The Goddess and the Angel

Por TheSophiShow

476K 13.2K 601

(Maya) "I mean... there's something but I'm not sure if I like you or if I just want to keep you safe." (Maso... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Edited
Chapter 21 - Edited
Chapter 22 - Edited
Chapter 23 - Edited
Chapter 24 - Edited
Chapter 25 - Edited
Chapter 26 - Edited
Chapter 27 - Edited
Chapter 28 - Edited
Chapter 29 - Edited
Chapter 30 - Edited
Chapter 31 - Edited
Chapter 32 - Edited
Chapter 33 - Edited
Chapter 34 - Edited
Chapter 35 - Edited
Chapter 36 - Edited
Chapter 37 - Edited
Chapter 38 - Edited
Chapter 39 - Edited
Chapter 40 - Edited
Chapter 41 - Edited
Chapter 42 - Edited
Chapter 43 - Edited
Chapter 44 - Edited
Chapter 45 - Edited
Chapter 46 - Edited
Chapter 47 - Edited
Chapter 48 - Edited
Chapter 49 - Edited
Chapter 50 - Edited
Chapter 51 - Edited
Chapter 52 - Edited
Chapter 53 - Edited
Chapter 54 - Edited
Chapter 55 - Edited
Chapter 56 - Edited
Chapter 57 - Edited
Chapter 58 - Edited
Chapter 59 - Edited
Chapter 60 - Edited
Chapter 61 - Edited
Chapter 62 - Edited
Chapter 63 - Edited
Chapter 64 - Edited
Chapter 65 - Edited
Chapter 66 - Edited
Chapter 67 - Edited
Chapter 69 - Final - Edited
New book
Important Note

Chapter 68 - Edited

4.9K 155 5
Por TheSophiShow

(+2 days)

Finally the day has come... I've spent the entire day training on the punching bag and yesterday I did the same, though I made a five minute break to kill the guy in our basement. Yep, I'm an executioner now...

(George) "Are we all ready?"

(Mason) "Yes..." – I whisper.

I bang on the door and one giant dude opens it. I walk in until I'm a large division and Jack is standing on the middle.

(Jack) "You came!"

(Mason) "Where's Maya?"

He looks to a balcony on the right and I look at it too. I see her sitting on a chair with her arm and legs trapped to it, and duct-tape on her mouth. She starts screaming through it and wiggling on her chair.

(Mason) "Let her out." – I look back to Jack.

(Jack) "Didn't I mention that I wanted you two?"

(Mason) "Let her out and you'll have me."

(Jack) "You alone I don't want... I want to see the look on your eyes when I kill her. Or the other way round, I'm still thinking about it."

I clench my jaw.

(Mason) "She's pregnant! Are you going to kill a baby too?!"

(George) "Everyone, go!"

I hear some moving through the ear bud. Baby was our action word, it means that I want George and the others to help me.

(Jack) "Collateral damages..." – he shrugs.

(Mason) "I will seriously kill you."

(Jack) "I have your girlfriend. What makes you think that you will win this all by yourself?" – he laughs.

(Mason) "First of all, I told you that she's my wife. Second, I'm not alone."

He looks at me surprised and then takes his walkie-talkie out of his back pocket.

(Jack) "Teams, respond!"


(Jack) "Anyone!"

(George) "They're all dead, boy... And now, let go of my daughter or Mason will kill you!"

I run to Jack and before he sees me, I tackle him to the ground. He tries to take his gun out of his back but I swat his hand, making the gun slide to the side. He punches me a little too hard and I fall to the side. He sits on top of me and I find this position rather weird, but that's not important right now. He starts punching me and I can feel blood coming out of my cheek inside of my mouth.

I punch his side and he falls to the side too. I stand up and he recovers, staring at me.

(Jack) "I thought that you'd be weaker because you're a father now."

(Mason) "I'm never weaker." – I smirk.

He groans and runs to tackle me. I elbow him on the back but he doesn't stop and eventually we are both lying on the ground. He punches my stomach and I gasp but I punch his too and I kick him on the back. He falls forward and above my head and I get up from the ground. He gets up and tries to punch me but I block his movement. He tries to punch me again and once more, I block his movement.

(Mason) "You're being a little predictable." – I mock.

He looks like he's losing his mind and that's perfect because he'll make mistakes from now on.

He tries to kick me but I punch him first. It was a really hard punch that made him fall back. I walk to him slowly and he jumps off of the ground like a ninja.

(Mason) "Nice one... You learnt that on the cereal boxes?" – I smirk.

He yells and runs to me again to tackle me once more but I dodge him and I kick him in the back, making him fall, face first. He tries to get up but he's too weak. I walk to him, slowly again, and I kick him on the side. He rolls and faces me.

(Mason) "Get up." – I demand him.

He tries to reach for his knife on the side of his body but I step on his hand. He screams with pain and I step harder, hearing some cracking noises.

(Mason) "I said, get up."

I take my foot off of his hand and I step back to let him get up. With a lot of pain, he stands but before he straightens himself, I kick him on the stomach and he falls backwards. He clutches his stomach and I clean the blood that is falling from my mouth, from his earlier punches.

(Mason) "I thought you'd be tougher..."

I grab the back of his t-shirt and I drag him to the center of the room. I grab the gun that he tried to take in the beginning and I look to Maya. She's breathing heavily and her eyes are swollen and red. Tears are falling from her eyes and I swear that this breaks my heart.

(Mason) "Don't watch this, love."

She nods slowly and closes her eyes. I walk back to Jack and I point the gun to his head.

(Mason) "You should've known that you do not fuck with my woman!"

And with that, a bullet lodges itself on his brain. I take the magazine off and I put it on my back pocket. I run upstairs to the balcony and she tries to say something but she can't because of the tape. She screams and I stop.

(Mason) "What?!"

She looks to the right and I look at the same place. It's not on her right side, it's on her back. It's a bomb.

(Mason) "Fuck..." – I mutter and I take a better look at it.

She shakes her head and I take the tape off.

(Maya) "Mace, please, go away!"

(Mason) "I'm not going anywhere... Rob, I'm gonna need you here in like... five seconds."

(Rob) "Coming!"

I look at it again. It's a time-bomb.

(Maya) "How long?"

(Mason) "Don't worry about it."

(Maya) "Mason, how long?!"

I look at her.

(Mason) "Three... Three minutes."

Some tears fall from her eyes and she lowers her head. I walk until I'm in front of her and I kneel.

(Mason) "Everything will be okay. Rob knows about bombs. We'll be okay." – I lift her chin.

She looks at me.

(Mason) "You're tired..."

(Maya) "How can you tell?" – she says sarcastically.

(Mason) "Your eyes. I can see it in your eyes..."

She bites her trembling lip.

(Maya) "My mom used to say that."

(Mason) "Your eyes say more than your mouth does."

Rob comes running and gasps once he sees the bomb.

(Rob) "Time-bomb... Fucking great."

(Mason) "Everyone out of the building!" – I say for the ear bud.

(George) "Rob, what do you mean as time-bomb?!"

(Rob) "You know what I meant! I don't want anyone in this building!"

He looks at me like he's waiting for me to leave.

(Mason) "I'm not going anywhere. Just do your job."

He groans and analyzes the bomb.

(Maya) "Mason, please go..."

(Mason) "I'm not going anywhere, goddess." – I put my hands on her cheeks. – "I don't want to go without you."

(Maya) "But you have to save yourself..." – she whispers.

(Mason) "What's the point in saving myself if I can't have you?"

She sighs, giving up on changing my mind.

(Mason) "Rob, how are things?"

He ignores me and I decide to not ask him again.

(Maya) "We'll go to Hudson, right?"

I smile and nod.

(Mason) "We'll have a big house so we have the excuse of having a lot of children."

She smiles.

(Mason) "I'll buy you a bar because I think you miss your old one and I'll buy myself a gym so I can teach people..."

(Maya) "Really?"

(Mason) "Really." – I smile. – "We'll raise our babies in that house and we'll give barbeques for the neighbors and you'll complain about the females that are annoying and I'll tell you that you're being too gossipy and you'll be mad at and then I'll kiss you, which will lead us to a night full of hard-core lovemaking."

She laughs.

(George) "Seriously?!"

I take my ear bud and I throw it to the ground. It smashes into pieces.

(Mason) "I love you and we'll be okay."

(Maya) "I love you."

I kiss her and Rob clears his throat. I break from the kiss to look at him.

(Rob) "I think you could move to Hudson tomorrow." – he smiles.

My eyes widen and I take Maya off of the ropes. Once they're all out, she jumps to my arms and I wrap mine around her. I kiss her neck and she cries against my shoulder.

(Rob) "I'm gonna... go." – he says awkwardly and leaves.

She breaks from the hug and smiles through her tears.

(Maya) "We're free."

I chuckle and I put a strand of hair behind her ear.

(Mason) "We are finally free."

She smiles and grabs the back of my neck forcefully to connect our lips. They move like always and I can't believe that I'm kissing her again. I thought I'd never have that chance in my life...

She breaks and looks at me worried.

(Mason) "What?"

(Maya) "We... Come with me." – she grabs my hand.

She leads me to a room and she opens the door; everything is dark.

(Mason) "Maya, where are we?"

(Maya) "Jack put me in here, when he kidnapped me."

I take my phone out and I turn on the flashlight. Right when I can see something in this room, I notice that there's a body on a chair, on the end of the room. I narrow my eyes to see better.

(Mason) "That's..."

(Maya) "He's name was Rhys... He's the guy from the college that helped us..."

(Mason) "Oh my god..."

(Maya) "It's my fault he's dead..."

I put my arm around her shoulders and I kiss her head.

(Mason) "It's not your fault. It was Jack's. And he's dead now."

(Maya) "Jack said that Rhys never said a word about me... That he said he'd never betray his friends..."

(Mason) "We'll bury Rhys properly."

She nods and wipes the tears.

(Mason) "Now, let's leave this place."

We walk to the exit to see everyone there. George is the first one to wrap his arms around Maya's body.

(George) "I'm so glad you're okay!"

(Maya) "I won't be if you squeeze me more..." – she says like she's trying to catch her breath.

I break them apart or he might hurt our baby. She smiles at me and then everyone sees if she's okay.


(Maya) "I want to leave as fast as we can."

We are lying on our beds looking at each other. My arm is on her back and I honestly don't know why...

(Mason) "We'll pack everything and leave tomorrow."

(Maya) "And where are we going to live? We haven't bought a house or anything."

(Mason) "I have..."

She frowns.

(Mason) "Kind of. I've rented a house for us while our house is being built."

(Maya) "Built?"

(Mason) "Of course. I don't want someone else's house. I want our house."

She smiles and kisses me on the nose.

(Maya) "So the address you gave me..."

(Mason) "That was the rented house. They'd call you when our house would've been ready."

(Maya) "But now we will enjoy it together!" – she laughs and hugs me.

I laugh too and I hug her back. She kisses my chest.

(Maya) "Night, angel."

(Mason) "Goodnight, my love." – I kiss her head.


Maya's P.O.V

Mason is talking to my dad downstairs while I'm packing everything. We've already made Rhys' funeral and I have no idea how to reach to that... I'm going through our closet and I find a bag. I open it to see it full of money.
Wait, I remember this bag...

(Mason) "Is something wrong?"

(Maya) "This is the bag from L.A, isn't it?" – I show him the bag.

He nods and grabs it.

(Mason) "Your dad gave it to us. He said it was a present for when we have kids."

I smile. We continue with the packing and before I grab the bags to leave, Mason grabs my hand.

(Mason) "I know that our wedding wasn't what you wanted and it certainly wasn't as nearly as good as Mike and Liv's but I want you to know I took it very serious. For me, we are really married."

(Maya) "Good. Because for me, we are really married too."

(Mason) "Okay, then I guess that we should have rings."

He pulls out two boxes and gives me one. I open it to see a ring and on the inside of it, says «Angel». I smile and I look at him.

(Maya) "I guess that one says Goddess."

He nods and smiles, slipping the ring in my hand through my left ring finger.

(Mason) "I love you, my wife."

I slip his ring on his left ring finger.

(Maya) "I love you, my husband."

He grabs the back of my neck and connects our lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and I lift myself to hook my legs around his waist. He smiles to the kiss and grabs my sides to support me.

(Mason) "A goodbye to this bedroom?" – he breaks from the kiss and smirks.

I smirk too and nod. He throws me to the bed and takes my t-shirt off.
I think I don't need to explain the rest... *wink*

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