Summer Blue

By MissAshleighDre

81 1 0

In the young hearts of love, friendship, and redemption, Summer Blue unfolds a touching romance. Meet Sage, a... More

Author Note
Prologue One
Prologue Two
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Six

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By MissAshleighDre

Chapter Twenty-Six

You're in trouble kid


I slipped into Marlene's sweatpants, the khaki green was definitely a colour that complemented my auburn hair and sage-green eyes. The warm shower had done me good and had rid me of the tense ache in my muscles, another wound from last night's disaster only invisible to the eyes, unlike the mortifying visible wounds on my face. When I first glanced in the mirror I was hit with mortification at the red, purple, and tinge of black that circled my eye and dipped across my cheekbone. The cut across my eyebrow was small and nothing compared to its sting and pain but still, it was visible nonetheless. I was hoping that I would somehow be able to cover it and lessen the curious looks I'm sure to be getting from people until the reminder was to vanish but honestly, I have no clue where I would even start in the attempt to hide such a gross-looking black eye. Picking up my phone from Blue's bedside table, its charge now one hundred. A rapid pounding began to sound throughout the house. I glanced at my phone, the multiple missed calls and texts from my Uncle had my head all but snapping in the direction of the door.

'Oh fuck.' I muttered, stuffing my phone into the pockets of the sweats I wore as I rushed out of the room, heading straight for the front door at my Uncle's voice.

'You're in trouble, Kid.' Uncle Wade fired at me over Marlene and Blue's shoulders. They both turned as I got closer and when I came fully into my Uncle's view, his tone grew dark. 'What the...' He bit his tongue, cutting himself short of a cuss word, 'What happened to you?' His eyes darted the entirety of my body, searching for any sign of more wounds. 'Sage what happened?' He repeated with panic in his tone.

'There was a small incident yesterday, but I'm fine.' I tried to wave him off, tried to ease the seriousness of the situation I had gotten myself into last night.

'Incident? You look like you went two rounds in a darn live bucking contest.' He fired, 'What happened to your face?' he fired another question, impatience written not only on his facial features but his tone too.

'I got into a fight.' I informed him. Technically I wasn't lying but I wasn't giving him the entirety of the story either and believe me it didn't feel good knowing that knowledge, not at all.

'Darlin.' Blue sent me a reassuring smile as if to silently tell me that I needed to give my Uncle every and all details, but just because Blue said it was okay didn't mean that I had the strength to do it. I mean this was my Uncle, and he was going to be furious not only at the fact I had went to a bar and drunk alcohol at the age of eighteen but at the fact I'd spent the night in jail.

'Alright, don't be mad ok?' I eased and when my Uncle hit me with silence I carried on. 'I went to a bar, but I swear I wasn't drinking alcohol we were just there because Blue was performing, then I got into a fight and then I got Blue beaten up by a bunch of guys, then the police came and I beat up a man, got myself arrested only to spend hours and hours in a very tormenting four walled jail cell.' I rushed out giving him the basic details but not all of them. He didn't need to hear it all in one go, maybe once the dust settles I'll fill in the minor details with all the facts like the one that included that I actually was drinking alcohol, that I got into a fight with a man, beaten up by a man, got Blue beaten up and then sat terrified in a jail cell. Holy hell just thinking about last night was terrifying and I hated every bloody minute of having to replay it in my mind.

'You were arrested? And I'm only just now finding out?' he glanced an accusatory look towards Blue.

'I let her stay the night, you were working, and she didn't want to stay alone.' Marlene tried to soothe over.

'Fighting? Fighting with who? You beat up what man?' he demanded an elaboration, his intense eyes only on me and I felt the scolding in the look, no words needed.

'Sir,' Blue cut in, drawing my eyes to him as he turned all his attention to my Uncle. 'Last night was my fault, I took Sage to that bar, I put her in the same vicinity as drunk men and the consequences of that action was the result of me getting into a fight, her getting hurt and then her getting arrested. If I had not taken her there then none of this would have happened, I'm aware that I broke my promise that she would always be safe with me, but I won't ever make that mistake again, I won't ever put her in any danger again.' He explained his version of the story and I couldn't believe that he was still turning the blame for last night on himself.

'It's not your fault Blue, I danced with those men, I unintentionally gave them the idea that I was a single woman, I was the reason they cornered us, I was the reason they held you back and repeatedly punched you, I fought against that man and in my attempt to flee or stop what they where doing to you I hurt him and he lashed out on me. Then when the police tore their attack apart, I was the one who attacked that man out of my rage, dumbly enough in front of a crowd of police, I got myself arrested but none of that was on you, none of that is your fault but mine, but there's.' I let out, pleading with him to stop the madness of blaming himself, of feeling guilt that he shouldn't be feeling because he didn't deserve that, he didn't deserve to be standing here and telling my Uncle that he was the reason I was standing here looking like I'd gone two rounds in a live bucking contest, as my Uncle had put it.

'Similar story two different sides.' My Uncle muttered, his eyes turning to Marlene and the sadness she held in her own as she watched Blue. 'You kids had a night huh?' He remarked, the concern, worry, and anger that he portrayed split between both me and Blue as he switched his gaze between us both.

'It doesn't matter the version of the story, what matters is that if she's with me I won't ever allow anyone to put their hands on her again, you have my word and that is a promise that I'm not going to fail you on Sir.' Blue said, his tone was certain, his words a promise not only to my Uncle but to me and himself.

My kind of day


As I stood in the kitchen, the aroma of freshly baked cake wafting through the air, I couldn't help but reflect on the delightful day I had spent with Blue. My uncle left after checking that we were both alright after last night's disaster, luckily I wasn't in trouble other than his demand that I let him know my whereabouts and that was reasonable I guess, I didn't want him worrying about me and honestly I wouldn't have wanted to worry about him either. The morning had begun with a quiet solitude as we revelled in the absence of his mother after she had left for work. We seized the opportunity to create our own little world, filled with movies, snacks, and Blues teasing touches. He couldn't keep his hands off of me, since last night he would always in any chance that he could get a hold of me touch me, kiss me, it was absolute bliss. The memory of us sprawled on the couch, sharing popcorn and indulging in an array of delicious treats, brought a warm smile to my face. It was a simple joy, an oasis of happiness that momentarily shielded us from the demands of the outside world. As soon as the sun began to dip, we found ourselves in the midst of baking a cake together, the sweet smell of the treat in the oven left an aroma that sent hunger straight to my stomach. Blue was terrible at baking, he was no help at all, even though he insisted on helping so I gave him all the little tasks, the ones like fetch me the baking tray, fetch me this or that ingredient and he didn't seem to mind instead he revelled in watching me, in holding me while I prepared the faultless cake mix. Blue made himself useful in retrieving the finished cake from the oven as I scooted the spill of flour from the counter onto my hands as I made myself busy with the clean-up.

'Please make me one of these every damn day.' He smiled, snaking his arms around my waist.

'Smells heavenly doesn't it.' I retorted with pride; I was bloody good when it came to baking anything sponge-wise.

'Makes me want to devour its creator.' He nibbled against my ear with a teasing tone. Boy oh boy the man made my entire head spin and I ain't complaining about it, not one bloody bit.

'You can't keep your hands off of me can you.' I leaned back against him, welcoming his comforting embrace.

'No ma'am.' He growled into my neck, his teeth nipping at my skin enticing a soft laugh to pass my lips. I turned in his hold, I'm sure the mischief of my next actions written in my eyes as I playfully flicked the flour piled in my hands in the direct direction of his face. His eyes widened in surprise as the white powder danced in the air before settling on his hair and clothes. 'Oh, so that's what we're doing now.' He chuckled, as my laughter rang out around us. 'It's on Darlin.' He raised a challenging brow, mischief shining from those beautiful captivating eyes of his and I took a step back out of his hold, the chase he threatened tugging on his lips as he picked up the bag of flour.

'You wouldn't.' I let out in certainty.

'Want to bet?' He smirked devilishly my way and with the look he sent me I knew that he was fully capable of doing what he was threatening to do.

'Blue.' I warned, taking steps away from him and the mischief that was seeping from his pores. I was now the Mercer boy's prey, so I did what all pray do and I ran, I bloody bolted as he chased me around the kitchen. The flour-covered floor added a slippery element to our playful pursuit, And my heart raced as I dodged his advances, Our laughter echoing around us.

'Gotcha.' He hooked one arm around my waist, 'All mine Darlin.' He grinned triumphantly before tipping the bag of flour over my head, turning me into a living snow globe.

'Blue!' I squealed, shaking the flour from my hair in shock but most of all indulging in the laughter as he pulled me into his arms, his palms cupping my face as he brought his lips down on mine, smothering both of our amusement as his tongue slipped past my mouth and entwined with mine. My heart was pounding but yet it felt so light with the love I have for this boy, God please I am begging you to never let me lose these feelings because I absolutely loved this man, I was in over my head totally in love with Blue Mercer. The doorbell rang, shattering the tranquillity we had created as the sound drawled A groan from Blue that was muffled by our entwined lips, a clear expression of his reluctance to entertain any interruptions. However, duty called, and with reluctance of my own, I pulled our lips apart, his fingers lightly brushing against my flour-dusted cheek as he refused to let me go.

'We were so close to a perfect evening.' He complained, his eyes conveying both amusement and a hint of annoyance. I bit down on my lip still feeling the warmth of the kiss lingering.

'Oh don't worry we will continue this later.' I promised, running my fingers through his tousled hair.

'Or we can completely skip the bonfire tonight? We have everything we need right here Darlin.' He suggested, a tug of a smirk pulling at his lips.

'That sounds pretty inviting.' I retorted, the allure of being stuck in our private cocoon for longer one that I wouldn't mind at all. The doorbell chimed again, a reminder of the world beyond our flour-covered haven. I let out a sigh, 'But we can't, Violet would lose her shit if I didn't go and Mickey would insist he stays with us, you know how he is? He had a talk about me not spending time with him anymore, I think he's jealous.' I grinned up at him with playfulness.

'Yeah, I got that same lecture from him.' He said, a smile spreading out across his lips at his words.

'You did?' I laughed in hilarity. Mickey was adamant that we were leaving him out, always conjoined at the hips and leaving no time for him anymore. I guess he was right, usually, it would be the three of us every minute of every summer but this summer was a little different, I had Blue, Blue had me and Mickey had Violet so our time together was split between all directions. Instead of the doorbell, a rapid knock sounded from the front door, both Violet and Mickey impatiently trying to grasp our attention on to them.

'We better get that.' I said reaching up on my tip toes to place a quick swift peck on his lips.

'Uh-huh.' Blue smiled, Reluctantly releasing me from his hold, and slipping his hand into mine as he tugged me towards the front door. I reached for the door handle, The front door swung open to reveal Mickey and Violet, their smiles turning into curious expressions as they took in our appearance.

'What the shit did we just walk in on?' Mickey grinned with an insinuating raise of his brow.

'Oh my, Doll your face.' Violet let out her eyes trained on my wounded eye with concern.

'Close the door behind you.' Blue fired their way, ignoring both of them and turning to face all his attention on me. 'Darlin We are taking a shower.' He tugged on my hand pulling me closer allowing him the reach to circle his arms around my waist, his chest pressed to my back as he began walking me away from our friends, saving me from yet another conversation about the shocking state of my face.

When Blue said we were taking a shower he didn't mean that we were taking showers separately, nope he had other plans, the we in his comment literally meant the both of us and I've got to say this was a first but a first that I was absolutely going to seek more of down the line. How could I not? I was currently under the steaming water, my bare skin clinging to Blue's as he held me tightly to him, his lips catching every part of me that was in reach. A fire burned in my stomach, a need and desire so full in my chest as I clawed and grasped onto his slippery skin, my breaths uneven, heavy, and completely erratic.

'Blue, they will hear.' I all but wined, muffling my desire-filled tone into his shoulder. I tightened my grip on him as he bit down on my neck, his tongue glazing over my wet skin as he brought his lips to my ear.

'It's just you and me, remember?' He whispered, the silent Nothing else in this world matters but us, but what we feel, nothing but what we want right now while in this moment together. My fingers found his hair and I tugged, pulling his mouth to mine. He was right, I no longer cared all I cared about was right now, how his muscles tensed beneath my fingers, how he made my skin tingle with fire, my stomach tighten with desire, my back arch in pleasure and my head beyond dizzy with everything he does to make my head spin.  

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