The Story Of Dance || J.B ||

By twerkinontheirish

289K 4.8K 464

Jessica Blackburn is from Melbourne, Australia, she moved to San Francisco to pursue her dancing career with... More

The Story Of Dance - Justin Bieber Love Story
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five -
Happy Anniversary Justin! "Kidrauhl"
Chapter Six -
Chapter Seven -
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine -
Chapter ten -
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Please read! A/N
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty - One
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter Twenty - Six
Chapter Twenty - Seven
Chapter Twenty - Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter - Thirty
Chapter - Thirty One
Chapter Thirty - Two
Chapter Thirty - Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter thirty - six
Chapter Thirty - Seven
Chapter Thirty - Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Bonus Chapter- Happy Ending?
The Final - Part One.
The Final- Part two.
The Final - Part Three.

Chapter - Twenty Five

5.7K 97 18
By twerkinontheirish


Song - Don't you worry child - Cover - Anthem Lights.

"So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day..." - Ryan Gosling, The Notebook


"When can i leave this place?" Sadie groaned. I rolled my eyes. This is the 10th time she's asked in the last five minutes.

"Soon." I said rolling my eyes. - for the 10th time - "Not soon enough." She said standing up from her bed.

Its been exactly 1 day since Sadie has been awake, and she's already walking around and back to her -annoying- self. The doctor is supposed to be telling us when we can leave, and to say she's impatient is an understatement. Justin was forced to leave last night, because some fans somehow tracked him down so Kenny came and took him to a hotel. The rest of the crew was supposed to arrive in London this morning.. Emily and Julian called me late last night telling me they would be coming by today to see Sadie and i.

Sadie's manager came by this morning to visit her, telling her when she was well, she could return to work as soon as she could, she was quick to agree, saying how much she missed it.

Justin told Sadie once she was well enough to be out of here, she could come to one of the concerts, to say she was excited is a huge understatment. I was also excited to return to dancing.

"I'm so sick of it here!" She whined - once again -. I rolled my eyes. - Once again -. I chose not to say something, i just kept my head down looking at my twitter feed.

Bad decision: My whole timeline is filled with hate. Every since that news article came out, about Justin and I, my twitter had been filled with hate, yeah there's occasional nice ones- but its rare. I don't understand why people are so mean, they don't even know me. He hasn't made any statement about and neither have I. Scooter thought it would be easier for us to hold off on it. Which would best until at least the tour is over. I know Justin feels guilty about all of it, but he shouldn't. Truthfully; I don't care. Yes, it hurts but I love him so much I know we can get through it all. - I hope.

"Knock, Knock." I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Emily and Julian walking in bright smiles upon their faces. I squeeled and jumped up hugging each of them tightly. "I've missed you guys!" I said jumping up and down. "Us too!" Julian said winking. Emily nodded along, and walked over towards Sadie giving her a tight hug. "How are ya, sweets?" Emily asked. "Much better now!" She replied smiling.

We all got to talking about -pretty much everything- the tour, her modelling, and much to my displeasure Justin and I's relationship. Don't get me wrong, i'm not ashamed, its just that i hate attention.

Julian and Emily were squeeling about how cute we were -yes squeeling- It was quite odd, really. Sadie was laughing and nodding along. I honestly never thought i wouldn't be able to have anymore of these talks with her. I couldn't be happier.


"Ah! I'm so excited!" Sadie squeeled. I smiled at her happiness and started smiling mself. She got released from the hospital shortly after Julian and Emily arrived and she was quick to bring up the concert that was tonight. Hints her squeels. Right now she's backstage squeeling every second possible. But, if she's happy. I'm happy.

"Jess!" Pattie squeeled running towards me. "Pattie!" I said back hugging her tightly. Not gonna lie; i've missed Pattie almost as much as Justin. Don't think i'm weird - its just i haven't had a 'parental' figure since my mum and dad passed, and i'm quite enjoying it. Just because i'm dating her son doesn't mean i can't have that kind of connection with her.

"I've missed you sweetie!" She said pulling away from our hug. "Me too!" I said smiling. "This must be the famous Sadie?" She asked looking towards Sadie who was beaming with excitement. I nodded laughing. "Yup." I chirped happily.

"Hello." Sadie smiling at her. "Hey, sweetie." Pattie said hugging her. She's so friendly. Why can't everyone be like her? "I'm glad your feeling better." Pattie stated. They soon got into a converstation talking about Sadie's modelling career, and i got pulled away for wardrobe change. 

I'm so excited to be back to dancing on the tour. It's only been a week and a half, but  i missed it like its been months.


"If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go." Justin sang the last verse perfectly. The crowd roared and the lights switched off. I ran off the stage with everyone else. Adrenaline was pumping through my vains, and i couldn't have been happier. "That was awesome!" Emily squeeled taking her black heels off. I nodded along taking my shoes off too; i hate heels.

"Oh, yes! I'm so happy to be back." I said through a smile. "Yeah. Too bad. I was really enjoying dancing up-front with Juju." Skylar's voice was heard from the dressing room door. I looked towards her to see her smirking. I just rolled my eyes. Since when does anyone call him 'Juju'?

Hold up, she took my spot while i was gone? What the hell? I looked at Emily to see her avoiding all eye - contact. Why wouldn't she tell me? Why didn't Justin tell me? He knows we hate eachother and he didn't tell me she would practically be rubbing up against him. I assumed Emily would be taking my place, i don't mind her doing that, she has no romantic attraction to him. Skylar definatly does. She would do just about anything to get him into her bed just to get to me.

"Hell yeah! That was amazing!" Justin said coming into the room - shirtless - I looked down so he wouldn't see me oggling him. His ego is big enough.

"Language." Pattie said walking in, Sadie following behind her practically jumping up and down. She was invited to sit with the crew in the private box. I knew she'd enjoy that.

"Omg. That was amazing. You all were amazing." She said jumping ontop of me. Literally. I laughed and pushed her off a bit. "I know." Skylar said flipping her hair over and sitting down. "Except you." Sadie said rolling her eyes. I snorted. Yeah, i told her about Skylar turning into a bitch. Let's just say she doens't take it well when someone is rude towards me. Same way with me.

Skylar gasped and shot daggers towards Sadie's back, but Sadie could care less. She might have been in a coma for days, but she can still kick someone's ass.

Everyone tried to hide their laughter, but they were failing. I shook my head at Sadie who was now engaged into a conversation with Alfredo.

"Justin! You have a M&G in a few. Get ready." Scooter said coming into the room. Justin nodded and walked off to his dressing room. Seconds later my phone buzzed, i unlocked my phone and read the message;

- Come to my dressing room. :) - Justin

I smiled and stood up, i quickly made my way out and made my way towards his dressing room. I caught a look at myself in the mirror still wearing a tight black tank top, black leather short-shorts and my hot pink socks replacing my black heels that were in my hand. Wow, i look like a slut.

I laughed under my breath and entered the dressing room with 'Justin Bieber' on the door. I looked around and saw; no one. Hmm. Suddenly, someone grabbed from behind and started kissing my neck, immediatly smelling Justin's cologne. I smiled and turned around in his arms, looking into his brown eyes.

"I've missed you." He said smiling. I smiled back. "I've missed you, too." I replied smirking. He picked me up, making me squeel. He sat back on the couch, me on his lap. He smashed his lips on mine and we soon got heated. Someone started banging on the dressing room door, making us spring apart. "Who the hell?" He asked angrily.

"Bieber! You have a M&G in like 5 minutes! Get your ass out here!" Scooter yelled jiggling the -locked- door. Locked? "I locked the door, when you were turned around." He said laughing. Okay then. "Be out in a second!" He yelled back. We heard desending foot steps, and i hopped off his lap. "We will finish this later." He said winking. He slipped a red onesie on, before putting his black high tops on, he grabbed his snapback while grabbing my hand.

"Why don't you come to the M&G?" He asked me. I quickly shook my head. "Why not?" He asked pouting. "I look like a hoe and i wanna spend my last few nights with Sadie before we leave." I said smiling. "Okay. I understand." He said through a laugh, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer. We stopped in front of the door with a gold sign stuck to it labelled 'M&G'. Before he left, he pecked my lips and leaned towards me ear. "I like that look on you." He said pulling back, he winked and walked into the room.

Oh my God. This boy, will be the literal death of me.


Hope you enjoyed! :) x I love you allll.


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