Summer Blue

By MissAshleighDre

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In the young hearts of love, friendship, and redemption, Summer Blue unfolds a touching romance. Meet Sage, a... More

Author Note
Prologue One
Prologue Two
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Nineteen

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By MissAshleighDre

Chapter Nineteen

Meeting the men of the ranch


The sun was no longer in the sky, but Sage was still on that damn horse. I leaned against the wooden fence, watching her, the one thing in my life that gets me excited, as she guided the magnificent horse through its paces. The rhythmic sound of hooves meeting the soft earth filled the air, creating a serene symphony that momentarily drowned out the chaos of our chaotic lives. I've got to say that it was a surprise to see how much she knew about horse riding when initially I had thought I'd be giving her a beginners lesson but it was clear to me as she sat tall and confident in the saddle, her auburn hair flowing freely in the breeze that was undoubtedly not the case and I was not even going to attempt to pull away the proud smile that played on my lips as I marvelled at the grace with which she handled the powerful creature beneath her.

'She's giving Knight a darn good exercise tonight.' My boss, Casey, came to stand beside me, his eyes fixed on Sage and the horse.

'Yeah, I'll get him settled in for the night soon, I couldn't bring myself to tell her he's ridden enough.' I admitted. I couldn't be the one to rip that serene happiness from her face when she seemed to be so carefree looking. Casey raised an eyebrow, a sly smile forming on his lips.

'Knight can handle it, I've got to say Son it's nostalgic seeing her all grown up.' He said.

'You've met her before?' I asked, the news all new to me.

'A long time ago, she was maybe seven or eight the last time she was here with her father.'

'Huh, well I didn't know that.' I chuckled, if I had known that I'd have brought her out here sooner.

'Her father and I were brothers without the blood, a good man he was.' He said, nostalgia written on his expression.

'So, you knew who she was when I asked about bringing her here.' I asked the smile on his face the confirmation that I had hit the nail on the head.

'I don't just let anyone on my ranch Son.' He remarked.

'Right.' I chuckled a response.

'This might be out of my line of duty, but I wouldn't be honouring my late friend if I didn't ask.' He turned to face me, his attention directly on me as the conversation seemed to become serious. 'Your intentions with her, are they good?'

'With Sage, they always have been Sir.' I admitted truthfully because they had even before my feelings towards her grew into more.

'That's good enough for me.' He brought a hand down with a pat on my shoulder.

'I think he's tired.' Sage's voice cut through the moment, drawing both of our attention to the beauty on the horse as she and Knight strode our way.

'Alright Darlin, let me help you down.' I offered, making a motion to round the fence.

'I've got it.' She said before proceeding to climb off of the horse, her hand reaching out to the horse's reins as she guided him out of the pen. I smiled at her windswept hair, the look of peace settled over her facial expression, and shit she even looked hot after a two-hour ride, I was one lucky man, and I knew it.

'Hi, I'm Sage.' She reached her hand out to Casey, who took her hand into his.

'Casey Morgan, you don't remember me?' He asked, causing a sheepish look to cross her face.

'I'm sorry I don't.' She gave him a sincere smile. 'Although you do look a little familiar.'

'We have met a couple of times; your old man and I go way back.' He let her in on the information he had given to me moments ago.

'You knew my dad? Have I ever been here before?' She asked so curious-like.

'You sure have, a few times when you were a little girl.' He gave her a gentle smile with his answer.

'Huh, I thought this place seemed familiar.' She said, a wide smile growing on her lips. 'Is this all yours?' she asked motioning around the ranch.

'It is, it's been in the family for a long time.' He told her.

'Well, I guess I have you to thank for letting me hang out with Knight tonight.' She said enticing a soft chuckle to fall from Casey.

'Anytime little Walker.' He said with a gentle tilt of his cowboy hat before his attention was drawn to his incoming son, a crate of beer hooked under one of his arms. 'And where are you going with that?' He directed the question to Lloyd.

'We have to keep the bunkers hydrated.' Lloyd grinned, and Casey rolled his eyes.

'Here, I'll settle knight in for you guys, go enjoy your night.' Casey ignored his son, completely used to his nonsense as he reached for knight's rains from Sage's hand, and she pat the horse bidding him goodbye. 'Come by anytime, knight seems to like you.' He said to Sage as he began to lead the horse away.

'Thank you.' She gave him a genuine smile, her eyes lighting up at Casey's generous offer, and then it was just the three of us.

'Blue.' Lloyd turned to greet me before his eyes landed on Sage. 'And who's this?' He asked, a mischievous smile tugging on his lips, he knew exactly who Sage was, he was the one who had covered for my tardiness this morning.

'Sage Walker.' She answered and just like she had done with his father she offered him her hand.

'Lloyd Morgan.' He placed his free hand in hers, pulling her hand to his lips as he placed a kiss on the back of her hand. That fucker was playing with me, and with the smug look on his face, I'm certain that the purpose of his action was to solely wine me up.

'Charming.' She praised, much to my ego's disappointment.

'Isn't he just.' I muttered, eyeing Lloyd and the mischievous glint in his eyes with a warning. He plays too much, he had it in him to cross a line and I'm fully aware of it.

'So, what's your plans for the rest of the night pretty girl? We are about to start tonight's entertainment, you should join us.' He asked her, ignoring me like I wasn't standing right here, right next to my girl.

'Oh, I don't know.' She glanced over to me, 'Blue?' she asked, the light smile on her lips a telltale that she sensed Lloyd's flirtatiousness and much to my pleasure she came to my side, her arms circling my waist.

'We can do whatever you want to do Darlin.' I offered, wrapping my arms around her as I watched Lloyd's smirk grow into a grin. He was highly amused, and I couldn't give two shits.

'Then I'm in.' she agreed, unwinding her arms and snaking her hand into mine.

'I like this one Blue.' Lloyd grinned a remark.

'This one?' Sage retorted, glancing at me as if the five words Lloyd spoke meant a damn thing to her.

'His last friend that was female was a raging psycho.' Lloyd answered her without a glimpse of thought. I shot him the only look that I could, one that said I'd kill him if he carried on. One thing was for sure, I didn't want Sage to hear about any of that.

Games with the ranchers


The ranch was bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight, casting elongated shadows across the expansive landscape. The night was alive with the chorus of laughter that filled the air as I stood beneath the vast Texan sky, holding the coiled lasso in my hands. By my side stood Blue, his silhouette outlined against the crackling campfire's warm glow.

'Go ahead, my love,' He encouraged, His voice was a soft murmur that danced with the night breeze.

'My love?' I repeated with a bite to my lip, I've heard Blue call me Darlin, Baby, but never anything else and I've got to say I love it.

'Don't let it get to your head Darlin.' He smirked; a knowing look gleaming from his eyes.

'Baby it's too late for that.' I retorted, enticing a chuckle to pass his lips.

'Come on Kansas, show us cowboys how it's done.' Lloyd yelled from behind me, his amusement heard in his tone, he knew I was about to fail but he was not about to tell everyone else.

The cool night air sent a delightful shiver down my spine, but Blue's presence beside me brought warmth and comfort. I observed intently as Blue demonstrated the proper technique, his movements fluid and graceful in the moonlight. His friends offered helpful tips, their voices creating a melodic symphony in the tranquil night. The scent of campfire smoke and the earthy fragrance of the ranch enveloped us. With the newfound confidence I had drawn from both Blue and Lloyd, I swung the lasso overhead, the rope slicing through the crisp night air. The moon's silver glow illuminated the swirling loop as it soared into the darkness. Time seemed to stand still as we all held our breath, until finally, the lasso found its mark with a satisfying thud.

'Yes, Kansas!' Lloyd erupted in cheer and the night air filled with laughter from the rest of the guys. Blue pulled me into a congratulatory embrace, the flickering firelight reflecting in his eyes. The warmth of the moment enveloped us as we revelled in the shared accomplishment beneath the starlit sky.

'How about we bump this party up a notch.' One of the guys let out, I believe his name was Jimmy but don't quote me on that.

'I'm listening.' Lloyd took his attention to Jimmy.

'A little chicken with bigger cattle.' Jimmy replied, an amused scoff falling from Blue's lips beside me as I turned in his hold to give all my attention to the other boys.

'Throw a bet in and you can count me in.' Lloyd agreed.

'I'll prep the game; you collect your darn bets.' Jimmy said before disappearing to God knows where. A round of agreements came from the others as they all fired out their bets towards Jimmy.

'Blue you in on this?' Lloyd asked.

'I'm in, I bet that I'm in there longer than you.' he fired over my shoulder.

'Well, you can kiss your cash goodbye.' Lloyd retorted with a chuckle as he turned and walked away.

I leaned my head back on Blue's shoulder. 'What exactly is the bet?' I asked, completely oblivious to what exactly this new game was and what on earth they were all throwing money at.

'You'll see Darlin.' He placed a swift kiss on my cheek before unwrapping his arms from around my waist, his hand slipping into mine as he tugged me along behind the others as we made our way towards Jimmy. Lloyd pressed a switch and flood lights lit up the entire pen that we now stood before.

'Here Kansas you're in charge of the pot.' He took his cowboy hat from his head and held it out to me.

'The pot?' I asked, taking the hat from his hands.

'The pot.' He agreed, turning the hat upside down in my hands, as Blue slid a twenty into the hat. Oh, the hat is literally the pot. I watched in silence and with a little curiosity as the remaining five boys each placed a twenty into the hat.

'Wish me luck, Darlin.' Blue said, placing a kiss on my cheek before leaving my side and entering the pen.

'So round one, whoever lasts the longest gets the pot.' Lloyd said as I placed the hat on the ground beside my feet, turning all my curious attention to the six boys who stood in the center of the ring. I say ring because that's exactly what it looks like right now as they all shook out their limbs and it only made my anticipation grow. What exactly were they doing?

'On my ready.' Jimmy yelled and I took my attention to where he stood on the other side of the pen, his hands on the latch of a gate, and oh my god fear ran through me. On the other side was a bloody bull, what on earth had possessed these boys?

'Blue, you can't be serious?' I yelled, stepping up onto the fence to get a better look.

'Baby don't sweat it.' He sent me a dashing wink but if he thought that would ease my anxiety right now then he was madly mistaken.

'One, two, three, set, ready.' Jimmy yelled before opening the gate and releasing the animal from its cage.

At that moment, I couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions. The air crackled with anticipation as I stood at the edge of the makeshift arena, fixated on the colossal bull pawing at the ground. The floodlights that encased the pen cast a shimmering haze over the entire scene. My heart raced, a mixture of worry and excitement intertwining in the pit of my stomach. Among his friends, Blue stood tall, exuding confidence and accompanied by their boisterous laughter. Their bravado cut through the charged atmosphere like a knife. The bull, a magnificent beast of sheer muscle and fury, snorted and tossed its head, a living embodiment of untamed power that I couldn't for the life of me tear my eyes away as the guys exchanged nods, their faces concealed beneath the shadows of their cowboy hats, their backs turned to me as they faced the imminent danger. 'Holey shit.' I muttered as the bull locked eyes with them, its nostrils flaring, a primal force of nature ready to unleash its wrath. My breath caught in my throat as the tension escalated to an unbearable level. Time seemed to stretch, each passing second echoing in the stillness of the dusty air. Then, with an explosive burst of energy, the bull charged. My heart leaped into my throat as the guys scattered, displaying agility and quick reflexes, narrowly evading the oncoming force. Dust billowed up in their wake, creating a surreal tableau of audacity and recklessness, and as I watched on in horror A whirlwind of conflicting emotions washed over me; Fear, awe, and an inexplicable sense of pride. The danger was palpable, the adrenaline intoxicating. I found myself holding my breath, my hands clenching onto the wooden fence beneath my palms. Amidst the chaos, Blues eyes locked with mine across the pen. His grin, a mixture of exhilaration and mischief, sent an electric shock through my veins as he barrelled his way toward me, climbing the fence and missing the bull's line of fire by a mere second. His stupidity was a dance with danger, a test of courage that defied all logic. Yet, there was an undeniable thrill in witnessing someone that you love confront the wild, even if it sent your nerves into a frenzy, it was a new and surreal kind of adrenaline that I'd never experienced before, like never-ever.

'Darlin what did I say, sweat nothing.' He grinned at me as the rest erupted into laughter, successful relief enveloping everyone as they revelled in the fact that their recklessness hadn't gotten them killed.

'That was stupid.' I fired at Blue, jumping from the fence and placing my boots back on the grass beneath me.

'Darlin.' He called after me softly, jumping from the fence and landing beside me.

'No Blue don't even deny it, that was idiotic.' I all but huffed at him, my heart was still bloody racing.

'It's just a little fun, no bloodshed.' He reasoned, tugging me to him as he circled his arms around my waist, rendering me unmoving as he looked down at me, the excitement from his little game still gleaming in his eyes and if he hadn't just shot my nerves to shit then I would totally be in awe at the sight.

'He's right Kansas, we have all danced with the Devil many times.' Lloyd interjected from his spot he was still cradling on the fence.

'The Devil is exactly who yawl are going to meet if you keep playing.' I fired with a raised brow.

'No, his name is Devil.' Lloyd grinned; amusement written all over his face as he nodded his head towards the bull.

'You're serious?' I asked, pulling from Blue's hold as he chuckled, I'm sure at the credulous look on my face.

'He's serious.' Blue answered, the amusement pouring from him.

'So, who exactly won that game?' I asked, as the boys one by one piled down from the fence.

'Me.' Lloyd grinned, 'I'm up for double or nothing.' He added, glancing at the rest of the group who all nodded their heads, excitement thrilling them all over again.

'What about the pretty green-eyed brunette?' Lloyd asked coming to my side. Pretty green-eyed brunette? Huh, I've heard that before, in fact, I heard it this morning when I was sat naked in Blue's bed. I turned my gaze on Blue, a pretty green-eyed brunette?

'Did you tell him about us?' I asked, embarrassment burning my cheeks at the thought.

'No, but if you keep talking, you're going to spill all that on your own Darlin.' He said with a raise of his brow.

'Keep talking cupcake, I'd like to hear why your cheeks have turned beet red.' Lloyd teased coming to my side.

'Leave it out.' Blue shut his teasing down, a smirk on his lips the telltale of his amusement at my expense.

'Alright, so what do you say Kansas? You in or you out?' Lloyd motioned to his money-hat.

'She's out.' Blue answered for me. I don't know what possessed me to say what I was to say next, maybe it was the adrenaline after watching the guys play, or maybe it was the defiance of hearing Blue answer for me, but the words left my mouth before I could even take them back.

'I'm in.' I let out, stepping forward with the confirmation to match my words.

'Alrighty then.' Lloyd lifted his hand in the air for a high-five.

'Yeah, that's not happening.' Blue shut Lloyd's excitement down.

'Blue Mercer, I think you'd find that I can answer for myself.' I shot defiantly, enticing a chuckle from Lloyd as I swiftly passed him in order to follow the rest of the guys into the pen and complete the task of my agreement.

'Darlin, you aren't playing.' Blue stopped me with a hand to my wrist, twirling me around to face him and the serious look he shot my way.

'You played so therefore so can I.' I retorted with such defiance in my tone.

'It's dangerous.' He reasoned in all seriousness, and he was right, but I wasn't the kind of girl to back down after I had already said that I would play, that would make me a chicken and I for sure was not about to be labeled as one.

'Huh, I didn't notice. It's just a little fun, no bloodshed.' I teased a repeat of his words, 'You can't stop me from playing Blue.' I defied him once again.

'That so?' He raised a brow, and I gave him a simple nod. 'Darlin Suit your stubborn self.' He let out, dipping his knees before proceeding to throw me over his shoulder.

'Blue.' I scolded, wriggling in his hold as amused laughter from the guys watching the drama unfold surrounded us.

'See you around Kansas.' Lloyd yelled, as Blue walked us away from everyone, across the ranch and crushing the distance to his truck.

'Blue.' I scolded as he placed my feet back to the dirt beneath us.

'Sage.' he retorted playfully.

'I'm serious Blue, I can make decisions on my own.' I fired at him.

'You don't think I'm serious Darlin? When it comes to your safety that is one thing that I'm one hundred on, and getting in that ring with Devil is one thing you ain't doing with me around.' He said in all seriousness.

'Fine then I'll just have to come back when you aren't here to stop me.' I let out stubbornly, the danger was visible but now that the option to participate in such a game was offered, I wanted to see it through. Where and when else was I ever going to get such a thrill? It sure isn't back home in Kansas.

'Your impossible.' He remarked, a sly smile tugging at his lips.

'Baby I could say the same for you.' I retorted back.

'Baby?' he repeated, tugging me closer by my waist, 'keep calling me Baby, and I'll have you before we even make it to a bed.' He teased a playful gleam in his eyes.

'Don't tempt me, Blue Mercer.' I couldn't help the smile that now replaced my previous defiant scowl.

'Sage Walker, are you flirting with me?' He grinned, his palm coming up to my face as he cupped my cheek and I reveled in the feel of his rough palm as he guided my lips to his, his lips soft and welcoming as I gave him the rains to take the kiss from me, our lips molding together in a perfect memento of a kiss.  

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