My Childhood Player

By _WickedCity_

386K 10.5K 1.6K

Introducing, Alexandra Fox, a bad girl Let's meet Colton Crawford, a player. Let's take a stroll down memory... More

My Childhood Player
Chapter 2. The 'talk' with daddy
Chapter 3. So much for leaving my mark
Chapter 4. I'm the 'new girl'
Chapter 5. Always pay attention to your surroundings!
Chapter 6. I makout with anyone! Even in a closet!
Chapter 7. First impressions are everything!
Chapter 8. Meeting Hayley..
Chapter 9. Where's the beer!
Chapter 10. Learning to live with Colton
Chapter 11. Living with Colton
Chapter 12. We are Royally fucked..
Chapter 13. You've got more skills than Magic Mike himself..
Chapter 14. "You owe me now"
Chapter 15. Daddy Dearest..
Chapter 16. Kiss away from being Colton's whore.
Chapter 17. Don't get me wrong, I'm practically pooing my pants..
Chapter 18. Peer pressure. It truly is a bitch.
Chapter 19. It poured out faster and messier than a girl on her period.
Chapter 20. Death by falling out of a tree..
Chapter 21. Serena
Chapter 22. Be my bitch boy
Chapter 23. It's Shark Week
Chapter 24. Fatal Flaws
Chapter 25. Fixing things.
Chapter 26. Not very oblivious.
Chapter 27. Flashback. Flashbacks.
Chapter 29. You defiant little shit
Chapter 30. Home
Chapter 31. Birthday Celebrations and Awkward Situations
Chapter 32. Assignments and Akwardness

Chapter 28. "Nothing like extremely deathly bad you know?"

9.8K 281 139
By _WickedCity_

My eyes fluttered open to the sound of a slow constant beep and white ceiling.

What the fuck?

It hit me suddenly and it hurt like a bitch. The headache I mean.

"Fuck." I croaked put and attempted to clutch at my head but when I lifted my arm to do so I felt subtle pain not only in my arm where I noticed an IV was hooked but also in my stomach. Now, this wasn't exactly a stomachache. I felt like my insides were on fire.

I started coughing hysterically now feeling the burn in my throat and chest.

The beeping picked up rapidly and the doors flew open as a nurse rushed in and grabbed at my arm.

"Please miss, calm down if you keep breathing this way you run the risk of pa-"

"No! Get the fuck off me!" I thrashed and yanked my arm from her grip.

The beeping hadn't slowed down and I could feel my eyes coming in and out of focus.

"Alex! Calm down please." I heard a familiar voice but I couldn't stop. I kept thrashing and wriggling. I didn't even see it coming but I felt someone's hand come down on my cheek.

I froze and could only focus on the beeping of the machine by my side slowing down significantly.

Once I was finally calm my had came up to rest on the spot where I had been slapped.

My eyes narrowed at the tall brunette.

"Taylor. Fucking. Swift. Did you just smack me?" I seethed out in a harsh whisper considering my throat still felt as if it had been run over.

She winced but nodded.

The nurse sighed and began checking the IV bags and my arm, writing things down every once in a while, while Taylor and I waited in silence.

"What happened?" I groaned out, clutching my throat.

"Overdose and abuse of drugs. We had to flush your stomach." The nurse answered and my eyes widened.

"Was I conscience?" I asked.

The nurse nodded. "Of course. We wouldn't have been able to do it if you weren't."

"I don't remember any of it though." I frowned slightly

"Well considering you were fucking high as a kite during it I wouldn't expect you too." Taylor snapped and I winced.

"Lower your fucking voice." I muttered.

"The doctor is coming in soon to discuss other matters with you two. Until then Taylor your welcome to stay in the room with Miss Fox." She nodded and then walked out.

"Do you understand what I am feeling right now?" Taylor snapped.

"Considering a tube was shoved down my throat to empty the contents of my stomach I'm betting I feel worse so stop complaining." I shot back.

"Fuck you, Alex." She shook her head. "Why the fuck would you take ecstasy and alcohol? You understand you could have died right? You understand that your lucky I found you when I did?"

I stayed silent as she kept going.

"God Alex I didn't want for this to happen. Please tell me who the fuck gave you drugs." She sighed.

I swallowed, again feeling the burn but even worse than that, the guilt.

I can't imagine how scared and pissed I'd be if I found Taylor the way she had found me.

"Wait. How did you find me? Where did you find me?" I hardly remember anything.

Her face softened. "In one of the bathroom hallways of the club. You were on the ground passed out and.." She took in a shaky breath. "I think that a guy was going to rape you." She closed her eyes and let the shaky breath out.

My eyes widened.

"What?" I squeaked out. "How do you know?"

She sat on the bed next to me. "Well he was bending over your unconscience body and unbuckling his belt.." She winced.

"But.. But you stopped him right? Or at least someone did?" I suggested pleadingly.

She nodded. "Conner did. I asked him to help me look for you and we found you guys just in time and Conner beat the shit out of him."


She nodded. "Yeah."

"Was he blonde or brunette?" I tried to make light of the situation and she scrunched up her nose.

"He had black hair but I know you aim for blondes." She winked.

The flash of black and blonde..

"Taylor was Colton there? Is he here I mean?" I asked uncertainly.

She shook her head slowly. "No Alex. I'm pretty sure he's in Florida.. Why?"

I shook my head. "Just remembered something weird."

The door opened and the doctor walked in accompanied by the nurse from before.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Fontana" He extended a hand to Taylor.


I was released from the hospital after they saw I could eat and drink properly without feeling the burning pain.

Taylor drove me back to the beach side mansion my parents rented out for us and our friends.

"I only took one." I finally spoke.

She glanced at me then focused her eyes back on the road.

"No Alex it was more than one." She sighed.

"I don't remember taking more than one pill." I muttered. Then again I don't remember most of last night..

"Who gave you the pills?"

"Olivia." I muttered.

Taylor scoffed. "She's been trying my last nerve ever since you left."

"Really? Why?" I asked.

"She's been doing and trying new drugs and she keeps whoring around even though her and Conner are obviously a thing-"

"There a thing?" I asked cutting in.

"Yeah," she glanced at me. "You didn't know that?"

I shook my head and Taylor carried on.

"She constantly gets high in school and physically assaulted her mom!" I winced. "On top of that she has a major tude towards everything."

I thought over the possible reasons as to why Olivia would be this way.

"Is she pregnant?" I inquired.

"No, no I don't think so. I mean she's taking drugs and drinks alcohol so.."

I nodded.

"Well it isn't hormones or puberty because she's too old for that." We both agreed on that.

"Maybe she wants attention?" I offered.

Taylor thought for a second. "From who? Shes got the most loving and supporting family. I still can't believe she slapped her mom."

I shrugged. "Who cares? Let's just let her be."

Taylor nodded.

We descended into silence.

"But, like, what if she gets hurt?"

"I mean, she's already doing crack.. How else can she possible do more damage?" I said and again we drifted into silence.

After a few minutes I glanced at Taylor, seeing her skeptical face and I sighed.

"Fine. We'll talk to her." I gave in and Taylor let out a soft 'yay'.


I don't think we need to go out again tonight Alex." Taylor muttered from the doorway of my room.

"I know. I wasn't planning on it." I replied, gesturing to my pajamas.

My throat was still killing me and I felt physically and just a little emotionally exhausted. So there was no chance of me going out tonight.

"The guys ordered food and it should be here soon so get your ass up." She flicked my nose, standing up from where she was sitting next to me on my bed.

I nodded. "Go ahead, I'll be there in a minute."

She nodded and walked out.

I was looking through my messages and only answered back to a few. I smiled at the 12 messages Jenna left for me.

Jenna: Hey hoe

Jenna: Hoe bag

Jenna: Answer me whore.

Jenna: I'm serious.

Jenna: Alex, do you think this is a game?

Jenna: Like is this some kind of sick joke?

Jenna: I can tell when I'm being ignored because your probably not even on your phone.

Jenna: Answer me or I'm breaking up with you.

Jenna: That's it. We're over.


Jenna: Shit Alex, for real call me back it's about Colton.

The smile dropped from my face.

Jenna: Alex call me back ASAP!

It wasn't until now that I noticed I had a few missed calls.

Not all from Jenna.

Some were Hayley and Xavier.

Slowly I felt it. The worry- no, the fear creeping in.

Was something wrong? Is Colton okay?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Why am I worrying? He's probably fine. Probably just some tiny car accident or a bad fist fight or something.

But what about the slightest chance it isn't and there is something truly wrong?

With that my heart beat began to race.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Fuck it."

I quickly dialed back Jenna's number.


"What's wrong?" I quickly asked.

"God, Alex where were you? I've been trying to-"

"Yes I know. I was busy. Now what's wrong?" Please let him be okay. Please let him not have died or something.

"Colton's in jail." What? That's it? That must happen like every other night, what the fuck? "He beat the living shit out of Jax."

"Oh." I breathed out.

"Yeah, well I mean obviously Colton's not looking to hot either but Jax got it bad."

I had a slight frown, "How bad?"

"Very bad. Like hospitalized bad."

My jaw dropped.

"Your shitting me?"

"Nope he's bent up pretty bad his ribs are fractured but nothing's broken.. Well his nose is but nothing like extremely deathly bad you know?" She tried to make light of the situation and I just couldn't find myself appreciating that.

Why would they get in a fight like that? And what the fuck does it have to do with me?

"So what do I have to do with this?"

"Well after they took Colton in-"

"Wait who called the cops on Colton?" I frowned.

"Hayley and Xavier walked in and while Xavier was pulling them away from each other Hayley called the cops."

"Is that really a reason to call the cops though?"

"I don't know. Not normally I guess but I hear the fight was getting pretty bad. Heard Colton's jaw was busted or something like that."

Aw. Colton's jawline is one of my favorite things about his face.

Not that there are many.

"Anyways after they took Colton in they questioned both him and Jax and Jax mentioned something about how they were fighting over a girl. None of the boys would say who."

My breath hitched.

"Oh? Who do you think it could be?" I mumbled, fiddling with a strand of my long blonde hair.

"Absolutely no idea." I could hear her knowing and teasing tone that she knew it was me.

"Look are they okay? Both of them I mean?" I sighed.

"Yeah, I think someone's posting Colton's bail now."

"When did the fight go down?"


The day I left.

Fuck. Now there was a big chance that girl was me. I am hoping it isn't but I think maybe it's me.

Thinking about it now it was kind of.. Flattering that they'd gotten in a fight over me.

"How come they're just now posting bail?"

"They didn't want they're parents finding out so Xavier is going to pay the bail and I think after Colton's going to wire the money back in Xavier's account to pay him back."

I licked my bottom lip. Hopefully Jax is alright.

"Whose in the hospital with Jax?"

"He's not letting anyone see him."

"Does he have his phone with him?" I asked.

"Not sure.. Why, you thinking of giving him a call?"

"Yeah maybe."

I had too. If this was because of me I had to apologize and make sure he was okay. That is if he even picks up the phone once he sees whose calling.

"Right well, thanks for filling me in Jenna."

"Yep. Text me. Love you doll."

I smiled, "Yeah I know."

I hung up the phone and rubbed my eyes and forehead before walking into the kitchen where everyone had almost finished eating.

"Is everything okay?" Taylor asked and I nodded plopping down next to her.



Hey guys! So first off yes I did accidentally post this chapter but I quickly took it down because I wasn't finished writing it so that's why you couldn't see the chapter anymore I'm sorry for the inconvenience! <3

I hope you enjoyed this! It gives a little insight into Alex's friends and what they're like.

Thoughts on Colton and Jax?

I love you guys leave me your honest thoughts and opinions! I'll try to update soon! <3



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