Another Love Another time

By AshleyMay009

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River and Auggie have been best friends since birth. Even though they live hours apart they find time everyda... More

Chapter 1: Sealed with a bracelet
Chapter 2: A hero's party
Chapter 3: Halloween
Chapter 4: Just a girl
Chapter 5: Friendsgiving
Chapter 6: Body Changes on vacation
Chapter 7: Sealed with a kiss
Chapter 8: Boyfriends/Girlfriends
Chapter 9: Auggie gets wheels
Chapter 11: Gators and virginities
Chapter 12: Two's Company and three's a crowd
Chapter 13: Prom-forget the fairy tales
Chapter 14: The fallout
Chapter 15: GI River
Chapter 16: The Move
Chapter 17: Surprise!
Chapter 18: Aha moments
Chapter 19: He wants to meet me?
Chapter 20: Natty Girl
Chapter 21 Psycho
Chapter 22: Wish us well, the rest can go to hell
Chapter 23: Ghosts of the past
Chapter 24: Rhondy
Chapter 25: You still don't see it
Chapter 26: You busy?
Chapter 27: Then you need to act like it.
Chapter 28: Hey good lookin'
Chapter 29: Prove it
Chapter 30: Run River Run
Chapter 31: Imagine my surprise
Chapter 32: It's not running, it's a time out.
Chapter 33: Is she telling the truth?
Chapter 34: Holding back
Chapter 35: Forgiveness
Chapter 36: Oh my!
Chapter 37: Losing her
Chapter 38: Home
Chapter 39: She's going down
Chapter 40: Lessons learned

Chapter 10: Green hair and camping

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By AshleyMay009

Auggie: Age 16

I'm so excited for this weekend. It's been a while since we all have been on a float trip. The last time we went on a float trip River, Logan and I found two hundred dollars' worth of twenty-dollar bills. We were ecstatic! We also seen boobs, lots of boobs. We hadn't been back since. Our parents weren't and I quote "ready for that talk". Our moms almost got in some fights telling the girls to cover up. My mom started throwing bologna sandwiches at them. It was kind of funny until Logan and I seen some old woman's boobs. They looked like a pair of our old tub socks. Eew!

The last time we all stayed in tents, this time our parents booked what they called glamping tents. All the parents got their own cabin or tent, then they got a cabin for the boys and a cabin for the girls. Logan, River, and I had been discussing our weekend and everything we were going to do. We all had our drivers licenses now so we could drive around. We were only thirty minutes from River's house, so her parents were letting her drive her jeep to the camp site.

Our moms were also planning on trying some new campfire cooking recipes. I always like trying the new things that our mom's tried cooking on vacation. If they were winners, my mom usually incorporated them into our meals at home and one of my favorite things to eat was over a campfire.

What was not going to be fun was spending time with Melissa. Melissa somehow found out we were going on this float trip, and not only did she get herself an invite, but she also got an invite for her friend too. I only found out she was coming when I got a text from Logan this morning to let me know that he was riding down with my family and Melissa and her friend were riding down with his parents. Apparently, it's going to be some bonding time with her aunt or something about Melissa never going on a float trip. River was going to blow a gasket. I send her a quick text.

Auggie: Have you talked to your mom today?

River: Yes she's standing right here. Why?

Auggie: Are you still in a good mood?

River: Why what do you know?

Auggie: Did she happen to tell you that Melissa is driving down with Logan's parents today to spend quality time with your family on the float trip?

I see the bubbles come up and stop come up and stop. It's kind of funny. I know she's fuming.

River: I guess I won't be seeing you all this weekend. Have fun!

Auggie: No!!! I miss you! I can't be this close and not hang out the whole time.

I see her name pop up on my screen, I hit accept, "River you can't not come. I miss you."

"I really don't want to be around her, she's always so......prickly and manipulative. I can't believe my mom didn't tell me. No wait I know exactly why she didn't tell me. She knew I wouldn't come. She's trying to make me feel bad because she's my cousin and I hardly know her. I don't need to know Melissa to know that I don't want to be her friend. Auggie what should I do? I want to see you too, but I don't want to hang out with her. Do you have any suggestions? I don't trust sleeping in the same cabin as her. She's liable to shave one or both of my eyebrows or draw something on my face. I don't trust the girl."

Maybe if River gave Melissa a chance they could get a long, but I won't say that to her. Maybe this weekend will be good for them, or it could go horribly wrong. I guess we'll find out.


River heads to the shower room with her caddy to take a shower. She gave into staying in the cabin with the girls, not before compromising when saying that if Melissa pulls anything she can go home per her dad. Her mom may have won the battle, but she was going to win the war. I know she doesn't want to stay in the cabin and she's afraid that Melissa would tell on her for not sleeping in their cabin. Melissa and her friend are here by the fire trying to hang out with Logan and I. The friend Melissa brought has had a crush on Logan for a while now. Melissa has increased her attention on me. I've had to double down on my attempts to distance myself from her. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking a fine line. I grown up with Melissa and her parents aren't as close as River or Logan's parents, but they hang out quite bit. Melissa has always tried to get my attention but there has always been this weird rivalry between her and River. River is my best friend so I'm friendly with Melissa. We hang out in the same crowds at school, and I watch out for her at school and at parties, but only because I don't want anything bad to happen to her. River would never forgive me if Melissa and I were to get together. Melissa Is not the friendliest so she only has one or two friends she hangs out with at a time and the friends don't last long. I feel bad for her. I can't imagine not having the same friends. I know a lot of the girls only hangout with her to get close to Logan and me. When they realize, nothing is going to happen, they don't stick around for long. Lost in thought I hear a scream come from the showers. I take off running towards the showers where I seen River walk into about fifteen minutes before. I hope everything is okay. I'm praying she's not hurt, or no one is hurting her. I rush into the bathroom and there is a girl standing here with green hair. I call for River looking around the room, starting to look under the shower curtains and then I look at the girl again and realize River is standing right in front of me. I'm shocked, my eyes widen. "River what happened to your hair?"

"Oh, I'll give you one guess, and don't you dare laugh!", she points at me giving me a look on her face, I knew she wasn't joking.

"I promise.", I respond.

"I know Melissa did this and before you say anything, there is no one else who would do this and you know it. And I don't know if this crap is temporary or permanent. I have never dyed my hair and now I have to wait this out. Why can't she just leave me alone?"

"You don't..." she cuts me off, "like I said who else would have done it? I'm not sleeping in that cabin with them. I don't trust her. I knew something like this was going to happen. I told you. Either my mom lets me stay in your cabin or I'm going home. I'm not waiting around to see if that brat does something else." She finished blow drying her hair and pulled in up in a messy bun at the top of her head.


"What the hell happened to your hair River?" River's mom screeches.

"Well, I'll tell you one thing it wasn't something I did. I don't know with one hundred percent certainty, but I can give you a suspect if you're looking for one." River looked in the direction of Melissa and her friend.

"And if you think for one second, I'm staying in that cabin with them you've lost your dang mind. Either you let me stay in Auggies cabin or I'm going home, and you can spend time with your precious niece alone."

"Did you see her do it?", her mom questions.

"No, but there is literally no one else who would do it, but I'm not even going to waste my breath, God forbid Melissa is held accountable for anything that she does. I'll just wait a couple of years for this green to wash out of my hair. And if you don't want me to stay with the boys then you better tell me now so I can head home because like I said, I'm not staying in the same cabin as that girl. She's liable to cut my hair or shave my eyebrows while I'm sleeping." River looks my way.

"Melissa!" River's mom yells for Melissa.

"Yes Aunt Ashley" Melissa replies sweetly.

"Mom what did I say?" River scowls at her mom.

River's mom proceeds, "Did you put something in River's shampoo to turn her hair green?"

Melissa looked between her aunt and River when the look of innocence, "No Aunt Ashley. Why would I do something like that?"

River scoffs, "Like she's going to tell you the truth. I'm done. I'm tired. Am I staying with the boys or am I going home?"

"River stop being difficult, just stay in the girls bunk."

"Mom, have you seen my hair, it's green, GREEN! Let's say Melissa didn't do it, whoever did it, they had access to my bags. I'm. Not. Staying. In. That. Cabin!", she's practically at this point.

"Okay you can stay with the boys, but straight to bed. We have an early morning."


River stayed in my bunk last night. We were both tired, so sleep was all we did. After last night's debacle, River cried a little bit and I held her. River started to stir next to me. I heard our parents getting up and about. I know any minute they would be at the cabin door to make sure we were getting up. "Hey River, you ready to get up?" I nudge her a little. "Okay give me a few minutes." River wasn't a morning person. It took her a good thirty minutes to get up and going and acting civil. Anything before that you may or may not get bit before she calmed down.

We all meet at the campsite bus to transport everyone down to get our canoe's. River had confirmed with me that we would float together as soon as we found out we were going on a float trip. She made sure it was okay with Logan. He said he was fine floating with my sister or Brock as long as we didn't take off and leave him. We were going to do the long float and be back early afternoon. My mom pulls out a hat which looks like it has pieces of paper in it. I give River a questioning look and watched her look in my mom's direction. She starts over to my mom.

"Aunt Connie if that's what I think it is you better put it in the trash. We already are paired up."

"River, you know we like to mix it up.", is my mom's response.

"It seems awfully convenient that we only mix things up when Melissa is around.", River challenges.

"River", she says sternly. "Aunt Connie have you seen my hair. And I already confirmed with Auggie that we would float, and didn't she, "River tilts her head in the direction Melissa is standing, "specifically request to bring her friend so she wouldn't feel left out?"

"Exactly she and her friend can hang out with the group. They've kind of been keeping to themselves. Don't you think it would be nice to include them?"

"No actually I don't. Why do you all always cater to her? Every. Single. Time."

"Come on River.", my continues to encourage.

"No. You all could do that when we were younger, but I'm not doing it now. Auggie's my partner or Logan if not, I'll just leave. Have you seen my hair? Who else would do that? No, I don't have proof, but I don't need it." River crosses her arms, I look past River to where Melissa and her friend were staring at River, but Melissa had a knowing smirk, "If you force me to be someone else's partner, I'm not going." River responds.

"Hold on one minute", and my mom walks off to talk to River's mom. She turns to me, "You need to back me on this. I'm tired of this Auggie."

"Why is it a big deal? We're all floating together.", I really don't want to cause any issues.

River sends me a look, "Don't get me started. She does this every time. I'm standing my ground."

Aunt Ashley comes back over and before she can say anything River starts to speak, "If you are coming over here to tell me something over than "Yes you can Auggie can be partners, I don't want to hear it."

"River, just listen, we think it will be more fun if everyone is mixed up.", she doesn't get to finished before River turns and starts walking towards her car. I start towards her to try to stop her, but she's in her car and driving off before I can reach her. "Let her go Auggie, she'll be back later."

"Why do you all do that?" I ask walking past my mom and Aunt Ashley shaking my head not waiting for an answer.

Melissa walks towards me and Logan with her friend following close by. "Well, it looks like we'll be partnering up.", with a knowing smirk she continues walking towards where the bus is currently waiting to take us down to float.


We have floated all day long and I'd just like to relax by the bonfire waiting for River to come back. I texted her several times since we got back, and it took me a lot of guilt tripping to get her to come back. I know she was a little perturbed with me since I didn't back her, but she knows how I am with my parents. If they ask and it's within my control, I usually do what they ask. River is the exact opposite she's stubborn and doesn't have any problem calling our parents out, especially when it comes to Melissa. I missed her today. I really did want to be with her today. Instead, I was partnered up with Melissa, who has never floated before which left me to do all the work. Logan was partnered up with Melissa's friend. She seems nice, but just like Melissa it was the first time she had over floated, and Logan was doing all the work. I know our parents were a little shocked when River left. They have forced us to include Melissa in the past, but River has never refused to follow along at all. I see some head lights pulling in. I'm hoping it's River. We all leave tomorrow, and I want to be able to spend some time with her. I see her walking to me. I can tell by the look on her face that she's still not over what happened earlier. I pull out her folding chair that I grabbed earlier and set it up next to mine and she plops down in the chair. I grab her hand and hook our pinkies. I need to feel my connection with her. I hate when she's mad at me. It's a good sign when she doesn't pull away. We sit there in comfortable silence no one else is by the fire right now so it's just the two of us. I know she wants to say something, so I wait her out. I know I deserve whatever is coming my way.

"Why? Why can't you stand by me once against them? You know they do this whenever Melissa is around. I put this all together, asked you to float with me and then Melissa comes down and ruins it for me. Name one time where Melissa has been around where are parents haven't taken her side? Huh?"

I pull our attached pinkies into my lap.

"River, I'm sorry. I know you're mad..." she cuts me off, "Do you know I'm mad? Yes, I'm mad. I don't understand how she gets her way every time. Why our parents feel the need to separate us whenever she's around, ugh!!" She pulls her hand from mind where I immediately feel the loss of our connection. "And I'm also mad at myself because again I played right into her plan. I don't know if it's because she wants you or she just likes getting her way. Either way, I hate being around her. I only have a few more years left and if I never have to see her again it will be too soon. I'm so tired of our parents choosing her. Why can't they choose me ever?"

I don't have anything to say. I know I've added to her hurt since I always do what my parents ask. I understand what she's saying, but right now she needs a sounding board. She needs someone to vent to. She scoots closer to the fire, leans her elbows on her knees and cradles her face. I scoot up so our chairs are even again. I think about how I want to respond. River and I don't lie to each other, and we don't sugarcoat things.

"I was going to apologize, but I won't because I would probably make the same decision again. My parents don't ask much and if they are asking me to change up our arrangement, I have to think they are doing it for a reason River." I pause letting it sink it before I start again, "I do hate that every time Melissa does something like this you run away. We aren't kids any more River. If you would have sucked it up, maybe we would have pulled each other's names and still have been partnered up or I could still have been paired up with Melissa. The only difference is I didn't get to see you all day. We stopped several times, and we could have hung out instead since you decided that you weren't going to go, I didn't get to see you at all. I see how Melissa antagonizes you and I see how she manipulates our parents, but I have to believe they are smarter than that and sees what she is doing. I have to believe they have a good reason to give into her requests."

"I think we will have to agree to disagree Auggie. I get what you are saying, I don't think our parents are being malicious either, I guess I just wish I knew why they always take her side. Maybe that would help. I know you all hang out at school does she act like this at school, maybe I'm taking something personal when I shouldn't be," she questions.

I give her an answer without having to say anything. The thing is, I know that Melissa has always had a crush on me, so any time a girl shows interest Melissa tries to scare them off. It usually doesn't take too much, but it does happen. For the most part I don't care because I don't have any interest in any of the girls. Maybe I'm encouraging her, but Melissa knows River is my best friend. Am I the reason Melissa always picks on River? I've never really questioned it, because River gives as good as she takes. I know I can't be mean to Melissa; my momma would beat my butt. I have to let River handle this her way. I give her a look hoping she will understand what I'm asking. She cocks her head to the side and then releases a big sigh. "I guess I can play nice." I get up from my chair and hold my hand out for her. She accepts the gesture and then I pull her up and we go find the rest of the family.


River and I are walking towards Logan and a group of boys surrounded about Melissa and her friend. I hear something about playing a Never have I ever. The last thing I wanted to do is play a game, but Melissa and her friend met some guys on during the float trip and she's talked to them into hanging out. Our parents let us drink around them if we are responsible. Apparently, some of the guys go to the same school that River does. Some of the attention shifted to River. I can see the irritation in Melissa's eyes, I don't think she thought River would come back. She is used to being the center of attention in our school. I don't think she likes sharing attention with her cousin. River is not only prettier, but she also has a better personality. Moving on from her irritation, Melissa starts the game by saying, "Never have I ever.... hooked up with a friend." I can tell Melissa is fishing. River and I have hooked up, but never in front of anyone. I think Logan knows, but he's never seen anything. River and I take a drink. A couple of the guys take a drink and Melissa's friend takes a sip.

We are down by the playground away from our parents, close enough that they can see us, but far enough away that they can't hear us. I have a feeling this is going to get dirty and fast. One of the new guys goes and few of us drink. It's River's turn, I think she can sense Melissa trying to dig for details as well. "Never have I ever peed in a pool" she looks straight at Melissa waiting for her to take a drink, knowing she did when we were younger. All three of us were in the pool when it happened. Melissa slowly raises her drink to her lips giving River the death stare. One of the guys that River goes to school with takes a drink as well. His friends push him around giving him crap. A few other people go, and it goes back to Melissa, "Never ever have I had sex" she's looking at both River and me, of course we don't drink. There is something in Melissa's eyes that I can't quite read. Logan and a few of the other guy's drink. One of the guys doesn't drink and his friends make fun of him. I have never felt that pressure from any of my friends. Quite a few of them have lost their virginities, but I know I'm waiting until River is ready. I look over at River and grab her hand. "Hey guys, we're out." I know River won't protest. We head back to the fire. Our parents are all sitting around the fire now talking, we sit down and soak up the warmth. River ignores all the parent's greetings. I know she's still mad at them. I feel someone staring at me, I look around when I catch Melissa looking at me, leaving me with an uneasy feeling. I'm not sure what it is, but it doesn't leave me with the warm and fuzzies. 

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