It's not over (Taken 2)

By nikkihope82

57.1K 1.7K 141

It's not over (Taken 2) Let's set the mood. Jason and Lauren are on there way to Italy to go see Lauren's f... More

Chapter 1~ guilty greetings
Chapter 2~ nightmares can come true
Chapter 3~ brother hood
Chapter 4~ out of comfort zone
Chapter 5~ holidays take off
Chapter 6~ perfect as it is
Chapter 7~ Mr. Corleone
Chapter 8~ This is the story
Chapter 9~ dirty memories
Chapter 10~ let me tell you about Robby
Chapter 11~ strict
Chapter 12~ what a joke
Chapter 13~ to hurt to feel pain
Chapter 14~ more seek less hide
Chapter 15~ say it again I dare you
Chapter 16~ hit and run
Chapter 17~ meet kilo
Chapter 18~ don't mess with the ex
Chapter 19~ sticky situation
Chapter 20~ all open
Chapter 21~ secret messages
Chapter 22~message man
Chapter 23~ putting your head together
Chapter 24~ déjà vu
Chapter 25~ two in three
Chapter 26~ substances
Chapter 27~ for the best of you
Chapter 29~ what i know
Chapter 30~ the pleasure of the ex
Chapter 31~ this is us now
Chapter 32~ miss me?
Chapter 33~ under-estimated?
Chapter 34~ role call
Chapter 35~ All grown
Chapter 36~ Federal Commitment
Chapter 37: in your arms
Chapter 38~ in your dreams
Chapter 39~ Reimagine
Chapter 40~ Nightmare Down
Chapter 41~ Find Peace
Chapter 42~ Let's Go
Chapter 43: It's You
Chapter 44~sweet nothing
Chapter 45~ just a start

Chapter 28~ 5 second rule situations

1.1K 37 6
By nikkihope82

Songs for this chapter:

All my love~ Ariana grande
Antidote~ Travis Scott
What kind of man~ Florence
Polarize~ twenty one pilots

Lauren's pov:

I woke up next to Jason with his arm wrapped around me. It was freezing in the room so I didn't care. I'm still a little pissed at him though.... I mean he completely lied to me about my own brother dying. I'm sorry but that's going to piss a girl off really quick.

I really wanna go downstairs and see Tyler but that basement brings back things I don't need in my head. I mean I thought sia was swinging from the damn chandelier but there isn't even a chandelier down there. I may recall... I think I was hallucinating last night..... but I'm not 100% sure.... Everything blanked out after I took my Advil.

" morning princess." He whispered Under his breathe and turning to face me more.
" morning."
" how'd you sleep?" He asked opening his eyes slowly.
" alright I guess."
" time check?" He asked sitting up.

" 11:30." I said springing up.
" oh my god." He sprung up quickly also.
" everyone is probably looking for us downstairs." I got up and wrapped a blanket around myself.
" I don't feel like going down there right now." Jason said laying back down.

" fine I'll go by myself, hopefully there isn't a repeat of when I go downstairs by myself and you're up here in bed." I said squinting at him.
" that's it!" He got up and ran after me.

I took off and dropped my blanket while I ran down the stairs.
Before I got to the living I felt a blanket wrap around me and I was soon pushed back into Jasons chest .

" nice try." He said looking down at me under the blanket.
" is there a reason I am under this blanket right now?" I asked holding my grin back.
" not particularly."
" good." I pushed his body away and walked into the living room.

" oh okay?" He said annoyed.
" what?" I turned around and looked at him.
He shook his head " nothing."

" where is everyone?" I asked.
" probably all hungover." Jason sat down on the couch.
" I wish I was hung over." I whispered but he looked at me.

" no you don't."
" better than hallucinations." I said sitting next to him.
" do you remember what happened?" He asked.
" when?" I asked playing dumb.

" last night?"
" oh um sorta I don't know how or when it started to happen." I said looking at him.
" you don't know how it happened?" He asked confused.
" no.... Should I?"

Just then the front door opened and everyone came pouring in.
" I'm taking a shower!" Ariana yelled over everyone.
Alex, fredo, and Ana came in the living room everyone else either went to the guest house or their room.

" my head is killing me." Alex said holding his head.
" oh I have some Advil I can give you!" I got up but Jason grabbed my arm and sat me back down.
" no no you're not using that Advil." Jason said quickly.

" why?" I asked confused.
" meeting in the den." Jason said taking my hand and standing up.
We walked but no one followed.

" I said meeting in the den that means all of you." Jason said turning around and looking at everyone.

" I don't feel like moving." Alex said laying on the couch.
" come on let's go!" Fredo slapped Alex's butt and Alex immediately sprung up and chased fredo.

" you guys go to the den i have to grab something upstairs." Jason said to Ana and I.
" alright." We walked not really talking.
" how are you doing?" She asked as we walked in the den and I went right to Jason's seat.

" good. I could be better. Jason and I got into it last night..." I said biting my lip.
" how bad?" She asked sitting in one of the open seats.
" I got out of his car and ran from him and almost got both of us killed by a train." I said looking down.

" omg why?" She asked curiously.
" well he didn't tell me about Tyler and I was pissed from him continuously lying to me." I said spinning in Jason's chair.

" oh yeah. How's he doing?" She asked.
" you knew!?" I stopped the chair quickly.
" I was in here when they brought him in here. You and Jason left early." She said quickly.

" oh. Wow..." I started spinning again.
" you know im going back to school in a day." She said sadly.
" same." I said waiting for her reaction.

" I'm not kidding." She said abruptly.
" yeah me either."
" really!" She stood up.
" yeah but only for a day. Then I'm out. I think Jason and I are going back to Miami for a while." I said smiling.

" oh that's good!" She sat back down and Jason entered.
" yeah but Jason is a total dick like I hate him so much." I said to Ana knowing Jason was in the room.

" Lauren is such a bitch like I hate her so much." He said stopping me in the chair.
" oh hey babe didn't see you there." I looked down and he has my Advil and a letter.

" what's that?"
" the meeting, where Fredo and Alex?" He asked.
" Alex is still chasing him." Ana said.
" please go get them and bring them in here." Jason said laughing.

" haha okay." She got up and Jason looked down at me.
" that's my seat." He said while I sat comfortably slunched down.

" mine now." I smiled.
" nope nope." He said picking me up.
" I was comfy." I crossed my arms while he sat down.

" you can get comfy on my lap or another seat." He said pointing all around.
I rolled my eyes and sat on his lap and crossing my legs over his body.
" I hope you're happy." I said frowning/ smiling at him.

" with you on my lap you bet I'm happy." He said grinning and raising one eyebrow.
" just don't get too excited McCann." I said leaning my head against his.
" or what?" He whispered holding my hips and pushing me down on him
" you know-"

" ALRIGHT let's get this meeting going." Alfredo said slamming through the door, Jason and I bumped heads from being surprised by fredo.

" owww." Jason and I rubbed our head and laughed.
" oh my b. I was told to come here."
"Let's get this over with." Alex said coming in and slumping down on the couch and holding his head.

" alright so last night, while you all were getting shit faced, Lauren went to her room and took Advil, am I right?" He looked at me.
" yeah..."

" alright you took this Advil?" He put one in his hands and I shook my head yes.
" alright look on that and see if there is any Advil logo on it at all." He said giving me one.

My heart started to beat faster.
" it doesn't." I said analyzing it.
" you got this letter along with your pills." He said handing me a letter.

It was from nick.
Fuck my life.

" so... He basically drugged me again without me knowing." I said getting mad.
" yep. You said you were having hallucinations?" He asked.
" yeah."
" that's why babe." He said taking the pill from my hand and putting it back in the container.

" I don't know what they've been putting into you that makes you hallucinate but I'm going to have Matt take it to his lab." Jason said tightening the lid.

" so are we going to plan on finding nick?" Alex asked.
" sorta... We aren't going to push it because I know he has to be in hiding."
" literally all of redhawk is gone. I doubt he's going to come for her anymore." Fredo commented.

" there's always that chance. You never officially know unless he's permanently gone." Ana said fixing her glasses.

" alright so Lauren is going to be going to school in a day, once she's done with that we are planning to go back to Miami, I'm having some back up guys go cause we will do some missions and stuff." Jason said.

" she's not going to continue school?" Alex asked.
" no, she's going then leaving." He looked at me but I didn't pay attention to him.

I couldn't take my eyes off the note. Im going to have to tell Jason about the other ones. He's going to be so mad.

Jason saw me not paying attention to what he was saying so he dismissed everyone.
I saw and heard everyone leaving and I went to get up to go also but he grabbed my waist and pulled me back on his lap.
" You have that look like you have something to tell me." He said staring deeply into my soul.

" no I don't." I said getting up quickly and not letting Him grab me.
I went for the door but he ran after and closed and locked it before I could get out.

" Jason I don't want to talk about it." I said hitting my head against the wall.
" I do and you're not allowed to run away this time." He said leaning against his desk.

I bit my lip " you're going to be mad."
" I'll get over it." He said crossing his arms.

" well umm." I paced around.
" spit it out Lauren."

" I've been getting letters from nick since we got back from Miami..."

Jason stood up and his eyes widened.
" what?"

" I've been-"
" no no I- I heard you."
He started laughing freakishly.
I looked back up at him, the tension in the room was remarkable. He was bound to go off any second now.

" Jason...."
" you know what I don't understand...
The fact that YOU almost got us both killed last night because I didn't tell you something I wasn't 100% sure on and you were mad.
YOU knew about this going on and still didn't tell me. LAUREN WHAT THE HELL DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT I AM TRYING TO KEEP YOU SAFE! BUT THATS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE UNLESS YOU TELL ME THESE THINGS!" Jason was furious. Actually furious is a way understatement, he's beyond the level of mad at me right now.

" I can explain...." I said quietly, trying to hold tears back.
" oh really? Please then go for it." He said turning around and looking at me.

" I didn't want to tell you because I knew that you would go right for him and ruin the missions we had planned. " I looked down. I knew he was mad.

" Lauren you understand I'm the boss of this gang right?"
" yeah."
" and you know that I can make basically anything happen right?"
" yeah."
" soo why didn't you tell me?"

" I don't know Jason!" I said throwing my hands up.
" when did it start?"

" I don't remember, like two or three weeks ago maybe?"
" what was he writing in them?" He asked.
" I could show you but they deleted off my phone." I said pulling my phone out.

He took it and went through it.
" they didn't delete..." He said tapping on something.
" what? I was going to show you and it said all my pictures deleted!" I said running over to him.

"isn't it so fascinating how someone can watch someone else without the other person knowing?
I also think it's fascinating how someone can just take things from other people and not think there is a cost from it.... I would say watch your back but I'm already watching it. Just like when I got you on the road? You're welcome. Oh and start wearing more thongs, you look soooo sexy in those.
-nick" Jason read the note out loud.

He took a deep breathe and looked at me.
" is there anymore?" He asked.
" yeah swipe." I swiped the phone over for him.

" * awe a cute lunch date with mcca- I mean bieber. (; see you soon my love.
~ N *"

Jason looked like he was going to explode.
" he was there?" Jason asked trying to stay calm.
" yeah either him or he hired someone to go I don't know".

" is there anymore?" He asked holding back.
" yeah." I swiped the phone for him.

" * Jason, I mean "Justin Bieber" had to go get some gas, sorry he couldn't make it to get arrested. Wow I thought you were actually smarter than to make a plan in the wide open, even when you knew I would hear. Wow. Well I'm going to have fun torturing him, and you have fun finding out how to finish your oh so smart plan.
-N* "

" mother fucker!" He said slamming my phone down.
" Lauren."
" what?"
" get out. Just go I'm about to get really mad and I don't want you in here for it." He said shaking and pointing to the door.

" no, im staying right here." I crossed my arms.
" Lauren don't fuck around get out!" He said raising his voice.
" NO." I strung the o out.

" Lauren 5 seconds. Get out." He was pointing towards the door.

" i didn't listen last night and I'm not going to listen now." I crossed my arms and swallowed the lump in my throat, I've never seen Jason this angry and it honestly scares the crap outta me.

" ugh why can't you just listen for once?!" He went to hit the wall but I caught his fist and he turned around.
" Jason just calm down." I said rubbing my hands along his arms.

He looked like he was calming down down but he was still pissed.
" just calm down." I grabbed the back of his neck and brought his forehead to mind.

" thank you." He whispered.
" now do you want to sit down and talk about them?" I asked.
He licked his lips and bit his lips nervously.
" yeah." He grabbed my phone and I walked over to his chair with him.

" alright so the first letter he sent was the day benson questioned me. Remember when you kept asking me why I was so upset? That's why." I said explaining things slowly.
He nodded his head.
" the one from picassos was obviously the same day, but I wasn't as shook up, but that's why I like ran to the car, I was a little scared and you were already out in the car."

" you could've came and gotten me." He said sympathetically.
" Jason come on. You would've made a scene." I said tilting my head.
" alright next one?"

" the gas station. That's how we found you and that's how we knew for sure well I knew for sure that they had you."

" so you started to get them the day you were questioned, he gave you this one last night, do you think he's still in New York?" Jason asked calming down a lot more.

" I don't know.... I hope."
" damn I really wish you would've told me!" He said as I got up.
" I'm sorry." I said walking to the other side of his desk.

" sorry won't cut it this time" Jason said rubbing his head.
" you act like this is all my fault Jason!" I couldn't hold my anger back.

" because it is!" He said standing up.
" it is definitely not all my fault!" I said yelling back.
" tell me how this isn't your fault Lauren!" Jason said getting closer to me.

" because if you weren't absolutely crazy in situations like these I would've been able to to tell you without you freaking shit!" I said yelling straight to his face.
" is that what you think? I freak shit? You don't think I do anything but freak fucking shit?" Jason said getting closer to me.

" get away from me!" I said pushing him away.
" answer me!" He said raising his voice even more.
" YES! That's all you do Jason!" I said going to walk to the door but he grabbed my arm.

" don't fucking touch me!" I said snapping my arm away from him immediately.
" don't fucking talk to me like that!" He said following me to the door.

" I'll talk to you however I want to talk to you." I said staring at him.
" you want to play that game?" He asked getting closer to me.

" I want out." I said going to the door quickly.
" no you're not leaving." Jason said standing in front of him.

" LET ME OUT!" My eyes were filling with water.
" Why the fuck are you acting like this?" He spat.
" I WANT OUT!" I started to scream at him.

" not until you tell me what the fuck has gotten into you!" He said raising his arms.

The door started to knock.
" Jason what's going on in there!" It was Alex,
" JASON! Let me out!" I was screaming still.

The door opened and Alex was there with fredo.
" NO I Am NOT done talking to her!" He said taking my arm.

" JASON! Let her go!" Alex pushed him and released my arm from Jason's grip, I ran to fredo and he held me.

" YOU HAVE NO SAY IN WHAT I DO!" Jason yelled to Alex.
" take her away." Alex said to fredo.
He nodded and we walked away quickly.

" what happened?" Fredo asked as we walked up the stairs.
" he just started to freak out on me because I didn't tell him about notes I was getting from Nick and I told him I wanted out of the room and he wouldn't let me out and I'm just so scared fredo why did he do that what's wrong with him?" I said quickly while crying.

" listen he's just mad right now. He's not usually like this. He just needs some time to calm down and that's what Alex is going to do. Here go in the room with Ariana." He opened Ariana's door and she was laying on her bed with Brandon on her phone.

She saw me crying and immediately sprung up.
" I thought I heard yelling downstairs, what happened?" She asked wrapping her arms around me.

" he's such a fucking jerk I can't stand him I hate when he acts like this!" I said crying on her shoulder.
" it's okay, come sit down and tell me what happened." Ariana said bringing me over to her bed.
Brandon moved over and calmingly rubbed my back, while fredo sat on the couch.

" w- we were talking an- and I told hi- him that I was getting messages from n-nick and that I- I didn't want to tell hi- him because he's cr-crazy in those situations." I said hyperventilating.
" okay calm down, you're going to be okay."

" listen Alex is down there and is going to get him under control. He's not going to let him be like that." Fredo said standing in front of me.

I shook my head.
" do you want to stay in here with us?" Ariana asked.
" I think I'm going to take a walk." I said getting up.
" no no no you're not by yourself." Fredo said.

" I'll be okay fredo." I said wiping my tears away and walking out the door.

I heard Ariana tell him to let me go while I was walking out.
I went to my room and put my coat and boots on with my hat and gloves.

Fresh air is my only solution in this mess right now.
I walked down the stairs and I heard them still yelling at each other, I didn't take anytime to wait, I ran out the door and down the staircase to the road.
It was light outside from the snow, but it was around 5 o'clock so it was already starting to get dark.

It was so quiet outside. It felt like if a penny was to drop every living creature outside all around the world could hear it. My shoes crunching against the snow made me sound like a ginormous guy because it was so loud around complete silence.

I tried to concentrate on something other than Jason but my mind couldn't process anything but him yelling at me.

Tears started to form and I wiped then away before they could freeze on my face cause it was freezing outside.

I looked down the road and I saw a car coming. There's nothing I HATE more then when cars pass me on a road when I'm by myself.

Actually one thing I hate equally to it is when Jason acts like this.

" LAUREN!" I turned around and I saw Jason in the middle of the road.
Every bird in the trees in the distance of Jason and I flew out in disturbance.

I turned around and started walking again.
" PLEASE DONT DO THIS!" I heard him. His voice echoed.

" Lauren don't give in Lauren don't give in Lauren don't give in." I whispered to myself.

I heard the car speed up and when I looked up the headlights were right there in front of me, my only way to safety? Throwing myself down the steep ass hill on the side of the road.
" LAUREN!" Someone screamed most likely Jason but I don't know.

I jumped and gravity was defiantly not on my side.
My body rolled and flew.
I heard the cars horn and a crashing noise.
I hit a tree and kept going.

Only smart thing I did was cover my head.
Oh thank god I covered my head.

It all happened in a matter of a second.

(; hope this gets y'all guessing what's going to happen.

What do you think happened to Jason?
Do you think it was nick?
What if Alex came out?
Did someone die?
What's going to happen to Lauren?

Well you'll just have to
To see what happens
In the
Chapter (;

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