By Jimitzu122414

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Another Michaeng genderbend story 😌 My second book of a new story about Michaeng🫶🏻 From strangers to lover... More

CHAENG ??? !!!!! (NOT A STORY)


295 15 4
By Jimitzu122414

The chill breeze sweeps along the banks of the Han River, rustling through the trees and carrying with it the laughter of children and the chatter of people enjoying the outdoors. Families stroll along the riverbank, some with kids running ahead, their laughter echoing in the air. Others walk their dogs, the pets eagerly exploring the grassy areas and occasionally stopping to sniff at passing strangers.

In the distance, the gentle hum of bicycle wheels can be heard as cyclists pedal along the designated paths, enjoying the scenic views of the river. Some stop to take photos or simply soak in the tranquil atmosphere.

Chaeyoung crouches down beside Hoonie, his hands expertly adjusting the training wheels on the small bicycle.

"Hurry up, daddy!! I can't wait" Hoonie's voice echoes eagerly, his eyes sparkle with excitement as he attentively watches his daddy's every move, his small hands clutching the handlebars in anticipation.

"It's almost done, boy..just a little bit here" Chaeyoung chuckles while looking up at his son. His hands make an another slight adjustments to the bicycle, ensuring everything is just right for Hoonie's first solo ride.

Meanwhile, Mina stands a short distance away, her phone held up to capture the precious moment between father and son. A soft smile plays on her lips as she watches Chaeyoung's patient instruction and Hoonie's determination to master the skill of riding a bike.

With a final adjustment, Chaeyoung straightens up and steps back, giving Hoonie space to mount the bicycle. "There you go, buddy...You're all set go" He says and steadies the bike as Hoonie climbs aboard, his heart swelling with pride at his son's bravery.

As Hoonie begins to pedal forward, wobbling slightly but determined to succeed, both Chaeyoung and Mina watch with bated breath, their hearts filled with love and pride for their little boy.

"Way to go, boy! You're doing amazing!" Chaeyoung cheers, his proud grin lighting up his face as he strides alongside Hoonie. Mina trails behind, her heart swelling with pride as she watches her son's determination and Chaeyoung's unwavering support.

As Hoonie finds his rhythm, pedaling a bit faster, Chaeyoung and Mina walk side by side, trailing behind their son.

"I never imagined this moment would come into my life," Chaeyoung confesses to Mina, his gaze fixed on Hoonie ahead.

Mina's smile remains, her heart filled with joy as she steals a glance at Chaeyoung. "I never imagined it either, Chaeng. I thought none of this would ever happen," she replies, her voice tinged with both happiness and a hint of melancholy.

Chaeyoung takes a deep breath, feeling the cold breeze fill his lungs. His lips form a bittersweet smile. "I should have done this a long time ago, shouldn't I, Mina-yaa?" he says before continuing, "I'm sorry for being late to come to you guys. Honestly, I'm grateful that you didn't push me away despite everything. Thank you, Mina-yaa, for letting Hoonie know about me, for your patience in waiting for me, even if it's just because of Hoonie." He speaks with sincerity, stealing a glance at Mina.

Mina's heart swells with gratitude for Chaeyoung's presence now. Despite him not remembering her and not returning to fix their broken relationship, his presence for Hoonie serves as a balm to her worries. "Of course, I never stopped waiting for you, Chaeng, and thank you for coming back for our Hoonie," She utters before the wind hardly brushes over her, making her hair wave and fall all over her face, causing her to stop walking.

Chaeyoung chuckles, turning his gaze to Mina, but suddenly feels as if the world stops. He stands frozen, stunned to see Mina standing beside him with her messy hair covering her face that resembling the young woman in his dream.

He swallows hard and turns his body toward her, his voice trembling as he says, "M-mina?" His hand moves uncontrollably, slowly tucking Mina's hair behind her ears. As Mina's face is revealed again, he feels his heart clenching over something he can't comprehend.

Mina's eyes meet Chaeyoung's, and both stand frozen like statues. Her heart skips a beat at Chaeyoung's touch and stare. She can feel his breathing heavily and sees his eyes glistening with clinging tears. "Chaeng, are you okay?" Her soft voice utters, tinged with nervousness and worry.

Chaeyoung suddenly taken aback, unsure about his emotions now. "Uhhh?? Umm yes... I..I'm fine," he stutters, forcing a small smile. "I just got a flash... or maybe it's just my imagination... don't mind it... I'm totally fine," he stammers awkwardly before picking up his pace, not waiting for Mina's response, leaving her dumbfounded behind. The need to avoid her escalates as he debates with himself whether the young woman in his dream is really Mina or if the current situation is prompting him to assume things about her, leaving him completely in the dark.

"Flash?" Mina stutters in bewilderment, picking up Chaeyoung's pace. "Chaeng, wait, what flash are you...?" She holds Chaeyoung's wrist, but suddenly winces in pain. "Ouch... what's that?" She brushes her fingers, feeling like something on Chaeyoung's wrist pricked her.

"Yaa, are you hurt?" Chaeyoung hastily pulls Mina's hand to inspect her finger. "Oh god... you got a scratch here. I'm sorry, Mina-yaa. Maybe it's because of my bracelet," he says while blowing on the scratch on her finger.

Mina's heart flutters at his gesture, and Chaeyoung's breath sends a chill down her spine. But as she comes back to her senses, a tinge of wonder hits her. "What bracelet?" Mina asks, looking at Chaeyoung as he caresses her finger.

Chaeyoung then let go of her hand, pulling up his sleeve a little. "This one... it has a key here. Maybe the tip of the key is a bit sharp, causing the scratch," he explains, showing his wrist to Mina.

Mina's eyes suddenly widen in alarm, her breath quickening. "Where did you get this?" Her voice is a bit stuck as she notices one of the pair of their couple bracelets that Chaeyoung is wearing. Her eyes blink in disbelief as she holds Chaeyoung's wrist, attentively examining the bracelet.

"Uh... Sana gave it to me after I regained consciousness from the coma," he explains without hesitation, noticing the change in Mina's demeanor. "She said this is the bracelet that I wore during the accident five years ago. I've kept it because it's the only piece of memory I have from my past. Why do you ask, though? Do you know about this?" He observes Mina's reaction carefully.

Mina tries hard to suppress her poker face, though her heart is already screaming in silent. "No, just asking," she says, composing herself to speak properly and not reveal her turmoil.

Chaeyoung pouts and nods. "Argh... I thought you knew. Sana also said she also didn't know anything about this bracelet. I'm freaking curious about it, though, and hoping someone knows something." He heaves a sigh. "Or maybe... it actually holds nothing special to me back then. Should I just throw it into the river since it's nothing but causing a scratch on your finger?" Chaeyoung suggests, taking it off.

"No!!!" Mina unintentionally raises her voice in surprise at Chaeyoung's remarks. She knows her reaction now looks more suspicious to Chaeyoung, so she has to come up with a reason. "Don't throw it away. It suits you well, and like you said, it's from your past, so you should just keep it. Even if you don't want to wear it anymore, just keep it with you. Who knows, one day it might help you regain your memories? Plus, aren't you curious because it has a key shape? Isn't a key something to open something else? Maybe it has another pair to something to be opened by this one??" She presses a thin smile, trying to convince him while pretending clueless.

"Tsk, you are right... Why didn't I think about it? But... I'm not sure anymore if this bracelet has a pair, and if it does, I don't know where to find it. Still, it's completely useless, just pretty to wear. But yeah, I'll keep it as you wish," Chaeyoung says, putting the bracelet back on before walking away from Mina and approaching their son ahead.

It's already night when they return home. After dinner, Mina asks for Chaeyoung's help to put Hoonie to sleep, but Hoonie insists on both of them sleeping with him, just like they did last night. Mina and Chaeyoung have no choice but to comply with the boss baby's order.

"Alright, tonight, why don't you sleep in the middle, baby? So that both mommy and daddy can hug you?" Mina suggests softly as she lays Hoonie down on the bed, while Chaeyoung stands nearby, watching them.

Chaeyoung finds himself oddly disagreeing with Mina's suggestion to let Hoonie sleep in the middle. 'Pervert,' he chuckles to himself, finding his own reaction strange.

"No, mommy... I don't like sleeping in the middle. Mommy, sleep in the middle, please?" Hoonie pleads to Mina with a puppy face.

Chaeyoung's smile grows wider as he anticipates Mina's response, knowing she'll never refuse their son's request. But as Mina turns to look at him, his smile fades, replaced by an innocent expression. "What?" he shrugs, feigning innocence.

Mina scoffs and turns back to Hoonie, "Alright, baby. Mommy will sleep here," she says with a forced chuckle before lying down beside her son.

Hoonie smiles even wider, "Daddy?" he calls to Chaeyoung, gesturing for him to come over.

"Ah, you're just as bossy as your mommy," Chaeyoung playfully groans as he moves closer to them, sitting on the edge of the bed beside Mina.

Mina rolls her eyes at Chaeyoung's playful comment, "He's taking after your behavior, idiot. So demanding like you" she says with a hint of annoyance.

As Chaeyoung settles himself beside Mina, the boss baby gives him another order, "Daddy, hug," he says with his stern, cute voice.

Chaeyoung shakes his head and unhesitatingly stretches his hand past Mina's waist to reach Hoonie. He closes the gap with Mina's back, causing her to flinch a little. "Uh, is it uncomfortable?" He becomes a bit aware and lifts his hand slightly from Mina's waist.

Mina gulps bitterly, her heart throbbing fast as if it's going to explode any moment now. "No... it's just tickling," she barely utters properly.

"Argh... what should I do now? I'll wait till Hoonie drifts to sleep, then remove it... is that fine?" He whispers slowly, afraid the boy will overhear them. His lips almost brush Mina's ears.

Mina bites her lower lip, not wanting to make any sound due to the tingling sensation she feels. Her breath heavier but still manages to nod to Chaeyoung, hinting her agreement to his idea.

After a while, Mina notices Hoonie has already drifted into a slumber. "Chaeng...?" Her voice barely whispers, calling for Chaeyoung, but she receives no response from him.

"Chaeyoung..." She raises her voice slightly, but still, no response comes from him until she realizes that Chaeyoung is now also sleeping. Not wanting to wake him up, she carefully tries to remove his hand from her waist, but suddenly her eyes widen and her breath catches as Chaeyoung's hand tightens its grip around her chest, his palm resting below her neck.

Nervousness clouds her, unsure of what to do, and she can't even move her body an inch. Slowly, she reaches for his hand near her neck again, but Chaeyoung suddenly nestles his head closer to her, making her stop.

"Let's just stay like... this," Chaeyoung's husky, half-asleep voice mumbles through the silent space.

Mina feels a shiver down her spine at Chaeyoung's words. Nervousness hits her, but eventually, it's Chaeyoung's heartbeat and steady breath again that bring serenity to her, overshadowing the nervous feeling she had before. With her hand now holding Chaeyoung's hand, she eventually intertwines her fingers with his until she also drifts into a peaceful sleep in Chaeyoung's embrace.

Mina stirs in the morning, feeling the palpable breath of someone nearby through her hearing. Her sleep is too comfortable to give up, so she nestles closer forward instead of waking up. She tightens her hug on someone beside her and nestles her head comfortably on someone's hand. But after a moment, the breath of that person becomes clearer, prompting her to heavily open her eyes.

She opens her eyes only to realize that she's completely turned in front, nestled into Chaeyoung's embrace. She rests her head on his hand as they are now sharing a hug with each other and intertwining their legs. Their faces are almost an inch apart, causing Mina to forget how to breathe and her heart to stop pumping momentarily.

After a while she gets her composure, gazing at the peaceful sight of Chaeyoung sleeping. Though nervousness hits her, her eyes couldn't tear away from him. Unknowingly, her heart swells at the moment of being in his embrace again early in the morning, just like they used to do before. The more she stares at him, the more the feelings of missing and longing for Chaeyoung emerge, tugging at her heartstrings and prompting her to want to stay like this in his arms.

Her eyes still lingering on Chaeyoung's face, noticing how he still looks like the same Chaeyoung as before, as if they never broke up, as if they were never torn apart, and as if Chaeyoung right now is the one who's not suffering from amnesia. In this moment, every pieces of broken heart seem to piece up together again, and everything just feels so right for her. Their hearts feel like they never stopped beating with the same love and affection for each other.

Mina is carried away by her own feelings and the situation, and slowly her hand reaches for Chaeyoung's face, brushing his cheeks. 'You always are this charming, aren't you' She flashes a warm smile as she looks at him, her eyes heavily filled with genuine happiness and tenderness for Chaeyoung.

Feeling a cold finger running across his face, Chaeyoung slowly opens his eyes. As soon as he catches sight of Mina, smiling at him with her hands brushing his cheeks, he chuckles. "Good morning...to the pretty morning view," he mumbles with his raspy voice, his smile never leaving his lips as he looks at her.

"W-what... aaaa," Mina's cheeks paint pink as she pulls her hand away from Chaeyoung to cover her shy smile.

Chaeyoung giggles, looking at the shy Mina. "Oh my god, so this ice queen actually knows how to melt?" he teases, trying to pull Mina's palm away from her face.

Mina abruptly sits up straight, unable to contain her fluttering heart any longer. "Arghh... You," the embarrassment making it hard for her to find the right words to say. But feeling the need to act cool, she clears her throat. "Whatever, sweet talker... I need to get ready for work now," she says, taking a pillow and playfully throwing it onto Chaeyoung's face before hastily getting up from the bed and running into the bathroom.

After a while, Mina returns to her room, only to notice that Chaeyoung isn't there, leaving Hoonie still sleeping alone on the bed. Wearing her casual shirt, Mina emerges from the room, looking for Chaeyoung.

"Yaa, what are you doing? Aren't you getting ready for work?" Mina nags as she finds Chaeyoung sitting in the living room, engrossed in his phone.

Chaeyoung wears his idiotic smile. "I, uh, actually... I took a leave for two days just in case Hoonie won't get better in a day," he naughtily utters.

Mina rolls her eyes. "Arghh, Son Chaeyoung is always that idiot, hmm," she says while walking away from him to get ready for work.

"Mina-yaa, actually I want to use that room to do some work since I'm not coming to the office today, is it okay?" Chaeyoung gestures to his study room eagerly, as he needs to settle down his work but feels too lazy to go to the office today.

"Sure, you can use anything in this place, Chaeyoung... this is your place too, and that room, didn't I tell you it's your study?" Mina raises her brows.

"Uhh... did you? Maybe you did and I forgot again.. by the way, thank you, Mina-yaa," he utters while standing up, making his way to his study.

"Sure, Chaengi," Mina chuckles, her eyes unable to hide that she is now loving seeing Chaeyoung today.

Chaeyoung pushes the door ajar, taking his first steps into the room. It seems unfamiliar to him, but little does he know that his study room remains exactly the same as it was five years ago. Every arrangement of his stuff, the design, and everything inside still remain unchanged.

"Uhh... what's with the ambiance here?" his eyes sparkle as they linger around his study. "Oh, god, it's literally giving off vibes of someone slaving themselves only for work in here... argh, that one must be so idiotic," he chuckles, cluelessly mocking his own self.

As Chaeyoung deeply explores every part of the study, his eyes suddenly fall onto a big box at the corner of the room, somewhat hidden near the sofa inside the room. The box feels like it's calling to him, making him to lift it and place it on the table.

Scanning the outside of the box, he finds nothing unusual. Curious about what's inside, his hand dances around the lid on top, but before he can open it, someone knocks on the door, interrupting his mission.

"Yes?" He opens the door and steps outside, only to see Mina and Hoonie standing before him. She looks elegant and stunning in Chaeyoung's eyes, wearing a gray one-piece dress for work, while Hoonie still has his barely open eyes and neatly combed hair, appearing as though he just had a shower but still looks sleepy.

"We're going now, Chaeng... Hanni can't pick up Hoonie, so I need to send him to Hanni's house first," Mina says as she walks with Hoonie to the doorsteps, with Chaeyoung trailing behind.

"Where's Hanni's place... maybe I can pick up Hoonie for lunch since I'm just at home today," Chaeyoung asks while observing them. He then squats down, helping Hoonie fasten his shoes.

"She's in the same building as us but on the 5th floor... I'll text you her number later if you want to pick up Hoonie," Mina replies while fixing her appearance one last time.

"Don't be naughty, son. Daddy will take you out for lunch today, okay?" Chaeyoung says, grinning at Hoonie.

"Okay, daddy," Hoonie's cute voice replies before Chaeyoung kisses his forehead and cheeks.

"Take care, I'll text you later," Mina says while sternly looking at Chaeyoung, trying to hide her cold demeanor though her pulse already quickens.

"Alright... you too... and yaa, if you're free for lunch, I can pick you up too," Chaeyoung adds.

Chaeyoung retreats back into his study, drawn to the large box that rests on his table. With a gentle hand, he pulls off the cover, revealing a folded purple knitted sweatshirt nestled inside. Curiosity piqued, he retrieves the garment and unfold it into the air.

"Hmm, why is there a sweatshirt in here? Whose could it be... It's quite lovely, though. A shame to keep it hidden away in this box," he muses, examining the fabric with furrowed brows. His gaze then drifts back inside box, where several more items catch his eye.

Reaching for the red velvet jewelry box, he opens it without hesitation. Inside, a silver necklace adorned with shimmering white diamond charms glimmers in the light of his study. He delicately lifts the necklace from its resting place.

"This must belong to Mina... Not bad, she has quite the eye for jewelry. She'd look stunning wearing this," he remarks, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he imagines Mina adorned with the necklace.

He carefully returns the necklace to the jewelry box before reaching for another item in the big box. Among them, he finds several pieces of long paper, their backsides flipped over. Intrigued, he takes one and flips it to the front, only to feel his heart skip a beat at what is revealed before him.

"W-what is this... Is it me and M-Mina?" he stammers, his hand trembling as he gazes at the series of four cut photos showing moments shared between him and Mina.

A sudden wave of dizziness washes over him, causing him to grimace in pain as he presses a hand to his temple. He shuts his eyes tightly, attempting to dispel the sensation, but instead, unexpected flashes begin to flood his mind.

In his flashes, Chaeyoung sees a blurry vision of Mina's eyes lighting up as she spots a cute cub and penguin hat in the photo booth, gesturing excitedly for him to join her. "Baby, wear this," she insists, passing the cub hat to Chaeyoung while she takes the penguin one for herself.

"Damn it, babe... why should I?" Chaeyoung sees himself begins to protest in the memory and the image of Mina playfully placing the hat on his head flickers in his mind.

The blurriness worsens, his head growing heavier as the flashes intensify. Amidst the haze, he glimpses Mina gazing at him, a smile on her lips. "Oh my god!!! My boyfriend is so cute," she exclaims, pinching Chaeyoung's nose.

The flashes cause Chaeyoung to wince even harder, and he grasps the edge of the table to support himself as he might fall.

Chaeyoung gasps for breath as he opens his eyes abruptly, his heart pounding in his chest. "W-what... what just happened? Why did I see Mina?Are these my memories?" His lips quiver as he loosens his grip on the photo, allowing it to fall effortlessly to the floor.

Trying to regain his composure despite his trembling, he reaches for another item in the box. Tears well up at the corners of his eyes as he sees something that fills him with sudden chill. "This bracelet... why is it here?" he exclaims, his fingers clutching onto it. His eyes fixate on the familiar bracelet until he notices a heart-shaped charm attached to it, different from his own.

He then shifts his gaze to the bracelet on his wrist, with its key charm. His heart thuds painfully in his chest as he grapples with the confusion in his mind. He removes his bracelet from his wrist and holding the key in his trembling hand. Beads of sweat form on his forehead, despite the chilly atmosphere in the room. With shaky fingers, he inserts the key into the keyhole of the heart-shaped charm.

Taking a deep breath, he hesitates before unlocking the heart-shaped charm. He bites down on his lower lip, feeling the weight of his own nervousness, until he gasps for air as the locket opens to reveal the photo of him and Mina.

As he gazes at the picture, his disbelief manifests in a whispered dialogue. "No... This can't be... How...I don't understand?" His voice trembles with surprise and confusion as he tries to comprehend how they could have had such an intimate keepsake together. "What... What happened between us?" He questions aloud, his mind racing with flashes that don't align with a any breakup between them. "Did we really break up, Mina-yaa..Did we really not loving each other?" His words carry a mix of doubt and desperation as he struggles to tally the flashes he saw with their current reality.

Tears stream down his cheeks, his breath catching in his throat as he struggles to accept what is unraveling before him. He attempts to take a step away from the room, but his legs feel weak beneath him, causing him to collapse onto the floor, the box tumbling down with him as he clings to it.

"Arghh!!!" Chaeyoung screams out of his lungs. His veins bulge from his neck, his face flushes with painful anxiety as he's fighting with the frenzied dizziness overwhelming him. His mind spirals out of control once again, conquered with fragments of memories and flashes.

He sees himself taking the heart-shaped bracelet from Mina and connecting it with the key from another one.

"This is your heart, and the key to your heart is with me...So, I'm the only one who can open your heart, Mina-yaa," His voice feels distant to him right now, as if underwater as he spoke to Mina.

He trembles uncontrollably, feeling a coldness creeping up from his toes. His mind flashes with the image of their picture being inserted into the heart-shaped charm.

"Isn't it pretty... do you like it?" Chaeyoung's voice echoes loudly in his ears, his vision showing him putting the bracelet on Mina.

Chaeyoung's head pounds faster, a flash of Mina putting the bracelet on him passes through in a blur. "Let ...me put ..for you too," Mina's voice thunders down like a broken record, sounding stuck and lagging.

"Mina-yaa !!!!!" Chaeyoung screams out of his lungs as soon as he opens his eyes. He scans the room, his heart throbbing faster with each passing moment. Collecting himself from the floor, he rushes out of his study and throws open Mina's bedroom door.

"Where are you, Mina-yaa?" His voice barely above a whisper as tears stream down his cheeks. "Tell me, what actually happened between us...what did I just see?" he clutches his chest, feeling a thousand stings pierce his heart.

His legs tremble as he runs out of their apartment, feeling suffocated and drowning in his emotions. Reaching the lobby, his mind flashes to the moment he ran after Mina, though he doesn't know why he chased her.

His legs bring him outside the building, and he looks utterly miserable, his eyes red and teary as he scans the surroundings until they dart across the street. Though there's nothing there, he begins to run, his world is spinning out of control until he stops in the middle of the street.

A sudden loud thud of honking pierces his ears, and Chaeyoung's eyes barely open when he sees a car speeding towards him, closing the distance to him. In a split second, he falls onto the street, his body kneeling towards the moving car. He tightly shut his eyes and feeling like he's floating in the air for a fleeting moment.

His pitch-black vision suddenly brightens as it shows himself as a kid, enveloped in his mother's embrace. Memories of his childhood begin to unravel one by one, with his family and Sana also present during their younger days.

His memories of meeting his friends start to unfold, with images of the days spent at high school with Tzuyu and Jihyo flashing through his mind like a recorded video.

He sees himself at JYP University with others, memories of his life intertwining with theirs, passing through his mind like scenes from a slow-motion movie.

As the fragments of his memories begin to piece together again, his heart aches with the pain of his own hypnotism as Mina finally emerges in his sight of memories. But before he can delve deeper into their shared moments, his body shakes harder, voices echoing in his ears.


"Are you okay, Sir?"

"Sir, what happened...open your eyes."

"What happened to him?? Should we call an ambulance?"

"Yaa, are you insane...why are you sitting here, idiot?"

"Wake up, Sir..."

Chaeyoung suddenly flinches, his eyes snapping open wide. He looks around at the gathering of strangers, shaking his body, attempting to wake him up and some murmurs about him.

Finally he's realizing that he's still kneeling in the street, with the car that almost hit him now stopped in the middle of the road. He pants heavily before abruptly standing up, running away from the crowd, leaving everyone bewildered. Chaeyoung flags down a passing taxi and climbs in without a second thought.

Soon, he dashes himself back in his room at Sana's place. Tears continue to stream down his face, his body trembling with emotion and chills running down his spine.

Standing before his sketch of the mysterious woman without her face in his dream, he cracks out in a husky voice, "Did you really her?" His voice tinged in tiredness.

His hands trembling as he reaches for the pencil nearby and he closes his eyes as he begins to continue sketch the face on the portrait with his shut eyes.

His mind is once again consumed by his repeated dream and memories with Mina, guiding his hand effortlessly sketching across the paper. Despite his anticipation, his heart thunders faster, tears continue to flow unabated and sweats soaking over him.

When his hand finally stops in its tracks, he takes a heavy thick breath before opening his eyes. He suddenly scoffs in disbelief, "So it's really you..it's been you all along....Mina-yaa," his eyes lingering on the completed sketch of the woman in his dream which actually Mina.

"I remember you now.....I remember us now, Mina-yaa," his voice quivers as his fingers trace Mina's face on the sketch.

Salty tears keep streaming down his cheeks, mingling with a bittersweet smile that graces his lips. "After everything... we actually never broke up, right? I promised you that I'd love you forever, didn't I? Finally I know that I'm still deeply in love with you, even now. You are my everything before and now... the best part of my memories that I never want to forget. You're the answer I've been waiting for..." His voice is filled with affection and longing as he speaks. "We were so deeply in love with each other, weren't we, Mina-yaa?" He chuckles softly.

A wave of relief washes over him. Finally, he feels whole again, his memories fitting together like pieces of a puzzle, leaving no room for doubt about himself anymore.

But after a while, his smile fading. His lips part slightly as he speaks softly with a hint of hurt and frustration in his voice.

"But why did you lie to me, Mina-yaa?"

To be continued....

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