Love, Lust & Broken Trust

By Lawson_5

852 67 4

Tabitha's mother has had enough of her gothic hermit ways so she sends her away to stay with her youthful cou... More

Making Changes
Meeting Each Other
Let's Party
Work With Me
Let's Play
Work It Out?
Carnival Fun
Boy Friend, Not Boyfriend
A Day At The Park
The Only One
Talk About Trust
Old Friends
Farewell Erik
Getting Ready
Party for Tabby
A Bloody Mess
Just Friends
Meet The Teachers Night
What Am I Doing?
Feelings & Comfort
Hanging out
First Day Of School
Doing For Myself
Who's, Who?
Bully or Boyfriend?
Two Of You
So I Like Someone
I'm Saying Yes Dummy!
Let's Start This Party
My Girl
The Chase
Oh, By The Way
Fun With Friends
Graduate Early
I'm Done
Time To Travel
Watch Her Grow
It's Time
Firming Up
I Said No!
Prom Night
They Can't Go
I'm Taking Them
A Big Surprise
Time To Go
Keeping Connected
Just A Visit
The Accident
Getting Over It
Bye Bye Birthday
Trying To Get Them Back
Car/Bike Wash
Make Up - Break Up
Happy Birthday Alright
What Happened?
I'll Teach You
Back To Long Beach
Wedding In The Park
My Son's
Drinking Secrets
Play Time
Christmas Eve Blow Up
Merry Christmas
I Love You

You Have to Change

79 4 4
By Lawson_5


I stand at my locker filling my bag when Maddie attacks me from behind babbling about some random subjects then starts cleaning out her locker.

Maddie I have to talk to you before we go to class.

She turns from her locker flipping her blonde hair to stare at me.

Well go ahead, talk. We don't have all day you know.

I frown at her then. She's always so bossy and we're nothing alike at all but she's my best friend.

Maddie I told you I've been fighting with my mom a lot. Well, she's making me leave for the summer. I have to go stay with my cousin out in Long Beach.

She freezes.

What! Why? Is it because you went all goth?

She demands answers as her blue eyes grow wide.

She doesn't like the way I dress or how I'm a so called... "hermit"

I finger quote.

You wear to much black and why all the black Make-up?

I imitate my mom making Maddie laugh.

I'll be back before senior year begins but I wanted to tell you before I left. Plus I won't get to see you again until I get back.

What! When are you leaving?

Mom said I have to leave in the morning.

That's when Tanner the best looking guy in the school walked by and I catch a whiff of his cologne. I can't help but look as he passes. That is until Maddie snaps her fingers in front of my face.

Earth to Tabby.

I look at her innocently


She shakes her head.

Girl he's way outta both our leagues. Now, since you weren't listening. Make sure you send pictures while you're gone. I've never left this God forsaken town. I swear when I get a chance I'm outta here. And make sure you tell Will bye to.

I promise her I will then grab the last few things from my locker and head to algebra. We don't have any work to do so Mr. Marshall put a movie in. I walk to the back of the class as usual taking my seat and putting my head down. Then draw on one of my notebooks until a hand slams down on my desk.

Hey freak show. Why don't you try to be a normal girl. Maybe then you might get a boyfriend or at least a real friend. No not even then. You're too much a freak to have real friends.

The guy laughs but I ignore it I'm use to it. This happens pretty regularly with him.

Well freak, can't you talk?

He pushs trying to get a rise out off me. Jared Huber our schools wrestling champ and might I add a total jerkface. I hold my tongue until the bell rings then I hurry to leave.

That's it run away goth girl, run away. Freak.

I look back at him making him flinch but he continues his bullying. I go straight to my car passing Will on my way out. I quickly say bye then headed home. The thought of changing makes me cringe but the thought of making Jared want me so bad he can taste it is rather intriguing. I pull in at home and start toward my room to pack but my mom calls me to the kitchen.

Tabitha come in here, I bought some things for you.

I smile. Wow, mom bought me something. She never buys me things. Oh God... it's probably something stupid, it always is. I get to the kitchen to find her standing at the counter with three large suit cases.

Um mom?

I look at her and them confused but she smiles.

I bought these and packed em for you so you could go see your uh... friends. Before you leave.

I hug her. I know she means well even if I'm against this but she apparently needs a break from me and my drama. Since dad and Devon left, we've struggled to move on. We don't talk much and she works constantly. I'm practically home alone all the time. I go to my room and call Maddie but she doesn't answer so I leave a message for her to call me then wait but mom yells.


I walk down the hall to see what she wants.


I asks annoyed that she's bothering me but she frowns.

Don't get all snooty with me. I'm going to the mall for a few things and you don't have a swim suit so come on. We'll get you one.

I look at her like she's crazy then.

Mom I don't plan on swimming while I'm there.

She laughs.

Please... You're gonna be there for nearly three months. You know you're gonna swim. Now let's go.

I grumble to myself as I walk to the car.

Oh quit it. We never do anything together. It won't kill you to spend a couple hours with your mother.

I puff, annoyed.

Yeah mom like you want to be seen with me. You're sending me away because of how I look and now you want to be seen with me in public. Excuse me if I don't jump right up believing that.

She frowns.

I know it sounds bad when you say it that way but I just want my little girl back. Not this dark, goth, hermit girl that hides herself all the time. I'm sorry if you don't understand honey but I you will one day. This is for the best.

I sit there quiet for a minute then turn to face her.

Okay mom. I'll do it, I'll do my part and try to make a change for the better but you have to accept me for who I am when I get back. Deal?

She smiles her green eyes softening as she glances over at me. Her short brown hair bouncing around her face.

Deal. But only if you lose the goth look.

I laugh

Okay mom.

We pull in and park. Ugh... I hate coming to the mall. People are so rude to me here. Just because I'm different they treat me like trash. We walk in and mom walks straight to Kohl's where we pick through the swim suits, then she insist I get some shorts and tank tops. I go straight to the black but she pulls me to the bright colorful things. After the torture's over we grab some new sandals for both of us but she insist I get a beach towel so I pick one and we head to the front of the store to check out. As we walk to the check out she grabs a beautiful black bag but it's huge. I look but just keep walking. I wanna get outta this place. We check out and she starts stuffing everything in the bag.

This is your beach bag Tabitha. When we get home we'll get your things put in your truck then we'll have dinner.

I smile liking that idea.

Okay mom.

I hop in and we head down the road. When we get home I take my new clothes to the kitchen to finish packing but my phone goes off.

I'm bossy, I'm the bitch y'all love to hate...

I answer before it finishes but mom gives me the stink eye so I leave my things and walk to the living room while she starts dinner.

Hey Maddie. It's about time you called back. What took so long?

She huffs.

Excuse me but my phone was dead and last I checked you're still not my mommy.

I shake my head.

Yeah whatever. While you were waiting for your phone to charge I got stuck going shopping with my mom. We just got home. Do you want to come over?

The line falls silent.


She mumbles something to someone.

Huh... Oh sorry Tabby. My cousins are here and you know how they can be.

I frown knowing I'm stuck with mom tonight.

Okay. I guess I'll see you at the end of summer then.

I hear some giggles then someone calls to her.

Maddie come on we have to get going. Tell her to get lost, she's a freak.

She growls angrily.

Tabby I have to go. I have something to take care of.

I can hear the venom in her voice and hang up knowing my best friend is on the war path. I walk back to the kitchen where my mom already has my things put away and moved the to the floor by the doorway.

Mom I would've gotten my luggage, I'm not that lazy.

She laughs

I know dear but I needed the counter so I took care of it. I made Chicken Alfredo abs set the table. Can you get the drinks?

I grab two glasses and the tea jug and we sit down to eat then I do the dishes before putting my things in my truck and straighten up the house.

How about we watch a movie dear?

She asks looking at me questioningly.

Okay, but nothing sappy.

She laughs then grabs Pitch Perfect while I make popcorn. We sit down and watch the movie.

You know you could do that Tabitha. You have a wonderful voice.

I laugh at her.

You have to say that. You're my mom.

She grins

No honey. If you sucked I'd tell you. I still have all your talent show videos.

I shake my head.

Okay, movies over I'm gonna go sing in the shower. How about that.

I joke but she laughs

You do that honey I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight.

She gets up and quietly walks to her room.

Night mom.

I go to the bathroom closing the door behind me. I pull off my choker and brush my long black hair. I take my black leather pants and black leather lace up vest top. Mom hates that I dress goth and says I dress to provocative but I dress modest compared to some of the other girls around here. Plus it's not like I go out very often. Occasionally I'll go to the park and meet Maddie so we can sneak over to party at the frat houses. College people don't seem to care that I'm goth. I have such a major social life let me tell you. I take my lip and nose rings out per mom's orders then take out my color contacts and take my shower. I get my laptop out and lay in bed. It blinks then hums to life. Just as I *****

Beep.. Beep.. Beep..

My alarm screams so I smack it to shut it off.

Ugh... Why does my first day of summer have to be so crappy?

I drag myself out of bed to get dressed. I look in my dresser but all my clothes are gone so I look in the closet there's only a couple things so I put them on. My black skirt with back lace layers and black tank top I pull on my torn leggings and put on my gloves and choker. I put in my black contacts to change my eye color from green to near black then open my bag putting my black lipstick on then do my eyes. Afterward I walk to the living room to find my older brother Devon standing there with my mom.

Oh my god Tabitha! Is that really you?

He says looking at me shocked but I frown.

What are you doing here? What?! Did you get tired of your daddy?!

I spit the he words at him.


Mom scolds me.

What we don't need him! He chose to go with that bastard!

I stomp over to my boots shoving them on, quickly lacing them up.

It's okay mom. She doesn't know everything so it's okay.

He says comforting her. I snap my head around to face then as I stand up. My long legs and these boots make me as tall as him.

And what is it that I don't know?!

I demand putting my hand on my hip while jabbing him in the chest. I haven't seen my brother in three years and he's very well built but I don't care he's still my brother and he left us to live with, him...


I demand again as they look at each other.

I didn't have a choice Tabby. I was made to go with dad because I'm his son but mom got you because you're a girl. Dad is a bastard and his new wife's a bitch so I got away. I moved here when I graduated.

I look at our mom, who's near tears now.

You let him separate us? Why?

I stare at her but Devon answers

Tabitha it wasn't her choice. The judge done it. If you're gonna be mad, be mad but not at mom. Hell, take it out on me if you have to.

I shake my head.

That's just stupid. Why did you wait so long to come home? You were seventeen then back then? If you moved when you graduated you've waited two years to come since you moved here. We've been here this whole time.

He shrugs

I guess I wasn't sure you would have me back.

I look at mom who's crying now so I suck up my own feelings of abandonment for her and sigh.

Of course we do Devon. We've missed the years with you. You should've came sooner. We love you.

I insist but he looks at me shocked as a small smile pulls at the corner of his lips. Although my conversation with him is defiantly not over and I think he knows it. Then the clock chimes so I look at mom who frowns.

Well I hate to run since you just got here but mom's kicking me out for the summer so you two catch up but I have to go. I love you.

I hug mom then look at him and hesitantly hug him before heading to my truck.

Hey. Where are you going and why is mom throwing you out?

He asks as I throw my purse in my passenger seat but mom grabs it making me look at her.

I'm going to Jessica's for the summer for a makeover. I have to change the way I am because mom wants me to change. She doesn't like the way I look.

He chuckles so I look at him making him fall silent and tightly closing his lips with a smile.

Have fun during your transformation.

He says but I turn my attention to mom.

What are you doing with my purse?

She smirks.

Taking these.

She puts my purse back holding up some of my make-up.

Kiss them goodbye honey. You made the deal remember.

I scoff then start my truck.

Okay... I'll call when I get there. I love you, bye.

I say hugging them one last time before I back out and head out of Taft. I jump on the highway and head toward Long Beach.

Ugh, I hate the idea of this but Jessica's awesome and she'll be waiting when I get there.

I crank up the stereo and cruise.

Thanks for reading.
Please feel free to comment.

This chapter may have spelling errors. I have edited it but I may have missed a few.

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