𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 ⎯ 𝐙𝐮𝐤𝐨

By icrossedtheborderr

80.9K 3.8K 363

He lost his memories and soon woke up on a banished Prince's ship without a clue in the world. But this boy s... More

Scars From The Past
Scars From The Past 2
Book 1 - Water
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Book 2 - Earth
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Book 3 - Fire
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 10

1.5K 77 0
By icrossedtheborderr

Shoko stared at the ocean as his mind wandered off into space. Forgetting Appa, along with the others who were flying right above him. Though a loud yell snapped him back to reality, he turned to face Iroh and Prince Zuko. 

"Sailing into Fire Nation waters..." Iroh began, his voice laced with disappointment, "Of all the foolish things you've done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish!"

"I don't have a choice, Uncle."

"Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you?" Iroh shouted with slight anger. "What if you're caught?" Shoko looked over to the General and Zuko, thinking it was probably best if he remained quiet. "I'm chasing the Avatar! My father will understand why I am returning home!" 

"You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type!" Iroh argued with his arms crossed. 

Shoko glared at his feet, he felt conflicted. He always did, but now, he felt shivers run up his spine at the mere mention of entering Fire Nation land.

"There they are! Helmsman! Full steam ahead!" Zuko ordered, ignoring his Uncle's pleas to turn around. Shoko grabbed onto the sides of the ship as they went faster, trying to catch up with the others. 

He quickly covered his nose at the horrible stench, he turned to see a catapult coming up from underneath the deck. "Uh, really Prince Zuko, couldn't you shoot them down with something more fragrant?" Iroh pulled out his fan with a disgusted look on his face. 

Shoko's eyes widened when the words sunk in. 

Shoot them down?

Zuko blasted a flame of fire onto the projectile and held his hand up, "On my mark-"


The projectile was thrown at the sky bison but it wasn't lit with fire anymore. The soldiers along with Zuko turned to look at Shoko with confusion. He held the fire in between his hands, wincing as he failed to control it, soon shifting over and dropping the flame in the water. 

"Crap, maybe I should've gotten rid of the gloves."

"Or maybe, I should've gotten rid of you" Zuko's voice growls from behind him, Shoko turns around just as a hand slams onto his chest, forcing him against the ship's railings. "What was that?!"

Shoko glared back as he felt the Prince's hands warming up. 


"I wasn't going to let you kill my family! Plus, you need the Avatar alive!" 

Zuko growled, as tempting as it was to burn him so he could finally shut his mouth, Iroh placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him away. 

Shoko's glare remained as he watched Zuko storm off. 

"Enough! You were so busy attacking Shoko that you didn't notice the blockade" Iroh scolded, pointing up ahead where multiple ships were docked. 

"A blockade" Zuko repeated to himself. 

Shoko walked forward to see more projectiles shooting at Appa, thankfully they managed to dodge each and every one. 

"Technically, you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they cannot arrest you" Iroh advised, but Zuko's eyes were glued onto the flying bison, he noticed Appa speeding up, "They're not turning around" He stated. 

"We're gonna die here, stop being so stubborn!" Shoko shouted. 

"Please, Prince Zuko! If the Fire Nation captures you, there is nothing I can do! Do not follow the Avatar" Iroh begs his nephew with worry-filled eyes, "You along with Shoko will both be captured!"

Zuko angrily stared at the flying bison and then at the blockade. He clenched his fist in frustration and shut his eyes for a brief moment, "I'm sorry Uncle" He said in a sorrowful tone. He lifts his hand upwards, "Run the blockade!" He ordered and the ship began to go at an even faster speed. 

Shoko's heartbeat sped up as well, watching as Appa was skillfully maneuvered in every direction, dodging the projectiles. 

His eyes widened when a fireball hit the ship, damaging the engine and catching on fire. 

The three turned to look over at a man who came out of the engine room with a panicked expression, "Prince Zuko! The engines are damaged! We need to stop and make repairs!" He gestured behind to the black smoke coming out. Zuko stood silent but then turned around to look at Appa with narrowed eyes. "Do not stop this ship!" He shouted as the man returned to the room. 

"SOKKA!" Shoko screamed, causing the two royal men to face him with shocked expressions. Shoko ran over to the railing, preparing himself to jump, though Zuko quickly grasped the sides of his stomach and pulled him back down, "Don't be a fool! You'll die as well!"

Shoko didn't listen as he squirmed around his hold, forcing his tears back. Zuko growled and faced the sky, only to see App successfully catch Sokka on his saddle. He harshly grabbed Shoko's arm and forced him up, "He's fine, stop moving!" At that instant, Shoko shoved Zuko off with a huff, hugging himself as relief washed over him. 

He stared at the sky bison, trying to ignore Zuko's tantrum. His eyes widened when he saw Aang jump in front of the fluffy animal and kick a powerful blast of air in front of the fireball, breaking it into small pieces. 

"We're on a collision course!" Iroh shouted. They were heading straight in front of two ships. 

Shoko huffed, giving in when Zuko managed to pull him back, gripping harshly once more on his wrist. "Let me go! I'd rather die in the water than a collision!"

"If we go down then so do you!" Zuko barked back, turning around to face the blockade. "We'll make it," He said confidently, reassuring himself, "Full speed!"

Shoko closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the impact. But when he felt nothing, slowly, he reopened them to see the ships in front of them had stilled themselves. As Zuko successfully crossed through, Shoko noticed a very familiar person on one of the ships. Zhao looked over to Zuko with a blank face. 

Zuko frowned and finally let go of Shoko, throwing him to his butt. "Don't ever do that again. Disgusting."

Shoko rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, whispering to himself, "Have you looked in the mirror lately?"

"Here," Iroh gave him a hand, Shoko gladly accepted it and stood back up. "He didn't arrest me, Uncle," Zuko said, eyeing the ship behind him suspiciously, his hands clenched tightly. "He wants to follow you. He knows where you're going and who you're going after. The Avatar" Iroh explained as he smoothed his beard down. 

"If Zhao wants to follow a trail of smoke, then that's exactly what I'll let him do" Zuko walked past Shoko but grasped his hood and pulled him along, making Shoko groan in annoyance at the not-so-surprising act, "Hey! I can walk, you know!"

"You'll make a good bargain piece, so don't even think about running away or I'll let out your secret" Zuko warns, Shoko's eyes widened at the mention of doing such a thing. "They don't know. Do they? That they were harboring a dangerous firebender" Zuko said, yanking Shoko on the tiny boat and began to lower it. "How odd, you called them your family and seemed pretty desperate to keep them safe, yet they don't know who you truly-"

"Shut up."

Shoko interrupted, glaring into Zuko's eyes. 

"I'll do my best to not get in your way, just don't say anything. Please, don't" He took hold of Zuko's hand with a begging tone. The Prince stared at him, the plea... he didn't like it. Why did he feel pity? No, he felt like Azula. She would look down at her subordinates and make them feel shittier than they already did, even for the smallest mistakes. He pulled his hands away from Shoko's and growled under his breath.

Shoko watched him, feeling the boat land softly on the water. Zuko started the ship and headed in the direction of where the sky bison was going. 

He faced the water, it looked so tempting to just jump in and soak off all his problems. Forget Zuko, Aang, and the Fire Nation. But the thought of swimming in the cold, huge, scary ocean made him feel uncomfortable. 

'Damn it all.' 

"No matter the past, present, or future, they will always call you a monster. And you can do nothing to fit in with people that despise you. All they see is a mad dog who can't itself and destroys everything in its way."

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