𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 ⎯ 𝐙𝐮𝐤𝐨

By icrossedtheborderr

91K 4K 445

He lost his memories and soon woke up on a banished Prince's ship without a clue in the world. But this boy s... More

Scars From The Past
Scars From The Past 2
Book 1 - Water
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Book 2 - Earth
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Book 3 - Fire
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 43

1K 54 0
By icrossedtheborderr

Mio's execution was just around the corner. Mikoto had grown restless, checking up on Mio to see how his wounds were doing and reassuring him everything was going according to plan. 

Zuko came to visit him, again. He begged him to respond, but he never spoke a word. He looked up at the Prince with emotionless eyes. Zuko hoped today was the day he would finally say something back, but the boy only turned his back to him. After that gesture, Zuko stood up and began shouting at him angrily.

"Don't you have any feelings, Mio? Have you lost them? I'm here, begging you to talk to me. But all you do is ignore me! I thought you were my friend, I thought you cared about me, I thought... I thought that I loved you! But It seems like everything was nothing but a lie. You didn't care about me, I don't think you ever did," He stopped for a moment, thinking back to his time when Mio, or well, Shoko became his prisoner.

"I'm trying as hard as I can to forget you. But I can't shake all the love I felt for you as a kid."

"This changes nothing, though. I'm way happier with Mai than I ever was with you."

His heart ached.

"Somehow, every time, you manage to break me more than anyone else. Your wounds are the deepest, they hurt so bad. You caused this, and you won't be able to run away from all your problems like you always do" Zuko bit his lower lip, wondering if he should shout what was on his mind.

"I wish I never met you at all!" 

And just like that, he stood up, and created an arch of bright red flames, grazing Mio's arms from all his pent-up anger. His eyes widened in horror once realization hit him. He pulled his hood back up and rushed out, not knowing what else to do or say.

Mio pulled his knees to his stomach, wrapping his arms around his head to hide his silent sobs. Agni, it stung, it burned. It hurt.

 He knew Mikoto had walked in right after Zuko left, trying to comfort him and passing him some cream along with a few bandages to clean his would, but every word he spoke, was drowned out by Mio. He left the roll of bandages untouched, placing some cold cream on his burned arm to try and tone down his pained sobs. After that heartbreaking night, he made his decision. He was going to escape from this hell and join team Avatar.

After everything he did for Zuko, after he betrayed Katara, Sokka, and Aang just for the Prince, he stabbed him in the back, and now that led to his misery in the prison cells. He left him and broke his heart more than he already had. He wanted revenge. He wanted to see the Fire Lord fall from his throne, along with all the people who hurt him.

His father, Azula, and especially Zuko.

Since that very day, he spent the entire day planning out the escape with Mikoto. So tonight, they were both going to leave. 

Half an hour later, guards came in and took him out. When they reached the garden, they took their precious time taking off the metal bracelet. He walked peacefully for a while until he bent a stream of water and created a huge and pointy icicle.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" One of the guards shouted, gesturing for some other men to hold Mio back by his hands. 

"Just practicing."

The man frowned. "There's no more garden for you" He pulled out Mio's hand and placed the bracelet back on, throwing him back into his cell. He smirked as they left, leaving only Mikoto in. 

He pulled out the key from his pocket, earning a proud grin from his older brother.


When the midnight guard left, Mio sprinted into action. He threw the metal bracelet to the ground once it was off. He sat with his legs crossed, a calm expression on his face. Suddenly, his door creaked open, and in came Mikoto, who was now wearing a cloak and his hood over his head. He walked over and pulled out the key to his cell.

"How'd you get the key? They don't let low-class guards look after prisoners' keys."

Mikoto smirked, "Let's just say I have my ways." He handed his younger brother a bag that held all sorts of weapons and other essential things. Mio gladly accepted it and quietly made his way outside to pull the unconscious guard into his cell and chained his arms and legs onto the wall.

He pulled out a bow and arrow.

Without a second of doubt, he shot the arrow straight into the man's chest.

Mikoto watched silently, handing Mio a piece of paper. 

On the first few days of his imprisonment, he was allowed to draw pictures to entertain himself, but ever since he tried cutting his neck with the papers, he wasn't allowed that privilege. 

First, he placed a dark red lipstick, then, wrote XOXO with the item, finishing it off as he kissed the paper. 

Finally, he pulled out another arrow from his quiver and broke it into two pieces, placing it in front of the dead man. He held two small squared segments of paper separately in between his fingers.

He had two more things to do before they left. 

Their first destination was Zuko's chambers. He put one of the papers on the Prince's nightstand and began writing, This is the last kiss I'm wasting on you, ponytail Prince, with his lipstick. Afterward, he leaned in to kiss Zuko's cheek gently, leaving the mark of his soft red lips. 

He took notice of the white stars displayed beautifully in a vase. He smiled weakly at the sight. But he snapped out of the trance quickly and hurried outside. 

Mikoto gave him a worried glance before slowly opening the door that led to Azula's chambers. Mio brushed him off with a reassuring smile and walked in. He placed the paper on Azula's nightstand and started writing.

You were right when you said I would be a fool to try and escape. Just so you know, I didn't use my firebending or waterbending. Cause I'm writing this right next to you while you're snoring without a care in the world. I've escaped right under your nose. By the way, you can keep the lipstick.

And with that, he placed the lipstick next to the paper. Smiling proudly at his work and rushing out, Mikoto closed the door quietly behind him.

After a while, the two were successfully out of the palace. 

"I'm surprised. When Mom told me about you two, she described you differently than how you act now."

Mio huffed, kicking a rock in front of him. "Yeah, well, Mom also let Dad sell me off to an assassin boarding school."

Mikoto smiled weakly as he placed an arm around Mio's shoulder. "I meant it in a good way. It's not your fault the world was so cruel to you at a young age."


They decided to wander about, looking around the peaceful and quiet neighborhood. That was until Mio decided to bring up a certain topic that surprised Mikoto. 

"Why did you leave Rui?"

He heaved a loud sigh and thought back to his short time with his roommate. He wouldn't admit it, but he loved being around Rui. Yet whenever he tried to get closer to her, she would always shout at him and punch him relentlessly. He didn't understand her, but at the same time, he was attracted to her tough personality. 

"She was the only one who took me in. I saw she was hurt so I decided to stick by her side. But things got complicated... my Dad, had a hard time being all alone, and as you can tell, the guards aren't the friendliest. I had to go back and help him out with whatever I could..."

"Rui told me you got in trouble with the Dai Li. What'd you do?"

Mikoto looked to the other side. He was stupid. And got in multiple fights for dumb reasons. "I lit a store on fire" His voice was laced with anger and disappointment in himself. "It wasn't on accident, I didn't know what I was doing until I found myself staring off at the growing flames. I just got so angry, that I let the stove on that night. And - the Dai Li assumed I was a firebender."

Mio perked up at that. He understood the feeling. "You too?" 

Mikoto gave him a blank and confused stare. "What do you mean, 'You too?'"

"Yeah, funny story, I kinda burned down a shop too, but it was with my firebending. I ended up killing the woman and her son who ran it. The Dai Li took me but I escaped and then stumbled up in the South Pole."


Mio groggily sat up, groaning in annoyance and pushing Mikoto away from him. 

He yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. 

"Oh, he's awake!"

His eyes shot open from shock and confusion when he heard a certain idiot's loud-pitched voice. And suddenly, the whole group surrounded him, even Mikoto.

But what concerned him more was the fact that Aang was kneeling in front of him, a bright smile spread over his lips. 

"Y-you're still alive?"

The boy nodded, "Yup, thanks to Katara and her spirit water" And without a second to react, Mio pulled him into a tight hug. 

"I'm so sorry for not trusting you guys and not telling you about my firebending!"

Aang chuckled nervously when they pulled away. "Actually, I knew. I had a suspicion. And I'm not mad. Just a little sad you didn't trust us."

Mio nodded, he understood. He turned around to face Katara and Sokka with a saddened expression.

"Okay, we need an explanation, Shoko. This dude just came up to us while you were sleeping on his back. Who even is he?!" Sokka screamed, gesturing signs with his arms.

"Mio" He corrected.

"What?" Sokka rose a brow. 

"My name is Mio. Not Shoko. Another thing I've been keeping a secret from you."

Sokka looked at him up and down before embracing him in a warm hug, "I don't know about Katara, but I missed you so much!"

Mio smiled weakly, hugging him back hesitantly. "I missed you too, Sokka."

"I need to clean up and eat before I answer any of your questions. Just keep in mind that I'm Mio, not Shoko, at least not anymore." 

He then ran over to a lake, throwing off his green clothes onto the floor along with his boots. Without thinking twice, he jumped into the cold water. It felt nice, to be free again.

He bent an arch of water and let it splash onto his face, washing the dirt from his long hair. He looked over to his reflection in the water, noticing how his blue hair dye bled. His dark brown hair was finally back. After a long time of hiding and denial, he finally can be himself without fear.

Once he jumped back to where he left his clothes, he picked the pieces of cloth up and headed over to the others. "Hey, Aang, could you dry me with some airbending?"

Aang stood up and nodded, bending a large whoosh of air to collide with Mio. 

"Woah," Mio looked around his body, "That was a lot faster than firebending" He put his clothes back on and took a seat between the short earthbending girl and Mikoto, gladly accepting the bread he was handed. 

"I don't think we've met properly, I'm Mio, and this is Mikoto."

"Toph," The girl replied, leaning over to hug him tightly, "It's nice to have more powerful benders on the team. No offense, Twinkle Toes."

Mio chuckles lightly. Katara coughed, gaining everyone's attention, "Well, Sh- I mean, Mio, care to explain?"

Mio licked his dry lip, clicking his tongue and shifting his body weight on Mikoto's shoulder. "I'll try, just don't interrupt too much."

"No promises" Sokka added.

"I'm originally from the Fire Nation, I was born and raised there. My Mom lived in the Northern Water Tribe but she originates from the Southern Pole, she has a long history line of powerful waterbenders whereas my Father is a respected firebending admiral. The ability to bend two elements only showed once every two generations, it's a little weird and hard to explain since I was the only one who could bend both instead of it being passed onto me and Rin since we're twins."

"The Southern Water Tribe?" Katara whispered to herself as if testing the words on her tongue. 

"That's cool" Toph commented, "It's like being half Avatar."

Mio shook his head slowly, "Trust me, I'm nothing like the Avatar. Anyway, my family was crazy rich. And also crazy crazy. My Father was a perfectionist and since Rin left to live with Azula at a young age at her palace, the responsibility was pressured onto me-" Mio halted for a moment as he looked around, confusion overtaking his mind.

"Wait... where's Rin?" 

Aang's mouth formed a frown, "Sorry, but she wanted to stay with the resistance. We tried to convince her to come with us, but she said it was for the best. She told me to tell you that she cares about you and is sorry for never showing it."

Mio nodded slowly. He didn't want to display his disappointment. He tried to mask his sadness with a small forced smile, though most of the group knew it was a fake act.

He cleared his throat before continuing. "Ursa and my Mom thankfully had a close friendship. She spoke on my behalf and finally, my Father allowed me to visit Zuko from time to time. But it still beats being locked up every day. We became very close friends. We went on a bunch of holidays together. Mostly on Ember Island. Everything was going so well until that cursed day arrived" Mio closed his eyes, remembering every single detail of the moment he was talking about.

"Ozai requested an audience with Azulon. I waited with Rin outside till Zuko and Ursa walked out. And before I could ask him how it went, we were both pulled behind the throne room curtains by Azula."

"Ozai wanted Azulon to revoke Iroh's right to the throne. Azulon got so angry which scared Zuko and he left. Leaving me and Azula to hear the entire conversation. Azulon said that Ozai's punishment should fit his crime. You must know the pain of losing a firstborn. By sacrificing your own."

"Oh my spirits," Katara placed a hand against her ajar mouth, "That's so merciless."

Mio nodded in agreement, "Azula planned on teasing Zuko about such a serious topic, as she always does. While the three of us were arguing about it, Ursa and Rin came to separate us. Azula tried to lie to her mother but she didn't believe her. That's how Ursa found out about Ozai's punishment."

Mikoto placed a comforting hand over Mio's clenched ones, giving him a soothing look that almost slightly calmed him down. 

"That night, I stayed in the palace. I tried helping Zuko forget the topic. But in the dead of night, I heard Ursa walk in and bid her goodbye to Zuko. When she left, I followed after. She didn't explain anything or why she was leaving, she just told me to take care of Zuko and urged me back to sleep. We didn't know that Azula was watching us though. I woke up early in the morning, but Azula locked me in Zuko's chambers. I could only get out thanks to a nearby maid who heard me pounding on the doors."

Mio glared at his lap, hands clenching tightly onto the dog figurine. 

"He was with Mai."

"Azula said some stuff about me and said I was no longer welcome in the palace and that Rin chose to stay with her rather than leave with me. Later on, I heard word that Azulon passed away in his sleep, leading up to Ozai's coronation."

"I wish the Earth Kingdom had that much plot" Toph yawned as she stretched, "It's just the King and his stupid bear."

Mio perked up at the mentioned bear. He had seen the fluffy brown animal when Azula took him over to the crystal catacombs. He continued on when he earned interested and eager looks from the group. 

"A week later or so, my Father found no use for me. Since I left the palace on a bad note, he stated that I embarrassed him in front of the Prince and Princess. I had to watch my Mother's crying figure as my Father led me out of my palace and into the hands of an unknown man. I was scared and angry. I knew my Mom was in danger, I just couldn't do anything to help her. I was sold off to an assassin boarding academy. I was only eleven on my first kill."

"Why would he do such a cruel thing?!" Katara frowned. She felt guilty now that she finally understood the older boy.

Mio shrugged in response. "I was a horrible firebender. I couldn't control my flames or my emotions. I was like a ticking time boom ready to explode whenever I felt the slightest hint of anger. Generals, Commanders, Admirals, and other important people from the Fire Nation usually check in on the academy to recruit young assassins. Zhao introduced me to Yuji, who was two years older than me at that time. He eventually persuaded me to join their team. I liked him. I thought I was just fooling myself in hopes to forget Zuko... but I actually felt attached to him."

"Zhao named me Black Wolf because I was an outcast. One eventful night, I got into a fight with the old man. I had already killed five Fire Nation men because I lashed out at them. He said if I were to kill another Commander, Admiral, or whatever, I would be executed for my treachery."

"That's awful" Katara's voice was laced with sorrow and pity. "I'm sorry."

Mio shook his head, he hated people pitting him. It made him feel small and innocent, even with all the blood on his hands. His sins can't be reversed. 

Aang seemed to be out of it until he jumped onto his feet with wide eyes, "Executed?!" He shouted in disbelief once the words sunk in.

Mio nodded. "I went to the Earth Kingdom in search of this dude right here, my older brother. I couldn't find a trace of where he was and instead got in trouble with the Dai Li cause I burnt down a building. I wandered around and eventually, some of Yuji's soldiers, who were looking for me so they could drag me back, found and chased me. And ta-da! I'm at the South Pole."

"I did really lose my memories which caused me to act all timid and docile. I thought that was who I really was when in reality, I'm an assassin. I always had this anxious voice telling me that Zuko would recognize me, but still, I've changed so much in the past few years."

"The rest should be familiar with you. Switching sides and hunting down the Avatar. Everything was going great. He kissed me in the crystal prison, Katara witnessed it. We could've been happy. But Azula came in and ruined everything. She always does."

"She told him everything. Eventually, Zuko's shouting at me to take the eyepatch off and I did."

Mio licked his bottom lip. Even talking about it makes his stomach twist uncomfortably. 

"He was a bit uncertain when he saw this," He pointed at his aqua-blue eye, "When Iroh and I were captured, Azula decided to torture me more by leaving me in the dungeons of their palace. So they could visit me whenever they pleased."

"Zuko visited. But whenever he did, he screamed at me, leaving me wondering if it was better if I was gone. Dead gone. Mikoto here promised he'd get me out. And he did." Mio looked over to his brother and smiled weakly.

"I've gone through too many heartbreaks. After everything I did for Zuko, after I had given up you guys just for him, I was left crying because he chose someone else. We'd like to join Team Avatar, we want to help you with whatever we can. This time, without secrets."

"He's not lying," Toph said, "I vote for him to join."

"Me too," The other three said in unison. 

Sokka smiled as he ran over to Mio and engulfed him in another hug, pulling him away from Mikoto, "Welcome back to Team Avatar."

"Oh, you too Mikoto" Sokka smiled, earning a playful scoff from the older male.

Once the two let go of each other, Mio turned to face Aang with a serious look on his face. 

"I uh... I had a vision of Avatar Roku, back when Zuko followed you to his temple. He told me I had to fight alongside you if we ever hoped of defeating the Fire Lord's second in command."

Sokka perked up quickly, making his way closer to Mio with furrowed eyebrows, "Hold up. The Fire Lord has a second in command?!" 

Mio simply nodded, watching as Sokka groaned, shouting out that they were doomed. Aang's face fell, he was already stressed with the pressure of defeating the all-powerful Fire Lord, another enemy to worry about, and he'd drop to the floor from overthinking.

"Don't worry, I can take him. Avatar Roku said I had to fight him. And I will-" But before Mio could finish his sentence, Mikoto placed a warm hand on his shoulder to calm him down just slightly, "Not without me. Don't worry, Rin's going to beat his ass as well. I'm guessing you're talking about your Father?"

Mio gulped, nodding slowly. 

"We'll fight him with all we got. He's never gonna know what hit him."

Sokka rushed over to them once again, "Wait, so let me get this straight, Avatar Roku spoke to you and told you that you have to fight the Fire Lord's second in command who is actually your Father, the same person who sold you off the assassin boarding academy because you embarrassed him?"

Mio nodded again.

He clicked his tongue, "Pretty much. Not that hard to understand."

Sokka scoffed, "Are you calling me dumb?!"

"In the end, trust no one but yourself."

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