English Version: Sands & Spar...

Par AeonGray

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In a world gripped by darkness and despair, Aveline knows only the harsh reality of survival. But when her pa... Plus



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Par AeonGray

The Past of Aveline

Part 2

"Papa, how's Mama in heaven? Grandpa once told me she lives there. Can we visit her?" A nine-year-old Aveline asked her father. They were walking on the beach, collecting seashells, when she tugged his hand excitedly. "Papa, let's go over there. Let's make a sandcastle." She knelt on the sand, beginning to dig with her hands. Domeng sat beside her, shading her from the sun. He then found a large seashell and handed it to her. "W-whisper into it. Y-your mother w-will hear."

"Mother will hear me?" she asked, her voice filled with childlike wonder as she gazed at the seashell, her dimpled cheeks beaming with joy.

Domeng nodded, smiling at her affectionately. The inside of the seashell was iridescent, shining with the colors of the ocean. Blues mingled with greens, sparkling beautifully in the sunlight. Aveline spoke into the seashell as if it were a telephone. "Mama, are you there? I'm here with Papa." Then, she heard a soft murmur that filled her heart with joy. She looked up at the sky, watching birds glide over the horizon. "Papa, heaven looks nice. I think it would be beautiful to fly." Aveline observed the cirrus clouds strewn across the bluest of skies.

"It's b-beautiful," Domeng agreed, his gaze also lifted to the heavens.

Aveline turned to him, pressing the seashell to her ear, then whispered, "I love Papa. He's the best father in the world. Take care in heaven, Ma. I love you, Papa, and Grandpa."

"Papa, listen," she said, standing to face her father. Domeng knelt on the sand to meet her eye level. Aveline placed the shell to his ear. Her voice resonated within the seashell, warming the father's heart. "Papa l-loves you t-too," he said, wrapping her in a tender embrace.

The waves caressed the shore, and a gentle wind enveloped them.

"Papa, I learned a new song at school."


"Do you want me to sing?"

"P-please s-sing it w-with Papa." Domeng replied eagerly, settling himself on the beach. Aveline stood up, shaping her hands into the form of a bird, then began to sing with youthful enthusiasm.

🎶 "Someone stoned a sparrow on a branch of wood, and the stone hit the wing of the tiny bird."

The waves seemed to harmonize with her song, adding a natural melody to her performance.

🎶 "Because of the pain, it could no longer fly and it fell, as if to say,

A summer breeze flirted with Aveline's long hair as she continued her song.

🎶 "Oh, cruel man, your heart showed no mercy. If I die, there is one sparrow who will cry."

Dancing in circles, Aveline's dress billowed with the wind. Domeng watched her with pride, clapping enthusiastically. "Y-you sing w-well, Aveline."

"I want to be a bird, Papa!" Aveline exclaimed, spreading her arms as if they were wings and sprinting across the sand. Domeng stood and, with his strong arms, joyfully granted her wish to 'fly'. He hoisted Aveline, allowing her to glide above him. "Papa! Let's chase the waves!" she suggested, pointing towards where the waves met the shore. Setting her down, they approached the water's edge, letting the wet sand envelop their feet, eagerly anticipating the next wave.

Together, they would retreat from the approaching waves, laughter filling the air.

"Let's dance, Papa!"

Lifting her into the air, Domeng danced with her, twirling in sync with the breeze. The sea hummed a quiet lullaby; the magnificent sunset watched over them. In her father's eyes, Aveline would forever remain the most cherished sparrow he could ever hold.


"Pa, why are you different? My classmates' dads are not like you." Aveline rested her head on the pillow while holding a book, then she turned the page.

Domeng found himself at a loss for words. His innocent mind struggled to articulate a response. The concept of being "different" seemed complex, and his eyes dimmed with a hint of sadness. "Y-you don't like Papa? Am I-I e-embarrassing y-you?" he asked, feeling vulnerable, like a child fearing rejection. The room was softly lit by a bulb encased in a paper bowl, casting moving shadows that resembled stars around the room. The lamp cast light through the star-shaped cutouts, creating a dance of shadow stars on Aveline's walls.

As the dusky figures danced, Domeng felt Aveline's gentle touch tracing the scar on his face. "You are the best father in the world, Papa," Aveline declared with pride. "In every book I read, you are the strongest in all the lands of fairy tales. You always defeat the dragons and villains." She embraced him with all her might. "Papa, can we read this book?" Aveline presented her favorite storybook, a cherished bedtime ritual.

"D-don't stay up l-late. You h-have school t-tomorrow," Domeng gently reminded her, stroking her hair.

"I'll sleep early, Papa."

Aveline opened the book, her fingers tracing the vibrant letters and illustrations. Domeng positioned his head over her shoulder to better hear the story. With her sweet, youthful voice, Aveline began to read...

Queen and Sparrow by Art of Maksn

Once upon a time, there lived a Queen. She was both beautiful and powerful. However, this strong and powerful sovereign was not without her flaws. She was perpetually in tears. Even so, she was a sight to behold in her sorrow. Yet, not once did her followers inquire about the source of her pain. Thus, she wept and wept, admired from afar, but was she ever truly loved?

One day, a tiny, brave soul approached her: a small, humble sparrow.

"Why do you always cry, Your Majesty?" the sparrow softly inquired.

"I am sorrowful for I am lonely, little sparrow," she confessed. "One day, I shall die alone. My people say they adore me, but no man has sought my hand in marriage. No man has held me, loved me for who I am... it may be a selfish and foolish reason, but it is what burdens my heart, little sparrow."

"I have always loved you, Your Majesty," declared the sparrow. "When illness claimed your parents, you remained strong and poised, bearing the burden of leading your people. You became their rock, standing by their side, defending, and protecting their kingdom. And through all this, you remained kind and gentle to everyone. ...Hmm... I would like to ask for your hand in marriage, to live out the rest of my days with you... if that's okay with you, my Queen?"

For the first time in a long while, the Queen smiled. "That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever asked me, brave and bold sparrow. But your time will come much sooner than mine, little sparrow. Such is the will of the gods. I want you to dedicate your precious time to living freely like a bird."

"I will find a way, my Queen! And then I shall return with a flower in my hand!" the sparrow vowed.

But alas, despite the knowledge of the greatest herbalists in the land and the wisdom of ancient spiritualists, no solution could grant the sparrow's wish.

In silence, the small sparrow wept, lamenting the hopelessness of its plight.

"You're either too confident in your wings, or you're quite daft to idle like that, bird," quipped the cat.

"Let me go, please! The Queen is waiting for my return!" The sparrow struggled but to no avail; however, its captor was unyielding.

"This is the first time I've seen a bird weep for a mere human," remarked the cat, revealing itself to be a genie.

"Do you truly love that woman, foolish sparrow?"

"Y-yes! With all my heart and soul, I'd do anything to be with her!"

"Very well, I shall grant you a human form, but at a price."

Back in the royal palace, the Queen reflected on the sparrow's words.

"Your Majesty!" A loud male voice disrupted her thoughts. It was her most loyal knight. "A strange visitor has come to see you, my Queen. Someone named Sparrow?"

The young woman who stood before her nervously spoke, "Hello, Your Majesty! I've returned just as I promised... and well... I'm human now, but this may not be the perfect form you longed for..." Sadness tinged her voice.

The sparrow had been transformed into a woman.

"Winged or not, my feelings for you are unchanged; this heart will always be yours... if you'll have me," the sparrow hesitated.

"You speak nonsense, my dear Sparrow. It would be an honor to be the lover of a soul so kind and loving. You are all I ever wanted and more..."

From then on, Her Majesty was no longer known as the Queen of Tears.

And they lived happily ever after.

Aveline finished reading her book and then opened her mouth to yawn lazily. Domeng gently laid her head on the pillow and tucked her in with a blanket. "Pa, is it possible for a Queen to love a Sparrow? They're girls. Is it bad?" she asked, her eyes sleepy.

"Y-your mother once t-told me, u-use your heart. L-love cannot s-see," he replied, gently stroking her hair.

"Pa, I want to be a Sparrow, just like in the story," she said, her dimples deepening as she yawned again.

"F-find the Queen; she w-will love you," Domeng offered simple advice. "P-papa will be happy if y-you find y-your Queen."

"You are my King. I'm your Princess. When I meet the Queen, I will tell her you're the best father in the world," Aveline confessed with dreamy eyes until her eyelids grew heavy.

"Goodnight, Papa," she whispered before closing her eyes. He kissed Aveline on the forehead, sat in the vacant seat near the bed, and watched her sleep.


Three years had passed since Teryo's death, leaving the farm in Domeng's care, providing sufficiently for his daughter's needs. Despite his childlike mind, Domeng's towering stature served as an advantage. Men plagued by insecurity dared not mock him. Gentle as a lamb in demeanor, he transformed into a formidable predator when threatened. Those with malevolent intent could sense an underlying darkness in him, yet through Aveline's eyes, he remained a tender and protective father.

The summer breeze carried whispers of rain yet to come. Sea air intertwined with the clouds, filtering through the warm embrace of sunlight. This breeze serenaded the hanging wind chimes, creating a symphony that harmonized with the serene surroundings.

Three men approached Domeng's house, their shoes imprinting on the sand. One discarded a cigarette, extinguishing it beneath his shoe. Their footsteps drew closer with each passing moment.

Domeng was greeted by a loud knock at the door. As he opened it, the fading rays of the afternoon sun illuminated his face, revealing wide eyes filled with...fear. "Domeng?! It's really you! You're alive!" Tunying, overcome with excitement, grasped his shoulder firmly.

"T-tunying? Why a-are you h-here?" Domeng regained his composure, the reality of the situation dawning on him as his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Gomez has been searching for survivors ever since he learned about the shipwreck. It took him years, but he finally found you here. The people he hired did an excellent job," Tunying explained, glancing around the interior of the house. Noticing Domeng's shock, he gave a cheerful scratch of his head and shrugged. "What am I saying? You might not understand. I'm just happy to see you, Domeng. Pack your bags; we're leaving." His expression then turned serious; he stepped closer and lowered his voice. "Get ready. We have to go. You don't need to tell me who's with you. Just leave this place, leave them. The best thing you can do is to leave." Tunying's lips tightened as he spoke. "Don't drag them into this. Gomez owns you," he stated, not as a warning, but as a stark reality.

"I'm n-not leaving. I-I will s-stay h-here," Domeng responded, his voice tinged with desperation, his refusal as firm as a child's resolve.

Tunying glanced surreptitiously towards the doorway, where his companions waited outside. With a grimace, he whispered harshly, "What the hell are you talking about?" Grabbing Domeng by the collar, he hissed, "You're coming, whether you like it or not. You know the kind of people we're dealing with; they won't hesitate to kill for what they want. If you don't want anyone here to get hurt, you better start moving," the urgency and tension clear in his voice.

"I-I don't wa-want to leave Aveline!" Domeng protested, his plea filled with anguish.

Tunying pushed Domeng in frustration, his face clouded with disappointment. Being part of a syndicate meant no freedom; death could be the only way out. "You still don't understand, do you?! You don't get to decide, Domeng! Nobody does!" He glared and pointed his finger at him. "I'll go outside, and Gomez's men will be the ones to convince you. Just pray that Aveline, or whoever she is, won't see you. She will be killed. I'm telling you now." He stormed outside and slammed the door aggressively.

"Get him. You know what to do," Tunying ordered the two men. He took a moment to himself under the tree; soon after, he heard noises from the house—crashing furniture, loud thumps against the walls, and violent screams. Tunying had anticipated that Domeng would emerge injured, but the door remained closed. "W-what the fuck? What's taking them so long?" He checked his wristwatch impatiently; twenty minutes had already passed.

He rushed to the door only to be met with a horrifying sight.

"Hah!" Tunying gasped in fear. Before him lay a scene far more gruesome than he had anticipated. The skulls of two men were shattered, their bodies slumped against the wall, stabbed and drenched in their own blood.

"I-I d-don't want to l-leave you. I don't w-want to go. I can't l-leave," Domeng muttered repeatedly, sitting on the floor, clutching a photo.

Tunying cautiously approached, taking the picture from Domeng. Shock registered on his face. "What the fuck, Domeng! Why do you care about a kid? What are you planning to do, kill everyone who comes here?" Frustration overwhelmed him as he rubbed his face. "Leave her at an orphanage. You need to hide her from Gomez. You're going to ruin the child," he advised, sitting beside Domeng and lighting a cigarette in a nervous gesture. "Fuck!" He tossed it aside and lit another.

"I-I can't...I c-can't. I can't," Domeng sobbed, curling up on the floor.

"If you truly love her, you wouldn't be the cause of her harm. You have to stay away from Aveline. Otherwise, you'll ruin her," Tunying said, empathy softening his frustration. He took a deep breath. "Remember our visits to the orphanage?"

Domeng nodded, recalling their donations to the shelter.

"Take her there. Go, get ready. I'll clean up this mess," Tunying instructed, standing up. After a final puff, he extinguished his cigarette with his shoe. "Pack your bags and meet me at my place. I'll handle Gomez. I'll lie if I have to." Despite the dread in his eyes, he concealed it, softening his tone for Domeng's understanding. "Leave now! Hurry!"


"Pa, why are we going to the city right now?" Aveline asked excitedly, her gaze fixed outside the bus window. Domeng carried only her clothes.

"We're g-going to have f-fun. W-we'll visit your f-favorite place." Each word he spoke felt like shards of glass piercing his heart; he hugged her, burying his face in her hair.

As night fell, the bustling city streets quieted, with stars blanketing the sky. Water canals shimmered under the glow of bright street lamps, while roadside trees swayed in the strong breeze.

Aveline marveled at the sight of a traffic light changing colors at a faded crossing. "Papa! The city is so amazing!" Neon lights and colorful billboards lit up the night, akin to twinkling stars shining down on her. Gone were the familiar sounds of the sea and crickets, replaced by the din of the crowd, car horns, and the roar of passing trains.

A shop display caught Aveline's attention, making her grip her father's hand tighter. Domeng noticed and followed her gaze to a shop selling beautiful wings.

"D-do you l-like it?" He gestured towards the display.

Aveline, speechless with excitement, could only nod eagerly.

"H-how much?" Domeng inquired as they entered the store.

"It's one hundred fifty pesos, but you're lucky today—I'll give you a discount. Now it's one hundred twenty pesos," the vendor, who appeared to be Chinese, said as he removed the plastic cover.

"I'll t-take o-one." Domeng handed over a five hundred peso bill.

As the vendor unwrapped the merchandise, Aveline's eyes sparkled with joy. "Papa! Can I wear it?" Her hands clapped in excitement. Domeng knelt and assisted her in donning what appeared in her eyes to be the most beautiful thing ever.

He bought a pair of wings for her.

These wings, designed to be worn like a whimsical backpack, perfectly resembled the delicate wings of Cupid. Aveline ran her fingers over them, marveling at the softness of the feathers that tickled her palm.

"It matches my necklace perfectly, Papa! This is the best gift ever!" she exclaimed, spinning around. With each turn, the feathers moved gracefully, mimicking the gentle flap of wings. Her laughter filled the air, a sound so pure that it caused Domeng to laugh along with her. In that moment, all of Domeng's pain and worries seemed to vanish; Aveline's radiant smile and infectious joy washed away his silent suffering.

Holding his hand tightly, Aveline gazed upward, her face caught in a beam of warm, inviting light. "Let's go, Papa," she urged with anticipation. Together, they stepped forward, weaving their way through the bustling crowd.


"Pa, why can't we go home?" Aveline rested her head on his lap; they found themselves spending the night amidst the empty seats of the train station.

"I-I'm taking y-you home," Domeng managed to say, his voice nearly breaking as he embraced her tightly, Aveline still adorned with her beautiful wings.

"Papa, this has been the best day. I'm so happy," she expressed, her heart brimming with joy. Her dream of becoming a Sparrow had finally come true.

The wind swept through, sending trash and papers fluttering across the rails. Aveline played for a while until exhaustion took over.

"Y-you should g-go to sleep," Domeng suggested, spreading a blanket over the empty seat. He patted his thigh, offering it as a pillow. "G-go to s-sleep."

Aveline yawned, laid her head on his lap, and curled her legs beneath her. With her white wings, she resembled a resting bird. Domeng caressed her hair as she used his thigh for comfort. "Pa, can you hum?" she asked, her eyes growing heavy with sleep.

"C-close your e-eyes," he whispered tenderly, a loving father humming a tune from deep within his heart. "Hmmm...hmmm." He found solace in imagining her singing. A wave of sadness washed over him as he continued to stroke her hair, a tear escaping down his cheek. Domeng kept humming, letting the melody soothe the sharp edges of his pain. In his grieving heart, he implored fate to grant him another chance, another time to spare.


Domeng could see the orphanage, a modest building encircled by a large iron fence. In front of the shelter, bus stops and jeepneys lined the street.

"Papa, I loved the breakfast at the restaurant. Let's eat there again, Papa," Aveline cheerfully suggested, then leaned her face against his neck. She was perched on his back, her face resting on his shoulder, observing the pebble-covered road beneath her father's steps.

Domeng held her tightly, each step he took was excruciating, as if he were walking on a road paved with broken glass.

Then, the final moment arrived.

He pressed the buzzer.

A few minutes later, a woman wearing glasses emerged from the gate and recognized him. "Oh, it's you, Domeng. I received a call from Tunying. It's alright; I will be happy to take care of her. She will be safe here," she said, managing a smile despite the sadness in her eyes, already aware of what was about to unfold.

Domeng took a deep breath. He faced the ultimate sacrifice, a decision every parent dreads and the most difficult choice he had ever had to make...

To let go.

He lowered Aveline and knelt to face her, gently holding her cheeks as he looked into her eyes with longing, then took a deep breath. "Y-you will s-stay h-here. F-from now on, you h-have to live...here." Domeng struggled to speak the last word, overwhelmed by pain.

"Where are you going?" she asked innocently. His tears burst forth like water from a dam, streaming down his face. The muscles in his chin trembled as if he were a child confessing, "I-I'm bad. P-papa has to l-leave you. Papa w-will have to leave!"

"Papa! Don't go!" Aveline's cry filled the air. Domeng hugged her abruptly and whispered in her ear, "P-papa...loves y-you very, very m-much." He held her tightly, terrified of letting go.

"Don't leave me, Papa! No! No!" Aveline clung to him in desperation, her sobs unending.

His shoulders shook with grief, his demeanor that of a child in distress. As buses halted in front of them, Domeng, with trembling hands, attempted to release her grasp. Letting go seemed the only way to protect her.

"No! Please! Don't leave me! Don't go!" Aveline protested, shaking her head vehemently. "D-don't leave me, Papa!"

"T-they will k-kill you! T-they will k-kill you!" Domeng's voice broke, his heart overwhelmed by her tears. Her deep brown eyes, glossy with tears, reflected his own sorrow, shattering him. Gently wiping her tears, he pressed his forehead against hers. "I-I don't w-want them t-to take you. P-papa loves you v-very much, remember that." Tears mingled with his as he kissed her forehead with all the love he had.

As the bus neared, Domeng gently pushed her away, a part of him shattering as he witnessed her tears. Turning away, a sharp pang of pain pierced his chest.

Domeng boarded the bus and took a seat at the farthest end.

Aveline broke free from the woman's grasp and ran to the bus door.

"Papa! Papa!

"Papa!" She knocked on the door desperately, searching the windows in hopes of catching a glimpse of her father. "I'll listen to you, Papa! I'll be a good girl! Please don't go!"

"P-please! Please don't leave me!"

Domeng heard her pleas; they crushed him repeatedly. His gaze drifted to the aisle, eyes welling up until they were glossed with tears. As he blinked, tears streamed down his face, his lower lip trembling as he mustered the strength to speak. "G-goodbye, Aveline."

"Papa!" Aveline continued, pounding on the bus. "Please don't go! Papa!" The bus began to move, yet she persisted in knocking. The gentle wind blew in her direction, caressing the feathers of her wings, attempting in vain to dry her tears. But her vision blurred with tears as she chased the bus, the wind buffeting against her wings without stemming the flow of her tears. She ran as fast as she could, her cries echoing in the air. "Papa! Papaa!"

Domeng looked out the window, his heart sinking deeper into grief at the sight of Aveline running with her wings spread. His lips trembled as he watched, murmuring, "G-goodbye...A-Aveline. P-papa loves y-you," tears cascading down his cheeks.

Aveline's voice trailed off in the distance, calling out for him one last time.



Queen and Sparrow by Art of Maksn.
Credited to: Art of Maksn. ( Facebook )

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