"The Best Mixed Tag Team Part...

By t_lane5

56.5K 602 68

After a long year of training non stop, Vince McMahon wants you to be a part of Monday Night Raw. You have wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 57

391 6 1
By t_lane5

I was currently backstage of the grandest stages of them all. Romans parents, Joelle, my mom, uncle, sister, and Allie and Hadley were all here in front row seats. That just put much more pressure on me.

I have never been so nervous coming up to this match. Roman has noticed my mood change a little, but I have always said that I was fine, even though I wasn't. I chugged down a bottle of water, trying to ease up my nerves. I looked in the mirror and jumped up and down nervously.

"Y/n to the gorilla!" I heard a backstage member yell. "Coming!" I yell back. I take in a huge breath of air and head out of my locker room. As I was walking through the hallways, I run into my best friends, The Bella Twins.

"Hey hon! Good luck on your match tonight!" Nikki exclaims. My mind was totally out of the game, listening to the faint cheers from the huge stage.

"Thank you." I reply lowly. Brie could obviously tell somethings wrong.

"You okay?" Brie asks, resting her hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and looked up at her. "yes I am okay. Nervous I guess."

"its okay to be nervous. But go show Mindy that you are better than her, and you always will be okay? We love you." Nikki said. I looked up at them and smiled faintly. "Thank you guys. I love you too." I hugged both of them tightly. I feel like this is what I need right now. To hug my friends. There isn't a better feeling in the world, in my opinion.

I head down to the gorilla, and was met by Vince and Hunter. Vince was the first one to come up to me. "Just remember y/n, go out there and have fun. Don't just entertain the crowd, but also entertain yourself. Thats the purpose of this job. You got this." His old, rusty voice spoke. "Thank you very much Vince." I smiled. He gave me a quick hug before I turned around to Hunter. He placed a hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. I love the fact that Hunter and Vince believe in me. It makes me think of what the bigger picture can be, not what the smaller picture could become.

Mindy just finished her entrance, and let me say, her outfit was HORRENDOUS. She was wearing a sparkly red attire, and it showed LOTS of skin. It made me cringe just looking at her. I take a deep breath and enter through the curtain the shield music blares through the stadium. Hundreds of thousands of cheers apply as I make my way to the stage. I feel like my heart is pounding out of my chest, and my nerves are shooting through my veins. I have never felt this nervous ever before in my career.

I walked down the ramp and gave some fans some high fives. I climbed up the steel steps and walked on the apron, and let the crowd cheer loudly. I look at the front row, seeing my friends and family sitting there.

"And sitting here in front is y/n's family and friends, watching her and cheering her on tonight." Michael Cole says.

I look at Joelle, who was leaning up against the barricade smiling at me. I blew her a kiss, and waved to everyone else before heading inside the ring. I almost broke character and starting laughing because of the look Patricia was giving Mindy. I look over at Mindy, and her attire was totally distracting me. It made me wanna throw up. It was absolutely awful. I looked around at the crowd as my music was ending very soon. I spotted a young man in the crowd, and he looked awfully familiar. It couldn't click in my head though. But I don't need to focus on that. I need to focus on this match and being careful.

The ref rung the bell, and me and Mindy started circling each other. I stop and admire the crowd as they start chanting 'y/n! y/n!" I chuckle a little and look at Mindy, who looked pissed off. I quickly look at Allie and Hadley. Hadley was cheering and clapping, but Allie looked scared and nervous. She was nervous about me wrestling while I was pregnant. 'Be careful' she mouthed to me. I nodded and turned around, and Mindy was charging at me. She lifted her leg up to kick me, but I caught her leg and looked at her, shaking my head.

"Nah nah girl, not this time honey." I cackle. I slam her foot down and gave her a kick of my own. She stumbled back and fell down. I chuckled and walked up to her. I grasp her hair and pull her up to her feet. I push her up on my shoulders. She squirmed around and got out of my grip, then pushing me face first into the turnbuckles. I groan as she continuously kicks my back. The ref backs her up at the 4 count. She bounces off the ropes and runs over to me and delivered a running knee. She dragged me to the middle of the ring and pinned me, but I kicked out at 1 and a half. She got mad and started stomping away at me. She went over to the turnbuckles and climbed to the top rope. She did a little pose that I always do, which made the crowd boo. She jumped off the top rope, attempting to deliver a frog splash, but I move out of the way and she lands stomach first to the hard mat.

She groans in pain and holds her stomach. She frantically tries to catch her breath, since the wind got knocked out of her. I slowly arose to my feet. I walked over to her and pulled her to her feet. I gave her a huge underarm punch, sending her back against the ropes. She slowly walks away from the rope, and I secretly delivered a superman punch. The crowd goes crazy as I went for the pin, but she kicked out at 2.


The match has been going on for 10 minutes. Right now, Mindy is taking over. She brings me up to my feet and delivers girlish chops. I hold my red-stained chest as she continues hitting me. I was somewhat able to give her a punch, making her stumble away from me. I bounced off against the ropes and ran at her to spear her, but she delivers a horrendous kick to my stomach. I suddenly felt like a knife got stabbed into my gut. It was so painful. I groan loudly in pain and fall to the floor, clutching my stomach. Mindy rolls to cover me, but I kick out the last second. She screams with frustration. I roll over to my side, so I am facing the side of the crowd that my friends and family is on. I look at Allie, whose hands are covering her mouth in shock and fear. I feel my eyes start to water seeing her so concerned. She obviously can see the pain in my eyes.

I looked at Mindy, who was standing in the middle of the ring, letting the WWE universe cheer for her. There was absolutely no way she was winning this match. Even if I have stomach pain. I sneakily arise to my feet, but I suddenly feel something wet dripping down my legs. I heard the crowd with mixtures of gasps, laughs, and screams. I look down at my legs, and they becoming drenched with blood. My eyes widened, eventually starting to water. Not only did I feel embarrassed, but I felt scared. But I need to worry about this later. Right now, I need to win this match. The ref looks at me with concern, but I ignore him. Mindy turns around, and I speared her to the ground. The impact of her body hitting the mat made her groan in pain. I could feel my blood smearing over her body as the ref counts to three. I quickly roll off her body and start wiping the blood off my legs. I see the ref frantically rush over to the time keepers area and grabs a towel. He rushes back to me. He hands me the towel, and I immediately place it in between my legs.

I start feeling loopy as I walk up the ramp and backstage. I could hear the fans screaming and asking 'are you alright?' I ignored them and rushed backstage before I passed out in front of millions of people. As soon as I got backstage, I was met by Hunter and Stephanie.

"Are you okay y/n?!" Stephanie asked, obviously concerned.

"I-I don't feel so well-" I stutter. I felt myself collapse to the floor, and the last thing I saw was a group of people surrounding me before all I saw was black.

Allie POV

Y/n was dominating her match until she got hit in the stomach. I flinched so hard as she fell to the mat groaning loudly in pain. I was so scared if something happened. I told her that she shouldn't compete. But what did she do? She went out there and fought. But I felt like my body completely stopped working when I saw loads of blood dripping down her legs. I heard everyone around me gasp. I was surprised that she somehow was able to pull off the win. She wrapped the towel around her waist and exited the ring. She could barely walk properly. I knew this wasn't good. She gave me a quick look, and by her facial expression, she was scared. I really wish I could jump over this barricade and give her a hug and help her, but I couldn't.

I watched her in slowly make her way up the ramp. She was stumbling and tripping every now and then. I looked over at Hadley, who looked pretty concerned as well.

"Is she okay? She looks like her brain stopped functioning." Hadley said. I wanted to tell her so bad that she was pregnant, but she told me not to tell anyone, so I am not going to. "I don't know." I blatantly respond back.

Roman POV

I was a bit upset that I wasn't able to watch y/n's match tonight. I was too busy getting ready for my match tonight. I was able to watch the end of the match, and saw that she pinned Mindy for the win. The weird thing was that she was bleeding. But it wasn't from the head or nose... It looked like it was coming through her shorts. I knew it wasn't her period, because she never loses that much blood, and I don't even think its humanly possible to lose that much blood on your period.

I watch the monitor closely as she stumbles her way up the ramp. Something is definitely wrong. Her coordination was off and her balance as well.

"Roman, she doesn't look so well. I would go check on her." Seth says to me. I look over at him, then back at the monitor.

"Yeah, I will. Ill be back." I say. I exit the locker room and make my way to the gorilla. As I got closer, I started hearing lots of commotion. Not even a minute later, I heard ambulances from outside. What is going on? I approach the gorilla, but there was so many people in there that I couldn't even see whats happening.

"Hey, whats going on?" I ask one of the backstage members. He turns around and quickly widens his eyes. He moves out of the way quickly. I was a bit confused. Many others saw me and quickly moved out of the way so I could go see what was happening. As I reached towards the middle, I felt like my heart stopped beating.

Stephanie and Hunter were knelt down by y/n, who was laying unconscious on the floor. The towel was slowly soaking in blood as it laid on top of her. I quickly knelt down by her, causing Stephanie and Hunter to look at me.

"What happened? What happened to my wife?" I question loudly. Stephanie didn't answer, but Hunter spoke up.

"She passed out." Hunter said under his breath. I couldn't hear him, which made me more paranoid as to what happened.

"What happened to my wife god damnit!" I raise my voice. I look down at y/n, who was laying limp in my arms.

"She passed out Roman!" Hunter said raising his voice. Before I could say anything, we were backed away by paramedics. They cleaned her up and got her safely into the ambulance. I felt like I could barely breath. I head to the back of the ambulance to go hop in with her, but a hand grasped on my arm, holding me back. I turn around and saw Hunter.

"Let me go now Hunter! I need to go with my wife!" I yell loudly.

"Roman, you need to wrestle your match first, then you are free to leave."

"Fuck this match! I don't care if I lose my titles, but I certainly do care if I lose my wife. The love of my life!"

"Roman if you go, then everyone would be wondering what happened. We don't want this situation to be spread to the world. You can go to the hospital right after your match." Triple H said calmly. It took me awhile to finally agree with him. I had to defend my WWE Championship belt against Braun Strowman.

Just walking out to the stage was painful for me. I was so scared about y/n. I wasn't thinking about this match at all. I was only concerned about y/n. As I entered the ring, looking at Strowman, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to focus. As the match started, I was being tossed around by Strowman. The audience clearly knew something was up with me. I was totally off my game. As Strowman was standing over me, I looked at my mom. She looked so fearful and nervous. Strowman fought me for another 10 minutes before he picked up the win. He won one of my belts. I still have my universal title, but not my other one.

I exit the ring and stumbled against the barricade. A ref handed me my title, and I held it close to my chest. I felt a hand tap my arm. I turn to my right and see that Allie was tapping my arm. Her face told me that she was scared.

"Is y/n okay?" She asked right away. I felt myself go into a stage of panic. I looked at her, and quickly shook my head no.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Y/n's mom asked frantically. I looked over at her, and my eyes started to water.

"Meet me at the hospital." Was all I said. I heard Allie gasp as every other family member and friend looked shocked. I quickly made my way backstage and ignored everyone in my way. I packed my stuff off as quickly as I could. I didn't even bother to take off my ring attire.

I rush to my car and head straight to the hospital. I felt my breathing become faster and lighter by the minute. I parked my car and rushed myself inside. I went to the reception as quickly as I could.

"I'm here for y/n Anoa'i. She was brought in almost an hour ago. I am her husband." I said frantically. The receptionist clicked her way through the computer, then looked back at me.

"She is getting multiple tests done, and maybe a surgery. You may sit in the waiting room and I can send her nurse to you." She said.

"Thank you." I said. I sit myself down in a chair and rest my face in my hands. What was wrong with y/n? Something had to have happened during the match and I didn't see it. All I felt like doing was crying. Yes I know, that doesn't sound very manly, but I could be losing the love of my life right now.

"Joe?" I heard a voice say. I look up and expected to see our family there, but instead, I saw Mindy.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in an annoying tone. She lets out a sigh and comes over by me and sits in the chair next to me.

"I don't want any trouble. But is y/n okay?" She asks. I look at her with a slightly confused look. But I could tell that she was being serious. I took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling.

"I dont k-know." I stuttered. I felt my eyes water, soon a tear escaping. She sat there in silence. She then began to start rubbing my back slowly. We sat there in silence for a minute, and I was holding back my tears.

"I know this might sound uncomfortable, but, do you want a hug? You really look like you need one?" Mindy's soft voice asked. I hesitated at first, but then slowly fell into her chest. I let out quiet sobs as Mindy embraced me in her arms, slowly rubbing my back. Why was Mindy being so nice all of a sudden? Why does she care about me and y/n? But that didn't matter. I just really needed to let my emotions out somehow, and just by her hugging me, I was able to do just that.


Mindy left the hospital 10 minutes ago, and I was still waiting in the waiting room. I calmed myself down a bit. I sat there bouncing my leg up and down nervously, also biting my nails. Thats what I do when I get anxious.

"Roman is she okay?" I heard a voice say. This time, it was not Mindy. It was y/n's mom, and the rest of the friends and family. She rushed over to me, as well as everyone else coming over. Y/n's uncle sat on the other side of me.

"I don't know if she's okay." My voice cracks. Y/n's mom embraces me into a hug, and I let out some sobs once more. This was so extremely painful. I am praying that y/n is okay, and that is isn't anything serious.

"What happened to her?" Kenzy asked, walking up to me. I looked up at her with my eyes probably all puffy.

"I was walking backstage going to the gorilla to get ready for my match. I was also going to go check on her since she looked a little uneven. Then I see a whole lot of people standing there, and they let me through and I saw Y/n on the ground un-unconscious." I somehow managed to say. Kenzy gasped, as everyone else stood there in shock.

"Joe Anoa'i?" I heard a high pitched voice speak. I looked up and saw a nurse standing there.

"Is she okay?" I immediately asked. She took a deep breath and looked down at her clipboard. I could already tell it was bad.

"She is going through surgery right now." She said. Everyone looked shocked and scared. "W-why?" I stutter. She let out a sigh and lowered the clipboard to her side.

"Did you know that Mrs. Anoa'i was pregnant?"


OOOH CLIFFHANGER! Tell me how you like the story so far! I literally was about to start getting teary eyed writing this lmao. Thanks for reading!

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