Chapter 30

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Roman POV

"Y/n?" I ask as I could feel her body become weak. Her eyes began to gaze off into nothing. Before I knew it, she completely fell limp into my arms. I stumbled back while her head fell into my arms.

"Help!" I yelled out of the locker room. I held y/n in my arms as my eyes began to fill with water.

"Please wake up baby. Come on. Please." I begged. The door opened soon after and Dean, Seth, Becky, and the Bella's stood at the door. They gasped as Becky quickly ran over.

"What happened? Oh my god." Becky said as she knelt down by my side. She took two fingers and took y/n's wrist, examining it.

"She has a pulse, but someone dial 911!" She exclaims. A tear escapes my eye as she laid peacefully but painfully in my arms. Her face became paler by the minute.

"Roman, did you do this?" Nikki asked while entering the room. Seth walked away and dialed 911.

"No, I would never do this to her!" I exclaimed. I held her close to my chest as more tears fell down my face. I haven't cried like this in a long time.


The ambulance came 7 minutes later. They evacuated everyone out of the room except me. I explained to them that I was her boyfriend and I needed to be with her. I let the paramedics do their work as they strapped her to the board. They placed her on the stretcher. Her hands were placed on top of each other, which were placed on her stomach. Tears fell down my eyes at the sight of her. I grabbed the side of the stretcher as we exited the locker room. Everyone was out of the locker room looking nervous and scared. The Bella's and Becky were crying as I walked with her along the way. The paramedics lifted her stretcher into the ambulance and I hopped in after. I looked over at everyone before the doors were closed, and we were off to the hospital.


The paramedics rolled y/n into the emergency room. The ran multiple tests. I sat in the waiting room for hours nervously. I told everyone that I would text them when she was okay and able to be visited. The hospital didn't want too many visitors when they weren't visiting anyone at the moment, which was understandable.

I sat in the waiting room, running my hands through my black hair. My knee was bobbing up and down with nervousness. I stared at the floor, praying that y/n was okay. Please be okay...

A nurse came walking into the waiting room shortly after. She gave me a faint smile and walked over to me. "Are you Joe Anoa'i?" The nurse says. I look up and nod.

"Is y/n okay?" I quickly asked. She took a deep breath and looked down at the clipboard in her hands.

"She isn't suffering from anything serious. She must've passed out from anxiety of some sort. She is currently in room 246 right now. She is sleeping so please let her rest." The nurse said.

"Can I stay the night?" I ask, my voice trembling.

"Yes you may. But only 2 people can stay overnight with her." She said. I nodded with agreement as she led me to y/n's room. She opened the door quietly, and my heart broke at the sight of her. She was peacefully sleeping in a hospital gown on the bed. She had IV tubes in her arms and a NG tube in her nose. I look at the nurse and give her a nod of gratitude as she smiles slightly back. She closed the door quietly and left me alone in the room with y/n.

I quietly walked over to the chair by the hospital bed and sat down. I looked at y/n and grabbed her hand gently. I gave it a small kiss.

"Please fight baby. Be that fighting champion I know you are." I whisper. I lower my head and silently let out a few tears. I looked at the clock hung on the wall, and it was currently 11:40 at night. I didn't want to fall asleep. I wanted to be there and awake if she woke up in the middle of the night. But I know that she would want me to take care of myself and rest.

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