English Version: Sands & Spar...

By AeonGray

5.4K 134 15

In a world gripped by darkness and despair, Aveline knows only the harsh reality of survival. But when her pa... More



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By AeonGray

The gentle wind billowed across the river, with the bright rays of the sun warming the afternoon. The river lay golden in the bright light, resembling a looking glass that mirrored the sky. Rippled water caressed the shore, washing soil from the rocks and teasing the mud away from roots. The sounds of soft whispering branches and a splashing paddle drifted into the cold waters.

Aveline opened her eyes, the breeze lifting her long bangs from her forehead and bringing color to her cheeks. She leaned her head on Margo's shoulder, the moist air of early summer mingling with the trees that surrounded the river. A deep sense of serenity enveloped Aveline as she gazed at the horizon, where rays of light danced delicately across the water, enhancing the sunset's beauty.

A memory flooded her thoughts.

"Margo, won't you get tired of loving me?" Aveline hugged her from behind while they stood at the window, watching the city sprawl beneath them.

"Why do you ask?" Margo clasped the hands around her waist.

Aveline sighed deeply, her embrace tightening. "I'm not rich. I'm completely out of your league. Our reality doesn't permit it. I'm afraid of losing you."

"Does that bother you?" Margo tilted her head back to look at Aveline.

"I don't want you to tire of me. I'll be the best I can ever be, just let me love you."

"No...I won't leave you," Margo affirmed, clutching her hand tightly.


Margo nodded and lifted her hand to kiss it. "Yes."

"Are you sure?"

Margo turned to face her and softly pinched her cheek, a gesture she had picked up from Aveline. "I will stay with you."

A gentle smile graced Aveline's lips as she reminisced about the time they spent together. Margo steered the oars in silence while Aveline lay on her lap. "Do you need help? I can paddle too. You must be tired," Aveline offered, raising her eyes to meet Margo's as she lowered her head. "Just lie there."

"But I'm getting sleepy again. I'm adding more weight to the boat," she insisted.

"You're not that heavy; just sleep. I'll wake you up when it's time."

"I don't want to," Aveline protested, starting to move. The boat wobbled suddenly. "I think we're going to flip," she said nervously, "I-I don't know how to swim."

"It won't flip," Margo reassured her.

"God, it's scary," Aveline moved closer to the edge as the boat continued its course.

"You won't drown when you're with me." Margo confidently rowed, the paddle slicing through the rippling waters behind them. The sun threatened to set behind the horizon; its rays spread across the sky in vivid tangerine. The receding blues and oranges battled across the water, casting illuminating depths on the river. The radiant glow scintillated, beaming the colors of the glorious sunset.

"Let me help you then, or I'll annoy you with my fears of drowning," Aveline glanced at her, chuckling at the thought.

"Fine. Why don't you lean back and hold my hands? I'll let you steer," Margo suggested, offering a compromise.

Aveline leaned her back against Margo's chest and touched her hands, then softly laughed. "What's so funny?" Margo muttered, her gaze fixed on the horizon as she paddled in reverse, allowing them to admire the sunset while the boat moved away.

"I'm not really helping. I'm just holding your hands. You're the one rowing the boat."

"Just stay by my side. Let me do this," Margo momentarily glanced down and smiled at her. "Do you always need to be in control, Margo?" Aveline watched the ripples spread across the river.

"Not everything can be controlled, Aveline."

"Is there something that scares you?"

"Yes," Margo lowered her gaze and buried her chin on Aveline's shoulder.

The boat glided smoothly through the reeds. The water was greener in the shadows and more orange in the light but remained distinctly green. Large boughs emerged from the trees, stretching across the murky water as if reaching out to embrace the swarming fish. The warm water, tinged green from swirling mud and algae, teemed with underwater wildlife flourishing in the shallows. Muddy soil and rotting trees encroached on the river's edge, creating slimy pools filled with debris from withered leaves, twigs, and grass. The birds' calls were like a melody to the calm river.

Aveline leaned her head against Margo. "What is it?" The wind brushed their faces, carrying the fragrance of leaves and damp earth. Margo continued to steer in silence while Aveline waited for an answer. She stopped rowing, gently placing the oars inside the boat. A breeze swept past again, softly running through Margo's hair. She sighed and hugged Aveline from behind. "Do you want to know why?" She pressed her cheek against Aveline's.

Aveline slightly turned her gaze and saw Margo's eyelashes flutter. "What scares you?" she whispered, gently caressing the immortal's face.

The fading sunset glowered before them.

"I'm scared of losing you," Margo confessed.


"I fear the thought of you leaving me," she softly uttered, then closed her eyes and tightened her embrace.

"I will never leave you, Margo."

"I know. But I'm not ready, Aveline. To face a life without you," she replied meaningfully. "I might have everything, but you are the one thing I can't bear to lose."

Aveline sensed the sadness in Margo's voice. She grasped Margo's hand and began to unfasten the watch. "What are you doing?" Margo asked, puzzled.

"I'm taking away your watch, obviously," Aveline replied with a shy simper, her dimples deepening.

"Why?" Margo looked at her, still puzzled.

"So that you won't remember the time when you're with me." After removing the watch, Aveline kissed Margo's cheek.

"Fair enough," Margo responded, embracing her.

"I have something for you." Aveline retrieved a package from her bag and opened a small box. Inside was a bracelet made of greenstone, adorned with a star and a feather pendant.

"Why are you giving me a gift?" Margo's eyes squinted in surprise.

"You already have everything in this world. So, I made you a bracelet," Aveline explained as she carefully fastened it on Margo's wrist, gently stroking the pendant with her fingertip.

"Why is there a feather?" Margo's curiosity piqued at the design.

"It's from my necklace," Aveline smiled warmly.

"It's a sparrow," Margo noted, a corner of her mouth quirking up; her green eyes flickered with a complex emotion, recalling the first time she met Aveline. "Why is there a star beside the sparrow?" She pointed to the glittering design near the feather.

"I like Vega, one of the brightest stars in the universe," Aveline said, her chocolate eyes glistening with joy. She leaned her head on Margo's shoulder, then bent down to dip her hand in the water, sending ripples in widening circles until they disappeared.

"Thank you for your gift. I love it," Margo said, kissing Aveline's cheek. "You no longer wear the necklace?" she inquired with concern.

"It's enough for me to stay beside you. As long as the sparrow and the star are together, I'm happy," Aveline replied, playfully swirling her hand in the water.

"What kind of gift do you like?"

Aveline shifted to face Margo, gazing into her green eyes. She moved closer, closing her eyes momentarily, then whispered in her ear, "I'll keep your watch. Your time is more precious to me, Margo. Every second, every minute you spend with me is the happiest moment of my life. It's always the best gift for me."

A tiny smile played on Margo's lips, and she kissed Aveline's forehead as they watched the sunset, their faces aglow with the last orange rays before twilight ushered in a sky full of stars.


"Hey, are you alright?" Margo asked with a look of concern. They were seated outside a coffee shop, surrounded by a wide variety of shops lining the nearby streets: antique and art stalls, jewelry and accessory shops, boutiques, souvenir kiosks, and stores showcasing an array of fine commodities.

"My head hurts," Aveline winced, touching her forehead.

"Since when?" Margo's green eyes flashed with concern as she moved her coffee aside and focused on Aveline.


"Does it hurt often?"

Aveline shook her head. "Just this week."

"Let's go to the doctor," Margo suggested, reaching out to touch Aveline's face.

"It's just a headache; it's not that serious." She held Margo's hand and gently squeezed it.

"I want to be sure it's just a migraine," Margo said, still unconvinced. Aveline smiled, amused by her reaction. "Don't worry. I promise I'll take care of myself." She playfully poked Margo's cheek to ease her frown.

"Let's go home...you need to rest, Aveline."

"Sure. But first, I have to buy a cake." Aveline grabbed her purse and stood up, but Margo intervened by touching her shoulder. "I'll buy it. What would you like?" She stood up from her seat.

"B-but," Aveline hesitated.

"I'll buy you a cake. Just wait here for me," Margo insisted.

"Will you get me a chocolate and mango-flavored cake?" Aveline asked with a sweet smile, hoping to lighten Margo's mood.

Predictably, Margo frowned. "Chocolate cake might make your headache worse."

"I love chocolate cake...please, Margo?" Aveline pleaded with wide, imploring eyes, holding Margo's cheeks and gently squeezing them.

Margo sighed deeply, unable to stay firm against Aveline's charm. "Fine...I'll get you a chocolate cake. But I want to make sure this is just a migraine," she conceded with a sigh.

Aveline's face lit up, and she couldn't resist kissing Margo on the lips. "Don't worry; it's just a headache. I'm not going to explode," she joked, then kissed her again. "I love you, Margo."

Margo quickly cleared her throat and stepped back before Aveline could see her blushing. "Y-you stay here...I'll get the cake."

Aveline watched Margo leave with a smile on her face, idly throwing bread crumbs to the pigeons while she waited. The wind blew softly, whispering past the empty tables at the coffee shop, gently lifting the edges of tissues laid on the tables. The air stirred again, flipping the pages of a newspaper on another table. Suddenly, her head throbbed. Aveline massaged her temple as her heart rate began to flutter, and a ringing noise filled her ears.

The laughter of a child echoed in her mind. Aveline looked around, searching for the source of that voice. A cold breeze rushed through her hair, feeling like an invisible hand caressing her face.

"I want to fly, papa!" The voice of a little girl lingered in her mind, followed by a burst of cheerful laughter, until it faded. Then, a strange yet familiar sound caught her attention from the air— it was a piece of music, a melody she recognized.

Aveline stood up, drawn towards the mysterious sound. Her feet seemed to move of their own accord, leading her somewhere unknown. A flock of pigeons scattered in disarray as she walked through them.

"Come here!"

"Hold my hand."

A blurred image of a little girl flashed in her mind, speaking to someone as Aveline's surroundings blurred.


"I'm here!"

The child's shrill voice echoed again, now singing a familiar song to Aveline.

"🎶 La-la-la-la-la....la-la-lala🎶"

"Papa, find me."

"🎶 La-la-la-la-la....la-la-lala🎶"

Clouds of dust danced in the air, trailing her footsteps. Her mind felt blank, as if hypnotized by the voice. She drew closer to the source, then heard the child again. "I want to be a sparrow, Papa."

Aveline stopped walking, her heartbeat erratic. She stood in front of a gift shop. In the glass window display, there was a music box with a small ballerina figurine in the middle, dancing and turning to the music. Aveline pressed her palm against the glass window and watched the figurine move to the melodious tune. Once again, the cold air made its presence known, awakening Aveline's dark past.

"I-I have to leave you!"

"Don't go, Papa."

Margo was searching for Aveline. She looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Suddenly, a parade of street protesters arrived, and the place buzzed with activity from the loud announcements on the megaphone and participants shouting in unison.

"We unite for freedom! We demand justice!" the leader shouted at the top of his lungs, raising his fist.

Margo made her way through the crowd. "Fight against oppression!" the protesters roared in unison.

Margo managed to push through with her hands as she moved along with the crowd, paying no mind to the people blocking her view.

"Aveline! Aveline! Aveline!" She shouted Aveline's name amidst the rally and felt something odd. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Looking up, she saw birds flying across the reddening sky. The glaring sunset, resembling blood, heralded the approaching darkness. Once again, she gazed at the sky and heard the echo of a church bell carried by the wind. As the bell tolled a few times, pigeons scattered from the tower.
"Aveline! Aveline! Aveline!" Her calls were drowned out by the noises on the streets. The cold wind blew, carrying a message no one could decipher. Margo raised her eyes to the sky, following the direction of the birds. She crossed the street and ran when she spotted Aveline standing in front of the gift shop, hands pressed against the glass window, crying with trembling lips.

The flashing memories became vivid, the music box continued to play a mournful tune, and the ballerina danced to the melody emanating from Aveline's mind.

A vision of a young girl danced in Aveline's eyes; then she heard voices filled with fear. A scream tore through her body like an enormous shard of glass. Her eyes widened, her pulse quickened, her heart thudded as if a rock were shaken in a box. The scream came again, desperate and terrified.

"Don't leave me, Papa!"


"Don't do it...don't do it," Aveline whispered to the music box as if pleading with someone to stop, but only a melody responded to her plea.


Gunshots echoed in her mind. Her body shook with terror; with every sound, she flinched. Shots fired inside her mind as loud as thunder. Aveline felt the bullet passing through her skin. She stared at her hands; they were covered in blood, her fingers dripping. Her world turned distorted; it blurred. She gasped for air, struggling to catch her breath. Hollowed screams lingered in her thoughts.

"Papa! Papa!"

Aveline sobbed unceasingly; her past beginning to unravel. She covered her ears, a ringing echoed loudly inside her head.
"Aveline!" A familiar voice called her name.
Margo was stricken with fear upon seeing her deep brown eyes.

Aveline was trembling, her eyes hollowed in terror, and then she yelled, "No! No!" She pulled at her hair in shock and sobbed profusely.

Margo ran towards her, but Aveline stepped back, her eyes wide with horror, her mouth agape, her face ashen. Her fists clenched tightly, her nails digging into her palms. "N-nooo...nooo...n-nooo...please," she mumbled incoherently between her tears, the sobs intermittent but distressingly intense. The muffled cries wracked her chest. The world turned into a nightmare, engulfed by all the noise. Everything vanished. The last painful memory crept into her heart. Overwhelmed, Aveline fell to her knees, surrendering to the darkness that enveloped her vision.



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