It's not over (Taken 2)

By nikkihope82

57.2K 1.7K 141

It's not over (Taken 2) Let's set the mood. Jason and Lauren are on there way to Italy to go see Lauren's f... More

Chapter 1~ guilty greetings
Chapter 2~ nightmares can come true
Chapter 3~ brother hood
Chapter 4~ out of comfort zone
Chapter 5~ holidays take off
Chapter 6~ perfect as it is
Chapter 7~ Mr. Corleone
Chapter 9~ dirty memories
Chapter 10~ let me tell you about Robby
Chapter 11~ strict
Chapter 12~ what a joke
Chapter 13~ to hurt to feel pain
Chapter 14~ more seek less hide
Chapter 15~ say it again I dare you
Chapter 16~ hit and run
Chapter 17~ meet kilo
Chapter 18~ don't mess with the ex
Chapter 19~ sticky situation
Chapter 20~ all open
Chapter 21~ secret messages
Chapter 22~message man
Chapter 23~ putting your head together
Chapter 24~ déjà vu
Chapter 25~ two in three
Chapter 26~ substances
Chapter 27~ for the best of you
Chapter 28~ 5 second rule situations
Chapter 29~ what i know
Chapter 30~ the pleasure of the ex
Chapter 31~ this is us now
Chapter 32~ miss me?
Chapter 33~ under-estimated?
Chapter 34~ role call
Chapter 35~ All grown
Chapter 36~ Federal Commitment
Chapter 37: in your arms
Chapter 38~ in your dreams
Chapter 39~ Reimagine
Chapter 40~ Nightmare Down
Chapter 41~ Find Peace
Chapter 42~ Let's Go
Chapter 43: It's You
Chapter 44~sweet nothing
Chapter 45~ just a start

Chapter 8~ This is the story

1.2K 43 0
By nikkihope82

Songs for the chapter

City dove~ tori kelly
Safe with me~ Sam smith
The hills ~ the weeknd

Lauren's pov:

" well how about you go get Jason before I start." He said pointing inside.
" okay." I stood up and walked in to Jason.

He was talking to my Aunt Karen and Uncle Steve with Ariana.
" excuse me, I'm sorry, Jason I need you for a sec." I said grabbing his hand.
" okay, I'll be back." He said as he turned around and walked with me.

" we are about to get some good information." I said before going outside.

" alright, so you want to know what happened with the big break deal right?" My grandpa asked.
" yes."

" alright so as Jason knows from earlier I'm a Corleone, my brother and I ran the biggest gang in the world, people didn't even think about messing with me or not payin me my money. So when I settled in and married your grandmother we had uncle Louie first then Karen then Connie and then finally your mother.
Lauren,your mother was a big daddy's girl, she soon learned the ropes around the gang idea from being around me so much and along with the whole family so they all joined. Everything was going well, running well until your mother and your father separated. Your father wasn't too big into gangs, if your mother had to do a mission and needed help he of course helped her but he didn't offer, he kept his business away from it, which Is smart. But yeah things started to go downhill when your mother and father were separated. You didn't remember anything at the time about gangs because of the accident so we all kept it on the down low.
Now when your mother started seeing Paul he was already in a little gang, really little like maybe 10 guys. He found out who I am and insisted on joining. Him and jake, your old friend Jason, started hanging around my gang more, to the point where I trusted them and let Paul take half leadership with me since my brother was killed in a bombing and taking care of the gang was getting tiring.Then jake and that little shit ( looks over at Jason) came and decided it would be a funny thing to take my gang from me and Paul, I knew you and jake were in a relationship and I really couldn't stop anything at the time so I let it happen." My grandfather paused.
" when all this was happening I was going through a rough time with my mother ,and alex and I sorta parted from each other for a while, and like I said i was on drugs and going to clubs every night, and so was jake and one night Jake was trying this new drug or whatever so he tried to kill me, whatever, because he wanted to run the gang himself. I called up Alex and we started the McCann brotherhood gang and that built up pretty good, and jake and Paul built up redhawk. Alex wanted to move so we decided to stay together In business and help each other out whenever needed." Jason jumped in.

" so the big break with the family was caused because of Jason and jake correct?" I asked.
" yes." They both said.

" so why did my mother trust you in taking me?" I asked.
" well I can't tell you because I don't know. I wasn't the best person at the time, but she gave me a try. I must have given her a good vibe." Jason said hesitantly.

" she over heard you talking on the phone." My grandfather said, we both looked over at him.
" You were talking about jake and Lauren I guess and how you had to calm jake down because he was furious at Lauren for going to a party, I don't know who you were talking to but she heard and that's when she wanted you to be with Lauren." My grandfather stepped in.

I remember both of those nights.
The night of the party. It was so much fun. Gale threw it because his parents were out of town and I got completely wasted. I slept in gales bed and he did too but we never did anything but someone sent jake a picture.
The next day after gale took me home my mother was at the cancer center and Paul was at work so I was home by myself,
I was watching zoey 101 or something like that just chilling cause I had a horrible hangover when jake came barging in like a crazed ape and started screaming at me. He threw his phone at me that had the picture thank god it missed me.


" THIS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS LAUREN! YOU DONT SLEEP IN OTHER BOYS BEDS WHEN YOU HAVE A BOYFRIENED!" He screamed at me holding his phone in front of me. The door was wide open and the windows were too so I'm positive the neighbors could hear.

" Baby take a breath and let me explain." I said holding my hands in front of me.
"THERES NOTHING YOU NEED TO EXPLAIN ITS ALL RIGHT HERE!" He said throwing the phone at me. I ducked down and it missed me.

" Are You fucking kidding me? Get out!" I pointed towards the door.
" you don't tell me what to do." He came over to me.
" I said get out or I will call the police." I said calmly. I was so close to snapping.

" no." He said crossing his arms.
" GET OUT OF MY HOUSE  JAKE!" I screamed.
He grabbed me and slammed my body against the wall. It hurt so freaking bad.

" don't raise your voice with me!" He said as he started to choke me. I started seeing black dots it was horrible.
" s- st-op I ca-nt b-reathe." I was stuttering trying to catch my breath.

He let go of me and I fell to the ground still not having good vision and barely able to move.

Jake was about to do something when someone I've never seen before stopped him and pushed him, he then dragged jake out of the house.

I laid on the floor for hours in pain, my back was in so much pain from being slammed in the wall. All of this because I slept with my bestfriend, didn't have sex or even kiss, we just slept. What a world. But whoever that was who stopped jake from his next action saved me because I was close to death.

~ end of flashback~

" Jason that was you?" I asked.
" yeah. I was uh on the phone with someone when I heard a scream so I got out the car and went in to see what was going on." Jason said rubbing his thumb on my hand.

" thank you." I said.
" so do you need to know anything more?" My grandfather asked clearing his throat.
" yeah umm . My mom was part if a gang?" I asked surprised.

" oh yeah, and let me tell you she would kick someone's ass if they didn't cooperate." My grandfather said laughing but then sighing.
" wow. That's unbelievable. Umm okay last one, if you were so scary and stuff, why'd you let Jason and jake take over?" I asked.

" honey do you know how old I am?" He asked.
Truthfully I don't.
" no I don't."
" I'm 92 years old, they came when I was in my 80's  at that point I've been in the gang as a leader for 65 years and it was actually a bit relievable... But I just wanted the pressure off my chest for a while."  He said taking a drink of wine.

" well okay, Jason what time is it?" I asked.
" damn it's 5 o'clock." Jason said looking at his watch.

" come on grandpa let's go get some dinner." I said standing up and helping him.

We walked in and the table was all set, my fathers brother joe came so my dad was talking to him.
" alright dinners ready everyone go get some." I said as everyone then got up and fixed a plate.

I picked up rylee and helped her make her plate, then I made mine.
" here I'll get her ready you can make your dinner." Jason said taking rylee out of my arms.
" thanks."

I walked over and sat by Fredo, Jason then came over and say next to me.
This was awkward for some reason. My whole family, with me right now. You would never imagine your kidnapper letting you speak to any of them better yet eat Christmas dinner with them.

" so when was the last time you talked to Paul?" My aunt Toni asked.
My eyes widened.
I felt a lump in my throat, and started coughing.

" Lauren are you okay?" Jason asked placing his hand on my back.

*cough * " yeah." * cough* " just peachy." I said clearing my throat.
" alright so um what was the question?" I asked trying to stall.
" I asked have you talked to Paul lately?" My aunt repeated herself.

" well you see-" before I could finish my sentence the doorbell rang.

" I'll get that!" I said standing up.
I saw Jason laughing to himself.
I shook my head and walked to the door.

" joe!" I said as I opened the door.
" oh hey!" Jason got up and came over.
" mr. Joe would you like to join?" I asked.
" sure! I was just coming to see how my cooks were doing." Joe said closing the door.

" oh my god! Guy! Guys! Connie had her baby, she named him Chris!" Aunt Karen said showing a picture.
" awe! It's a Christmas baby!" Aunt Toni said.

" what a pun!" Uncle Louie said. Everyone started laughing.
" sounds like everyone is having a good time!" Joe said walking over.

" no shit, joe! I haven't seen you in I don't know how long!" My grandpa got up and shook his hand.
Joe turned around and looked at me.

" you're kidding right, ha mr. Corleone is your grandfather?" Joe said shaking his hand.
" yeah!" I smiled.
" how you doing brother I haven't seen you in is it 20 years?" Joe asked.

"  just about. I'm good, still breathing. How are you?" My grandfather sat back down.

" you dodged that perfectly." Jason said in my ear.
I turned around and looked at him.
" I don't want to talk about it." I laughed.
" I have something for you later." He said leaning down.

"I have something for you. " I said with a smile. He rose his eyebrows.

Tyler and I went shopping the other day and I found this bracelet that's gold but turns black in the dark, and I got it engraved with our initials, and those change colors in the dark too so I hope he likes it.

" what do you mean?" He asked.
" you'll see." I grinned and walked to the table.

" yeah so how is everyone?" Joe asked.
" good! Great!" Everyone responded.
" how are you doing after the big kill?" Joe asked.

" what big kill?" Aunt Karen asked.
" umm...."
" I killed Paul." Jason stepped in for me.

I don't even know lol ^

But omg Jason stepped up for her!
How cute.

Well I have many many things going on right now and I would explain everything but 1. It's personal 2. It's fucked up and 3. It will fuck your life up too so this is how I'm going to do this for a while...
I'm going to still write, but I need to know you guys are ready for the next chapter so you'll need to comment and vote on this chapter for me to update! We have much stuff coming up and I want you guys to see it's crazy!

Vote and

And even share if you want I mean you don't have to but you do you I still love you all ❤️

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