Hailee Steinfeld imagines

By haizpad

190K 3.8K 885

just some imagines that crossed my mind. stories with * are smut. More

"Thank you for being here Mr Pooh."
"You'll be fine, I'm right there."
"You're listening to 'Love Myself' ?!" *
"You will be the death of me." *
"I love you, but..."
"I love you, but..." | PART 2
"I love you, but..." | LAST PART *
"Deal ?" *
"Who is my daddy ?" | PART 1
"Who is my daddy ?" | PART 2
"Who is my daddy ?" | LAST PART
"I know you're loving this." *
"You look hot when you're weak." *
"You're so naughty." *
"Did you have fun with the boys ?" *
"Everything's gonna be fine." *
"He's gonna pay for this."
"So... You're Y/N, right ?" | PART 1
"So... You're Y/N, right ?" * | PART 2
"You're growing up, my love."
"I never wanted you !"
She knows... She knows...
"Happy Birthday, LOML" *
Science project | PART 1 *
Science project | PART 2 *
Science project | LAST PART
Step sister | PART 1
Step Sister | PART 2 *
"And the woman of the game is..."
Halloween Party | PART 1
Halloween Party | PART 2 *
"Y/N ?"
Pact with the Devil
"You're my Flashlight."
"I know you faked it." *
"Momma's here, my love."
"I don't recognize you..."
"Merry Christmas, my love." *
Hurts like Hell | PART 1
Hurts like Hell | PART 2
Hurts like Hell | LAST PART *
Teacher's Pet | PART 1*
Teacher's Pet | PART 2 *
Teacher's PET | LAST PART *
We Go Down Together
"What happens in Paris, stays in Paris." *
"Don't blame me, love made me crazy." | Kate Bishop
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
"Because I'll bring you back home."
"Nice Hair" | Gwen Stacy
Double Fantasy | Kate Bishop
"It hurts"
Playing Villain | PART 1
"YOU will never be my mom." | PART 1
"YOU will never be my mom." | PART 2
My First Kiss | PART 1
My First Kiss | PART 2
The Idol *
Twitch stream
First Meeting
American Champion
Daddy Issues | PART 1
Daddy Issues | PART 2
Mario Kart *
"Do I love her ?"
I Feel it Coming *
World Cup
From High School bully to Lover | PART 1
From High School bully to Lover | PART 2
What A Night !
Mother, daughter, and...
Thirsty *
Birthday Girl * - requested
"Mom, dad, say hi to..." | PART 1
"Mom, dad, say hi to..." | PART 2
"Don't be scared."
Public Sex *
Age Gap
Blindfold *
Degradation *
Royal Love - AU
City of Love ?
Jealousy *
Call out my Name
Not Lost Anymore | PART 1
Not Lost Anymore | PART 2
Mother's Daughter | Kate Bishop
I Have Never Seen Volcanoes | Emily Dickinson *
"Scars are a piece of what we lived."
Birthday sex
Golden Globes
Make You Mine
Bath time
The Pop Star and The Rapper *
Watching YOU | PART 1
Watching YOU | PART 2
Watching YOU | PART 3

Welcome to the World

1.1K 33 16
By haizpad

summary: Hailee gives birth to Y/N with no boyfriend by her side but her family.

a/n: I know that it may not be the type of one shot you want to read or you are interested in but it makes me feel good when I write some mother/daughter one shots so I still publish them in the book in case I find people like me who likes reading that type of relationship between Hailee and Y/N.

a/n 2: Also, I may or may not have ideas for a second part.

words count: 4,194

• 3rd pov •

     The snow fell gracefully outside the maternity ward, covering the world in a blanket of white. Inside the cozy room, Hailee lay on the hospital bed, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she prepared to meet her daughter, Y/N. At just 16 years old, she faced the challenges of motherhood with courage, despite her broken heart from the departure of her boyfriend when she told him about the pregnancy.

     Cheri, Hailee's mother, stood by her side, holding her daughter's hand tightly. "You're doing great, Hailee. Just a little while longer, and we'll meet our beautiful baby."

     Pete, Hailee's father, placed a warm hand on her forehead. "We're so proud of you, sweetheart. You're stronger than you know."

     Griffin, Hailee's older brother by two years, hovered near the bed, offering silent support. His eyes were filled with a mix of awe and trepidation, witnessing his sister's journey into motherhood.

     As the contractions intensified, Hailee's grip on her mother's hand tightened. "It hurts," she whispered.

     Cheri brushed a strand of hair from Hailee's forehead. "I know, my love. But you can do this. We're here with you every step of the way."

     The room was dimly lit, and the soft hum of the machines filled the air. Outside, the snowflakes danced in the cold winter night, as if celebrating the arrival of new life.

     The nurse and midwife, gentle and caring, guided Hailee through each contraction. "You're doing beautifully, Hailee. Just take deep breaths."

     With each push, Hailee drew strength from her family's presence. They were her rock, the pillars of support she needed during this vulnerable moment.

     As Hailee's labor progressed, her fear of not being able to give birth properly began to intensify. The weight of her young age and the absence of her ex-boyfriend's support loomed over her like a dark cloud. Doubts crept into her mind, questioning her ability to handle the challenges of motherhood at such a tender age.

"I don't want to do this alone," Hailee murmured, her voice trembling.

     Pete leaned in, his eyes filled with compassion. "You won't be alone, sweetheart."

     As each contraction surged through her body, Hailee's breaths quickened, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She couldn't shake the worry that her young body might not be strong enough for the demands of childbirth. The fear of the unknown, coupled with the pain she was experiencing, left her feeling vulnerable and anxious.

     In the midst of her struggle, Hailee's mother, Cheri, noticed the worry etched on her daughter's face. Cheri gently brushed Hailee's hair away from her damp forehead and leaned in close. "You're doing great, sweetheart. It's natural to be scared, but remember, your body is capable of this. You're strong, and we believe in you."

     Despite her mother's comforting words, Hailee couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by self-doubt. She felt the weight of responsibility for her unborn child's future, and the fear of not being enough haunted her. The memories of her ex-boyfriend leaving when she needed him most replayed in her mind, amplifying her insecurities.

     Griffin, her brother, chimed in, "You're strong, sis. Don't let fear overpower you. You've got the whole family supporting you."

     Hailee clung to their words, finding solace in their unwavering love and support. However, her fear remained a persistent presence, making her wonder if she would have the strength to push through the pain and bring her daughter into the world.

     As the contractions intensified, Hailee found herself drawing strength from her family's presence. Their encouragement and gentle reassurance offered a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty.

     The midwife, observing Hailee's apprehension, spoke softly. "It's normal to feel scared, Hailee. But remember, your body knows what to do. I'll be here guiding you every step of the way."

     As the night wore on, the snowfall outside continued, mirroring the flurry of emotions inside the room. Hailee's fear battled with her determination to meet her daughter, Y/N.

     Finally, the moment of truth arrived, and Hailee summoned every ounce of courage she had left. Through the pain, she found an inner strength she never knew existed. With the support of her family and the experienced guidance of the midwife, she pushed with fierce determination.

     In the end, Hailee overcame her fear and proved herself capable of giving birth to her daughter. As Y/N was placed in her arms, the fear she once felt was replaced with a profound sense of accomplishment and love. The little girl was born during the night of a January 20.

     The winter night had tested her, but in its embrace, Hailee found the courage she needed to face the challenges of motherhood. And with her family by her side, she knew she was not alone on this incredible journey of love, growth, and resilience.

     As the nurse gently took Y/N to run some tests, Hailee felt a mixture of emotions - excitement, love, and a touch of anxiety. She watched as her precious daughter was enveloped in a warm pink blanket, feeling both proud and nervous as she wanted everything to be perfect for her little one.

     A few minutes later, the nurse returned with Y/N, now back in Hailee's arms. The sight of her daughter, wrapped in the soft blanket, filled Hailee's heart with overwhelming love. Y/N's tiny fingers reached out, and Hailee's heart melted as she gently held them.

"Hey there, little one," Hailee cooed, her voice soft and tender. "Mommy's right here."

     Y/N's eyes opened wide, and she blinked up at Hailee, as if trying to understand this new world she had just entered. Hailee's heart skipped a beat as she gazed into those beautiful, innocent eyes, feeling an instant connection between them.

     With a gentle touch, Hailee traced the outline of Y/N's tiny nose, marveling at the miracle she held in her arms. "You're so perfect, my little snowflake," she whispered.

     Y/N let out a soft coo, and Hailee couldn't help but smile. She knew that sound would be etched in her heart forever, a symbol of the love she felt for her daughter.

     Hailee's parents and Griffin gathered around, their faces filled with awe and joy as they admired the newest member of the family. Griffin carefully placed a soft plush toy in Y/N's crib, eager to become her protective and loving uncle.

     Cheri brushed a tear from Hailee's cheek, her eyes shining with pride. "You're a natural, Hailee. She already knows she's loved."

     Pete nodded in agreement, beaming with happiness. "We couldn't be prouder of you, sweetheart."

     As the family enjoyed this precious moment together, they took turns holding Y/N, showering her with love and affection. Hailee felt a newfound sense of purpose, knowing that she was now responsible for this little life in her arms.

     As Y/N nestled in Hailee's embrace, she felt the baby's warmth and heard the gentle beat of her heart. Hailee sang a soft lullaby, her voice soothing and calming, embracing Y/N in a cocoon of love and safety.

     With gentle hands, Hailee carefully selected the softest and warmest pink clothes for her little snowflake. She had been eagerly waiting for this moment since the day she learned she was going to be a mother. The tiny clothes were a perfect fit for Y/N's delicate frame, and Hailee couldn't help but smile as she imagined how adorable her daughter would look in them.

     Hailee took her time, wanting everything to be just right. She wanted Y/N to feel comfortable and cozy in her new outfit. The anticipation filled the room as Hailee's parents and Griffin watched with loving eyes, eager to witness this sweet moment.

     She marveled at her daughter's small form, wrapped in the pink blanket that matched the clothes she was about to put on her. Y/N blinked up at Hailee, her eyes filled with curiosity and innocence.

"Okay, little one," Hailee cooed, "let's get you dressed."

     She carefully unbuttoned the tiny onesie Y/N was wearing, replacing it with the soft, pink outfit she had chosen. The fabric was gentle against Y/N's skin, and Hailee couldn't resist planting gentle kisses on her baby's forehead, making her giggle softly.

"Look at you, my little snow princess," Hailee said, her voice full of love. "You're just perfect."

     As Hailee fastened the buttons and zipped up the onesie, she couldn't help but marvel at how much joy such a simple act brought her. It was a moment of connection, a tangible way to care for her daughter and show her love.

     Y/N seemed to sense her mother's love and gazed up at her with wide eyes, as if acknowledging the warmth and security she felt in Hailee's embrace.

     Cheri couldn't resist taking a few photos to capture this precious moment. She wanted to preserve this memory for Hailee and Y/N to cherish for years to come. Pete and Griffin watched with smiles, their hearts swelling with love for the new addition to their family.

     Hailee held Y/N close, taking in her sweet baby scent and feeling the softness of her skin against her own. She whispered sweet nothings into her tiny ears, filling the room with warmth and love.

"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Hailee said, her voice filled with tenderness. "I promise to love you and protect you with all that I am."

     As Hailee held her daughter, wrapped in pink and surrounded by love, she knew that this was just the beginning of a lifetime of cute moments together. From that winter night onward, they would share countless cherished memories, each one a testament to the boundless love that Hailee had for her precious daughter, Y/N.

     Y/N's cries filled the room once again, and Hailee's heartstrings tugged with concern. She had tried everything to soothe her baby, but nothing seemed to work. Feeling a bit flustered, she looked to her mother, Cheri, for guidance.

     Cheri approached with a comforting smile. "She might be hungry, Hailee. Let me get you a bottle of milk."

     Hailee nodded, relieved to have her mother's support. However, when she tried to offer the bottle to Y/N, the baby turned away, her cries still persisting.

"I don't think she wants the bottle," Hailee said with a hint of frustration.

     Cheri observed her daughter's hesitation and gently suggested, "Why don't you try breastfeeding, Hailee? It's worth a shot, and it's perfectly natural."

     Hailee felt a mix of shyness and uncertainty. The idea of breastfeeding in front of her family made her feel vulnerable. "I'm not sure, Mom. It feels awkward."

     Cheri placed a reassuring hand on Hailee's shoulder. "It's okay to feel shy at first. But remember, we're here to support you. You can do it in privacy, and I'll be here to help if you need."

     Pete and Griffin, sensing Hailee's discomfort, decided to give them some privacy and quietly excused themselves from the room, leaving mother and daughter alone.

     With the room now quiet, Cheri encouraged Hailee to give it a try. "Here, let me help you get into a comfortable position."

     Hailee took a deep breath, pushing past her shyness, and allowed Cheri to guide her. As Hailee nervously positioned herself to breastfeed Y/N, Cheri gently guided her, ensuring her comfort. "Take it easy, Hailee. Just find a comfortable position, and let Y/N guide you."

     Hailee nodded, her heart pounding with a mix of nervousness and determination. She lifted Y/N close, and with Cheri's support, Y/N latched onto her breast. "Like this, Mom?"

     Cheri smiled warmly. "Yes, that's perfect. You're doing great."

     As Y/N began to suckle, Hailee felt a mixture of tenderness and vulnerability. "It feels strange, but also really special."

     Cheri placed a reassuring hand on Hailee's back. "It's completely normal to feel that way, especially at first. But trust me, as you bond with Y/N through breastfeeding, it will feel more natural."

     As Hailee and Y/N settled into a rhythm, the room filled with a peaceful atmosphere. Hailee was amazed by the experience, feeling an instant connection with her baby. "She's so tiny and precious."

     Cheri's eyes sparkled with pride. "She's taking everything she needs from you, Hailee. It's an incredible gift you're giving her."

     As Y/N nursed, Hailee's initial shyness began to fade, replaced by a sense of maternal confidence. "I'm glad you're here with me, Mom. I wouldn't know what to do without you."

     Cheri smiled affectionately. "You're doing wonderfully, Hailee. I'm so proud of you. It's a journey you'll cherish forever."

     Feeling more at ease, Hailee relaxed into the moment, focusing on her baby's needs and finding comfort in their closeness. Y/N cooed softly, her little fingers gently holding onto Hailee's hand.

"I can feel her little fingers," Hailee whispered, her voice filled with awe.

     Cheri smiled, witnessing the bond forming before her eyes. "She knows she's safe and loved, Hailee. You're her world now."

     As Y/N nursed, the worries and uncertainties Hailee once had were replaced by a deep sense of love and fulfillment. She knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey with her daughter.

     Hailee looked down at Y/N with a tender gaze. "I love you so much, my little snowflake."

     In that moment, mother and daughter shared an intimate connection that would forever bond them together. It was a precious memory etched into Hailee's heart, one she would cherish for a lifetime. And in the quiet of that room, filled with love and the soft sounds of nursing, Hailee knew that she had found a beautiful way to nourish and care for her baby girl, Y/N.

     Hailee's shyness gradually faded away as she focused on her baby's needs. Y/N settled into a rhythm, suckling gently, and the room filled with a sense of peace and bonding.


     A few days after Hailee gave birth to Y/N, the family was excited to return home. They had created a cozy nursery for the baby, filled with love and warmth. However, as they stepped out of the maternity ward, they were greeted by a swarm of paparazzi waiting to capture Hailee's first public appearance after becoming a mother.

     Hailee's heart raced as the photographers and reporters surrounded them, bombarding her with questions and camera flashes. She felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable, wanting nothing more than to shield Y/N from the intrusion.

     Cheri stepped forward, putting herself between Hailee and the paparazzi, a protective force. "Please, give us some space. Hailee needs time to adjust to this new phase of her life."

     But the paparazzi persisted, ignoring Cheri's plea, and continued to snap photos and throw questions at Hailee.

"Hailee, how do you feel about becoming a mother at such a young age?"

"Can you tell us more about your relationship with Y/N's father?"

"Are you planning to return to acting soon?"

     Hailee's discomfort grew, and she looked to her mother with pleading eyes. "Mom, I can't handle this. Can we just go?"

     Cheri wrapped a protective arm around Hailee and Y/N, guiding them through the crowd. "We need some privacy right now. Please, respect our space."

      Pete and Griffin stood by their side, showing unwavering support as they walked towards their car. The paparazzi continued their barrage of questions and photos, but Cheri shielded Hailee and Y/N from the chaos as best as she could.

     Once they were safely inside the car, Cheri let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Hailee. We'll figure out a way to handle this together."

     Hailee's voice trembled as she clutched Y/N close. "I never expected this. It's just so overwhelming."

     Pete placed a comforting hand on Hailee's shoulder. "It's okay, sweetheart. We'll navigate this new aspect of fame as a family. Your well-being and Y/N's safety come first."

     Griffin nodded in agreement. "We've got your back, Hailee. You don't have to face this alone."

     As they arrived home, the family closed the door behind them, finding solace and peace in their private sanctuary. Cheri made sure Hailee and Y/N were comfortable and safe, offering a reassuring hug.

"We'll find a way to handle the media attention together," Cheri said, her voice filled with determination. "But for now, let's focus on you and Y/N."

     Hailee felt a surge of gratitude for her family's support. "Thank you, Mom. I don't know what I'd do without you."

     In the following days, Cheri took on the role of Hailee's protector, managing media inquiries and ensuring Hailee and Y/N had the space they needed to bond and adjust to their new life. The family stood united, shielding Hailee and her baby girl from the paparazzi's prying eyes, allowing them to savor the joys of motherhood in the comfort and safety of their home.


     On a bright morning, three years had passed since Y/N's birth, and Hailee was now 19 years old. It was a momentous day for both mother and daughter as they prepared for Y/N's first day at school. Excitement and nervousness filled the air as Hailee helped Y/N get ready, but as they stood by the front door, Y/N's face turned pensive.

"I don't want to go, Mommy," Y/N said, her voice trembling with fear.

     Hailee crouched down, her heart breaking at the sight of Y/N's uncertainty. "Oh, sweetie, it's okay to be scared. It's a big step, but you're going to have so much fun and make new friends."

      But as they arrived at the school, Y/N's anxiety grew. The unfamiliar setting and the sea of new faces overwhelmed her, making her feel lost and scared.

     Throughout the day, Hailee couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. When it was finally time to pick up Y/N, she noticed her daughter's downcast eyes and slumped shoulders.

"How was your first day, sweetie?" Hailee asked, concern lacing her voice.

     Y/N's lip quivered, and she looked up at Hailee with teary eyes. "I didn't like it, Mommy. The other kids were mean, and I felt lonely."

     Hailee's heart sank, and she wrapped Y/N in a comforting hug. "I'm so sorry you had a tough day, Y/N. It's okay to feel this way."

     Y/N clung to Hailee, seeking solace in her mother's embrace. "Can I stay home tomorrow?"

     Hailee understood Y/N's distress but knew that she couldn't let fear dictate her daughter's choices. "Let's give it another try, sweetheart. I promise I'll talk to your teacher and see how we can make it better for you."

     As they walked back to the car, Hailee held Y/N's hand tightly, promising to support her every step of the way. Throughout the evening, they talked about Y/N's fears and concerns, and Hailee reassured her that they would work together to make school a better place.

     The next day, Hailee spoke with Y/N's teacher, addressing the issues her daughter had faced. The teacher promised to keep a close eye on Y/N, making sure she felt safe and included.

     After two months of trying her best to help Y/N adjust to school life, Hailee noticed that her daughter's struggle continued. Y/N still felt lonely and isolated, unable to find a sense of belonging among her peers. It broke Hailee's heart to see her little girl come home each day with a heavy heart.

     One evening, as Y/N sat at the kitchen table, Hailee approached with a gentle smile. "Hey, sweetheart, can we talk?"

     Y/N looked up, her eyes reflecting her unease. "Sure, Mommy."

     Hailee took a deep breath, knowing that her decision could have a significant impact on Y/N's future. "I've been thinking a lot about how you feel at school, and I don't want you to be unhappy. You deserve to learn in a place where you feel comfortable and supported."

     Y/N nodded slowly, her heart heavy with emotions she couldn't fully articulate.

"I was wondering," Hailee continued, "what if we try something different? What if we explore homeschooling for a while? That way, you can learn at your own pace, and we can focus on the subjects you're passionate about."

     Y/N's eyes widened with surprise, a glimmer of hope shining through her tears. "Really, Mommy? You'd do that for me?"

     Hailee's heart swelled with love for her daughter. "Of course, sweetie. Your happiness and well-being are my top priorities."

     Over the next few days, Hailee researched homeschooling options and spoke with educational experts to ensure Y/N would receive a well-rounded education. She reached out to other homeschooling families, hoping to create a supportive network for Y/N.

     When the time came to share the decision with Y/N's teacher and the school administration, Hailee was met with understanding and support. They recognized that Y/N's happiness was paramount and were willing to assist with the transition.

     As they began their homeschooling journey, Y/N's enthusiasm and joy for learning started to return. Hailee designed creative lessons, tailored to Y/N's interests, and they explored subjects together in a way that brought out her daughter's natural curiosity and love for knowledge.

     The homeschooling experience also allowed Y/N to spend more time with her family, strengthening their bond and creating a nurturing environment where she could grow and thrive.


     As the years passed, Y/N grew older and more aware of her mother's successful acting and music career. At the age of 8, she had become Hailee's biggest fan, finding inspiration in her mother's talent and dedication.

     One magical evening, Hailee had a major concert in their hometown. Y/N's excitement was palpable as she waited backstage with her family, eagerly anticipating the moment she would watch her mother perform on stage for the first time.

     The arena buzzed with anticipation as the lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted into cheers as Hailee stepped onto the stage, bathed in a spotlight. Y/N's heart swelled with pride and joy, her eyes shining with admiration.

     As Hailee started singing, her powerful and soulful voice filled the venue, captivating the audience. Y/N watched in awe, feeling her heart soar with every note her mother sang. She clutched a little plush toy, a token of comfort in the midst of the massive crowd.

     Throughout the performance, Y/N could see the passion and emotion on her mother's face. Hailee sang with such intensity and sincerity, as if each word held a special meaning just for her. Y/N felt an unbreakable connection with Hailee, knowing that she was witnessing something extraordinary.

     As the concert reached its peak, Hailee sang one of her most emotional songs, pouring her heart into the lyrics. The entire audience was moved, and Y/N's eyes filled with tears, overwhelmed by the beauty of her mother's talent.

     After the last song, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause and cheers, filling the air with love and admiration for Hailee. Y/N joined in, clapping her hands enthusiastically, her heart bursting with pride.

     Backstage, Hailee was surrounded by fans and fellow artists congratulating her on a stunning performance. But in the midst of it all, her eyes sought out Y/N, who rushed into her arms, hugging her tightly.

"You were amazing, Mommy," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with awe.

     Hailee hugged her daughter close, tears of happiness glistening in her eyes. "Thank you, my little snowflake. Having you here meant the world to me."

     Y/N looked up at Hailee, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "I want to be just like you, Mommy. I want to sing and make people feel what you made me feel tonight."

     Hailee smiled warmly, her heart swelling with love for her daughter. "You already have a beautiful voice, Y/N. Just follow your dreams, and I'll be right there supporting you every step of the way."

     From that day on, Y/N's admiration for her mother's talent and dedication grew even more. She found comfort and inspiration in Hailee's music, knowing that she had an extraordinary role model to guide her on her own journey.

     As the years passed, Y/N continued to watch her mother perform on stage, their bond growing stronger with each shared moment. And Hailee cherished every opportunity to inspire her daughter, knowing that she had someone so special to share her love for music with.

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