Another Love Another time

By AshleyMay009

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River and Auggie have been best friends since birth. Even though they live hours apart they find time everyda... More

Chapter 1: Sealed with a bracelet
Chapter 2: A hero's party
Chapter 3: Halloween
Chapter 4: Just a girl
Chapter 5: Friendsgiving
Chapter 6: Body Changes on vacation
Chapter 7: Sealed with a kiss
Chapter 8: Boyfriends/Girlfriends
Chapter 9: Auggie gets wheels
Chapter 10: Green hair and camping
Chapter 11: Gators and virginities
Chapter 12: Two's Company and three's a crowd
Chapter 13: Prom-forget the fairy tales
Chapter 14: The fallout
Chapter 15: GI River
Chapter 16: The Move
Chapter 17: Surprise!
Chapter 18: Aha moments
Chapter 19: He wants to meet me?
Chapter 20: Natty Girl
Chapter 21 Psycho
Chapter 22: Wish us well, the rest can go to hell
Chapter 23: Ghosts of the past
Chapter 24: Rhondy
Chapter 25: You still don't see it
Chapter 26: You busy?
Chapter 27: Then you need to act like it.
Chapter 28: Hey good lookin'
Chapter 29: Prove it
Chapter 31: Imagine my surprise
Chapter 32: It's not running, it's a time out.
Chapter 33: Is she telling the truth?
Chapter 34: Holding back
Chapter 35: Forgiveness
Chapter 36: Oh my!
Chapter 37: Losing her
Chapter 38: Home
Chapter 39: She's going down
Chapter 40: Lessons learned

Chapter 30: Run River Run

2.8K 138 66
By AshleyMay009


I had my housewarming/meet Baxter party last weekend to introduce Baxter to everyone. He fit in with the team just like I knew he would. I think he enjoyed his time here. I know it's nice to have down time away from everything. I enjoyed visiting with him and we got a big chunk of the painting and other stuff done while he was here. Auggie would come by every night to hang out; do some work, drink beer and just bullshit. We had a lot of fun and having Baxter here helped me open up and show a side that I haven't let Auggie see yet since I been back. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

I bought an air mattress that Auggie slept on every night. Baxter offered to give him the spare room, but Auggie adamantly refused. He knew he wasn't getting in my bed. If he wanted to stay, he had to sleep on the air mattress. I'm glad they both had a chance to hang out and get to know one another. I know Baxter had a talk with Auggie about something. I have a pretty good idea what it was about, but both seemed to be getting along well, so I left it alone.

The day after the party, Baxter and I drove down to visit with his family. All of them are very aware that we are only married for legal purposes only, but they have always treated me like part of the family. I know for a long time they had hoped our marriage would turn into a real one, but I think they finally realized we would only ever be friends. I wanted to come and let them know that when Baxter and I's divorce is finalized, they won't get rid of me that easily. Baxter said that his family was worried that when it was official that I'd forget all about them. There was no way I would let that happen; they are stuck with me.

It was a nice little break away from everything and I had a lot of fun. We played a bunch of cards games. Every time I come to visit, they have to teach me the same games, but they don't act like they mind. His mom is the best cook too. All the women in my family can cook, but they all have hung out so much that they all basically use the same recipes. Baxter's mom is a phenomenal cook and is always trying something different. I'll be her ginny pig any day.


I got back home yesterday, and I wish I had a few days to just be lazy, but earlier this week while I was still visiting Baxter's family, the whole family got an invitation from my Aunt Molly, Melissa's mom that they were having a get together at their house. I thought it was a little weird because they hardly ever host parties, at least not with the family. My mom encouraged me to go. I really don't want to go, but I haven't really visited with my aunt since I've been back. Regardless of how I feel about Melissa, I hate to take out my aggression for their daughter out on them. All the families were invited, including Logan's and Auggie's families. The invite stated that they were catering food from one of the best restaurants in Hannibal. I'll just make an appearance, have a free meal, skip out and appease my mom at the same time. I'll know a few people going so it shouldn't be that bad. The dress code is casual, but I'm planning to wear a sun dress. It's hot out and I need to be able to be able breath, plus I know Melissa is going to be there. I need to be looking better than her. I know it's petty, but I don't care. She brings that side out of me. Another reason I'll be going is because Logan said he would be there. I'm excited to see him. I haven't been able to see him as much since I moved here. He's been training a lot and barely gets to come home. He's also in a new relationship and I think he spends a lot of time with her. So, I'll take this opportunity to visit with him too.

I'm getting ready to go, but I hear a ping on my phone and see its text from Auggie.

Auggie: You want to ride over to your aunts together? I need to talk to you.

River: No I'll drive myself. You know I get twitchy around Melissa. I need to be able to get away if needed.

Auggie: Okay I need to talk to you as soon as I see you.

River: k

Auggie stayed over last night. He's back in the spare room, the air mattress packed away in the closet. He picked me up from the airport since Baxter had rented the car, we drove to see his family. On the way back I had him stop at Lowes. On the flight home I got on Pinterest and pinned some ideas for my kitchen. I wanted to stop to see what Lowes had and get some estimates on how much it may cost. Auggie said that he would be able to help with some of the work. We stayed up late going over what he thought he would be able to do and some things that would be better if I hired someone. I can't wait for my whole house to be done. Every day it feels a little more like home. By the time we finished it was late and he decided to just stay in the guest bedroom. There are moments when we are together, and I'm taken back to when I was a teenager and then he will do something, and I will notice the changes that I missed in the five years I was gone. Just like this house feeling like home more and more every day, I feel a little more like myself the more time I spend with Auggie. I have also noticed that Auggie has started to touch me more, it's subtle and I'm not sure if he even realizes he's doing it, maybe he does I don't know, but I've noticed him placing his hand at my lower back, squeezing my arm, and what really gets me is when he grabs my pinkie and squeezes it. I've had sex with guys since Auggie, but none of them could wipe him from my memory and every time he touches me, I feel myself weakening, craving him. I hate feeling weak though, I won't let my body make the decision, not when I can't quite trust my heart to make the right choice yet. I know Melissa is still living with him, I know they are still friends. I don't want to give him an ultimatum, but I can't afford to have her in his life or mine. I know I need to tell him about my attack, but if he doesn't believe me that will be the last straw. I bring myself out of my thoughts not wanting to leave in a bad mood.

I put my finishing touches of make up on and head towards the front door. On the way out the door, I grab my jean jacket just in case it gets chilly later. I don't plan on spending the whole night there, but you just never know. Maybe it will be more fun than I expect. How bad can it be?


I make a pit stop over to my mom's house. On the way out the door she texted to see if I could come pick her up. Apparently, she is planning on taking advantage of the open bar. My Aunt Molly hardly ever hosts parties and it's even rarer that she pays for things. As we pull down the street, it seems like everyone else seems to have the same idea in coming early to get started drinking. I see Aunt Jessica is already here. Logan texted earlier that he was going to be a little late. I see some people from work. That's strange, I didn't know that my aunt and uncle knew anyone that I worked with. Auggie texted me when I first got here and told me that he was running a little behind. His parents were already here. My mom already abandoned me for the open bar. Good thing Aunt Jess and Connie will be here tonight to control my mom. I spot Mackey so I head in his direction. "Hey stranger, didn't think I'd see you here." I asked him.

"Me either. I got the invite and noticed it had free food and an open bar and I said why the heck not. Why would I question that? Besides a few of the guys got them, so I didn't think much about it."

"I wouldn't, I just thought it was strange that you're here. I didn't know you knew my aunt and uncle. Or the others." I furrow my brows.

"I don't know them, but I'm a single guy who doesn't turn down free food and booze." He sticks his tongue out when he lifts his hand communicating that he needed another drink. I was not drinking tonight. I knew Melissa was going to be there. I needed to be in control of emotions. I have been lucky and not seen her much since I've been back. Except the one run in out Auggie's parents' house.

I look around to see if Auggie had arrived yet. I pull out my phone to send him a text.

River: Where are you?

I get a safety response saying he's driving, so I decide to call him, but he doesn't pick up. My phone pings with a text message.

Auggie: be there in less than five.

Good, I only have a few minutes before he's here. I decide I'll get us both a drink, so he won't have to when he arrives. As I'm waiting in line for drinks, I see my aunt get up on the makeshift stage that the DJ has. Yes, they got a DJ, she has a microphone like she's getting ready to make an announcement. What the hell could they be announcing? I look around the party to see if anyone else may know what's going on.
"Thank you everybody for joining us today. I know we don't host a lot of parties, but we wanted to bring everyone together for this special occasion, it's not every day that your only daughter gets engaged to be married."

I snort, my first thought is who the hell would marry her. My second thought is to thank God. Maybe she'll leave Auggie alone now and move out, but with the thought of Auggie I scan the back yard looking for him, I whip my head back when I realize that he's up on the make-shift stage beside Melissa. I vaguely hear someone ask me for my drink order, but all I can hear is static. Auggie is up on the stage standing next to Melissa. He looks confused, but then he smiles and turns to look at Melissa and in the next second, I see her lips on his. I see her hold a huge rock up to show everyone the ring on her hand. One that I can see from where I'm standing. I'm frozen in shock. I feel like everything is caving in on me. I hear the cheers and clapping, and I'm snapped out of my state of shock.

"Fuck!" This cannot be happening, he asked Melissa to marry him. Bought her a ring? This must have been what he wanted to talk to me about. He said he asked her to move out. What the hell? I can't go through this again. The bartender tries to get my attention again, but I'm leaving. I can't stand here and pretend like this isn't killing me. I thought we were making progress. He said he wanted to be with me, and I believed him. I know I've kept him at a distance, but he's been staying at my house. Was he playing both of us? And he chooses her? I can't think straight, I have to get out of here.

I spot Mackey and he gives me a "what the fuck look". I just shrug, shake my head and head to my car. Thank God I have the next couple of days off. I need to get out of here. Baxter's still visiting his family for a few more days. I need to get my head straight. None of this makes sense to me.

I know it sounds stupid, but I want Auggie to come after me, but he doesn't. By the time I make it to my car I'm in tears. He chose her again. I'm hopping on a flight to get away from this. I hate to dump this on Baxter, but I know he will be my voice of reason. I send my mom a text letting her know that I'll be out of town for a few days, not to worry. I know she will know why. I really don't want to talk to her either. I don't even remember how I get home, but I start to pack an overnight bag and look for the soonest flight out. I find one that leaves in three hours. I'll be able to make it to the airport in plenty of time. I send Bax a text letting him know that I'm heading his way. Again.

River: Hey I'm coming back to see you. Make room!

Baxter: What happened?

River: I'll tell you when you pick me up.

Baxter: What time do you land?

River: Midnight

Baxter: I'll be there.

I should have never come back here. It was a big mistake. I pick up my bag and walk out the door.

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading my story. I appreciate it. I hoping you are enjoying Auggie and River's story. I'm planning to post at least one more chapter today. 

Don't forget to vote and comment. I really appreciate the feedback on grammar. Sometimes it makes sense in my head when I read it back, but when I see your comments, I'm like oh yeah, that definitely sounds better. I also enjoy all the theories. Keep them coming. 

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