English Version: Sands & Spar...

By AeonGray

5.4K 134 15

In a world gripped by darkness and despair, Aveline knows only the harsh reality of survival. But when her pa... More



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By AeonGray

In the corner of the church, an altar surrounded by various flowers, such as roses, tulips, and carnations, created an ambiance of serenity. An enormous chandelier, hanging from the ceiling, shone in the dimness. Although it was already 9 o'clock in the evening, Sophia was still kneeling on the floor, the light from the altar accompanying her solitude. She raised her gaze to the statue of the Virgin Mary, held the rosary firmly, and chanted the prayer in Latin in a soft voice.

A faint footstep was heard behind her. Sophia turned and spotted Margo leaning against the wall, nonchalantly eating an apple. Sophia averted her gaze and continued the prayer. She was focused on praying, but part of her mind was unsettled by Margo's presence.

She stood up only to see Margo at the doorway. "Good evening, Miss Sinclair," she greeted, her voice tinged with hesitation. Margo ran a hand through her hair with a smirk. Wearing a tight-fitting dress that showcased her toned body, her heels echoed on the marble floor as she advanced towards Sophia. "Good evening, Sophia... So, have you decided?"

Sophia frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Margo replied in a cryptic tone, "Will you accept my proposal?"

"What?" Sophia responded, looking puzzled.

Margo smirked. Sophia slightly flinched when Margo touched her face. "Do you want me to ask God for permission?" There was a hint of mischief in her emerald eyes. Suddenly, the nun felt nervous about the tension that was building.

The lights flickered as their stares locked. The scent of incense wafted across the room, compelling Sophia to glance at the crucifix. Guilt immediately overwhelmed her, and she hesitantly stepped back from Margo's alluring gaze. "Let's stop this foolishness!" she declared, attempting to escape the tension between them. However, Margo seized her arm. "What?! Is this just a game to you? What do you want, Margo? Why me?" Sophia hissed the words directly into her face.

Margo's green eyes flashed with hatred as she pulled Sophia closer. "You think this is just a game? Is that really what you believe?" she spat each word with deep resentment."You have no idea of the pain I've endured!"

Their gaze locked in an unblinking confrontation.
"Leave me alone, Margo. P-please," Sophia begged softly.

As Margo drew her face closer, Sophia felt the warmth of her breath on her cheek and the sweet scent of her lips that dared to kiss her. Margo pressed the back of Sophia's head closer, deepening the kiss with fervor.

Sophia gasped for air as she pushed Margo away. "N-no!" But her lips were captured again in a consuming, fiery kiss.

Suddenly, Sophia awoke in her bed, her forehead dotted with beads of sweat. Her throat was dry, her heart racing. After taking several deep breaths, she looked around her room, ensuring she was indeed alone.

The light in her room was dim, a lamp resting on the small table beside her bed casting a soft glow. The white curtain swayed lightly in the breeze, while moonlight poured through the window.

She stood and approached the table, then drank a glass of water. She also wiped the sweat from her forehead, feeling the cool air against her skin. Sophia took her notebook from the drawer and took a deep breath as she began to write her confession.

"Ever since I saw her, I was scared, yet I couldn't understand why my heart felt so glad. Is it a sin to like her?"

She paused in her writing and frowned as she read the words.

"There is a part of me that doesn't want to see her hurt, but why? I long to see her every day, yet I want to avoid her. I have to stop this strange feeling."

Sophia put down her pen. With tears in her eyes, she quickly wiped them away and tried to suppress the misery. There were thoughts she couldn't escape and feelings she couldn't resolve.

Days passed, and Sophia avoided Margo. Whenever she spotted her in the hallway, she would change direction.


"Sister Sophia..." A senior nun called her attention in the hallway.

"Yes, Sister Claire?" Sophia paused to meet her gaze. The nun, in her mid-forties and wearing glasses, smiled warmly. "May I ask you for a favor? Would you be so kind as to teach the children? There is a meeting in San Isidro. I need to go there for the new chapel, and Father Castro has asked me to assist him in the ceremonial opening of the church." Sophia nodded gently. "Don't worry, Sister Claire; I'll take care of it."

Sister Claire's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, Sister Sophia...you are an angel." Suddenly, Sophia noticed a familiar figure approaching. Her face drained of color. "I-I have to go now, Sister Claire," she stammered, lowering her gaze and turning away. The other nun seemed oblivious to her distress, "Thank you again...Sister Sophia."

Sophia quickened her pace down the hallway.

The days brought torment to Sophia as she continued to evade Margo's presence. She persisted in her abstinence and prayed for penance. While she was somewhat relieved not to encounter Margo often, a part of her couldn't help but feel saddened by the distance.

Meanwhile, in the dining hall, Sophia sighed as she watched the thin smoke rising from her tea. She held the fork and placed it near the rice. The fried fish on her tray was still warm. Raising her eyes, she noticed the nuns seated with their breakfasts along the long table.

Sister Clara rang the bell, and the nuns turned in her direction. She pursed her lips as she took her seat at the end of the table, while Sophia was seated in the middle.

"Good morning, fellow sisters of our holy church," Sister Clara announced. "Today, we would like to welcome our guests to join us in our humble meal. Please, Miss Sinclair, join us." At her announcement, the rest of the nuns stood to welcome Margo.

Sophia's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Margo holding a tray. Margo looked ethereal in her white dress, her smile briefly captivating Sophia.

Sophia's face quickly turned pale as if she had heard a bomb about to explode, unable to control her irregular heartbeat. The worst was yet to come.

Margo chose to occupy the vacant chair in front of her. Inevitably, their eyes met, and Sophia was the first to look away. She decided to focus on her meal, her face as red as a tomato.

"Thank you, sisters, for such a heartfelt welcome. I couldn't resist joining this glorious meal; it truly is a blessing from God," Margo said, emphasizing the word 'resist' as she cast a glance at Sophia, then offered a sweet smile to the nuns.

Sister Clara acknowledged her with a smile, and everyone took their seats. "Let us pray..." Margo closed her eyes as everyone began to pray. Sophia awkwardly joined in while covertly watching her.

"Blessed are you, Lord God, King of the Universe: You raised Your beloved Son from the dead and made Him Lord of all. We turn to You in prayer, asking You to bless us and this food You have given us. Help us to be generous toward others and to work with them so that they, too, may eat well."

"Loving Father, may we all celebrate together around Your table in heaven. We praise You and give You glory through Christ, our Lord. Amen."

Margo participated in the final prayer. Sophia, perched on the edge of her seat, nervously stole glances at her. She was in a hurry to finish her meal, almost wishing she could swallow the fish in one bite. She gobbled it up, her mouth opening wide with each chew. Afterward, she gulped it down and, without pausing to breathe, scooped up a spoonful of rice. In her rush, she nearly choked, having forgotten to bring a glass of water.

"Here." Margo gently placed a glass of water on Sophia's tray. Sophia looked up, managing a forced smile.

"T-thank you," Sophia replied shyly, covering her mouth with her hand as she swallowed. She slowly drank the water, opting to look down to avoid Margo's emerald gaze.

Margo started to eat her breakfast. Sophia was secretly observing her when she picked a piece of bread. Margo took a jar of peanut butter and gently rubbed it over the surface.

All of a sudden, Sophia sensed a strange feeling when she smelled the scent of peanut butter. It was as if something had awakened inside her, something she could never recall. She felt a burning lust between her legs. Margo sliced the bread in the middle, slid her finger on the peanut butter, and elegantly tasted it. She took the food, put it in her mouth, and their eyes met. She was biting into it as she stared at Sophia. The crunching sound was soothing to the ear, sending shivers through Sophia's skin. Margo slipped a spoon into a jar and tastefully licked it.

Sophia's cheeks became flushed. She felt as if she were watching pornography in public. Worse, she seemed to enjoy it in broad daylight. The sunlight from the large window brushed Miss Sinclair's face, making her look more radiant from the warm sun rays. Sophia's throat dried up, compelling her to grab the glass of water and gulp it down. Margo picked up a slice of pear with a fork, only to bite into it and cleverly suck out the juice.

People around them were quietly eating, unaware of her dilemma. Sophia felt as if she were already burning inside. Her throat went dry again, sweat formed on her forehead, and her hands turned cold.

A smirk etched on Margo's lips. She took a seductive bite of the crust, allowing the peanut butter to smudge at the corner of her lips. Sophia unintentionally remembered her dream when she fixed her eyes on Margo's lips. It flashed in her mind, recalling the softness and the sweetness of their kiss. Out of nowhere, she unconsciously moaned while staring at the bread.

"Are you alright, Sister Sophia?" The nun beside her asked, hearing the unusual sound.

Sophia wished for an earthquake to swallow her whole. Her face turned as red as a tomato when she turned to Sister Clarisse.

It got even worse when Margo joined in. "Are you feeling well, Sister Sophia?"

Sophia forced a cough to hide her embarrassment. "I'm alright, thank you for your concern," she stammered.

"You may go, Sister Sophia, if you need a rest," Sister Clarisse stated with her usual kindness.

"Take care, Sister Sophia," Margo said in a sweet voice, seductively licking her upper lip to clean the smudge of peanut butter.

"Thanks... M-margo," Sophia's reply was sheer torture. The best thing she could do at the moment was to leave the table. She hurried to the bathroom, immediately taking a deep breath to relieve the strange heat in her body, then sighed deeply to calm herself.

After a while, her heartbeat returned to normal, and the redness on her face gradually disappeared. "Oh, God. What am I doing?" she whispered while watching her reflection in the mirror. Deep shame crept into her veins as she took another deep breath and covered her face with her hands, forcing her mind to ignore the doubts and resist a strong temptation.

9:00 PM.

"I should face my fear. Maybe this is God's way of testing my faith," Sophia muttered to herself, then shook her head. At that moment, she made a firm decision to visit Margo's house inside the monastery.

The moonlight shone like a searchlight for Sophia, guiding her on her peaceful walk. She could finally see the red fence overlooking Margo's house. It was built like a cabin but with a touch of modern design. Although it was located inside the monastery, only the cleaners were allowed to enter whenever she was not there.

Sophia pressed the doorbell. "Who is it?" Margo's voice came through the intercom.

"It's me, Sophia. Uhm... Margo... can we talk?" She swallowed a lump in her throat as she spoke through the buzzer.

There was a brief pause from the intercom. "Come in..." Then, a soft beep sounded; the lock was disengaged, allowing Sophia to enter. As she came in, the gate slammed shut and locked automatically.

Sophia was surprised by what she saw. The home's design was modern, like something out of a magazine. She could see a fountain and lights embedded in the grass. It took her a minute to enter the house; it was dark inside. Then she noticed an adjacent room with dimmed lights. Opening the door, she realized she had entered an indoor swimming pool area.

The rectangular swimming pool was very enticing, with waters reflecting against the walls. The floor, made of green marble, added to the allure. Near the edge of the pool stood a statue of the Greek god Poseidon, enhancing the room's majestic ambiance.

Sophia approached a small couch with a table beside it, on which rested a glass of cold juice.

"Margo?" Her voice echoed throughout the space.

"Why are you here?" A familiar voice spoke from behind her.

Sophia glanced back, but instantly regretted it. Upon seeing Margo naked, she quickly turned away, as if her eyes had been burned.

"C-can you please cover yourself first?" She stammered, her throat dry and face turning red from embarrassment. Margo's body was inadvertently etched in her mind, now tormenting her.

Margo crossed her arms with a smirk. "You need to help me get dressed."

"W-why?" Sophia asked, not daring to glance back. She felt Margo's presence closing in behind her, her cheeks flushed and her hands cold.
"Can you hand me my bikini?" Margo purred into her ear.

Sophia noticed the chair in front of her. A two-piece bikini was neatly placed on it; she couldn't even look back as Margo's naked body was right behind her. Her face felt drained of blood as she reached for the bikini with a trembling hand. Deciding not to move from her spot, she handed it back. "H-here, Margo," her voice choked with nervousness.

Margo moved closer, whispering tauntingly in her ear, "Thank you... Sister Sophia." The way she mentioned her name sent shivers down her skin.
"Would you like to join me? Do you want to go for a swim?"

"T-thank you. I-I don't know how to swim," Sophia replied, still not looking at her.

"You can turn now... Well, suit yourself."
Sophia heard a splash. Glancing back, she saw Margo was already in the pool. She found herself mesmerized watching Margo swim, observing the air bubbles rise to the surface as Margo's body glided through the water, her legs moving in perfect strokes.
"Why are you here?" Margo rested her arms on the poolside, looking up at her.

"Huh?" Sophia replied absentmindedly, not realizing Margo was already leaning on the poolside, watching her.

A corner of Margo's lips twitched with amusement.

Sophia cleared her throat, mustering some courage. She momentarily cast a glance at Margo, then shifted her gaze to the water. "Can we talk?"

"We're already talking," Margo responded.

Finding herself at a loss for words again, and sensing Sophia's distress, Margo decided to approach her. Sophia lowered her head to avoid eye contact.

"Can you hand me the towel?" Margo asked.

Sophia grabbed the towel while keeping her eyes on the floor. "Thank you, Sophia."

"Margo, I like your house," she blurted out awkwardly, letting her eyes roam the space. She even complimented the floor, "The marble is nice."

Margo gently cupped her chin, urging her to make eye contact. "You didn't visit me just to appreciate the floor, did you?"

Their eyes met, and Sophia felt weakened by those green eyes. A small drop of water slowly glided down Margo's breast, and despite herself, Sophia's gaze followed it. "I like your pool," she blurted out, then immediately corrected herself, "Uhmm...I mean the swimming pool?"

"You didn't come here to admire my... pool?" Margo arched an eyebrow, clearly amused.

"That's not what I meant!" Sophia retorted, her cheeks burning. She cleared her throat and took a deep breath, gathering more courage. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Margo inquired.

Sophia exhaled a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry for having bad thoughts about you. I've been avoiding you these past few days." She began to pinch the hem of her dress, while Margo watched her with an amused expression.

"I forgive you... you're too adorable," she softly chuckled, a glint of gladness in her eyes.

"Maybe we can be friends? E-even if you like girls. I could... I mean, I can like you as a friend?" Sophia stuttered, struggling to find the exact words she wanted to convey.

"Yes... that's all I need," Margo gave a cryptic smile.

"Will you let me be your friend?" Sophia asked, feeling strange about asking such a question. It seemed like a conversation she had envisioned, asking Margo to be her friend.

"Of course, I like you... Sophia," Margo replied.

Her heart seemed to rejoice at the response. Sophia blushed again and forced a grin. "I-I like you too... Margo."

"Thank you... Sophia," Margo kept her gaze fixed on her while speaking. She gently traced Sophia's brow, lips, and nose with her finger, then glided her nose along Sophia's cheek. "Can't I kiss you?" she asked softly.

"F-friends don't kiss, right?" Sophia inhaled deeply, feeling the light caress on her skin and involuntarily closing her eyes to savor the moment.

"I can live with that," Margo whispered huskily.

"It's already late... I think I should go now," Sophia slowly stepped away from Margo, smiling brightly, her deep dimples showing.

Margo softly caressed her dimpled cheek. "I have to leave now," Sophia moved toward the door.

"I miss you," Margo whispered, watching her leave.

Sophia turned back with confusion. "Did you say something?"

Margo shook her head and then shrugged, walking toward the door to playfully pinch Sophia's nose. "I said goodnight."

Sophia giggled. "Is that what you said?"


There was something familiar about Margo's actions. Sophia couldn't help but smile.


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