It's not over (Taken 2)

By nikkihope82

57.1K 1.7K 141

It's not over (Taken 2) Let's set the mood. Jason and Lauren are on there way to Italy to go see Lauren's f... More

Chapter 1~ guilty greetings
Chapter 2~ nightmares can come true
Chapter 3~ brother hood
Chapter 4~ out of comfort zone
Chapter 5~ holidays take off
Chapter 6~ perfect as it is
Chapter 7~ Mr. Corleone
Chapter 8~ This is the story
Chapter 9~ dirty memories
Chapter 10~ let me tell you about Robby
Chapter 11~ strict
Chapter 12~ what a joke
Chapter 13~ to hurt to feel pain
Chapter 14~ more seek less hide
Chapter 15~ say it again I dare you
Chapter 16~ hit and run
Chapter 17~ meet kilo
Chapter 18~ don't mess with the ex
Chapter 19~ sticky situation
Chapter 20~ all open
Chapter 21~ secret messages
Chapter 22~message man
Chapter 23~ putting your head together
Chapter 24~ déjà vu
Chapter 25~ two in three
Chapter 26~ substances
Chapter 28~ 5 second rule situations
Chapter 29~ what i know
Chapter 30~ the pleasure of the ex
Chapter 31~ this is us now
Chapter 32~ miss me?
Chapter 33~ under-estimated?
Chapter 34~ role call
Chapter 35~ All grown
Chapter 36~ Federal Commitment
Chapter 37: in your arms
Chapter 38~ in your dreams
Chapter 39~ Reimagine
Chapter 40~ Nightmare Down
Chapter 41~ Find Peace
Chapter 42~ Let's Go
Chapter 43: It's You
Chapter 44~sweet nothing
Chapter 45~ just a start

Chapter 27~ for the best of you

1K 35 3
By nikkihope82

Songs for this chapter:
Play no games~ big Sean
Hello~ Adele
You'll never know~ Ariana grande
I'll show you~ justin bieber

Jason's pov:

Lauren just passed out of no where. She said that she's been feeling weird and stuff but earlier she was perfectly fine. I really hope she didn't have anything to drink.

Everyone else in the house is sleeping, and I took Alex's keys from him and Made him sleep on the couch. He is mad about Tyler...

I picked Lauren up but when I lifted her head up there was a note.

It said:

Advil? Nice try. Sweet dreams Lauren. Just because Robby is gone doesn't mean I am. I'm not coming for you today or tomorrow but i'm warning you now, be prepared. Don't tell anyone about this letter or you'll regret it.

Lots of love (;

Fuck. He must have drugged her somehow. How did he get in here though? Lauren would always have a jar of Advil on her desk because she would get headaches doing her homework so she would take one or two and continue her homework. I remember from watching her routine for two weeks.
I picked her up and brought her out to the car and locked the door to run back inside me make sure everything was locked and the windows were closed.

I grabbed her school card and the note from nick, also her 'Advil' she took.
I ran back to the car and she was starting to wake up.

" get me out no no no I want out get away! Stop! get away!" She screamed.
" Lauren!" I shook her a little but she didn't wake up.

" I don't want you get away from me!" She was crying.
I stopped in the middle of the street and shook her a little.
" princess wake up its Jason come on."

Her eyes suddenly flew open and she gasped for her breathe.
She looked around confused.
" Lauren?"
" oh my god." She was breathing really heavily.

" what?"
" it was just a dream." She said laying her head back.
" what?"
" I had another nightmare with Paul and jake but this time everyone from red hawk that we have killed was in it. And they told me that Tyler was dying and that nick is still after me." She said shaking.

I looked forward so she couldn't see my reaction.
Everything she said is happening.
That's why I've been so upset but I couldn't tell her.

" wait how did I get in here? What time is it? What's wrong with you?" She slammed me with the questions.

" you fell asleep in your bed earlier and I brought you out because we are sleeping at the house. Everyone is sleeping at your house. It's 3:30 in the morning."
" you answered 2/3 of my questions." She said as she turned her head toward me.

" what was the other question?" I asked playing dumb.
" what is wrong with you? I told you about my nightmare and you looked tense after."  She said sassily.
" nothing I'm just tired. We are almost home." I said trying to change the topic.

" why wasn't Tyler at my house earlier."
" welll..."
" and why wasn't Matt or Ted there either?" She asked starting to catch on.

" Lauren I don't want to talk about this right now." I said getting closer to my house.
" Jason where is Tyler?" She asked.
" he-"
" don't you dare even think about lying to me." She stopped me.

" would you listen?! Tyler got shot." I looked over at her.
" and you didn't fucking tell me?" She asked furious.
" I didn't want you to be upset." I said stopping at a stop sign and looking over at her.

" Fuck you." She spat at me then opened her door and got out the car.

Is this girl really that stupid?

I immediately got out my car and stood up.
"  What the fuck are you doing?!" I asked walking towards her, she was walking unsteadily and fast.

" getting away from you!" She yelled back.
" Lauren get back in the car right now!" I said standing in the middle of the road.
" you can't make me!" She said turning around and looking at me.

Did she really just?

" Lauren I am giving you 5 seconds to get your ass back in that car."
" or what? You'll punish me?" She sarcastically/annoyed laughed.

" 1."
" I'm not coming." She crossed her arms.
" bye." She turned around and started to walk.
" 3." I started to walk towards her slowly.
"4." I was getting mad.
" Lauren do not let me get to 5." I said picking my speed up.

She turned around and tilted her head annoyed. She blew a kiss and turned around and started to run.

Oh hell no.

I ran in full sprint and she stopped at the railroad track not too far ahead. A train was coming.

" Lauren don't you dare." I said catching up to her.
She turned around and looked me jogging up to her.

She jumped the track and ran. The train was really close and I was going to stop but I knew she would get far.
I ran In front of the train and they blew the horn at me but I kept going.

Lauren stopped in the middle of the road and kneeled down and buried her face in her knees.
When I got up to her she didn't move.

" Lauren." I said looking down at her.
" just get away from me." She said crying.
" come on." I said madly.
" no." She said still not picking her head up.

She's really going to make this complicated.
I bent down and picked her up and carried her over my shoulder.
" let me down!" She was kicking.

I just shook my head at her. I thought she would know by now that I'll get my way no matter what.

" Jason! Let me down!" She was punching my back.

" Lauren I swear if you don't stop." I said tighting my grip on her and getting closer to my car that was just parked in the middle of the road.

She didn't stop kicking but she did stop punching.
" I want down!" She said moodily.
I got to the car and put her down.

She went to run again but I grabbed the loop in her jeans and pulled her back and pushed her against the car.

" stop!" She said trying to get away.
I held her waist tightly wrapping my fingers around the loops in her jeans.
" why are you doing this?" I asked looking her in the eyes deeply.
" let go of me!" She said trying to get my hands off her.

" get in the car now." I said harshly but not loudly.
" no!" She crossed her arms.
" Lauren I'm done with these games get in the damn car!" I said pushing her a little.

She finally gave in and sat down.
I reached over her and put her seat belt on.
" I can do that I'm not a baby."
" well you're acting like one." I closed her door and made sure I put the child lock on it so she couldn't get out.

When I got back in she looked pissed yet she has no room to be pissed after what I just had to do.

" seriously you put a child lock on?" She asked trying to open her door.
" LAUREN STOP!" I said raising my voice and looking at her she stopped and looked scared.

" just stop!" I said looking at her who looked like she was about to bust out crying.
" You don't trust me." She whispered.
" Lauren you almost just got both of us killed with that train." I said starting my car.

" you didn't have to come after me." She said looking out the window.
" you honestly think I would leave you?" I asked driving fast down the road.
" I wish you would." She said quietly.

" what was that?" I asked pulling into my drive way.
" I WISH YOU WOULD!" She screamed at me.

" why!?" I asked throwing my hands up.
" because." She crossed her arms and started to cry.
" give me a reason Lauren you can't just say because and expect me to understand."

" because I'm so sick and tired of this." 
" of what?" I asked lowering my voice.
" the constant battling. This fucking gang life I don't like it. It's so pointless everything about it is just so stupid and is washing me out. Now my only brother is going to die, and you didn't even fucking tell me!" She said mad.

" I never made you do anything gang related, YOU are the one who decides to partake in gang stuff. I've been doing this practically my whole life on my own with my gang and we have been perfectly fine without you, you didn't need to come and get involved. I didn't tell you about Tyler because I knew it would upset you and I didn't want your New Years to be ruined. They have been working on him all night. I don't have any idea what condition he is in. The last time I saw him they were taking him to the den. " I said looking at her.

She bit her lip and slammed her head back in frustration.
" why couldn't you have just told me Jason?" Her voice cracked and she covered her face.

" you've lost so many people and I just. I'm sorry." I looked over at her hoping she would forgive me.

" you're unbelievable." She shook her head.
" fine. Will you at least come inside?" I asked.
" no." She shook her head.

" Lauren you aren't just going to stay out here all night." I said unbuckling her seatbelt.
" you have no say in what I do." She said looking away.

" you know. I don't. I don't have one fucking say in anything you do, But I've taken care of you for five months now and I've helped all your needs. I devoted my whole life to you. I always made sure you were taken care of no matter what.  I never left you empty handed with anything, I think sometimes you might forget that I have feelings too, I'm not just a fucking robot that helps just you and not have emotions. It's hard being in the position I am in. I'm the tough guy I'm the boss I'm the big guy, but I'm always stressed about you, I want you to be safe but I can't guarantee it if you act like this Lauren! I love you and I wanted tonight to be a special night with you but obviously that's ruined so  I'm not staying in here all night because I want to be in my home. I'm done trying if you don't want to put any effort in what I do. I'm going inside." I unlocked the doors and while I was getting out she stopped me.

" don't close the door." She said crawling over the seat and stepping out in front of me.
" you child locked my door remember." She said still giving me attitude.
It bit my lip trying not to laugh cause I did forget... , and shut the door.

While we were walking to the stairs Lauren hit that special Ice patch and went to fall back but I caught her. 
" thanks." She said after picking herself up from my arms.
" yep." I said walking up the stairs with her.

I opened the front door and Vegas came running to us but karma was somewhere else I don't know.
When I closed the door I turned around and Lauren was already walking up the stairs.

" do you want anything to eat?" I called up to her.
" if I'm Hungry I will make myself something to eat you don't have to worry about it." She said leaning over the balcony.
" whatever." I shook my head and she walked to the room.

" what was that?" Matt asked.
" I don't want to talk about it." I said leaning against the wall and putting my hand up to my head.
" well I just wanted to let you know, we have him at a steady heart beat. He's going to be fine. He was injured worse then fredo so he's going to be on bed rest for a while." Matt said putting his coat on.

" thank god." I said closing my eyes and looking up.
" I'm going to see my finance. Maybe you should go see your girlfriend." Matt said putting his hat on and opening the door and leaving.

This is all my fault. I should've just told her when I brought her outside after the ball dropped.
I took my shoes on and hung my coat up.
I took a deep breathe before walking upstairs and to my room.
Lauren was on her side of the bed facing the opposite side of the door without covers on her.

I closed the door as quietly as I could without squeaking it but it undoubtedly squeaked.
I walked to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

Lauren was still sleeping when I walked out to the room but she looked really cold so I put a blanket over her.
I knew she was pissed at me so I wasn't going to sleep with her ill just sleep on the couch.

I grabbed a blanket from the closet and went to the door.
While I was leaving it creaked again, but Lauren's head rose up and she turned around.

" you can sleep in here." She said tiredly.
" alright." I said putting the blanket on the bed and laying down.
" what did you have planned for tonight?" She whispered.

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. She wearily smiled.
" I was going to make a fire downstairs in the movie room and watch movies with you. And other stuff." I said winking.

" ha." She giggled under her breath.
" can we just put this aside?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

" no. Not until you tell me what Matt told you downstairs." She said sitting up.
" how the hell?" I sat up.
" you thought I went into the room when I was really just standing at the door." She said smartly.

" he came up and basically said that Tyler got injured worse then fredo... ( her eyes watered up) but he has a steady heart beat. He is just going to be on bed rest for a while." I said looking at her.
" oh thank god."
" yeah."

" what else did he say." She mischievously smiled.
I grabbed her waist and sat her on my lap so she was facing me and her legs on either side of me.
" well you made me look like a horrible person-"

" correction you are a horrible person." She said pointing her finger.
" thank you. And he said that I had to fix things with you and that he's going to see Marissa."I said rubbing her thighs.

" who says you fixed things with me?" She asked crossing her arms.
" because." I sat up and caressed her cheek.
" you wouldn't let me do this if you were mad at me." I said leaning in and kissing her. She immediately opened her mouth to talk but I stayed where I was and she went along with it. She tasted so good. Like the first time I ever kissed her on the beach in Miami... It was so passionate and sensual.

" I love you." I whispered pulling away as slowly as I could trying to save the moment even though I was close to death for how tired I was.
" I love you too Jason." She said biting her lip.
I laid back and I pulled her down on my chest to sleep. She straightened her legs and surprising fell asleep quickly.
I don't understand how my body is comfy but I'll let it go. I took no time and I closed my eyes wrapping one arm Lauren's back and resting the other on her waist.
Finally sleep. Only till tomorrow when she asks about nick and why she was hallucinating...

Aye guys(: I'm finally back and going on my Insta, it's a bit dry but lots have been going on and I haven't had time to worry about that. I hope you're enjoying the book, this chapter made me a bit sad lol I'm so sorry for what is to happen in the future (;

For the next chapter....

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