It's Just A Game

By lainey

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My brother Paul Roswell was the captain of the New Harold High School's basketball team. He was everything th... More

Chapter 1 Not A Bad Day After All
Chapter 2 The Replacement Is Here
Chapter 3 "Are you scared?"
Chapter 4 It Will Never Last
Chapter 5 Lost Your Tongue
Chapter 6 Same Question
Chapter 7 An Ace Player
Chapter 8 Such Reactions
Chapter 9 Say Something
Chapter 10 Hustle, Girlies!
Snippets: Not An Update
Chapter 11 Moments Together
Chapter 12 Own Personal Distraction
Chapter 13 Keep Me Warm
Chapter 14 Easy There
Chapter 15 Little Brother
Chapter 16 Enlighten us
Chapter 17 Half Time
Chapter 18 A Win and A Warning
Chapter 19 Change of Plan
Chapter 20 Party Time!
Snippets 2
Chapter 21 Blame The Alcohol
Chapter 22 Bastard and Idiot
Chapter 23 Just Like This
Chapter 24 To Be Friends
Chapter 25 Paranoid
Snippets Time!!!
Chapter 26 Boring Saturday
Chapter 27 Sunshine
Chapter 28 Icing And Kisses
Chapter 29 Wonderful Night
Chapter 30 Ganging Up On Me
Snippets Time!!!
Chapter 31 Nothing. Everything.
Chapter 32 Lose All Games
Chapter 33 Beating For You
Chapter 34 Lucky Charm
Chapter 35 One Request
Snippets Time!!!
Chapter 36 Paul's Death
Chapter 37 Not Your Fault
Chapter 38 Falling Out
Chapter 39 The Visit
Chapter 40 Names Names Names
Snippets Time!!!
Chapter 42 To The Principal's Office
Chapter 43 Against the Giants
Chapter 44 GFord To The Rescue
Chapter 45 A Safe Haven
Snippets Time!!!
Chapter 46 A Brunswick
Chapter 47 Small Talk
Chapter 48 Losing My Cool
Chapter 49 Weird Me
Chapter 50 Morning Rendezvous
Snippets Time!!

Chapter 41 I'll Always Be

21 2 2
By lainey

Time flies so fast. It's been a week since I got discharged and cleared from the hospital. My parents wanted me to rest the following days but I was very much insistent in going back to school, explained to them the hassle of playing catch up with every subject and leaving the basketball team unmanned. Finally, they caved in upon seeing my determination, not to missed more days in school.

I understand their concern for my safety after the attack especially knowing they won't be around me most of the time due to the nature of their work. I promised them I'll be careful inside or outside the house and school. They even suggested about me quitting the coach role for the basketball team. I couldn't even believe my ears were hearing it directly from them when they knew for sure the resounding No from me. Again, safety first issue. But in the end, they couldn't take away my passion and the only connection I have with my brother Paul.

I was grinning from ear to ear when my mother dropped me off at school on her way to the airport. It's manic Monday yet I don't feel the drag down feeling. I'm a little bit lighthearted and giddy. Excited for an unknown reason. Happy inside after all the nightmares.

" Sunshine! Wait up!" I turned around to see Jessie running towards me.

"Hey! You looked worked up early in the morning." I told him as we started on our way.

"I missed the bus. I have to walk the entire way here." I can still hear his loud breathing. I laughed a little. "Where's your car?"

"Don't remind me. Mom's car broke down. She needs to get to work early and couldn't wait for my older brother to fix it so she has to take my car away." Jessie's face turned from annoyed to sad.

"Poor baby," I muttered teasingly. We both laughed and enjoyed the early morning breeze to the team's favorite spot. The study table under the shade of the oldest oak tree in the school premise.

Luke and Zareena were already there when we arrived. So cuddly and touchy with each other. The Marino twins were just behind us and I can identify their voices amidst the murmur without looking at them. We only have thirty more minutes to linger before classes begin. The boys were chatting about the gadgets newly released and of course, the never-ending video games. I sat beside Zareena who has this grin decorating her mouth.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" One brow arched with the question making her laughed.

"I really don't know why, bestie but you look radiant or glowing." My bestfriend reached out to pinch my cheeks. I groaned and swatted her hand off my face.

"You're crazy. And you know that, don't you?" I countered. "I'm beginning to ask myself why I'm friends with you."

The remark made her laughed one more time. She pinched my cheeks and held unto it longer. "You love me, Myah. You can't just resist me."

I pulled her hand harder this time coz my cheeks were hurting already from her pinch. "Let go, Zareena." And she did.

"What's going on here?" Chase's voice disrupted the banter I had with my bestfriend. His presence created goosebumps rising through my spine. Slowly turned to look up at his face. His hand touched a small part of my back that added more tingling sensations going haywire in my body.

"Hi there, Chase!" My friend beat me in greeting him.

"Hi, Zareena." He answered. "Hey." I managed to utter.

"Why are your cheeks so red? Are you blushing, Myah?" Chase has this funny look in his eyes."I didn't know I have such strong effect on you."

I quickly shook my head to deny. "No! It's not like that." I glared at him. "You're so full of yourself."

Zareena's eyes went back and forth between me and Chase. "Amazing. Instant reaction to each other."

"Shut up! This is your fault. If you haven't pinched my face, I wouldn't be looking like a tomato." I huffed with annoyance while hearing the rest of them snickering.

I walked out on them. My feet pulling me to the direction of the Science building where my locker is. I'm not really that angry with Zareena. I'm used to her being bully. Maybe I couldn't just understand myself when Chase is around.

"Can't take a joke?" I jumped on my track when I heard Chase behind me.

"You scared me to death!" I half shouted while touching my chest. "Don't you dare do that again, Chase." I can only imagine the look on my face. I didn't know he was following me after all this time. I didn't bother looking back after exiting from the group.

The area was still deserted with students and we had the hallway to ourselves. I rested my back on the cemented post of the building, trying to calm my heart since it was beating so fast.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you at all." Chase closed the gap between him and me. He just stood there. So close to me. My heart was doing its own wild dance. Heart, don't be a traitor.

No strength to look up to his face and be drowned in his gray eyes. My eyes on the floor, on our shoes.

"Myah, look at me." Chase almost whispered the demand. His finger touched my chin and tilted my face up.

"Why are you following me? Are you a stalker now?" I tried to sound unaffected but I know the loud beating of my heart was saying another thing.

He chuckled. "Are you okay?"

"I was." Chase chuckled again. "You didn't answer my question." He laughed and leaned into me, our foreheads touching. "Yes, I was following you. I just want to make sure you're safe."

My turn to laugh with a tinge of sarcasm. "Really? I'm in school. I'm safe here in the confine of the school. Nobody is going to come out and attack me. You're just like my parents. You go overboard with safety matters."

"I'm just concerned. Your parents are concerned. We don't want another incident to happen to you." I can see the sincerity in his eyes. "Is it difficult to comprehend our intentions?"

I closed my eyes afraid to see the truth in his gray orbs and looked away from him. I pushed his hand away that has been gripping my waist but he stood his ground. "I don't want to be impaired. I still want to be free and unhindered with what I do. I know there is a looming danger but I will take care of myself."

"Myah, we are fully aware that you can take care of yourself. I'm not taking anything away from you. Your parents as well. But you need us to help you on this matter until the attacker is caught." Chase was obviously getting frustrated with my reluctance. He sighed when I didn't respond.

He pulled me by the hand towards my first class for the day. "Let's go to class. We don't want to be late." At first, I was fuming with his roughness but shut up upon seeing the clock almost hitting eight o'clock.

I stood stucked near the door of the classroom when we stopped. My happiness earlier lifted from my heart replaced with uncertainties and lots of questions. "Listen, Sunshine. I'm here for you. I'll always be. Don't ask questions. Trust me." Chase pulled me close by the waist that our faces met, noses touched.

The next thing he did was kissed me ever so slowly on the lips. The gesture made me smile and surrendered to the feeling of floating and swaying on cloud nine.

Whispers from the students coming into the room brought us back to reality. He didn't let me disengaged right away from his arms. I heard a soft chuckle escaped from his lips. "See you later." I nodded before moving away from his presence, relieved and smiling.

Another trouble. This time for the heart.

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