(Discontinued) Harry Potter O...

By tf-is-fanfic

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Thank you for taking interest in my book! I am sorry to inform you that my book is no longer taking requests... More

Draco for Carmen
Ron x Reader
Draco x Reader x Harry
Brother!Cedric x Sister!Reader x Friend!Cho
Neville x Reader
Draco for Savannah
Brother!Draco x Sister!Reader
Fred x Reader
Dean x Reader
Draco for Savannah Pt 2
Draco for Annabelle
Draco for Bella Rose
Draco for Annabelle pt 2
Draco for Samantha
Neville for Jassmine
Drarry *Lemon*
Ron for Ella
Harry for Moony (Hareem)
Neville for Jassmine pt 2
Ron for Ella Scene 2
Draco x Fem!Reader *Lemon*
Harry for Angel
Draco for Jasmine
Oliver for Jazmyn
Harry for Bree
Neville x Reader
SPN x Reader x HP pt 2
Draco for Annabelle
Charlie for Sophie
Oliver x Reader
Pansy for Carmen
uh... hey...
Draco for Chloe
Ok (a/n)
Draco for Jasmine
Draco x Reader

Supernatural x Reader x Harry Potter

2.6K 32 20
By tf-is-fanfic


There you were, trying to get to America again. You had a job to do and you were going to finish it. All you had to do was get some information that was too top secret for owls and come back. So, you wouldn't be home for a week or so. Great.

You finally made it to America and got a hotel room. You didn't have to meet the others until tomorrow so you made your way to the library. You were looking at the 'lore' books they had when a very tall, handsome man sat in front of you.

"Are you into lore," he asks, smiling at you.

"Yeah. I see you're into it as well," you said, motioning to the books in front of him.

"You could say that," his eyebrows pulled together.

"Sam, pay attention to me! I'm bored," a man, who you didn't notice sitting next to you, whined.

"Not now," 'Sam' glared at the other male.

"Oh. Who are you," the other man said now leaning closer to you.

"(Y/n)," you replied, leaning away from him.

"I'm Lucifer," he smiled.

"That's an interesting name," you smiled.

Lucifer? How? Lucifer is a biblical figure. Is he really real? Or is this just his name or nickname?

"I'm Sam," the other man said.

"Nice to meet you two," you smiled once more, closing the book in front of you.

"Sammy! Did you find it yet," another man walked up.

Three hot men surrounding you. Your face had to be red by now.

"Who are you," the new man's eyes widened when he noticed you.

"(Y/n)," you said.

"I'm Dean," he smiled at you.

You took a moment to look at the two boys, ignoring the other beside you for a moment. One was very tall, brown hair, amazing eyes, and had an intelligent vibe to him. The other was shorter, dark blonde hair, amazing eyes as well, and seemed smart. On to Lucifer. He was medium height, dirty blonde (please someone help me on this), blue eyes, and seemed smart as well.

"Hello? (Y/n)? You there," Lucifer waved his hand in your face.

"H-Huh? Y-Yeah," you mentally slapped yourself.

"Are you okay? Do you need fresh air? Water," Sam asked.

You looked at the three of them, "No. I just got a little distracted."

"By our faces," Lucifer smirked, leaning closer to you. You blushed and stuttered out a small 'no'.

"Lucifer, leave the poor girl alone," Dean groaned.

"It's getting late. I should go," you quickly gathered your books to put them away.

"We can give you a ride," Sam offered which earned him a small hit to the side by Dean.

"No. I'm fine," they followed you around.

"Look, we really need to give you a ride okay," Sam said, grabbing your arm.

Your eye twitched, "For?" You pulled your arm out of his grip.

San took the books out of your hands to carry (ON MY WAYWARD SON) them for you, "It's 10 at night we just want to make sure you get home safely."

"I can ensure my own safety. Thanks," you said glaring at the man.

You saw Dean and Sam whispering about something, but you ignored them and took the books back from Sam. You stormed off to the lore section and put away your books where they belonged. Someone grabbed your waist and put a cloth over your face. You freaked out and tried not to breathe, but of course you ended up breathing and passed out.

When you started to wake up, you could hear yelling and all kind of other noises. You couldn't open your eyes though. You started to move to see if you could get out. Soon someone rubbed your eyes and you could open them again and they cut off your ropes. It was Sam. You looked at his hands and saw a putty type substance on his fingers.

"What is that? Where am I? Did you kidnap me," you said, now standing.

"I'm not sure what this is, it was on your eyes. You are in the middle of no where. And, no we didn't kidnap you," he answered very calmly.

"Then who did," you glared at him.

"We've taken care of them. You aren't hurt or anything right," he asked looking at you.

"I don't think so," you said looking over your body, "Um, Sam, I don't think my back should be bleeding."

He gently turned you around, "Can I lift up your shirt?"

"Um, sure. Don't peek around to the front though," you blushed.

He pulled up your shirt and inspected your wound, "Does it hurt?"

"Not really. It's kind of numb," you said as he applied pressure to areas around the wound.

"Hey Sammy did you find the- Woah! Sorry," Dean smiled, turning around to walk away.

"No! Dean come here. Do you think we can take care of this or does she need a hospital," Sam said, still feeling around the wound.

"We can take care of it," Dean said, looking at it.

"Can I put my shirt down now," you blushed.

"Yeah. Sorry," Sam said, releasing your shirt.

You quickly pulled it down and turned to look at the two boys, "Okay. So what happened? You know. What happened to me? Why am I here?"

"Well, we are the Winchesters. We hunt supernatural things like vampires, ghosts, witches, and all types or lore like that. In your case, vampires became infatuated with you. We are guessing this isn't your first time in this town because they have multiple pictures of you. We saw them take you and followed them," Sam explained while Dean just nodded his head every once in a while. 

You cringed slightly at the words 'hunt' and 'witches' being in the same sentence. What they don't know won't hurt them. Right?

"I do come here a lot. For business. I live in England," you said, "What about Lucifer?"

"You are okay with everything you just heard," Sam gasped, "And, Lucifer is really the biblical Satan."

"I knew you had an accent," Dean smiled.

Sam gave a bitch face to Dean, "(y/n) can you stay with us for a while?"

"Yeah. I will have to get my stuff from my hotel though," you said, now feeling the pain from your back, "Guys, my back hurts. Really bad."

Sam watched you fall back into the seat behind you before picking you up and carrying you to their car.

"1967 Impala. Nice," you smiled.

"My Baby. Don't scratch her," Dean smirked at you.

"Wouldn't dream of it," you said, admiring the car. Sam put you down on the seat and wrapped a cloth around your body so you wouldn't bleed on the seats. You smiled at him and felt on the seat under you. You felt a bit tired so you fell asleep, feeling safe with your saviors.

You woke up in an empty room and a deep voice in the hallway with Sam and Dean.

"Who's the girl," the deep voice asked.

"(Y/n). We saved her from some vampires yesterday," Sam said.

Yesterday?! What time is it?! You had to meet up with your business partners at 2!!

You tried to shoot up out off bed but screamed out in pain and fell back down. The three men ran in looking at you.

"Are you okay," Dean asked.

"I'm in a lot of pain. That doesn't matter. What time is it," you asked, worry in your eyes.

"Its about 10 AM," Sam looked slightly confused.

"Good. I have to meet up with business partners at 2," you relaxed a bit.

"Hello, (y/n). My name is Castiel. I'm an Angel of the Lord," the deep voiced man said, smiling slightly at you.

You blushed deeply at the deep voiced cutie in front of you, "Hello. You already seem to know my name."

"It's nice to meet you," he said, walking up giving you a kiss.

Your eyes widened as you pulled back.

"Cas! What are you doing," Dean said, pulling back the other male.

"What? I saw the pizza man greet that way," Castiel looked very confused, "I thought that's how you're supposed to greet others?"

You covered your mouth so you wouldn't laugh, "Really? You're so innocent!"

"Cas, that's not how you greet people," Sam sighed.

Castiel stood still for a minute," Dean I have to go." You saw Dean look at the door and point slightly. Castiel nodded and walked out the door.

"He is like a confused puppy! That's adorable," you smiled.

"What am I then," Dean asked.

"Judging by the pies over there with 'Dean' written across them, you are a pie obsessed squirrel," you laughed.

"What about me," Sam asked.

"A very smart moose," you smirked at him.

"How right you are," another man walked in, "Hello boys."

"Crowley," Dean growled slightly.

"Do people just walk in all the time" you asked.

"No. But you have one more that will just pop in," Sam sighed.

"Okay. When," you asked.

"Am I invisible now? What's your name," 'Crowley' walked over to you and kissed your hand.

"(Y/n)," you blushed at his action.

"I'm Crowley, the King of Hell. Well I just wanted to pop in and say hello to my boys," Crowley smiled before walking out.

"No more new people for a while right," you asked, looking with begging eyes between the two boys.

"Hopefully," Dean groaned.

Sam sat on the bed, "Roll over. I want to look at your wound."

You, painfully, rolled over and let Sam look.

"Your stitches didn't rip when you sat up. Good. It seems to be healing. Good as well-"

"Stitches," you screamed, interrupting Sam.

"Don't scream. But, yes. You needed stitches," Dean said looking over Sam's shoulder.

When 2 rolled around, had gotten a ride from Dean and was waiting for the others. You noticed an Impala waiting down the street and just smiled. The boys were sweet and funny. They helped you out. When your partners arrived, you sat and talked about business for 3 hours. You slowly walked up to the Impala afterwards and crawled in.


"Shut up," you smiled a bit, laying your head on his shoulder.

On your way back to the hotel, you had fallen asleep. When Dean woke you up, your head was on his lap with your legs pulled up to your chest. You got up and went into the hotel room and took a shower. When you got out, you plopped your now sore body onto the bed beside Sam.

"Goodnight then (y/n)," Sam laughed, pulling a blanket over you.

The two boys stayed up for a bit while you slept. When you woke up the next day, Sam was curled around your body. Sam was spooning you. His arms were snuggly wrapped around your waist. No pressure on your back. It was really comfy. Maybe you could sleep a bit longer. You fell back asleep. Next time you woke up, you heard a snicker from Dean and click from a camera. You looked up to see Dean taking photos of you and Sam. Now you were facing him, legs tangled together. His hand was slightly in your shirt while the other held you close and his head was in the crook of your neck. You shivered at every breath he took.

"Dean help me. Don't sit there and laugh," you whimpered.

"Fine," he laughed, shaking Sam a bit.

Sam moved the arm out from under you and wiped an eye. The one under your shirt stayed there.

"Sam. Your hand," you said, placing one above his before moving it.

He quickly removed his hand and untangled your legs, "Sorry (y/n). I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No. But I do need some aspirin or something," you replied.

"Already have it. Oh and you're sleeping in my bed tonight since Sam can't keep his hands off you," Dean smirked, handing you the medicine and water.

You left to talk more business at 2 like you did the day before. This time you didn't leave until midnight. You crawled into the Impala and once again laid your head on Dean.

"That tiring, huh? You look as bad as us after a hunt but less dirty," Dean said, stroking your hair all the way to the hotel.

"Why are you guys still here if the hunt is over," you asked when you pulled up to the run down hotel.

"No new things to hunt so we are staying until you leave," he smiled, getting out of Baby.

Once again you went in and took a shower, but this time you crawled into Dean's bed like he told you to that morning. You quickly fell asleep. When you woke up Dean was snuggled up to you. He was spooning you just like Sam had. He had his arms around your waist, his legs wrapped around yours and his head on your neck. Just like yesterday, you just went back to sleep. This time, you woke up to Sam snickering and taking photos.

"Sam," your voice cracked.

"Lose your voice," he asked, waking Dean.

"I guess," your voice barely audible.

Dean quickly pulled off of you, "Sorry."

"It's fine. I guess you two just need someone to cuddle up to every once in a while," you cracked, smiling at the boys.

"I'll get you some coffee," Dean laughed at your voice.

You just nodded your head and laid back down. You had a few more days until you had to go back home.

You had spent almost a week with the boys and you couldn't have been happier. Today, the boys went out to go grocery shopping and so you were stuck in the hotel room.

"Avis," you watched the birds appear and smiled. You loved this spell. It always brought back good memories. You couldn't help but laugh at how stupid your smile had to be right now.

"What do we have here," a voice scared you out of your thoughts.

"Oppungo," you screamed, sending the birds flying at the intruder.

With just a swipe of his hand the birds were gone. It was Lucifer. He saw everything.

"What a peculiar thing you are," he said, looking you up and down.

"What do you mean," you said, looking innocent.

"(y/n), I like you. I really do. But, what would happen if the Winchesters found out," he asked, walking up to you.

You cowered down a bit, "You won't tell will you?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. Or maybe they just saw through that window right there," he sighed, as you shot around and looked at the two boys staring at you with their mouths agape.

Dean stormed in the room with Sam dragging his feet.

"You're a witch," Dean growled, "And you didn't say anything? Or leave after we told you we hunted you?"

"I thought you wouldn't find out. I am a good witch. I don't use my magic for evil," you said, cringing at the glares the brothers were giving you.

"You tried to attack Lucifer," Dean said, pointing at the man who was now sitting on the bed.

"He scared me. It was self defense. Maybe if he had knocked or someth-"

"I'm giving you a 1 minute head start. You'd better be gone by then. If not, I will not hesitate to kill you," Dean had cut you off.

You quickly gathered your things and gave one last look at the boys before running off with tears running down your face. You had found a place to hide out and you told the business partners where to meet up with you. 

When you finally went back home, you didn't do much. You were completely heartbroken. Yeah you had only known those boys for a few days, but they meant the world to you. They saved your life. You couldn't help but sob for the first few days. When you finally got back to work, your friends like Draco, Harry, and Neville noticed something wasn't right. One night when you came home from a long day, all of your friends were sitting around in your living room. They gave you a gigantic group hug and told you that you can talk to them about anything.

So, you told them the story about how you met the Winchesters. Everyone looked so happy that you had found people that cared so much for you. But, then came the ending. Everything fell into place. Why you were so sad. Why you didn't want to leave the house. Why you cringed at the word 'witch'. Everything. They tried everything in their power to try and make you feel better. Ron bought you your favorite snacks every morning to get a small smile out of you. Hermione would hug you almost every time she saw you. And so much more.

"Hermione, I don't know what I'll do if I see them again. What if they do kill me," you cried.

Hermione decided to stay at your house and talk to you about everything.

"I'm sure they won't. They were probably just angry and hurt that you hid that from them. Dean seemed to be very protective over Sam from what you've told me, so maybe he was protecting him," she sighed, hugging you.

"What if they hate me now," you really didn't understand what was wrong with you, "The Winchesters became family to me. Now they hate me."

"No. They don't hate you," she stroked your hair to try and calm you down.

It had been a month since you left the Winchesters and you were being sent back to America. They changed the city and state to make sure you were safe the whole trip. When you arrived at the hotel, you were engulfed in a hug from behind. You gave out a screech and shot around when they put you down. It was Castiel. You pulled him into a hug and almost cried. Everything processed a bit too late.

"Cas who are you- (Y/n)," Dean growled your name. You instantly cringed away from Castiel and backed up until you hit a wall behind you. "Why are you here," his eye twitched.

"W-Work," you quietly said, tears falling down your face as you slid down the wall. 

This was it. The two boys that you loved so dearly were going to kill you. You knew it. You sobbed and put your face in your knees.

"(y/n)," Sam breathed, a big smile on his face. He ran over and scooped you up into a big hug. You flinched at the movement and stayed completely still. You let yourself go dead weight. Sam frowned because he knew that you were terrified of ever seeing him again. "(y/n), I've missed you so much."

Castiel soon joined in on the hug and so did Crowley. Lucifer even joined in. Dean stood there, glaring at you.

"Please let me go. Please. Just act like you didn't see me. Sam please," you cried, staying in your dead weight position.

"Sam. Put her down. Now," Dean growled.

You looked at all the men hugging you then turning your gaze to Dean. When he saw your broken down structure that looked like theirs, he broke and hugged you. He pretty much pulled you out of Sam's death grip.

"(y/n), please don't leave again. Please," he sighed, hugging you tighter, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it."

You slowly wrapped your arms around him and the others joined in on the hug soon after. You were the only one crying but you knew it meant just as much to the rest of the boys.

"No chick-flick moments," Dean said, putting you down.

"How did your back heal up," Sam asked, looking slightly worried.

"Took a little longer since I ran for 2 hours trying to find a place to hide, but it healed up okay," you smiled a little. Dean's smile faded from hearing that but quickly came back.

"Can I see? Just in case," Sam asked.

"Let's go to you two's hotel room and I will show you," you rolled your eyes and smiled at how dirty it sounded.

The six of you made your way to the boys room and you slowly lifted up your shirt enough to see the scar.

"Ow, I bet that wouldn't of looked that bad if you hadn't of ran," Sam frowned, and ran a finger down it. 

You shivered and pulled your shirt back down, "It's fine. It's not like it hurts anymore."

"It did look very sensitive though," Lucifer smirked, walking up to you.

"No thank you," you laughed, moving away from him.

"Aw, I wanted to have a little fun with you," he smirked.

"(y/n)? We have an important question for you," Sam said, moving Lucifer out of the way.

"We do," Dean asked.

"Yes we do," Sam rolled his eyes, "Would you like to travel with us and hunt the evil things."

You took notice of how Sam emphasized evil, "But, that will mean quitting my job and saying good bye to my friends. I could owl them though."

"Owl," Dean asked.

"Yes. I write a letter and let an owl send it," you smiled.

"Yes or no (y/n)," Dean said.

"Hey! Anyone want some candy," some guy popped in.

"Yes. I do," you said, taking candy from him.

"You're just going to take candy from a stranger," Crowley rolled his eyes.

"Yes. I am. And it's damn good candy," you said, eating the sweets.

"Thank you. What is you're name," the new man asked.

"(y/n). And yours," you popped another candy into your mouth.

"His name is Gabriel," Dean groaned, "(y/n), yes or no?"

"Of course. I'd love to stay here with all of you," you smiled, creating another hug. You mostly hugged Gabriel because he gave you candy, but you two won't tell anybody.


I love this. I realize I made it more of a Supernatural x Reader, but it's fine. I love it. It made me happy to write. I hope you all loved it!!

To get one:

 Tell me about yourself (hair color stuff like that), House, Name, and a plot (telling me a plot is optional), and the Person(s)


You can tell me what characters you want together and plot (optional)


You can tell me who you want the X Reader to be about and plot (optional)


Tell me your OC and their description (hair color, personality. that stuff), Person, and plot (optional)

Next to write:
~Draco for Jasmine
~?? for Jazmyn
~Harry for Bree


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