"What sort of deal?" She asks and look at her, "Pressing me for information on the Irish, your name came up."

"Well she was in the room when the FBI interviews me. I didn't tell them anything." She says.

"Why don't you tell me." I say.

She looks at me for a moment before moving back into her seat, "What Jax said, Cameron killed Half Sack, tied me up and took Abel."

"Nothing you could have done about that?" I ask and she looks at me, "I had a gun pointed to my head."

"Did you do everything in your power to save him?" I ask and she looks at me with a look of disgust, "How could you say that? Of course I did."

I look at her for a long moment, "Then that's all I could ask for."

There's a knock on the door and I turn to see Margaret Murphy poking her head through my door, "I need to speak with you. Now." She says to Tara before stepping back outside.

Tara looks at me for a moment before nodding her head, "I'll be back later to check on you."

She walks out the door and I know she's not telling me something about what happened that day, I just can't put my finger on it. Stahl's not going to give me a deal with the information she just gave me and I lay back down and stare at the ceiling, counting the ceiling tiles for something to do to distract me from this nightmare I'm trapped in.


I feel the feeling of someone running their fingers through my hair and I stir awake. I turn my head and see the patch on the cut and I move my eyes up to look into his baby blues. He looks down at me, his face a mixture of emotions. I close my eyes and bury my head into his chest, my free hand gripping at his cut.

"I'm sorry baby, I should have listened to you." I whisper.

"It's alright." He says, placing a kiss on my head.

I shake my head, "If I had just listened, we would be on our way to Vancouver by now."

"We'll sort it out babe." He says and I can't help but have a heavy feeling in my heart.

"Have you heard anything?" I ask quietly, not moving from my position.

"Ma spoke to Maureen Ashby, Abel's in Belfast." He says.

I open my eyes and sit up, looking at him, "So she was right." I say and he nods his head, "Jimmy's been lying to us."

I shake my head confused, "Why would he do that?" I ask and he just looks at me, "I don't know."

The door opens and we look up to see Stahl standing in the doorway, "Ah look at you, the happy couple. Reunited after so long."

Jax goes to stand up but I grasp at his arm, eyeing her down, "What do you want now?"

She looks me straight in the eye, "The US attorney isn't going to honour our little deal."

I feel Jax look down at me and I roll my eyes, "I did as you said, she told the truth. Tara doesn't know anything, alright?"

She steps forward, "See that's not good enough, you know what I want. Now the US attorney, is going to want information on the club. So either you give your boys, or your boys give up you."

She looks between Jax and I for a moment before stepping back, "Have a nice life Emily."

She turns and makes her way out of the room and I shake my head, angry tears springing to my eyes. I feel Jax get up from the bed and he turns to me, "We are going to talk when I get back." He says before storming out of the room.

I stare after him and I can't help but wonder what his reaction is going to be when he finds out about the baby. So much shit has been going on lately and everything that has been going on with Abel, I can't help but think this isn't the best time for a baby.

I lay back against the pillow and place my free hand on my stomach, gently rubbing it and I can't help but think if this is the right thing for us at the moment. My mind drifts off to Mason and I wonder what his life would be like if I had stayed and he had grown up in the MC, how different would things be? Do I want to bring another child into this life? Will Jax even want another child? I shake my head and close my eyes, letting my mind drift off.

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