Queen of the Dragons [rhaeny...

נכתב על ידי filmenthusiast_05

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What if another family survived the Doom of Valyria? Everyone knows the story of the Targaryens fleeing Valyr... עוד

The Maltheons
Meet the Maltheons
Lord Lannister
Rhaenyra Targaryen
One Ride
What a Night
The Bad Egg
I Need to Go
Two Years
Quite the Entrance
A Promise
Show Me
Confessions and Revelations
Allies and Betrayal
A Talk with Rhaenyra
The Prince
The Wedding
The Maltheon Children
5 Years
My Children
Ser Richard
Dragon Kings and Queens
You Scared Me
Tests of Loyalty
Honor and Tourneys
Rhaenyra and Rhaemont
An Eye for an Eye
Blood of the Dragon
Prince Consort
Maltheon Children (Grown Up)
Maltheon Adults
King's Landing
King Viserys
Prince & Princess of Dragonstone
Rhaenyra's Coronation
Storm's End
Delivering Messages
The Riverlands
The Lion's Downfall
The Dragons Rise
Questioning the Enemy
Maekara the Merciless
The God's Eye
Going Mad
A Dragon's Death
A Song of Ice and Fire
Thank You
The Families
Targaryen Kings and Queens
Maltheon Kings and Queens

Rook's Rest

845 56 4
נכתב על ידי filmenthusiast_05

The raven from Rook's Rest arrived to Queen Rhaenyra, days after it had been written.

Her Grace spoke with her council to figure out the best way to approach Rook's Rest with no casualties and to rid the town of the King's army. But what they didn't know was that Ser Criston had already pitched a plan to King Aegon to trap whoever came to help Lord Staunton.

And the help did come when a dragon flew above Rooks Rest. The Red Queen, they called her, for the scarlet scales that covered her. The membranes of her wings were pink, her crest, horns, and claws bright as copper. And on her back, in steel and copper armor that flashed in the sun, rode Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Should Have Been.

Ser Criston looked up at the Red Queen and her rider, smiling as he realized that his plan had worked. They had lured a dragon rider out of their hiding place in Dragonstone and it was the perfect time to strike.

Meleys rained fire on Criston's men, arrows and spears were thrown at the Red Queen and the Princess. The men were under the impression that the arrows would badly harm the dragon, but it only fueled her further.

She descended swiftly, spewing fire in all directions. Knights found themselves consumed by flames as their horses' hair, hide, and harnesses caught fire. Men-at-arms dropped their spears and scattered, some attempting to protect themselves behind their shields. But neither oak nor iron could withstand the scorching breath of the dragon.

Amidst the swirling smoke and flames, Ser Criston remained seated on his white horse, shouting, "Aim for the rider!" Meleys roared once more, smoke billowing from her flaring nostrils, as she clamped her jaws around a stallion, engulfing him in a rush of fire.

An answering roar pierced the air as two more winged figures appeared: King Aegon, mounted proudly on Sunfyre the Golden, and his brother Aemond astride Vhagar. Ser Criston had executed his trap, and Rhaenys had been lured into it. Now, the trap's jaws closed tightly around her.

As Princess Rhaenys stared at the two oncoming dragons, she took a deep breath, and when everyone thought she was going to fly away, she tightened the reins around her hand, making no attempt to flee. So, with a crack of her whip and a war cry, she turned Meleys to the two dragons.

Meleys had no chance against Vhagar and Sunfyre combined. The dragons fought a thousand feet above the ground. Meleys' jaws closed around Sunfyre's neck as Vhagar sank her teeth into Meley's wing. The dragons bit into each other and the sound of dragons growling and fire spreading burned into the minds of those who witnessed the battle.

Aegon grunted as he held on to Sunfyre's reins, nearly falling off.

"Kill her!" Aegon screamed at his brother, who let out a war cry alongside him, as Sunfyre screeched in pain.

Aemond turned swiftly to the side and was met with the giant jaws of Maraxes, the black and orange dragon belonging to Princess Maxine.

The beautiful dragon having been named by a Valyrian goddess, bit into Sunfyre's other golden wing, tearing it apart. Princess Maxine bore black leather armor, wielding a sword longer than a small spear. She gave the King and his brother a wide smile, as Maraxes tore into Sunfyre. Aemond ordered Vhagar away and turned her ready to crash into Meleys.

Aegon groaned in frustration as Maraxes went for one more bite.

She bumped into Vhagar, who had flown back into it, and ended up falling upon them, causing all four dragons to crash into the ground. They struck the ground so hard that stones fell from the battlements of Rook's Rest half a league away.

Those closest to the dragons did not live to tell the tale. Those farther off could not see for the flame and smoke.

The world stood still as Vhagar was the only dragon to have risen from the ashes and fire.

So it seemed.

Sunfyre had one wing half torn from his body, whilst his rider, King Aegon, suffered from several broken bones and severe burns. Some of Aegon's men dragged him out from the bonfire, "My King!" The men yelled as they tended to him, getting him away from the fire that continued to spread.

"Get off me!" Aegon shoved them off but screamed in pain as he could now feel that his injuries were far more severe than he had previously thought. The King had been burned so badly, that his armor had melted into his skin, and it was awful sight to see.

They rushed him away from the scene as they looked over his wounds.

It would be hours before the fires would die down but the knights drew their blades to the silhouette of someone emerging from the flames. Behind the shadow, two dragons emerged, who both had suffered severe burns.

Maraxes and Meleys.

Princess Maxine stomped out of the blazing inferno, some of her armor had caught on fire. Her cloak had been burned, nothing left of it. She lifted the sword as she stared at the men who looked back at her. She turned to the side, eyeing the injured woman that was Princess Rhaenys, who held her leg.

The Queen Who Should Have Been and her mount had barely survived the fall.

"Princess!" Maxine panted heavily as she goes to kneel by her and tries to help her but Rhaenys waved her away.

"There is a still a battle left to win!" Rhaenys muttered out as Maxine nodded and looked back at the men who had gathered. She sighed as men began to charge at her. The Princess weakly dodged their attacks, slicing through them, until she reached her goal.

Aegon lay, panting heavily as burns covered his face and smoke came from his body. She smiled, licking her teeth as she goes to strike him, but Aemond stopped her.

She grunted as the two silver haired warriors go at it, the men slipped Aegon away once again, away from the battle.

Aemond had managed to gain the upper hand against the already weakened Princess. He sliced near her eye, the blood oozing and impairing her sight. The One-Eyed Prince clashed his sword against hers, kicking her to the ground, and towering over the Princess.

She exhaled a large breath as she looked up at him, "Do it!" She breathed out a slight chuckle as she smiled to herself.

Aemond brought the sword down, cutting her knee as she barely escaped the sword. The One-Eyed Prince goes to stab at her once again but is swept away by the burnt wing that belonged to Meleys.

The Prince lands on the hard ground, the air leaving his lungs as he regains his strength. Ser Criston had arrived at the scene and went to help the Prince as they quickly realized that they were outnumbered.

Driven by a gut feeling, Queen Rhaenyra had sent forces by boat to assist the two dragon riders. Ser Richard led a fair sized army to help Lord Staunton in his castle as well as his garrison. Along with that Corlys Velaryon also sailed his fleet to guard the Gullet as Rhaenys was no longer patrolling it.

With many of Ser Criston's men losing courage at the sight of their King having been injured and leaving the battle, many of them surrendered and many of them were put to the sword.

The Blacks had successfully defended Rook's Rest but at the expense of injuring two dragons, who would not be flying for awhile. When some of Lord Staunton's men tried to find the injured Sunfyre, he was already gone along with some of Ser Criston's men and Prince Aemond had fled on Vhagar back to King's Landing.

Rhaenys had a broken leg, arm, and had burns running up her body. Maxine had a massive burn on her neck, a cut on her face, and her ankle had been sprained.

But they were both alive.

With the news of the victory at Rook's Rest, Jacaerys proposed to his mother that this would be a perfect time to storm King's Landing as the "usurper" King had been badly maimed. But a problem came when Jace realized they were down two dragons, but Rhaenyra dismissed it as they still had more dragons than the Greens.

"I think the time has come to make way for King's Landing, Your Grace," A lord said to Rhaenyra as she traced the city on the Painted Table, "We have the dragons, we have the army, and Aegon is weak."

"But Vhagar and Aemond are not weak," Rhaenyra pointed out, "And Ser Criston is ruthless and will be protecting his King at all times."

"That is why we need more dragons, Your Grace," Jace proposed once again, "At least two more to replace Meleys and Maraxes."

"Where would we find more dragonriders?" Rhaenyra asked. And at that moment outside of the castle walls, a young girl by the name of Nettles had been feeding her companion, a large dragon by the name of Sheepstealer. The name speaks for itself.

For years she had been feeding the unclaimed dragon and never once did he show aggression towards her, but rather affection.

Maia and Baela had gone to see their dragons when they spotted the girl delivering a sheep for the large brown dragon to eat.

"Who are you?" Baela asked as they approached her and the girl looked over at them, "What are you doing with Sheepstealer?"

"I'm Nettles," She said to them as she led the sheep inside the dragon's lair, "And I'm sorry if what I am doing is wrong but I simply like to feed him."

The three watch as Sheepstealer breathed a rush of flames to the sheep before devouring it.

"It's not wrong it's just—" Baela mumbled, as she stared at the dragon, "He hasn't tried to hurt you?"

"Never," Nettles replied as she watched Sheepstealer eat his meal, "I have never had a problem with him before. I always feed him and he eats whatever I bring him."

"Well that's great," Maia exclaimed as she walked over to her. Realizing that they could have a potential rider and that Queen Rhaenyra needed more dragons, she couldn't help but ask, "Have you tried riding him before?"

"No, I'm no fool," Nettles told her, "I am not a Targaryen. I can't ride Sheepstealer and besides I only feed him."

"I'm not a Targaryen either. In fact I'm a..." She stops herself as she realizes what she was about to say, "I'm a..Maltheon of Old Valyria. Who says you can't a ride a dragon?"

"I've seen people try to claim them," Nettles said as she looks at the dragon before her, "I can't subject myself to that."

"You won't," Baela reassured her, "If Sheepstealer shows this much affection to you especially after many years, he'll be sure to let you ride him."

Nettles nodded as Sheepstealer growled, "That would be rather brave of me to try. But I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

"That is okay," Maia answered as she put an arm on Nettles's shoulder, "Why don't you come and meet the Queen in the castle? We'll inform her of your decision to try and claim Sheepstealer. After all, we are in need of more dragonriders."

"Okay, I'll do that," Nettles smiled as Maia grinned at her and they took to her to the castle. Rhaenyra sat in a chair by the Painted Table discussing the dragon situation with Jace and Mikaela.

Maia approached them, holding Nettles's hand, "Your Grace!"

Rhaenyra turned swiftly at the sound of her daughter's voice, "Yes, Maia?"

"We have a young lady here who has formed a close bond with Sheepstealer," Maia told her, "He has never shown aggression to her before."

"Do you think it may be possible for her to claim the dragon?" Baela asked the Queen, "We think it may be. And you said earlier that we need more dragonriders to replace my grandmother's and Princess Maxine's."

"Wow, Sheepstealer?" Jace asked in awe as Nettles looked away shyly. Rhaenyra approached the girl, "You are all certain that she can claim Sheepstealer?"

"We are, Your Grace," Baela said as Rhaenyra still looked skeptical. But by the looks of the girl's faces, she decided to trust them.

"If you girls think that Nettles could claim Sheepstealer then I will back you. I will only ask that you have a plan for if things take a turn."

"We will," Baela said as Rhaenyra nodded and ushered for them to go.

"Well, let us go back to the lair," Maia told Nettles who still looked quite afraid. They finally reached Sheepstealer's lair and he lay sleeping, smoke emitting from his nostrils.

Prince Jacaerys had provided Nettles with some armor that was too big for the girl for an extra layer of protection. She proudly accepted it as the girls approached the dragon and Nettles took a deep breath. Before she could even do anything, she turned back to the two dragonriders.

"What do I even do?" Nettles asked as Maia chuckled.

"Just go up to him and show him that he is safe with you," Maia instructed, and Baela smiled at her, "When you think the time is right, command him to serve you."

"O-Okay," Nettles muttered as she walked up to Sheepstealer, whose eyes opened and his large snout lifted over to the scared girl.

She extended her hand and placed it on his rough scales, caressing him, "Lykiri." (Calm)

She uttered the command a few times as Baela had instructed her and Sheepstealer laid his head back down, at ease. Nettles looked back at the girls, proud of herself as she turns back to Sheepstealer.

A few moments pass as she decides to utter another command, "Dohaeris!" (Serve!)

When the big dragon did not move, Nettles looked disappointed, "I don't think I can do this."

Maia and Baela urged her to try again, "You are already there! You can do it." She gathered the last bit of her courage and said it again.

"Dohaeris!" Nettles shouted once more and Sheepstealer lifted himself off the floor and positioned himself as if to tell her to hop on his back.
Nettles walked over to the side and hopped on his wing, helping herself up, and holding on to one of his scales, "Sovēs!"

Sheepstealer began to stomp out of his lair and the smiles faded from the two girls as they moved out of the way, rushing out of there. They jumped out of the lair watching as Nettles had officially claimed Sheepstealer.

Maia and Baela laughed in relief as they informed Rhaenyra of Nettles and her success. The Queen was happy to hear of another dragon rider helping her cause and praised Baela and Maia for their efforts.
A saddle was made for the large dragon and Nettles was welcomed warmly at Dragonstone to stay if she wished to.

With Sheepstealer being a rather large dragon, they ended their efforts in finding more dragonriders and ended it with Nettles who proved she was just as a good as a Targaryen dragon rider.

In King's Landing, Aegon arrived horribly burned and broken. He was being given Milk of the Poppy and heavily sedated most of the time. The people of the city took notice of the state the King was in and panicked.

They had all began to flee and leave their homes with their reasons being that if the King couldn't even escape the dragon flames then what chance do they have?

It became such a mess that the Dowager Queen Alicent Hightower barred the gates, preventing anyone from leaving the city.

The Greens had dubbed the Queen at Dragonstone, Rhaenyra the Cruel in hopes of getting the people of King's Landing to turn on her, but it only instilled more panic and chaos.

Alicent was still raising Maelor as her own and Helaena was left alone with her grief in her chambers. She did not even want to be by her brother-husband's side, having been traumatized by the doings of Blood and Cheese.

With Aegon wounded and unable to rule, he wanted Aemond to rule for him. So, Ser Criston placed the Conqueror's crown on Aemond's head, "The Protector of the Realm! Prince Aemond Targaryen shall rule in the name of King Aegon, Second of his Name!"

Aemond's first act as Protector of the Realm was to head to the Riverlands to surprise Daemon and his men. So Ser Criston gathered his men to head to Harrenhal. The Rogue Prince had heard of this and quickly decided a plan of action. With Maekara already gone, Daemon decided it would be best to leave Harrenhal to further frustrate the Greens especially Aemond.

And so, Ser Criston and Aemond began their march to the Riverlands whilst Daemon mounted Caraxes and left.

As Maxine healed in her chambers, Ser Richard delivered the message from Steffon and read it to her out loud.

She sighed as Richard finished reading the message and he squeezed her hand in comfort, "So this entire time, my brother has been imprisoned."

"That is correct, Princess," Richard muttered as he folded the letter and stacked it on Maxine's desk. He did his best to hold back the anger he felt with Maegor having hurt his wife and his best friend.

"I don't even know who to direct my anger towards," Maxine said conflicted, "My sister lied and imprisoned him, but my brother drew his blade against her and actually willingly hurt her."

"It is okay to be mad at both, Princess," Richard told her and Maxine laughed, quickly stopping herself as she realized that it hurt.

"Drop the act, Ser," Maxine chuckled, "We both know you would kill my brother if you saw him. Especially after what he did."

"You are right," Richard began to say, "I am mad at him. I would kill him if he were here," Maxine looked at him, her face bandaged, "But he's not. Meanwhile I can learn to forgive. But I will never forget."

"Mmm," Maxine hummed as she looked away from him, "I do not blame them for doing such things."

Richard laid back in his chair as quirked a brow, "Why do you say that?"

"They both were doing what they thought was right," Maxine whispered, "But...I wouldn't do what they both did."

Richard put his head down as he listened to her, "It was the one good thing my father taught us..." A tear fell from her eye as her lips trembled, "He told us that no matter how bad things got..that we would never harm each other. Because that is how things must be."

Richard nodded, "You have honored that golden rule from your father long enough...Rules break, Princess."

"No," Maxine muttered, "He made us swear it...That rule should never break. Be-because there should never be a reason as to why you have to harm your family."

"Your father killed his insane brother," Richard told her, "There was a reason there."

"But there shouldn't have been," Maxine shook her head, "My uncle wanted power and was willing to kill his family for it. My father made us swear that we would never do what he did. Nothing in this world is worth killing your family for."

Richard sighed at the Princess's words and held her hand, "You are right..But some people do not get that part."

"That is why Rhaenyra refuses to go ahead with her plans, you know," Maxine blurts out, "Even after all that's happened...she doesn't want to hurt her family. But her whole life, they had always hurt her." Maxine turned to the royal consort, "Can you believe that, Richard?"

"I do believe it," Richard told her, "Because Rhaenyra is a kind woman. She still has hope and love even for those who hurt her...But that can be a weakness."

"Rhaenyra is not weak," Maxine argued, and Richard immediately shook his head.

"That is not what I am saying," Richard said, "I'm saying that it can be used against her if she lets it...I think Rhaenyra would be able to rule flawlessly if the circumstances were different."

"I agree, Richard," Maxine says, as she winced trying to reposition her self on the bed, "Oh, fuck. I forgot that I am quite literally a roasted chicken right about now."

Richard laughed out loud, as he grabbed a pillow for her ankle, and helped her reposition herself on the bed, "I'm glad we had this talk, Princess. But you must rest."

"Yeah, I get that now," Maxine retorted as Richard chuckled.

"I'll have a maester come in and check on you," Richard reassured her as he went to go check up on his daughters. He did his best to distract himself with his family but the anticipation of whether his wife was okay was killing him inside. All he wished to do was hug her and comfort her because deep down he knew nobody had properly done so.

And he was right.

Baela stood in front of the mirror with a pair of shears in her hand, as Maia cheered her on.

"Come on, you got this!" Maia encouraged as Baela looked at herself in the mirror, the shears hovering over her hair. Mikaela walked in through the door and smiled at the sight of the girls, she noticed Lucerys in the corner, hugging himself.

She walked over to him, ruffling his hair and plants a kiss on his head before turning to Baela and Maia.

"Sisters, I just put Aegon and Viserys down for a nap and umm..What's going on here?" She asked as Maia turned to her.

"Baela has been wanting to cut her hair and now she is stalling," Maia muttered as Baela put the shears down.

"Okay, I have to get over it," Baela mumbled to herself as Mikaela walked over and grabbed a strand of Baela's hair.

"Yes! Come on!" Maia shouted.

"Do you need help or—" Mikaela was cutoff by the sound of the shears and the silver strand of hair falling to the ground, "Or not.."

Baela stared at the strand and looked back up at her sisters, as they all broke out into a laughing fit.

"Would you look at that?" Maia said as she picked up the strand and threw it aside, "Baela the Brave has finally decided to cut her hair!"

And just like that, Baela cut her hair shorter and shorter and the laughing got louder and louder. Mikaela sat on the bed as she watched her two sisters continue fixing up Baela's hair.

She felt a bit sick as she put a hand over her mouth. The nausea grew worse as she rushed over to the bathroom where the contents of her stomach fell into the toilet. She grabbed her hair, pulling it back, as she looked up, "Oh gods."

Luke peeked inside, "Are you all right, Kaela?"

A few moments pass, the tension getting worse. The Princess groaned as she fell back against the wall, holding her stomach, "I think I'm pregnant."

Baela walked in excitedly, holding the last strand of hair, "Well, my hair is cut and I feel great!" She looks down at Mikaela, "Has something happened?"

In the Westerlands, a Lannister guard who patrolled the sea had been doing his duty when he heard a strange sound.

He grabbed a torch and raised it in front of him, hoping he could see whatever had made the noise. He squinted his eyes as an arrow came flying at him, narrowly missing his face, "INVADERS!"

Everyone began to scramble as a black and grey dragon flew over ahead, and commands were spilling from the royal rider.

The Dragon Prince and his army had arrived at Casterly Rock ready to spill some Lannister blood. And it would only get worse for those who would witness the Burning of Lannisport.

המשך קריאה

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