Hailee Steinfeld imagines

By haizpad

190K 3.8K 885

just some imagines that crossed my mind. stories with * are smut. More

"Thank you for being here Mr Pooh."
"You'll be fine, I'm right there."
"You're listening to 'Love Myself' ?!" *
"You will be the death of me." *
"I love you, but..."
"I love you, but..." | PART 2
"I love you, but..." | LAST PART *
"Deal ?" *
"Who is my daddy ?" | PART 1
"Who is my daddy ?" | PART 2
"Who is my daddy ?" | LAST PART
"I know you're loving this." *
"You look hot when you're weak." *
"You're so naughty." *
"Did you have fun with the boys ?" *
"Everything's gonna be fine." *
"He's gonna pay for this."
"So... You're Y/N, right ?" | PART 1
"So... You're Y/N, right ?" * | PART 2
"You're growing up, my love."
"I never wanted you !"
She knows... She knows...
"Happy Birthday, LOML" *
Science project | PART 1 *
Science project | PART 2 *
Science project | LAST PART
Step sister | PART 1
Step Sister | PART 2 *
"And the woman of the game is..."
Halloween Party | PART 1
Halloween Party | PART 2 *
"Y/N ?"
Pact with the Devil
"You're my Flashlight."
"I know you faked it." *
"Momma's here, my love."
"I don't recognize you..."
"Merry Christmas, my love." *
Hurts like Hell | PART 1
Hurts like Hell | PART 2
Hurts like Hell | LAST PART *
Teacher's Pet | PART 1*
Teacher's Pet | PART 2 *
Teacher's PET | LAST PART *
We Go Down Together
"What happens in Paris, stays in Paris." *
"Don't blame me, love made me crazy." | Kate Bishop
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
"Because I'll bring you back home."
"Nice Hair" | Gwen Stacy
Double Fantasy | Kate Bishop
"It hurts"
Playing Villain | PART 1
"YOU will never be my mom." | PART 1
"YOU will never be my mom." | PART 2
My First Kiss | PART 1
My First Kiss | PART 2
The Idol *
Twitch stream
First Meeting
American Champion
Daddy Issues | PART 1
Daddy Issues | PART 2
Mario Kart *
"Do I love her ?"
I Feel it Coming *
World Cup
From High School bully to Lover | PART 1
From High School bully to Lover | PART 2
What A Night !
Mother, daughter, and...
Welcome to the World
Thirsty *
Birthday Girl * - requested
"Mom, dad, say hi to..." | PART 1
"Mom, dad, say hi to..." | PART 2
"Don't be scared."
Public Sex *
Age Gap
Blindfold *
Degradation *
Royal Love - AU
City of Love ?
Jealousy *
Call out my Name
Not Lost Anymore | PART 2
Mother's Daughter | Kate Bishop
I Have Never Seen Volcanoes | Emily Dickinson *
"Scars are a piece of what we lived."
Birthday sex
Golden Globes
Make You Mine
Bath time
The Pop Star and The Rapper *
Watching YOU | PART 1
Watching YOU | PART 2
Watching YOU | PART 3

Not Lost Anymore | PART 1

1.3K 36 10
By haizpad

Summary: Every child is supposed to live a great life with their parents. It wasn't the case for [Y/N]. [Y/N] was stolen from her mother when she was 3 years old and during 15 years, [Y/N] was trained and raised in a place called the "Red Room". [Y/N] was a black widow. What happens when [Y/N] meets her biological mother during her first mission?

warnings: mention of blood, mention of death.

a/n: the flashback caused me tears.

words count: 3,242

• 3rd POV •

      As [Y/N] stood in the dimly lit room, preparing for her first solo mission as a Black Widow, her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She had been raised and trained in the secretive confines of the Red Room, her life an intricate web of espionage and combat skills. Little did she know that this mission would unravel a lifetime of secrets.

      The mission was in full swing as she infiltrated a charity event, her lithe form moving silently through the shadows. She was an expert at blending in, taking on any role needed to complete her assignment. Her focus was unwavering.

      As [Y/N] embarked on her sensitive mission, the leader of the operation provided crucial information through the earpiece discreetly nestled in her ear. His voice, calm and authoritative, crackled in her ear.

"Proceed to the main entrance, [Y/N]," he instructed, guiding her every step of the way. "You'll need to use the access card we provided. Remember, timing is critical."

      His guidance was unwavering as he continued to feed her information about security protocols, guard movements, and the location of her target. [Y/N] relied on his expertise, knowing that this mission depended on their seamless communication.

      The leader's voice remained a lifeline in the shadows, offering guidance and support to ensure [Y/N]'s success and safety.


      Hailee Steinfeld, a renowned actress and singer, was attending the same charity event. She was raising awareness for a cause close to her heart, helping children to have a good education, to go to school just like normal kids.

      It was a warm summer evening when the unthinkable happened, forever altering the lives of Hailee and her young daughter, [Y/N]. Hailee was only nineteen years old at the time, a budding actress with dreams of stardom. She was balancing the challenges of a budding career with the responsibilities of motherhood.

      The two of them were enjoying a leisurely walk in the park, their laughter filling the air. [Y/N], just a toddler at the time, had an infectious smile that could light up even the darkest corners of their world.

      But in a split second, everything changed. Hailee had turned her attention away from [Y/N] for a mere moment, distracted by a passerby who recognized her from a recent television appearance. In that fleeting moment, an unknown figure seized the opportunity and snatched [Y/N] away.

      Hailee's heart stopped as she turned to find her daughter missing. Panic coursed through her veins, and she called out [Y/N]'s name in a desperate, quivering voice. Frantic minutes turned into agonizing hours as the park was combed for any sign of her precious child.

      The authorities were called, and an investigation began, but the kidnapper had left no trace. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and the search yielded no results. Hailee's life was shattered, and the actress vowed to never stop looking for her daughter.

      The pain of that fateful day never left Hailee's heart. She put her acting career on hold, dedicating her life to searching for [Y/N]. Little did she know that [Y/N] had been taken by a shadowy organization, the Red Room, who erased her past and trained her to become a lethal assassin.

      The disappearance of [Y/N] had a profound impact on Hailee and her entire family. Hailee's once-bright world was overshadowed by a deep and relentless depression. The pain of losing her child weighed heavily on her heart, and it seemed as though the light had gone out in her life.

      Cheri, her mother, became Hailee's rock during this dark period. She offered unwavering support, helping her daughter through the most difficult moments. Cheri understood the depths of Hailee's despair and did everything in her power to provide solace.

      Pete, her father, also stood by Hailee's side. He was a source of strength, silently enduring his own anguish while being a pillar of support for his wife and daughter. The family was united in their sorrow, sharing the burden of [Y/N]'s disappearance.

      Griffin, Hailee's older brother, became a protective figure. He did his best to lift Hailee's spirits, even though his own heart ached. The family pulled together, their love and determination to find [Y/N] keeping them united through the darkest days.

      The Steinfeld family's collective devastation over [Y/N]'s disappearance was a silent, ever-present shadow that hung over their lives. It was a pain that never truly subsided, a wound that refused to heal. But they clung to the hope that one day, they would be reunited with the missing piece of their family, and that hope kept them going, even in their darkest moments.

      [Y/N] moved through the facility with precision, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. As she followed the leader's instructions, she spotted her target, a high-ranking government official, in a dimly lit corridor. He was engrossed in a conversation with an aide, unaware of the imminent danger.

      Her pulse quickened as she approached her mark, the weight of the mission pressing upon her shoulders. The leader's voice in her earpiece remained a constant reassurance, guiding her closer to the target.

"Wait for the opportune moment, [Y/N]," he advised, his tone as cool as ever. "You must ensure a clean and discreet elimination. The fate of this mission rests on your shoulders."

      With the patience of a predator, [Y/N] observed her target's movements, her training whispering in her ear, urging her to strike with deadly precision. Every ounce of her being was focused on the mission, on fulfilling the orders relayed through her earpiece.

      It was a tense and critical moment as she inched closer to her target, knowing that her actions in the next few seconds would irrevocably alter the course of the mission and her own life.

      The moment of opportunity arrived unexpectedly when, due to an unexpected power outage, the facility's lights flickered off. In the ensuing darkness, [Y/N] seized her chance. Her training kicked in, and with calculated precision, she closed the gap between herself and her target.

      In the pitch-black corridor, the leader's voice in her earpiece guided her with whispered urgency. "[Y/N], now is the time. You must act swiftly."

      Without hesitation, she drew a silenced weapon from her concealed holster. Her movements were swift and soundless as she approached her unsuspecting target. The power outage masked her presence, allowing her to close in, unseen and unheard.

      As she stood just a breath away from her target, her heart pounded in her chest. In one seamless motion, she took a steadying breath and fired a single, lethal shot. Her aim was true, and her target fell to the ground, life extinguished.

      With the deed done, the lights flickered back to life, revealing the lifeless figure on the corridor floor. [Y/N] knew there was no turning back. Her mission had been a success, but its consequences would continue to ripple through her life, with her path forever altered by the choices she had made in the shadows.

      After eliminating her target, [Y/N] knew she had to make a hasty exit. The facility was in chaos, alarms blaring, and guards mobilizing to investigate the power outage. She swiftly made her way through the dimly lit corridors, her heart still racing from the adrenaline-fueled encounter.

      Emerging into an open area, she saw a woman with chestnut hair, standing frozen in the middle of the path. It was Hailee, who had been attending the event at the facility, oblivious to the covert operation taking place.

      Hailee's eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight of [Y/N], the young woman with a gun in her hand and a fight suit stained with blood. Her face was a mixture of disbelief, fear, and recognition, though she couldn't yet place where she had seen those eyes and dimples before.

      For a moment, neither of them moved, as if time itself had come to a standstill. [Y/N]'s heart raced, her mind racing with the possibilities of what could happen next. Hailee, frozen in place, struggled to comprehend the surreal scene before her.

      In a shaky, almost breathless voice, Hailee finally spoke, her fear palpable. "Who...who are you?" Her words quivered as she took a hesitant step back, her eyes fixed on the weapon in [Y/N]'s hand.

      [Y/N] was silent, her expression unreadable behind her training's stoic mask. Her hesitation was apparent as she grappled with how to respond, caught between her mission's cold-blooded persona and the human emotions that the encounter had stirred within her.

      Hailee's voice trembled as she continued, "I don't want any trouble. Please, just...tell me what's happening." Her voice wavered, teetering on the edge of panic as the unthinkable unfolded before her eyes.

      As Hailee stared at [Y/N], the pieces of a long-forgotten puzzle began to fall into place. The more she looked into [Y/N]'s eyes, the more familiar they became. A flicker of recognition tugged at the corners of her memory, a whisper of a connection that refused to be ignored.

     Her gaze shifted from the gun in [Y/N]'s hand to the young woman's face. Hailee's eyes welled with tears as she saw the dimples that had once made her daughter's smile so infectious. The resemblance was undeniable, and the realization hit her like a tidal wave.

      Tears streamed down Hailee's face as the truth became clear. Her voice, still trembling but now filled with emotion, whispered, "Is it really you, [Y/N]?" The name hung in the air, a lifeline to a past that had been stolen from her. The daughter she had lost so many years ago was standing right before her.

      Confusion and doubt danced in [Y/N]'s eyes as Hailee whispered her name.

      In her moment of turmoil, [Y/N] raised the gun slightly, pointing it at Hailee. Her training demanded that she view this encounter as a threat, even though a nagging feeling told her it was anything but. The gun trembled in her hand as she grappled with her own internal conflict.

"Who are you? What do you want?" [Y/N] finally managed to say, her voice wavering with both confusion.

      Hailee's voice was filled with desperation as she tried to bridge the gap between them. "I'm your mother, [Y/N]. I've been searching for you for so long. I never stopped looking."

      But [Y/N] recoiled, anger and distrust flaring in her eyes. "You're lying," she snapped, her voice now edged with bitterness. "I don't have a family, and I don't want one. I've been trained to be alone, to cut ties."

      Hailee's heart ached as she saw her daughter's anger and rejection. Tears streamed down her face as she pleaded, "I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. You were taken from me when you were just a child. I never had the chance to be your mother, but I've loved you every day since."

      The standoff continued, [Y/N] unwilling to lower the weapon, her emotions entangled in a web of conflicting loyalties and distrust. Hailee's revelation was too much to bear, and she felt the weight of a past she had long suppressed.

      Hailee, her heart breaking, took a tentative step closer to [Y/N], her arms outstretched in a gesture of maternal longing. "Please, [Y/N], I've waited so long for this moment. Let me prove it to you."

      But as Hailee stepped forward, [Y/N] stepped back, her finger still poised on the trigger of the gun. Her expression was a mix of anger, confusion, and deep-seated fear. She couldn't reconcile the image of the woman before her with the life she had been trained to lead.

"I don't know you," [Y/N] said, her voice trembling, "I don't know any family. I can't trust anyone." The vulnerability in her words was met with a stubborn resistance that had been ingrained in her from years of training.

      Hailee's eyes welled with tears as she watched her daughter, torn between the love she had for [Y/N] and the realization that their reunion might be more complicated than she had ever imagined. The gap between them remained, a chasm of unresolved pain and uncertain emotions.

"[Y/N], you've got to get out of here," a fellow operative urged [Y/N], but she couldn't tear her gaze away from Hailee.

      Hailee couldn't believe her eyes. The little girl she remembered, the one who had always been full of smiles and laughter, had transformed into an assassin, cold and detached. The realization was a gut-wrenching blow, an unbearable contrast to the memories she held so dear.

      Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "I can't believe this, [Y/N]. You were just a child, my child, and now..." Her voice broke, and she couldn't continue. The dissonance between the past and the present was almost too much to bear.

      [Y/N], overwhelmed by the conflicting emotions and the tumultuous revelation, couldn't bear to hear more. She raised a trembling hand, pointing the gun at Hailee, her voice harsh and strained.

"Stop talking. Just shut up!" [Y/N] snapped, her words laced with anger and a pain that cut deep. She needed a moment to collect herself, to make sense of the chaos that had erupted in her life.

       As the silence hung heavy in the air, Hailee, with a tremble in her hand, reached into her pocket. She pulled out an old, worn picture, a cherished relic from the past. It was a picture of a young [Y/N], just a toddler, with her bright eyes and dimples, smiling radiantly. In the photo, Hailee held her daughter close, their bond evident in the warmth of their smiles.

      Without uttering a word, Hailee extended the picture towards [Y/N], a silent plea for recognition.

      With the picture trembling in her hand, Hailee took a deep breath and broke the silence. She said, her voice a mix of sadness and hope, "This is you, [Y/N], when you were just a little girl. You had the same dimples and the same bright eyes. We used to be so happy together."

      She held the picture closer, the image of a joyful, innocent [Y/N] from the past now in full view. "You may not remember, but we had a life together, filled with love and laughter," Hailee continued. "I've held onto this photograph for all these years, hoping that one day, I could show it to you and remind you of the family you had before it was taken from you."

     As [Y/N] stared at the picture, something deep within her stirred. She blinked slowly, the tears welling up in her eyes. Memories, long buried beneath the layers of her training and the amnesia that had been forced upon her, began to resurface.

      Tears trickled down her cheeks as she recognized the toddler in the picture as herself. It was as if a dam had burst, and a flood of emotions and fragmented memories rushed back to her.

      She clutched the picture to her chest, her voice quivering as she whispered, "I remember... I remember being with you, being happy." It was a revelation that shook her to the core, the realization that the past she had thought was erased still existed, buried deep within her heart.


      The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky as [Y/N], just a few years old, ran through a park, her laughter echoing through the air. Hailee, her mother, chased after her, a wide smile gracing her youthful face.

"Gotcha!" Hailee exclaimed as she scooped [Y/N] into her arms, swinging her around playfully. The child giggled, her dimples deepening with joy.

"Again, Mommy! Again!" [Y/N] begged, her tiny hands reaching out for more.


      As the flashback faded, [Y/N] clutched the picture and the memory it held, tears flowing freely. The truth was undeniable, and the emotions she had been suppressing for so long had burst forth, revealing a precious connection that had been hidden away for years.

      Overwhelmed by the flood of memories and emotions, [Y/N] couldn't bear the weight of the gun any longer. In a trembling moment of vulnerability, she dropped the weapon to the floor with a resounding thud.

      With a quivering breath, she sank to her knees, her hands resting on the cold, unforgiving ground. The stoic facade that had been her armor throughout her life crumbled, and she was left exposed and raw.

      As [Y/N] crumbled to the floor, Hailee rushed to her side, unable to hold back her motherly instincts any longer. She enveloped [Y/N] in a tight, comforting embrace, her arms a safe haven in the midst of the storm.

      Hailee whispered sweet nothings and soothing words, her voice a gentle lullaby in the chaos of the moment. "It's alright, [Y/N]. I've found you. I love you. You're not lost anymore."

      [Y/N] felt a surge of vulnerability like never before. The word "mommy" escaped her lips, a soft, tremulous whisper that held a world of longing and rediscovered love.

"Mommy," she said, her voice catching on the word, as if it held the power to mend the years of separation.

      Hailee's eyes welled with tears of joy as she heard the word, embracing it with all the warmth of a mother's heart.

      But the past was not so easily undone, and the reminder of the earpiece still in her ear sent [Y/N] a jolt of distress. It was a symbol of the life she had been living, the world she had been a part of for so long, one she was now struggling to leave behind.

      With an abrupt, determined motion, she reached up and ripped the earpiece from her ear, breaking it apart with a shattering crack. The act was both liberating and a gesture of defiance against the past that had held her captive. In that moment, she was breaking free, choosing a new path with the mother she had found once more.

      With the earpiece cast aside, Hailee looked into [Y/N]'s eyes, her own glistening with emotion. She spoke with a tenderness that only a mother could convey. "Come with me, [Y/N]. Come back home. We have so much to catch up on, so many moments to share. You're not alone anymore. I'll never let anyone take you from me again."

      Her words were a heartfelt invitation, an open door to a new chapter in both of their lives. Hailee offered her hand to [Y/N], a silent promise that together, they could rebuild the family that had been torn asunder for far too long.

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