English Version: Sands & Spar...

By AeonGray

5.4K 134 15

In a world gripped by darkness and despair, Aveline knows only the harsh reality of survival. But when her pa... More



24 1 0
By AeonGray

A colorful poster was displayed on stage as the students gathered inside the gymnasium, and a woman approached the podium.

"Good morning, everyone. The university is committed to actively promoting the quality of life for every student. We want all of you, regardless of race, creed, or circumstance, to achieve your full potential. Our task is to make that possible. This year, our theme will be named 'Student's Day.'"

Shortly after one hour...

Some students had lost interest in watching the program; it was already noon. Most of them were hungry, their minds buzzing with ideas about what to eat for lunch. Meanwhile, Aveline's thoughts drifted in every direction; boredom ceased to bother her as she reminisced about the moments she had shared with Margo. She remembered the day they became official. A tiny smile formed on her lips. The news of their relationship was kept from the media, but within Margo's company, it spread like wildfire. Aveline became untouchable within the Queen's kingdom; everyone respected her once they learned the truth.

"Aveline, the Dean wants to see you in his office," George interrupted her daydreaming.

She looked puzzled. "Why?"

George paused his texting, then shrugged. "I don't know. Someone handed me this note." He handed her the small piece of paper and resumed texting on his phone.

"I'm going now. I'll see you later, George." She quickly grabbed her bag, ready to leave.

George glanced up and smiled. "See you later, Aveline."

She entered the office, surprised to see the Dean standing and obviously waiting for her. "You're two minutes late. Aveline, you're grades are getting lower."

Aveline received a paper from the Dean and read it.


Aveline screwed up her face in confusion. The Dean forced a cough and pointed the named displayed on the table. "You should address me properly with my name."

"Mr. Ramirez, I'm trying my best, and I'm studying to reach your expectations." Aveline looked at the paper she was holding then shifted her attention in front.

"It's not enough, what will happen to your scholarship?" The Dean sat on the swivel chair and gazed at her. Aveline slowly approached the desk. "Uhm, Dean?" She cleared her throat, and once again she read the paper, making sure she understood the words written on it. "Can we just talk about it?"

"What do you want, Aveline? What else can you offer?" the Dean gave a mysterious smile.
She sighed deeply; she knew what it meant. Aveline bit her lower lip while staring at the Dean. She smiled and did not hesitate to sit on the Dean's lap. "Do you want to have fun inside the office?" Aveline whispered seductively; her eyelashes fluttered then she winked.

The Dean's throat went dry and let out a sharp breath. "We will be in trouble, Aveline."
"Oh, I don't care, Mr. Ramirez. It's a fair bargain, don't you think? Just do something about my grades. I'll give you whatever you want." Aveline replied.

"Let's quit it, Margo. Why you're making me read a script?"

Margo had written a note on the paper instructing her to refer to Miss Sinclair as 'Dean.' "Saw it on his desk," Margo answered with a naughty smile on her lips, pulling Aveline closer to her face.

"Mr. Ramirez loved stage plays. I can't believe you read the script." Aveline caressed Margo's lips with her thumb, a gesture laden with unspoken affection.

"His desk is untidy," Margo complained as she brushed her brow with her index finger, a look of mild irritation crossing her face. "So, you cleaned his desk?" Aveline teased by gently pinching her cheek.

"I just couldn't help myself," Margo confessed, her breath warm against Aveline's ear, adding to the intimacy. Her brown eyes ignited with curiosity. "Why are you here?" She gently wiped away the lipstick smudge from Margo's face.

"I like to see you."

"I miss you too." Aveline kissed her lips.

"Would you like to join me for lunch, Margo?"

"Where do you usually take your lunch?"

"Outside the school. I like the food in the cafeteria, but sometimes it gets too crowded, so I just go outside." Aveline gave a butterfly kiss on Margo's forehead.

"Can you hand me my phone? I have to check my schedule."

Aveline handed her the cellphone, then buried her face in Margo's neck, a spot where she always loved to linger, inhaling the blend of strawberry and sweet vanilla that became her favorite scent.

Margo texted a message, then quietly set the phone down on the table. "Your offer, does it still stand?" she whispered huskily.

"Do you want to have fun in the Dean's office?" Aveline licked her bottom lip; she glided the tip of her nose on Margo's cheek.

Margo arched her brow in amusement. "I own this place...I can do whatever I want."

Aveline's hand gently slipped through Margo's hair as she looked into the vivid green eyes in a way she had never done before. Her chocolate eyes sparked with passionate desire. A tiny smile crept upon her face, and goosebumps lined her skin—not the kind she gets when scared, but the thrilling sensation that comes when nothing else matters except the here and now. "As you wish, my Queen," she whispered slowly, prolonging each letter as if savoring them, before crashing into an intense kiss on Margo's lips.


"Guard! Why are we here? Why can't we enter the premises?" a man demanded angrily in front of the gate. Teachers and students had gathered outside the school, a mix of confusion and curiosity among the crowd.

"We're sorry for the inconvenience, but you'll just have to wait until we receive further orders. There's a fire drill, uh, just started?" the head of security informed, his voice lacking confidence. He stepped away from the closed gate to dodge more questions, leaving a murmur of dissatisfaction in his wake.

"How long does it take for a fire drill to finish?" one student asked, peering through the gates. Her gaze landed on the security personnel, her impatience palpable.

"Thirty minutes," the head of security shrugged, scratching his head. His nonchalant response elicited a collective sigh of disappointment from the crowd as they settled in to wait outside the gates.

"Where's everybody?" Aveline muttered, peering outside the window. The campus was engulfed in silence, disturbed only by a white plastic bag being whimsically carried by the wind, frolicking around like a ghost. She scanned the cafeteria interior, noting only the staff behind the counter and Margo sitting near the empty tables, waiting for her.

Aveline dismissed the unusual quiet, convincing herself they had simply arrived early at the cafeteria and that everyone else had disappeared for no apparent reason.

"What took you so long?" Margo's lips pursed in a blend of annoyance and relief.

Taking the seat opposite Margo, Aveline couldn't resist a tease. "Miss me already?" She offered a dish to Margo, her eyes sparkling. "Here, try this. It's my favorite." She placed the dish on their shared plate; Margo eyed it skeptically. "What's this?"

"It's dinuguan," Aveline explained, her enthusiasm undimmed. "A savory Filipino stew made of pig's blood and innards."

Margo ventured a taste, her initial skepticism giving way to intrigue. "It's a bit sour, but it's good. I like the flavor."

As Aveline prepared their utensils with careful wipes from a paper napkin, her happiness was palpable. "I'm glad you like it," she said, serving more food onto Margo's plate and filling her glass. "I'm curious about the places you've been. Why stay here in the Philippines?"

Margo savored the soup with an elegance that made her smile. "The world is my home," she responded, warmth in her voice. "I don't want to get stuck in one place. You could say the Philippines is my home now. Besides, I enjoy the weather here."

"Oh, I'm glad you chose this place," Aveline said, her dimples deepening. She cleared her throat and looked at Margo. "Why is it that every time you come home, I always find some of your clothes torn or with holes in them? Is it one of the fashion trends?" she asked, her innocence tinged with curiosity.

Margo was stunned for a moment, then sighed, her expression turning serious. "I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" Aveline asked, brushing Margo's cheek gently.

"I kill people for a hobby. Last time, I used their heads to roll like a bowling ball. I feed their bodies to sharks when I'm bored. I also hire someone to dispose of the bodies. I target criminals and low-life scums," Margo confessed, her voice devoid of emotion.

Aveline's eyes crinkled at the corners. "Oh?" Her mouth hung open for a second before she erupted into uproarious laughter, slapping the table as her face turned crimson. "I never knew you could joke, Margo." The sound of Aveline's laughter was like a loud, joyous bray, but it was endearing rather than donkey-like. Her shoulders shook, and her facial muscles tensed as she tried to suppress her giggles, folding her arms and pushing her chair back.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious—" Margo began, but Aveline interrupted by pinching her cheeks, as one might with a toddler. "God, Margo! You're so cute!" She hugged her tightly, making her look like a cuddly teddy bear.

"Forget it!" Margo raised her hands in surrender, huffing in frustration.

Aveline's laughter subsided, but her eyes still sparkled with mirth. She cleared her throat, her lips forming a thin line in an attempt to appear serious. "For me, you're still the best and the most beautiful..." she paused, chuckling, then her expression sobered before Margo's patience could wear thin. "Most beautiful killer." Aveline sealed her playful declaration with a kiss.

Walking along the hallway with their fingers intertwined, Margo and Aveline attracted attention. People stared at Margo with awe, but, typical of Miss Sinclair, she remained unaffected by their admiration, which to her was as inconsequential as the wind. Aveline's face flushed crimson; she was still adjusting to the scrutiny. One of her classmates cheerfully greeted her.

"Hi, Aveline!"

She managed a forced smile in response, though his gaze quickly shifted back to Margo. Aveline sensed a shift in the mood. The immortal seemed silently furious. She tugged on Margo's sleeve, a silent plea for her not to succumb to jealousy.

They halted in front of a door.

"Thanks," Aveline said, offering a dimpled smile, though she noticed the dark clouds lingering on Margo's face.

Wrapping her arms around Margo, Aveline whispered in her ear, "Don't be mad. Let's sleep together after class."

Margo's throat went dry, her swallowing audible in the quiet of the hallway. Before she could formulate a response, Aveline kissed her lips, leaving her momentarily frozen in place as Aveline walked away.

In the parking lot, a janitor approached Margo with a report, "Ma'am Sinclair...everything is fine; the security personnel are in position."

Nearby, an air conditioning technician, while discreetly watching Aveline from the corner, nodded in agreement. "She's here, copy that," he confirmed, pressing a device in his ear. A man disguised as a gardener stealthily observed Aveline through the window, whispering into his communicator, "I can see her."

Margo responded sternly to the janitor, "You better ensure nothing happens to her. If anything does, I'll hold you all accountable," implying a dire consequence for any failure.

The head of security, standing a short distance away, nervously cleared his throat. His earpiece suddenly beeped with a message, "Ma'am Sinclair, she's heading this way."

"Clear the area...now!" Margo ordered briskly.

The janitor quickly complied, wheeling the garbage bin out of the parking lot as he departed.

Margo then leaned against the side of her car, awaiting Aveline's arrival.

"Did you forget something?" she inquired as Aveline approached.

Shaking her head, Aveline replied, "I bought you a sandwich. It's your favorite." She extended a brown paper bag toward Margo.

"Thanks," Margo said, a smile illuminating her face. A ray of sunshine highlighted her features, making her appear even more radiant in Aveline's eyes.

"Eat the sandwich, okay? I don't want you to go hungry while you're working," Aveline expressed, her concern evident in her tone.

Green and chocolate eyes met in a moment of silent understanding. Margo mustered all her courage and finally spoke, "Aveline, I love—"

But before she could finish, the world seemed to pause...again.

Suddenly, a pair of hands gently pushed Margo against the side of the car, her back pressing against the door. Soft hands cradled her cheeks, and velvety lips fervently met hers.

The sun cast a radiant glow upon their faces, illuminating the moment. Their lips danced together, speaking in silent whispers as their tongues intertwined. The wind played around them, and the trees above showered leaves, adding a whimsical touch to the scene. Branches swayed to the rhythm of the playful breeze.

Aveline, with a firm yet tender grasp, held the back of Margo's nape, deepening their kiss. She then whispered, "I love you too...Margo."

Abruptly, Aveline pulled away and ran, leaving Margo frozen in place, too stunned to move.

Margo stood there, not just in shock, but with an unfamiliar warmth spreading across her cheeks.
The formidable Margo Sinclair was blushing.


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