The Fallen and the Forgotten

By JessieBest

14.1K 503 17

Heaven and Hell are very real, Angels are Demons are no different. The world is in constant battle between th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Not a chapter!
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 12

354 14 0
By JessieBest


Lane couldn't believe it. As she stared open-mouthed at her captor, her heart stopped and she was incapable of speech.

Her own brother had kidnapped her? He had her locked in some sort of cell with silver chains? No, this didn't make any sense to her. Remiel wouldn't do this to Lane, she would his Little Sister!

Demon's saw it as a weakness, but female Angels were actually rare, and when they were born, they were always the last child to be born. When a female angel was born(yes they were born, not made) she usually tended to have more than one brother, and the brothers would become highly protective over her. Female Angels were they only way that new Angels could be made, so what happened would be that the older brothers would protect, cherish, spoil, and pretty much take care of their little sister until her Chosen came along, at which time they would relinquish the job over to her Chosen. She would then choose the time when she was ready to become a mother, and she would leave the battlefront to become a full-time mother.

It was the way their world worked, though it was an out-of-date tradition in her opinion, Lane never said anything. She had assumed she would be the same way, Little Sister's were given the job of Soul Collectors, or Life Givers. Soul Collectors meant they would go to Earth to collect the soul of those who passed out, who were meant for Heaven. They would escort them to their own personal Guides, where they would learn their way. As Life Givers, they would be given the oppurtunity to save the life of a human, as long as they were not given specific orders not to interfere with the death of the human. It was extrememly rare for a Little Sister to be cast out of Heaven, there as always the possibility of it driving thier Big Brother's mad, for they were not able to protect their Little Sister from harm like they wanted to.

"What's wrong Little Sister, you look upset. Didn't expect to see me here, did you?" There was an obvious hatred in his voice, and it sent chills down Lane's spine.

Her Big Brother had never spoken to her like that before, where was this coming from?

"Remiel, what am i doing here?" Her voice sounded timid, even to her. She had always been afraid of her older brother, because he had been the one who seemed to despise her. Zachriel had once told her that since Remiel was only a few years older than her, he had vied for his older brother's attention but it all went to Laneene, so he was hostile toward her.

She hadn't seen the fairness in it, but she had understood why he felt the way he felt. He had never spoken to her about any of that though. Remiel was a quiet type, her was An Archangel and a Big Brother, on top of the fact he was also a Guide for the Lost Souls, the ones who were sent to neither Hell nor Heaven. He would help them find their way, to settle thier business before moving on. It was a difficult yet important job, since there was only one Guide for the Lost Souls.

The Angel smiled, his perfect white teeth seemed to shine in the darkness surrounding her. His chiseled features, and slightly crooked nose accentuated his masculinity, as well as his muscular body. Her brother had curly brown hair and sapphire blue eyes, which had always confused her. They were supposed to be siblings, so why did they not look alike?

"You are about to go through the Shift Laneene. You are a danger to not only humans, but Fallen, Angels, and Demons as well. You should have known Dad wouldn't let you be around his precious humans."

Lane frowned, that didn't sound like Remiel, at all. He had never spoken ill about the humans before. He cares about the humans about as much as their Father did.

"I've been able to control myself so far. I've had help Remiel." The Archangel smirked at Lane, making red flags go off in her head. Something wasn't right here. The being standing in front of her wasn't her brother.

"By staying with your little demon friend right? Did you think he would be able to take care of you forever? He can barely control himself. He is a demon Laneene. He kills for a living, for fun. You are here so that I may keep you safe, so that while you go through the Shift I can watch over you."

Lane's eyes narrowed, those red flags were now burning into her skull. 

Don't listen to these words. This is not your brother, he hasn't sensed me yet. You know how much Remiel hates me, yet he doesn't know i'm here, he hasn't commented yet?

Lane didn't make any signs which showed that she had heard Rummy. Lane couldn't believe that she hadn't thought about that. Rummy was a shadow, her shadow. What that meant was that only Angels could see and hear him. They could only hear him if Laneene and Rummy both allowed it, which was a positive for the duo. Demons were incapable of hearing or seeing them, as far as the Angels knew, no demon knew about the Shadows, which was fine with them.

Laneene started to feel an odd sensation creep up her spine, causing nausea. Laneene's body began to shake, as she feel heat overtake her body. She felt her fangs begin to lengthen, as her eyes widened and became sensitive to the light.

Her entire body was becoming tense, and the nausea was becoming intense, to the point she began to gag. She hadn't ate anything in awhile though, she there was nothing she was able to throw up.

Laneene whimpered as the tremors began to rock through her body, and the powers she usually used to conceil her power and strength, as well as scent, vanished. She cold still feel her power, but it as buried deep within her.

Lane cried out, and it came out between a mix of a hiss and a scream. Beyond the pain she could sense something else, something more intense.

She could sense the blood lust. 

Laneene could sense her own death.

The Shift had begun.



There was something wrong. Nick could feel it. He wasn't able to get ahold of Lane at all. He couldn't even sense her presence. The wolf within him was stirring, it was metaphorically pacing back and forth inside of him. It was driving him insane.

Luke hadn't even tried to help Nick look for Lane, even though it has been three days. Three days closer to his Judgement Day, and three days closer to Lane's Shifting Time. Both of them were in for a lot of pain either way.  Nick had to find Lane, he had a gut feeling that he needed her to be with him. He needed her around one way or another. In the few weeks he had known her he had grown to care about her in a way he had cared for no other being. 

He wanted to make sure she was safe, and to protect her and help her through her shift. He didn't even care about his own Judgement Day, either way he was damned without Lane.

Nick sighed inwardly, he was freaking himself out with his whole romanitc/clingy thoughts. Nick was a demon, a world renowned demon. But now, a Fallen Angel had stolen a part of him he hadn't even known he had.

He had to find her. He had no way to find her, her scent was blocked and even the most powerful of demons couldn't find a Fallen Angel when they hid thier scent, much less a Little Sister.

Nick froze, that was it. He knew what to do.

Nick knelt down on the ground, gritting his teeth and taking a deep breath. He placed his hands together in a praying position, or what he assumed to be one.

"Uhm, Hi. I know you probably don't like me, or know me very well. Well, you have probably heard of me. I have a reputation down below. One i'm not too proud of. Well, i know it's probably not right of me, but I have to ask for you to send down one of your Archangels, REmiel, I need him to help find his Little Sister, she's in danger. As you may know, her Shifting time is coming, and I have this feeling that i'm the only one who can help her. So yeah, if you would do that for me, I would be extrememly grateful. Yeah, Ahmen."

Nick rolled his eyes and sighed, putting his hands down and shaking his head. He waited a few minutes, and when nothing happened he deflated. He should have known there was nothing that the Big Guy upstairs would do for him. He had a demon, a bloodthirsty, merciless killer. He had just hoped that Lane's Father's love would be strong enough for him to send help.

"You called, " The voice behind him was deep and masculine. Nick jumped up, startled, and his hand went to grab for the thing's throat.

His hand was knocked away and he was knocked down onto the ground, the wind knocked out of his chest as a hand gripped his throat. Nick looked up to find an Angel leaning over him. The angel looked angry. The angel had curly brown hair and midnight blue eyes, his skin seemed to be sun-tanned. He was a large man, but he looked to be the same height as Nick. He was wearing a white shirt, white slacks, and behind his back was a large pair of wings that were the color of snow, but looked to be speckled with gold. The Angel smelled of sugar cookies, which nick found odd. The hting he found even more odd was the fact that the smell seemed masculine on the angel.

"You must be Remiel." Nick said, his voice hoarse from the throat around his neck.

The Angel let go and stood up, "Yes, and you are Nybbas, the Demon of Nightmares. You called for me, so here I am. Now, what is wrong with my Little Sister?"

Nick took a deep breath, "She's missing. I have a feeling that she's in trouble."

The Archangel looked at Nick for a moment, and then he grabbed Nick by the throat. Nick felt a nauseating sensation and he closed his eyes, when he opened them again he was in a dark room. The only light in the room came from a ball of light  that was shining in the middle of the room. Nick could make out three shapes that were standing around the room, they were all wearing metal armor, and their wings were plated in a protective armor as well.

"Where are we?" Nick growled, he was tense and alert. He knew he was surrounded by Angels at the moment, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Remiel smiled, "You're in the Judging room of the Order of the Archangels. Welcome to Heaven Nybbas,"

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