It's not over (Taken 2)

By nikkihope82

57.2K 1.7K 141

It's not over (Taken 2) Let's set the mood. Jason and Lauren are on there way to Italy to go see Lauren's f... More

Chapter 1~ guilty greetings
Chapter 2~ nightmares can come true
Chapter 3~ brother hood
Chapter 4~ out of comfort zone
Chapter 5~ holidays take off
Chapter 6~ perfect as it is
Chapter 7~ Mr. Corleone
Chapter 8~ This is the story
Chapter 9~ dirty memories
Chapter 10~ let me tell you about Robby
Chapter 11~ strict
Chapter 12~ what a joke
Chapter 13~ to hurt to feel pain
Chapter 14~ more seek less hide
Chapter 15~ say it again I dare you
Chapter 16~ hit and run
Chapter 17~ meet kilo
Chapter 18~ don't mess with the ex
Chapter 19~ sticky situation
Chapter 20~ all open
Chapter 21~ secret messages
Chapter 22~message man
Chapter 23~ putting your head together
Chapter 24~ dΓ©jΓ  vu
Chapter 25~ two in three
Chapter 26~ substances
Chapter 27~ for the best of you
Chapter 28~ 5 second rule situations
Chapter 30~ the pleasure of the ex
Chapter 31~ this is us now
Chapter 32~ miss me?
Chapter 33~ under-estimated?
Chapter 34~ role call
Chapter 35~ All grown
Chapter 36~ Federal Commitment
Chapter 37: in your arms
Chapter 38~ in your dreams
Chapter 39~ Reimagine
Chapter 40~ Nightmare Down
Chapter 41~ Find Peace
Chapter 42~ Let's Go
Chapter 43: It's You
Chapter 44~sweet nothing
Chapter 45~ just a start

Chapter 29~ what i know

1K 34 2
By nikkihope82

Songs for this chapter:
Abrahams daughter~ arcade fire
Company~ Justin Bieber
Hanging on~Ellie goulding

Alfredo's pov:

" do you have all of them?" I asked Matt while pacing around.
" yeah the ambulance is on their way for the other ones."

" are they going to be okay?" I looked at Ana and Ariana who were both worried.
" yeah, well.... Yeah. I'll tell you in person so I can tell everyone."
" alright. Get back as soon as you can." I said before hanging my phone up,

" well!?" Ariana stood up.
" Matt is taking them to the actual gang hospital in the gang training HQ because he has to do a catsscan on Alex and Jason. Lauren only has some open wounds and a broken rib."

" I can't believe this." Ana said holding her head.

" FREDO!" I heard Elliott and Ryan call me downstairs.
" come." I held Ana's hand and Ariana and Brandon all came downstairs.
" get everyone in the kitchen." I said to Elliott.

" alright." He jogged away and Ryan and Jess came up to me.
" what the hell happened?" Jess looked shocked.
" I'm going to explain it everyone. It's a lot."

" I'm going after this meeting to see what's going on." Ariana said.
" I think we might go too." I said looking at Ana.
" where?"

" a new place." I gave a weary smile.
Everyone started to walk in, everyone except Matt, Tim, Alex, Jason and Lauren.

" alright everyone so I got word from Matt. This is what happened.
After Lauren and Jason got into the fight Lauren went outside to go for a walk. She got far along the road and Jason went out after Alex calmed him down. When Jason walked out there was a car a distance away, closer to Lauren though. Jason called after her and she kept walking so he went after her. That car eventually came and because it's icy out almost hit Lauren, but she jumped off the side of the road down that steep ass cliff. Jason went to go run up and Alex went out to stop Jason because he wanted Jason to leave Lauren alone for a while. Well Jason was hit by the car, Alex was side swiped, Matt found them all at the bottom of the hill.
Lauren and Alex are conscious, Jason isn't. He's in a coma but he surprisingly doesn't have any broken bones from what Matt said. Lauren was unconscious but she woke up when they got her. Alex was the one who called Matt. Alex has a broken wrist and two ribs."  I took a breathe and waited for responses.

It stayed silent.

" well what about Jason?" Geo asked.
" they are going to hook him up and see what happens." I bit the side of my bit trying to calm myself down.

" I swear to fucking god if this was nick or any of those left from redhawk...." Ryan got up.
" everyone in redhawk is dead except for nick. Nick is not in state anymore, one of our guys contacted me earlier today. It was a drunk driver." I said pacing around.

" sooo."
" well Ana, Ariana and I are going to the HQ, does anyone else want to come?" I asked.
" I'll come." Elliott said.
" imma stay here." Brandon said getting up.

" alright just don't trash the house. Lauren and I told the house keeper to take a while off for her family for the holidays so your mess is my responsibility." I said walking out and grabbing my coat.

" I'm going to bring extra clothes for them." Ariana said with ana.
" good idea, I'll go get the car warmed up, Ariana you riding with Elliott?"

" sure i don't care." She looked back to me.
" ari is riding with you." I said to Elliott while I walked out.

I saw an ambulance light flashing from far away, they must be there for the drivers. I disregarded it and went to the car and started it.
Ana has been more than tolerant with all this gang stuff, I really try to not push it with her but she volunteers on everything she does so I let her go.

The girls came walking out and followed by them was Elliott stuffing his face with food.
" okay we can go!" Ana said closing the door.

I drove as quickly as I could being careful with the ice tho. Elliott wasn't too far behind me also.
" hold on my mom is calling." Ana said answering her phone.

" hello"
" you are?"
" alright cool."
" I'm actually with my ehh b- friend." I looked at her and told her no.
" no just a friend mom." She rolled her eyes adorably.
" okay b-bye."

" how's mom doing?" I asked looking over at her.
" good, she's um coming home tomorrow." She said shockingly,
" that's good!"

" yeah I guess."
" oh my god." My heart stopped and everything stopped.
" what!"

" pattie is still at your house!"
" oh no. She can't be there when my mom goes there." Ana said quickly.
" okay call Ryan it Brandon and tell them to pick her up, then have one of them call Brittany and tell her she needs to come get her and bring her home because Jason is in the hospital." I gave my phone to Ana.

" I'll call Brandon."

Lauren's pov:

Everything is so still. I can't really hear and breathing is hard. I know Jason is with me but I don't know where he is, and I don't know how to speak for him.

I'm in pain and I know I'm in pain but I don't know how to feel it.

I can open my eyes and I know where I'm at but I don't know how to describe it.

I can hear out of my ears and I know who's around me but I don't know how to put the mumbling together.

We aren't going to our regular gang house hospital I do know that.

And I do know that Jason is worse then me. I heard the car when I was going down the hill.

I think I am bleeding. But I don't know where on my body I am.

I know I have broken bones but I don't know which bones they are.

I'm praying and I know that.
I'm begging Jesus to save Jason.
Not me.
I don't need it.
I would rather die then see him hurt.
Especially because of me.

I do know this all happened because of one guy.


If he never sent me the notes none of this would have happened.
I would be going to school in two days.
Then I would be going to Miami.

But one guy ruined it all.


Suddenly lights turned on and I felt movement but I didn't know where from.

" her.... Side....... Rib....... Head..... Joe....... Fine." I heard mumbling from someone, who I think is Matt.

Or it could be Alex?
I wonder where he is.
I wonder if he knows what's going on.
I wonder if he knows Jason was hit.
I wonder if he knows I threw myself down a cliff.

Or it could be fredo?
I wonder if Ana is with him.
Or if he knows what happened.

Or it could be Ted?
He can help me.
He was always nice.
So was Matt too.

Have you every felt like you were going to think your head off but that's all you seem to do. Physically that's all I could do but mentally I couldn't stop and I wanted to. I actually felt like I was going to explode but once I showed discomfort someone came over to me.

" lau- .... Ok? We.... You... Is on... Way." I couldn't put together who was talking to me or what they were saying so I just nodded.

I was still moving, I was moved into an elevator and that's when I knew I was with Matt. I could smell his cologne.

" Matt..." My voice trailed off. I looked up and I saw my body reflecting in a ceiling mirror.
I was on a stretcher. I had something wrapped around my stomach, and my face had a slash by my forehead. My stomach looked like it was bleeding through whatever was on my stomach and I couldn't see enough but my legs looked bruised.

I can't feel any of it though. I feel it all in my head but not in the actual place it is wounded.

" we are going to get you fixed up." Matt said slowly.
" ok." I shook my head up and down.
" make sure you keep your eyes open. Can you rate your pain?" He asked as the elevator stopped.

" I only hurt in my head."
" rate it."
" 9."  I said closing my eyes a little.
" Lauren you have to keep your eyes open.

" no... I don't." I closed them disobeying him.

" fuck!" Matt rushed me out of the elevator.
" no need to swear Matt I'm still awake." I whispered.
" Lauren do not fall asleep." He said quickly.

" yes sir!" I opened one eye and that's as good as I was getting.
I felt the atmosphere change and now I was in a room.

Matt hooked me up to a iv and put something on me for my heart.
He took off whatever was on my stomach and I felt pressure on my core instantly.
I felt him stitch up something but it didn't hurt...

He left the room for a second and I tried to sit up but I couldn't even lift my head.
" Lauren stop!" Matt said coming in quickly.
" I'm in pain." I said frustrated.

" it's understandable, you broke a rib and your scar on your stomach reopened for the fourth time I believe. Take these, this will help your head and you'll be relaxed. Your stomach will hurt a little. If you feel like you have to throw up- press this red button." He handed me a cup of two pills and a little remote.
" okay." I swallowed the pills and drank water.

" I need to work on Alex. Remember that button." He said patting on my should very lightly.
All I could is slightly nod my head.

I stared up at the celling.
I have no clue where I'm at, all I know right now is that I am in a white room with no windows.
I also know that I'm going to be okay.
I also know that Alex is here.
But I don't know why he didn't say anything about Jason.

The rhythm of the beeping from my heart monitor was driving me crazy. I was close to pulling these things off me but I knew Matt would be mad so I kept them on.

It feels like hours have passed and Matt hasn't come back in to check on me.
My stomach did start to hurt.
I didn't eat anything today so it can't be from food I ate.
I felt my stomach drop and something in my head told me get Matt now.

I pressed the red button and slide my body up just a little bit more.
A lady came walking in.
" you beeped? Are you okay?"
" I need Matt. Where is Matt?" I said shaking a little.
" he's busy right now sweetie what can I help you with?" She asked politely.

" I feel like I'm going to throw up." I said carefully talking because any moment I was bound to puke.
" okay try to hold on while I get you a bucket." She went to the cabinet and grabbed me a small container thing.

" alright, I'm going to help you sit up a little. It's going to make you feel more nauseous. Just tell me when you need it." She slid her hand under my back and helped me up a little.
" ow ow ow ow," I said in pain.

" you okay?"
" no. Bucket!" I grabbed for it and went to throw up, I tried to puke but my lack of food all I got was a yellow/ greenish liquid.

" why is it like that?" I asked tears falling from my eyes.
" it's stomach acid hun, have you had anything to eat today?"

I shook my head no.
" okay that's not good. We are going to get you something small to eat to build your stomach up."
I shook my head while she took the bucket away.

Fredo and Ana came walking in while my nurse left.
" you just missed the fun part." I said closing my eyes tiredly.
" thank goodness you're okay." Ana said coming over by my side.

" couldn't be better." I said holding my thumb up.
" you hit the tree that bad?" Fredo asked staring at my core.
" what do you mean?" I looked down my body to see my stomach was exposed.
I had a huge bruise on the left side of my stomach and I had a light pink look on my stomach I'm taking from the blood.

" I broke a rib." I said hitting my head back.
" what even happened?" Ana asked.
" I just wanted 10 minutes to myself." I said as a tear dripped from my eye slowly.

" Lauren will you explain to me what you remembered happened?" Ana asked crawling on the bed a little.
Fredo handed me a tissue.

" well I was walking and just thinking about stuff and I heard Jason and he came out and tried getting me to come back to him and while he was doing that there was a car coming so when I turned around the car was right in front of me and I jumped off the side of the road to not get hit. I hit a tree going down the hill then I fell onto a rock which I what I think reopened my scar, then I rolled down to the end of the hill and I couldn't move and I like faded in and out."

" and Jason and Alex?"
" I didn't even know Alex was outside... And Jason got hit that's all I know. I heard the horn of the car then I heard Jason yell. That's it tho." I said sipping water.
" well they have him in a catscan. He moved a little the first time so they are having trouble. He might have pneumonia, but Matt said no broken bones." Fredo said sitting in the seat.
" and Alex is going to be okay. He hit his head pretty hard and he broke his wrist I think. But he's going to be fine." Ana said weakly smiling.

" this is so messed up." I said covering my face.
" I know sweets. You'll be out soon tho don't worry." Fredo sweetly.

" wait fredo where am I?"
" we are at the HQ."
" really? I've never been on this side I guess." I looked out the window to the white hallway.

There was nurses walking up and down the hallway. My nurse came back with a tray of water, soup and crackers.
" work on the water and crackers first then have your soup, fredo if she's going to throw up again the buckets are in the cabinet." The nurse said.

" okay thanks Vanessa."
She went over and whispered something in fredos ear and he responded saying " yes."'

" oh. Okay." She looked at me then left.
I just ignored that and started to eat.

Matt came walking back in.
" he's up. And sorta stable, just knocked up a little."
" can I go see him?" I tried to sit up but my core felt invisible.

" tomorrow. I have to run him through a catsscan." Matt said checking my iv.
" come on!" I slammed my head back.
" don't act up or you won't see him at all."

" Matt please."
" Lauren no. Make sure she stays in here." Matt said to fredo.

" you guys." I threw my hands down.

"MATT TED NEEDS YOU!" My nurse came running.
Matt went running out and I sat up the most I could.

" fredo... Bucket!" I said pointing.
He shot up and grabbed my bucket. I threw up the crackers I ate along with more stomach acid.


" I feel like shit." I said closing my eyes, he put the bucket away.
" try to take a nap." Ana said sympathetically.
" I worried."
" about what?"

" Jason."
" why? Matt said he's fine."
" I just don't know." I closed my eyes.
" we will be back later. Get some sleep." Fredo and Ana got up an left and I finally was allowed to fall asleep.

My heart monitor kept me up for a bit, so I started thinking.

I'm in pain and I know I'm in pain but I don't know how to feel it.

I can open my eyes and I know where I'm at but I don't know how to describe it.

I can hear out of my ears and I know who's around me but I don't know how to put the mumbling together.

We aren't at our regular gang house hospital I do know that.

And I do know that Jason is worse then me. I heard the car when I was going down the hill.

I think I am still bleeding. But I don't know where on my body I am.

I know I have broken bones but I don't know which bones they are.

I'm praying.
I'm begging Jesus to save Jason.
Not me.
I don't need it.
I would rather die then see him hurt.
Especially because of me.

I do know this all happened because of one guy.

I know that this happened because I left.

I have no clue where I'm at, all I know right now is that I am in a white room with no windows.

I also know that I'm going to be okay.

I also know that Alex is here.

But I don't know why he didn't say anything about Jason.

I know I'm at the HQ
I know Jason is going to be okay.

I know I have no food in my stomach.

I know I'm tired.

I know I'm ready to sleep.

WOAHH you got a lil bit of fredos pov((:


Do whatever Floats your goat honestly -

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