Changed My Life

By HannahNicoleFck

3.7K 75 38

Bailee, Michelle, and Payton are 3 members of One Direction's newest girlfriends. And their lives get turned... More

Chapter 1 - Part - 1
Chapter 1 - Part - 2
Chapter 1 - Part - 3
Chapter 1 - Part - 4
Chapter 1 - Part - 5
Chapter 1 - Part - 6
Chapter 1 - Part - 7
Chapter 1 - Part - 8
Chapter 1 - Part - 9
Chapter 1 - Part - 10
Chapter 2 - Part - 1
Chapter 2 - Part - 2
Chapter 2 - Part - 3
Chapter 2 - Part - 4
Chapter 2 - Part - 5
Chapter 2 - Part - 6
Chapter 2 - Part - 7
Chapter 2 - Part - 8
Chapter 2 - Part - 9
Chapter 2 - Part - 10
Chapter 3 - Part - 1
Chapter 3 - Part 2
Chapter 3 - Part 3
Chapter 3 - Part 4
Chapter 3 - Part 5
Chapter 3 - Part 6
Chapter 3 - Part 7
Chapter 3 - Part 8
Chapter 3 - Part 9
Chapter 3 - Part 10
Chapter 4 - Part 1
Chapter 4 - Part 2
Chapter 4 - Part 3
Chapter 4 - Part 4
Chapter 4 - Part - 5
Chapter 4 - Part - 6
Chapter 4 - Part 8
Chapter 4 - Part 9
Chapter 4 - Part 10
Chapter 5 - Part 1
Chapter 5 - Part 2
Chapter 5 - Part 3
Chapter 5 - Part 4
Chapter 5 - Part 5
Author's Note!
Chapter 5 - Part 7: The Wedding
Chapter 5 - Part 8
Chapter 5 - Part 9: The End.
Chapter 5 - Part 10: Epilogue:::

Chapter 5 - Part 6

35 1 0
By HannahNicoleFck

     "WHAT?!" "Niall, I'm sorry." I begged. "Michelle, do you remember what he did to you? Do you remember why you left him in the first place?" Niall screamed. "Niall, he's changed since then." I sighed. "Changed? Changed?! He's Harry fucking Styles! Of course he hasn't changed! Are you stupid!? Michelle, you're making a huge mistake!" "Look," I screamed, standing up, "being jealous does not give you the right to try to stop Harry and I from being happy. There's a reason I chose Harry over you, Niall." "Oh yeah, and why's that?" He screamed, standing to meet my level. "You're a pretentious douche!" I screamed back, before turning and walking out the door. "Michelle Jacobson, don't you dare walk out that door!" He yelled to me. Before thinking, I turned around. "Oh and, I'm pregnant, and it's HARRY'S baby!" I turned and walked out the door, leaving Niall completely dumbfounded and speechless.

          "You told him you were pregnant!? Michelle, what the hell!?" Bailee yelled at me. "I didn't know what to say! I wanted to prove a point! I WANTED TO WIN!" I defended. "It's not true, right?" Payton asked. "Of course not. Harry and I aren't ready for that just yet." "Michelle, you have to go back and tell Niall the truth." "I can't do that, Bailee." "Michelle, you're going to have to swallow your pride and tell him! Niall needs to know! This isn't right!" "Michelle, Bailee's right. I mean, you did break his heart. He deserves to know the truth." "The truth? Which truth, Payton? The one where I'm not pregnant? Or, or maybe it's the one where I'm not over him. Maybe it's the one where I wish I could go back and erase all feelings I ever had for Harry so that I could be with him? Or the truth where I'm still head-over-heals in love with him?" I asked, finally setting my feelings free. "All of that." They said in unison. "And you need to talk to Harry about it. They both need to know, Michelle." Payton said, sincerely. "How am I supposed to tell them? What if Harry wants to call offthe wedding? What if Niall gets so mad that he never wants to speak to me again? What if I lose them both?" "Wait, wedding?" I nodded, then explained. "Wow, okay Michelle, you have to risk it. I mean, would you rather tell Harry now, or wait until you have a kid and are pregnant with another? Would you rather wait until that happens, and he gets so mad that he wants a divorce, and leaves you alone with the kids?" I thought about what Bailee said, and finally took the words to heart. "I'm going to go talk to them. But, who do I talk to first?" I asked. "Harry, he deserves to know that his fiancee is in love with someone else, sooner than the someone she's in love with." Bailee said. "I disagree, I think she should tell Niall first, and then go to Harry. I mean, we all know Harry. He loves to be right, just like you. So if you tell him that you lied to Niall about being pregnant, he'll probably end up getting you pregnant, just to be right." I thought about Payton's words and decided she was right.

               "Niall, I need to talk to you." I said, banging on his apartment door. He didn't answer. I didn't want to do this, but I pulled out the key to his apartment, and stuck it in the door knob. "Niall?" I said, walking in. "Get out, Michelle." He said, not looking at me. "Niall..." "I said out!" He screamed. "Niall I need to talk to you, it's important." He stood up, and started screaming in my face, calling me stupid. Stupid for getting pregnant by Harry. I couldn't take it anymore, so I screamed. "I'm not pregnant!" He stepped back, staring at me in disbelief. "But, you said..." "I know what I said, I lied, okay? I wanted you to leave me alone, and I wanted you to think I was over you, that I moved on." I said, looking away from Niall's eyes. I didn't look up, I only saw his feet move away from me, and then I heard the door open and slam. I didn't hesitate to run after him. "Niall, I'm sorry." "Save it, Michelle, you went too far." He said, sitting in his truck. "Niall, I'm still in love with you. I wish I'd have never been with Harry, and I wish I hadn't chosen him over you." "Well, can't take it back now, can you?" He said before driving off. Tears soaked my face as I drove to Harry's, and there, I told him everything. "Do you really feel this way?" He asked, a heartbroken look on his face. I nodded, still crying. "So, what do you want to do? Leave me and win back Niall, or stay with me?" I looked up, "You're not mad?" "Of course not, you fell in love with him when I was a complete jerk to you. It's okay if you still feel that way, and it's completely up to you who you end up with." I smiled, and kissed him. "So, was that a goodbye kiss, or...?" "No. I realized that, yeah I may still be in love with Niall, but at least you were calm about it. Niall freaked out and left. I want to be sure that my husband won't run away when times get tough, and now I know that you're perfect for it. So, I choose you." Harry smiled, and leaned down to kiss me. "I love you, Michelle." "I love you too, Harry." 

              I stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. There I found my phone on the counter and picked it up. I unlocked it to find 4 missed calls from Niall. "I'll be right back, I have to call someone." I said, bending down to kiss Harry before walking out the front porch. I stood in front of the door and dialed Nialls number. "Why'd you call me?" I asked into the phone. "Alright. I'll see you in ten minutes. Bye" I said, hanging up the phone. I walked back inside and grabbed my keys and coat. "I'll be back, I have to go meet someone for something." I kissed Harry again and turned to walk away. "Who are you meeting?" He asked, standing from his place on the couch. "Should I be concerned?" He asked, moving closer to me. I giggled and walked over to him. "Of course not baby, I just need to talk to someone." I smiled, grabbing his face. "I love you, Harry. I may still love someone else, but I'm with you, and nothing is going to change that. Not even Niall." I smiled again and kissed him. "I gotta go, I said I'd be there in ten minutes." I kissed his cheek and walked off. "I love you!" "I love you too." 

         "Why'd you want to meet here? It's so deserted." "Michelle, I need you to tell me something, and I need you to be completely honest." "What is it?" I asked, unamused. "Do you love me more than Harry? Is there any part of you that thinks you could leave Harry for me?" Niall asked seriously. "Niall, I can't answer that right now." "No, I need an answer." He demanded. "I-I don't know. Honestly." I stuttered. "That's not good enough!" Niall screamed, hitting his car. I flinched and started to back away. "No." I said, getting into my car. "There's no part of me that would leave Harry for you. I'm sorry Niall." I started the car and drove off, not wanting to see his reaction. I pulled over at the next gas station and sobbed. Of course I love Niall, and of course I want to be with him. But not if it means leaving Harry. I sighed and started my car again. After what felt like only 5 seconds of driving, my phone started to vibrate. I answered and put the phone on speaker. "Hello?" I answered. "Michelle? What the hell happened between you and Niall? He's in his room throwing things and screaming, and he just put a hole through Louis' living room wall." After Niall and I broke up, he decided he had to get out of the house, as there were so many memories of me there, so he moved in with Louis, and took the spare bedroom. I explained to Payton what happened. "Oh, Michelle! That was cold." "I know. But you should've seen him, it was terrifying. I don't want to be with somebody who scares me that way. He pulled his hand back and I thought for sure that he was going to hit me, but he hit the car. Payton, you understand, you had an abusive boyfriend. If he poses as a threat, you steer clear, right? Isn't that what you told me when Josh first hit you?" "You have a point." Payton sighed. I sighed too and hung up the phone. I was 2 miles from home and 5 miles from Louis'. I had to decide which place I wanted to be, and fast. 

          "Michelle, are you okay? What's that noise? It sounds like Niall. Are you with Niall?" Harry asked through the phone. "Niall, SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled, and he froze. "Sorry, I'm fine. And I'm at Louis' right now. I'll explain everything when I get home, but right now, I really gotta deal with this. I love you." I said and hung up the phone. Niall started screaming again. "Niall, calm down." I said calmly. "DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO CALM DOWN, BITCH!" He screamed, throwing a picture of us at the wall. I didn't say anything, I just stood in the doorway. "What?! Now you don't have anything to say?!" He screamed. "What's that supposed to mean?" I still wasn't screaming. "You always had to have an opinion. You always had to correct me, tell me what I'm doing wrong. Describe what I'm doing wrong. But now, what do I get from you? Absolutely fucking nothing!" "You're right." I agreed, nodding my head. "Don't go in there! Let them deal with it by themselves!" I heard Louis. "This has to do with me too, Louis!" A deep accent yelled, Harry. I moved out of the way of the door just in time for Harry to slam it open. "Niall, what is the matter with you?! We agreed that no matter who she chose, we'd be okay." Harry reminded Niall. "How the hell am I supposed to be okay!? I'm in love with her, and she ripped my heart out!" Niall cried and fell to the floor. "Harry, I know this includes you too, but right now, this is between Niall and I. So could you..?" I urged towards the door. Harry nodded in response and walked out. "Niall..." I started, taking a seat next to him. "What?" He sniffled. "You don't think this is hard for me too?" He looked at me, before asking what I meant. "I mean, the whole break up. Niall, I'm still in love with you, and it breaks my heart, knowing that I'm putting you through this." I sighed, wrapping an arm around him. He leaned into me as he replied, "Then why do you continue to do it?" "Niall, look at me." He looked at me and I stared into his eyes, slowly but surely regretting my decision. I looked at his lips. "I want to kiss you. I want to be with you. But when you pulled your hand back to hit your car, I thought you were going to hit me. I can't be with someone that scares me that way." I trailed off, looking at the ground. "I'd never hit you. I'm not the kind of guy, and you know that." He stopped leaning on me. I pulled my arm away, and we switched positions. I was now leaning on him, and his arm was wrapped around me. "I know. I lied, Niall. Every part of me wants to be with you. But it also wants to be with Harry. I can't choose between you two. I love you both way too much." "Well, let's bring Harry in here and talk about it. It's your decision, but maybe we can help you make it. So we talked about it. And I made my decision.

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