
By yagirlzuzu

18.5K 1.8K 1.3K

i mean i'm only here to argue More

before i rant
lana del rey
heavy metal n hardcore n ish
age gaps in fanfics
wattpad problems
girl problems
slut shaming *TW*
(TW) ableism x neurotypicals
more fuckboyness??
black ppl hair
cultural appropriation part one.
cultural appropriation part two
lana del rey!!!!!!!!!
about me...
whaaaatt? what
mini rants about boys
spanish boyz again!
exterminate neurotypicals 2015 -- TW
poc speaks hell yeah hell yeah
writing skills
kid @ camp
dont judge challenge
bitch, hoe, slut, whore
love from a black girl's pov
mariah noticed me
kylie jenner
insta arguments
im big blonde and beautiful
jack gilinsky(tw i think- vERY sexual content)
jack gilinsky again!!!!
"i'm gay for..."
angry black ppl
jack or jack
boys fr
your fave is problematic
papi chulo
body positive
friends and media/politics
honeymoon *go listen NOW*
friends and media/politics pt. 2
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morning routine
inner happiness && soul
not ur body, not ur problem
stats on wattpad
cute convos with holly
lesson of the day
i hate
high by the beach
"i wish that i could wake up with amnesia" TW
fuck tha police - nwa
its lit
i'm kinda excited
god bless
it's up!! *pls read*
what the fcuk
types of fanfics i hate
this is so ugh tw
im still pissed
Straight ppl
i only date white girls part 1
i only date white girls part 2
i only date white girls part 3
pity party
shade n school
ask fm
school series: first day
ffffuckiinggg fight me
fuckboy talking out of turn
uh yeah
school series: papi chulo who's white
white feminists
art hoe tag
soccer n my dad
tag thingy
things today
fav songs
shitty day
okay wtf is today
this hoe
rantable 2.0
school series: latin is ok
u got games on ur phone ???
things i hate while reading smut
jeremy mcdole
my dream
flexing ?
september favorites
okay back ten or more steps out
fall into fall tag
new books
new york
annoying religious people
im so tired
cute white boy
asian fetish
damn you
the mirabellas : ts3
holly owns u now
the n word
birthday party
damn you but that's not the point!
not working
old disney tag
just sayin
fall tag as heck
internet fame
what the fuck
do u guys remember
today was p bomb
me n my gayness
im really happy and sad

i took hella long but

94 5 18
By yagirlzuzu

here's smutty and shy gilinsky

shy is from one fanfic im writing and smutty is from a different fic

lmaoo so i decided to do both for obvious reasons

soooo this isn't necessarily shy jack this is jack feeling attacked lol and another character talking about how jack never gets shy.

but enjoy...

"Close your mouth, wouldn't wanna catch flies."

Jack closed his mouth abruptly before opening his mouth again to speak,

"Listen, I wanna apologize for the way we met yesterday."

"Oh, it's okay- it's not like you could've invaded the space of plenty of girls if there were more in there," Valentina shook her head, speaking in her fluent sarcasm as usual.

"Alright, I'm sorry. We were being d*mb and annoying- and I didn't think anyone would be naked or anything. I mean thankfully you weren't... that wouldn't be super bad but you know what I mean. Could we maybe just start over? Like, can I get your number?" Jack stuttered at first but it was clear that at the end he wanted to sound smooth enough to get Valentina's number. Valentina laughed out loud, almost choking on the water she had to swallow. Jack made a face, but tried not to look too offended.

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend if you can have my number?"

"It's not like she owns me... I'm not gonna send you dick pics in the middle of the night."

"You can have my Twitter. Occasionally favorite my inspirational tweets- DM me every now and then," Valentina compromised, blatantly ignoring his comment about dick pictures. Jack scrambled for his phone and pulled it out of his backpack, handing it to her. Valentina nodded with a smile and opened his twitter app. She tapped in her name and pressed the follow button when her account came up. She handed it back, and only a few moments after she handed Jack her phone, her's made multiple notification sounds. Jack smirked up at her, his dark eyes igniting in some type of way, which made Valentina feel some type of way. It wasn't that Valentina was playing hard to get, there was no denying that Gilinsky was fine as hell, but there was no denying that he was so annoying that it was almost impossible to look past his personality and pay attention to his looks.

"Earth to Valentina..." Jack said, no longer putting her in a position where his looks personally victimized her and instead facing forward.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I have to follow you back, don't I?" Valentina asked, trying her best to stay on her game. Gilinsky chuckled,

"Yeah, babe."

"Babe?" Valentina's head instantly snapped up from the glowing screen of her phone. Jack clenched his jaw, making his jawline so visible that Valentina felt as though it could bend her phone in half and snap it. (LMAOO HOLLY THIS WOULD BE ME IF SOMEONE OTHER THAN U CALLED ME BABE)

"I call... people babe sometimes... not all the time, it's not just my girlfriend. I'm sorry, it slipped- I..."

"Save it fetus," Valentina used the same tone that she had with him the time he and his friend stormed into the girls' bathroom.

"S-sorry," Jack stuttered, scratching the back of his head.

Valentina hummed and typed in a tweet, making sure to send it to Jack on her page.

valentina ramirez | @ramiiimamiii

status ; not interested @jackgilinsky

Jack's eyes moved frantically across the screen as he read what Valentina had tweeted him. He furrowed his brows in either confusion or anger, it was unclear to Valentina. It didn't matter though, his girlfriend was coming, so he pulled up a chair to sit across from her, sending Valentina anxious glances throughout the entire lunch.

part two of shy gilinsky -

"I don't get it though... why isn't anybody minding their own business?" Valentina asked, sharpening her pencil and starting her homework, which was to draw a sketch of college life without using a picture of the school or people or study objects. It wasn't a big deal that Jack stuttered, smooth people mess up all the time. And this wasn't high school, it was sophomore year of college, Valentina would expect people to be mature about things that were none of their business.

"Um, because, Jack is... he's all-out confident. No girl ever gets him nervous, and in general, he never gets nervous. But he got nervous around you. You're special," Mia said, as if it was that simple to just say it like that. Valentina shook her head- studies came first, boys came after college... after she graduated college.

"You're implying that he likes me? Like, has a crush on me? Remember, Mia, adultery is a sin..." Valentina retorted, half-joking.

"It really depends on what you follow, but okay. And yes, I'm sure he does. I think he was upset after lunch. He literally came to me, it looked like he'd been crying."

Valentina snorted, "I doubt that he'd be crying over me."

"Come on, just be nicer to him. You can even talk to him during breakfast. Just smile at him or something, it's not that hard."

Mia seemed serious now, but Valentina refused to believe that Jack had a crush on her. A crush was different than an attraction, and that's probably what Jack felt towards her, but she'd make an effort to be nice to Jack the next day.

okay so that was the "shy" side of jack from that one fan fiction. onto the next!!!

He rolled his tongue in his cheek, which led down to a very defined jawline before saying,

"Alright, let's go."

He wore a tie dye shirt and khaki shorts. Despite his terrible outfit combination, the short moment Paris was allowed to gaze into his deep puppy dog brown eyes made it work. While walking behind him, Paris envisioned again and again the mess of dark amber hair, imagined the loose strand in front of his face that made him look like a 90s kid. She loved boys, attractive boys, smart boys, but he was almost as cute as Sam, who was still texting her. She'd abandon him and text him at night when they were supposed to be sleeping, just in case any counselors tried to steal her phone during the long day. Paris let out a high pitched sigh behind him, running her fingers through her hair, then looking down at his fingers. They were nice- big, neatly trimmed nails, muscly. That was what she could describe them as.

He turned around with a slight smirk when she sighed, and she looked over her shoulder as if someone behind them had made the extravagant noise. As if there was anyone behind him. Jack walked through the corridors and out, seeming to take a while to get to the cabin. He turned around to face Paris fully and started walking backwards. Paris was too engaged in her Twitter feed to notice until he chuckled. Then she looked up.

"What's so funny?" She asked, not wanting to sound rude but not wanting to sound like a little child at the same time.

"You're cute," Paris admired the way he spoke- barely pronouncing the r, but not sounding like a three year old. It was kind of like the way Sammy talked, in a very relaxed and comfortable way. She cleared her throat, not wanting her voice to crack.

"Thank you. I'm afraid I don't know who you are."

"I'm Jack Gilinsky. Think I'm your counselor," he said, through chewing gum and smiling with very sharp canine teeth.

"I think you are. I'm Paris," Paris replied with a small smile that lasted for five seconds. She was glad he was complimenting him, because he would probably be the highlight of her day, but hopefully not the camp. Maybe it would suddenly get better. Who knew?

"Liking the name... how old are you?"

"I'm 16," Paris flashed another warm smile, reminiscing her Sweet Sixteen party. Jack nodded,

"You're old enough to be a counselor."

"Shit. I am. I could be a counselor right now... if I actually wanted to come here," Paris tried not to snicker because she knew she would start to snort. Jack made a confused face, then looking her up and down,

"Why didn't you wanna come here?"

"I completely despise this camp. It's a pain to be here, I don't love it. Or like it. Or even tolerate it. See, I was supposed to go to Brazil this summer like I usually do, but my parents thought I needed a break."

"So let me guess, you're from Brazil?"

"Si, e Italiano, e Columbiana. E voce?" (gUYS I USED GOOGLE TRANSLATE but it says yes, and italian, and columbian. what about you?)

"Damn, and you speak Portugese. Shit," Jack cussed.

"You're about to walk straight into that trash can," Paris said softly, pointing over Jack's shoulder.

He swiftly turned around before he could dunk himself into the trashcan, and opened the door to the cabin. He put a finger into the air,

"Thanks for the memo."


part two of smutty gilinsky -

Paris looked at Jack's sullen eyes, dark brown and sinking- almost droopy. It gave her the impression that he dealt and did hard drugs when the lights went out for the campers back here. She could be wrong though, if he was scared of being fired, he wouldn't smoke.

"Most of them are mine," Jack said, shrugging.

"Oh, shit. Really? How the hell did you not get caught, dude?" Sam asked, wiping at his mouth with his whole hand. Paris furrowed her perfectly arched brows- she didn't care that Gilinsky smoked, she just found it unusual that he was able to smoke during camp.

"What the fuck?" Paris drawled, and Gilinsky's eyes darted straight towards her.

"I quit a while ago though. I-I'm not smoking anymore," Jack stuttered, eyes brimming with apprehension.

"It's not that, it's just so weird. I mean, you leave all these cigarettes on the ground and don't even get caught?"

"Oh I've gotten caught," Jack said, emitting a humorless laugh. "I've been known to bring the girls back here."

Paris raised a brow, and Jack shook his head, "I'm not a weirdo or anything. It's the thirteen, fourteen, fifteen year old girls that are easily influenced and post child pornography on their Instagrams- they follow me back here when I smoke and pressure me to give it to them. I just let them smoke, to be honest. Once I was with an older girl though, she was really hot- and she brought liquor to camp. We might have drunk a little too much- which ended with us hooking up behind here. I got caught by Karen, Trudy's younger assistant. She didn't do anything though, I offered her a favor so she wouldn't tell."

"What was the favor!" Sam exclaimed, piping up his voice. Jack smiled cunningly,

"Let's just say, it's not camp-appropriate."

Paris made a face that showed what she hoped was an accepting physiognomy towards the recital of his previous actions. Sam laughed loudly and high fived Jack, who made a fist afterwards.

"And you still smoke here?" Paris asked, clasping her arms together. Jack seemed to have completely forgotten about her.


"What's the matter, princess? Can't handle a little load?" Sam teased, raising his brow condescendingly.

"Oh please, you sound like you're talking about someone cumming on my face. I can handle smoking. You know I've stolen your 'weed stash' tons of times, little bitch (go and shake that ass for these tips)," Paris shook her head, not the slightest bit bothered by Sam's taunting. Jack must have picked up that she wasn't, so he handed her his pack of cigarettes.

part three of smutty gilinsky -

"Yeah, it's chill," Paris agreed with a smile. Jack spread out on his bed and grabbed the remote by his pillow, pressing it to make the TV spin out. He turned it on and switched to his DVR, where he recorded reruns of How to Get Away With Murder. "Holy, shit, I love you. You watch Murder too?"

Jack nodded, eyes transfixed on the TV.

"You guys are so adorable. Not Gilinsky, but together," Sam jabbered, beaming.

"What do you mean?" Paris asked, placing a hand on her hip, the glow of the television shining on her back.

"Come on, you're like twins. You smoke, you drink occasionally, you get along, you both obviously think the other is cute. And, you both hang out. All I'm saying is, you guys should fuck," Sam explained himself, brutally honest as always. Jack slammed his hand into his face and Paris just smiled.

She sat criss cross applesauce in front of Jack on his bed, who was laying down. Sam's eyes widened as he whipped out his phone, opened the camera app and pressed the red button to take a video. Paris faced the camera, a huge grin on her face. Jack was suddenly stiff as Paris gripped his chin tightly.

"Should we fuck?" Paris asked, nearly glowering at the camera. Sam snickered,


Jack sat up a little, using his arms to support him, but Paris pushed him back down, using one hand.

"Really?" Paris asked, still smiling as if this was the most exciting moment of her life. Sam nodded, moving the camera up and down as well. Paris giggled like a little girl, "Don't call me a slut afterwards, okay?"

Jack looked at her, shock and desire in his eyes. Paris uncrossed her legs and got on her hands and knees, crawling not even half a step towards Gilinsky, she was too close to him already. She put her legs over each side of his crotch, straddling him. She grabbed his chin again, moving her head slowly towards him, targeting the lips. She kept her breathing steady and her eyes locked on his, as his hands moved towards her hips, keeping them still and at the right place. Her lips just as much as brushed his when she suddenly glided her head up, moving away from Jack. She wriggled off of him, laughing and flipping Sam off in the direction of the camera.

"Fuck you, Sam," she chortled. Sam playfully rolled his eyes, still holding the camera to get Paris' every moment. "I'm not going to fuck Gilinsky while there's a camera rolling."

"Would you ever without a camera?" Sam asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Paris responded silently by rolling her eyes. Jack was positioned on the bed frozen, his hands in the air where Paris' back used to be. Sam laughed at him, zooming in on him while he sat there muddled and unsatisfied. He didn't expect her to go all out, but his boner had said something else. Paris grabbed the camera from him and paused the video, pushing her hair back with one hand.

"Can we do something entertaining? Besides have a threesome, Sam," Paris added the side comment blandly, knowing that Sam's open mouth was about to say something of the sort. He made a faux upset face, his smile turning down into a mock frown. Jack's eyes were still fixated on the low volume TV. Paris reached over him and shut it off.

"Come on, you guys. I'm sure there's something fun that we can do. It doesn't have to involve drinking or smoking or sex. Come on, I thought boys were fun," Paris whined, plopping down in a chair next to Sam.

"Well of course they are- the only boy you've ever hung out with has been me anyways," Sam said, snickering to himself as Paris glared at him. She flicked his forehead with her long nails, ceasing his obnoxious laughter.

"The lake. Oh my gosh, the lake! We could so go by there," Jack suggested, pitching in to the conversation after a while. Paris felt bad that she did him like that, it was clear he expected something more than getting swerved, but Paris knew that she had gathered enough maturity to handle her desire for Jack- especially on camera.

"Uh, just because I bought a swimsuit doesn't mean I have to swim! Especially not in a damn lake- people probably used that for all sorts of stuff," Paris shuddered, imagining the dirty things that lake might have had to go through.

"Oh, she's kinda right man," Sam said, pointing towards Paris. Jack shrugged,

"I don't care. I'm going in."

Paris sighed, looking between Sam and Jack. They both seemed content on going, and Paris didn't want to be left alone with Siena and Amandla, so she obliged, standing up from the chair just as everyone else had stood up from whatever they were sprawled out upon. Paris folded her arms,

"Just let me get my bikini."

Sam crinkled his eyes in amusement a smirk playing upon his lips,

"Who said you had to wear a bikini?"


i feel like this was more smutty sammy than gilinsky bc i made sure sam was a horny motherfucker in that second book ahhhha

anyways my writing skills are wack

like i used to be amazing at writing and then i started reading really poorly written fanfiction rather than real books which i read all the time and my skills decreased lmao bye


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