|| ArjunaPriyā: Flames On The...

By Shakrani

45.4K 3.7K 2.9K

अर्जुनप्रिया - Arjuna's beloved. They had dreamt of a life with each other, for each other, and in each other... More

| Sections & Playlist |
|| Eka: Strength Of Fragility ||
|| Dvi: His Love, His Light ||
|| Tri: Pride In Each Other ||
|| Chatur: Vow And Welfare ||
|| Pancha: His Quandary ||
|| Shat: The Embrace Of Love ||
|| Sapta: Price Of Respect ||
|| Ashta: Hopes And Dreams ||
|| Nava: Prayers And Meditation ||
|| Dasha: Wave Of Change ||
|| Ekadasha: The Past Surfaces ||
|| Dvadasha: Messages Of Love ||
|| Trayodasha: The Mysterious Maiden ||
|| Chaturdasha: Beacon Of Devotion ||
|| Panchadasha: Feelings And Austerity ||
|| Shodasha: Pure Love ||
|| Saptadasha: Her Inner Conflict ||
|| Ashtadasha: The Pandya Kingdom ||
|| Navadasha: Promises And Compromises ||
|| Vimshati: Opportunity And Reluctance ||
|| Ekavimshati: Her Restlessness ||
|| Dvavimshati: Letter From Him ||
|| Trayovimshati: Trust And Acceptance ||
|| Chaturvimshati: Her Letter ||
|| Panchavimshati: The Heir Of Manalura ||
|| Shadvimshati: The Sign And The Decision ||
|| Saptavimshati: Hopefulness ||
|| Ashtavimshati: The Wedding Celebrations ||
|| Navavimshati: Resolution For Respect ||
|| Trimshat: Suggestions And Premonitions ||
|| Ekatrimshat: Close To The End ||
|| Dvatrimshat: A Friend's Assurance ||
|| Trayastrimshat: Flooding Memories ||
|| Chatuhstrimshat: Actions Above Circumstances ||
|| Panchatrimshat: His Truth And His Dharma ||
|| Shattrimshat: The Unresolved Conflict ||
|| Saptatrimshat: Intuition And Permission ||
|| Ashtatrimshat: Her Anguish And The Test ||
|| Navatrimshat: Facing The Consequences ||
|| Chatvarimshat: The Homeward Journey ||
|| Ekachatvarimshat: Preparations For Welcome ||
|| Dvachatvarimshat: Doors Of Distance ||
|| Trichatvarimshat: The Fire In Her Heart ||
|| Chatushchatvarimshat: Life And Lifelessness ||
|| Panchachatvarimshat: The Punishment Pronounced ||
|| Shatchatvarimshat: Pride For Trust ||
|| Saptachatvarimshat: Separation Persists ||
|| Ashtachatvarimshat: Bridge Of Letters ||
|| Navachatvarimshat: A New Decision ||
|| Panchashat: Burning In Her Love ||
|| Ekapanchashat: Respect, Loyalty And Trust ||
|| Dvapanchashat: Rising From The Abyss ||
|| Trayahpanchashat: Wound Of The Heart ||
|| Chatuhpanchashat: The Confounding Question ||
|| Panchapanchashat: Change Of Surroundings ||
|| Shatpanchashat: Enveloped In Darkness ||
|| Saptapanchashat: Right On The Comb ||
|| Ashtapanchashat: Choosing Herself ||
|| Navapanchashat: Concious From Unconcious ||
|| Shashti: The Invitations ||
|| Ekashashti: The Incongruity ||
|| Dvashashti: The True Impression ||
|| Trayahshashti: The Consolation ||
|| Chatuhshashti: The Coldness And The Fire ||
|| Panchashashti: The Outrage ||
|| Shatshashti: The Confrontation ||
|| Saptashashti: The Shield ||
|| Ashtashashti: The Two Queens ||
|| Navashashti: The Simantonayanam ||
|| Saptati: The Question ||
|| Ekasaptati: The Announcement ||
|| Dvasaptati: His Eldest Son ||
|| Trayahsaptati: Impatience And Patience ||
|| Chatuhsaptati: The Order ||
|| Panchasaptati: The Present And The Future ||
|| Shatsaptati: The Ban ||
|| Saptasaptati: Resurrecting Bonds ||
|| Ashtasaptati: The Sacrifices ||
|| Navasaptati: Until Then ||
|| Ashiti: The Nostalgia ||
|| Ekashiti: The Danger ||
|| Dvashiti: The Negotiation ||
|| Trayashiti: The Predicament ||
|| Panchashiti: The Longing ||
|| Shadashiti: His Fortune ||
|| Saptashiti: His Request ||
|| Ashtashiti: The Disclosure ||
|| Navashiti: Key To His Heart ||
|| Navati: Darkness and Light ||
|| Ekanavati: Lost In Love ||
|| Dvanavati: Like Herself, Like His Heart ||
|| Trayonavati: Waves Of Fervor ||
|| Chaturnavati: The Request ||
|| Panchanavati: Khandava Dahana ||
|| Shannavati: Parchedness ||
|| Saptanavati: Close To His Emotions ||
|| Ashtanavati: Indra-Aindri Yuddha ||
|| Navanavati: The Reunion ||
|| Shatam: Her Vasanta, His Utsava ||
|| Ekadhikashatam: Form Of Their Love ||
|| Dvayadhikashatam: The Celebration ||
|| Trayadhikashatam: To Kampilya ||
|| Chaturadhikashatam: Reliving The Memories ||
|| Panchadhikashatam: His Dedication, Her Devotion ||
|| Shadadhikashatam: HridayaNayaka-Hridayeshvari ||
|| Saptadhikashatam: The Extravagant Event ||
|| Ashtadhikashatam: The Challenge And The Shringar ||
|| Navadhikashatam: Adorned With Love ||
|| Dashadhikashatam: Krishnaa Simantam ||
|| Ekadashadhikashatam: Fun In The Festivity ||
|| Dvadashadhikashatam: He Has Arrived ||
|| Trayodashadhikashatam: Their Beloved Child ||
|| Chaturdashadhikashatam: At Home Again ||
|| Panchadashadhikashatam: Aarjuni's Namakarana ||
|| Shodashadhikashatam: Hail Prince Shrutakarma ||

|| Chaturashiti: The Miracle ||

446 44 36
By Shakrani

Before the chapter starts...
Glories to Devendra!✨ 💎


A brilliant silver light flashed through the length of the Khandava forest, earning the attention of every resident, including Takshaka who was in his chamber and Arjuna who was locked up in the prison. The son of Indra rose from the ground and walked towards the aperture in the walls of the prison from where the light was entering inside fiercely. All of a sudden, the prison doors broke open and at the same time, lightning flashed in the sky. Though he was hesitant at first, he walked towards the doors and stepped out of the prison carefully, looking around to see who had opened the doors. There were no one but the light in the sky began to transform into the shape of a deity, making Arjuna blink his eyes in fascination. The Deva was gold-complexioned, wearing blue clothes, holding lotus in one hand and Vajrayudha in the other. Devendra!

"Takshaka, I hadn't expected this kind of unjust behavior from you!" Indra uttered, his voice deep like the clouds. "You have imprisoned Arjuna for your selfish reasons. You've failed as a king. Remember that I had promised you that I would save you from all types of harm, especially from Agni Deva, but if you think that I'll save you from your own misdeeds, you are mistaken. As your well-wisher, I'm suggesting you release Arjuna and send him back to Indraprastha right now! If not, I will break my promise of saving you from Agni! You won't have my support!"

"No, Devendra!" Takshaka cowered, falling on his knees. "I always need your friendship. If you do not save me, no one would save me from Agni. I'll definitely leave your son, Devendra!"

"I'm not asking you to leave him only because he is my son, Takshaka. I had promised you protection to this forest  out of our friendship but if you do not walk on the path of Dharma, if you put an innocent person in your prison, if you abduct an innocent child for your benefit, I cannot support you in those evil actions. I'm the King of the Devas, Takshaka, not your servant!"

"I apologize, Devendra, I'm very sorry!" Takshaka touched his forehead to the ground as Indra vanished from the sky gradually, his radiance lingering in the surroundings even after his departure.
Arjuna folded his palms together, offering his respects and gratitude to his father within his heart from afar.

Takshaka arrived at the prison with his Naga guards, his face dipped low. "Arjuna, you are free. You have kept your word of not trying to escape and not fighting back. But I have realized that protecting Dharma is above protecting oneself. I'm releasing you from Khandava wholeheartedly."

"If you aren't satisfied with your own decision and have the opinion that Devendra has compelled you, then you can fight me, NagaRaja. I'm a Kshatriya and I do not step back from battle unless my loved ones are involved. The reason I had surrendered to you was my son Sutasoma and my father Devendra. But I've become free from those constraints after Soma is released and Devendra has refused to back you."

"I'm not dissatisfied, Arjuna. You weren't the one who was abducted and you weren't put in prison after getting defeated. I had never proved my worth before imprisoning you. Then why do you have to prove it for your release?" Takshaka sighed. "You can leave. It's your right to be free. I hope you forgive me for kidnapping your prince."

"That is not possible, NagaRaja, not that casually. You have tried to play with his life. I'm letting you go only because you have left him and he is unharmed."

Takshaka squirmed as the guards brought Arjuna's weapons and handed them to their owner. The son of Pritha took them and without sparing another glance, he walked away from there. As soon as he stepped out of the forest, he was greeted with the sight of his two elder brothers and his cousin waiting eagerly for him. The glow on their faces was enough to understand that they too  had witnessed Indra's appearance. Arjuna hugged them as they expressed their relief and joy at his return through their words and gestures. Some distance behind the three, Krishnaa and Dhrishtadyumna were standing.

Arjuna walked towards them slowly before his brother-in-law rushed forward and hugged him elatedly. Krishnaa was still, her eyes softly trailing on his face but when their eyes met, she lowered her sight quickly.

"Where is Soma?" He questioned, looking around at the three men concernedly. "Is he alright?"

"Yes, Phalguna," Yudhishthira replied gently. "We sent him to the royal palace with Mata in the evening. But he was crying for you. We've never seen him behaving that way before. We thought the kidnapping might have been a shock but he denied and said he was distressed about you being in prison."

"When he saw me inside the forest, he was so happy as he was amidst the Nagas who were obviously not so pleasant for him. But when I did not go near him and he was being sent outside, he started crying." Arjuna sighed. "He also witnessed my hands getting cuffed. I think I have to meet him for him to calm down."

"He must have fallen asleep, Arjuna, it's  late into the night." Vrikodara glanced at Krishnaa. "Sutasoma wasn't the only one who was waiting for you. His mother too has been waiting for you. We are leaving for the palace. You and Panchali come together later."

After Vrikodara's statement, Krishna, Dhrishtadyumna and Yudhishthira followed the former towards their chariots and horses to return to the palace. Arjuna strode towards Krishnaa who was still staring at the ground but as he approached, she lifted her gaze to look into his eyes. A silence descended on the surroundings as their eyes clung to each other in a way that had never happened since he had returned. He turned breathless due to the intensity of warmth in her eyes.

She shut her eyes abruptly as it was overwhelming for her to experience the connection again that she always knew that they shared, something that was crushed beneath the weight of time. But all that mattered at that moment was him. She wasn't able to think or feel anything else other than his love. She took one step forward, her eyes not leaving his eyes. He could feel her as she was letting him to feel her. She wasn't blocking him from reaching the depths of eyes to read her feelings. The hesitation, nervousness and distance of twelve years lingered between them, stopping her from taking the last step and pushing herself into his arms. He couldn't let the distance and separation win, not when she was willing to break it yet it wasn't allowing her to. He could feel her hurt at not being able to hold him close, ensure herself of his well-being and demonstrate how concerned she had been for him.

He could be patient for a lifetime if it was for himself but not when she was equally involved, when she was equally yearning for him. The crackling tension in the air quietened down when he engulfed her in his arms, clasping her close to his heart and the fire in his heart seemed to find something akin to solace when her tender palms pressed against his back. Both of their eyes were firmly closed as they took time to merge themselves with the comfort that was familiar to them once and one that they were deprived of for years. When they finally relaxed themselves in the embrace, their eyes slightly opening, the sky thundered loudly. They both looked up at the sky at the same time when lightning flashed and it started to drizzle, the raindrops falling on them and drenching them altogether.

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