Chapter 39

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Today I was invited onto a podcast hosted by Logan Paul and his friends. It was down in Dallas, Texas, where Raw was held tomorrow.

I dug through my clothes in my suitcase. I pulled a long sleeved white crop top and some skinny jeans. I put loose waves in my hair and did my makeup. I put on my white sneakers and headed to the car.

"I'm going to Logan's!" I yelled to Roman.

"Okay! Be safe! Love you."

"Love you too!"

I headed out the door and took the elevator down to the lobby. I walked into the parking structure next door and walked to my car. I started up my car and drove off to Logan's place.


I knocked on the door. I took a deep breath as I saw one of Logan's friends answer.

"Hey, come in. I will help you get set up. The podcast is on." He said.

"Okay, thank you." I said quietly. I entered through and saw Logan, Mike, and George all sitting down with microphones to their mouth.

L: ladies and gentlemen our guest arrived! She is the Raw Women's Champion, let us welcome y/n l/n!

I smiled as the 3 men clapped. I sat down on the couch by George as the microphone was getting adjusted by me.

L: hey y/n. Thank you for coming.

Y: no, thank you for having me, I'm excited!

G: good thing you didn't arrive 5 minutes earlier, we were having a pretty weird conversation going on

M: yeah

Y: oh. Well. Should I say I'm lucky?

G: I guess you could say that

We all chuckled a little

L: so, I have been waiting to ask this until I saw you, but tell me, your uncle is Stone Cold Steve Austin?

Y: yes that is right.

L: was he someone who inspired you to wrestle?

Y: I mean yeah. I watched it on tv as a kid every now and then but when I moved in with him when I was 18, he became my main inspiration.

G: that's fucking crazy! Do people ask you about him a lot?

Y: to be honest people never really did. I wasn't really well known at the time so they wouldn't care about I knowing who his niece was but now I have a few people come up to me.

L: do you ever get sick of people or fans coming up to you?

Y: I mean there are pros and cons. I mean when there is so many people coming up to me at once wanting pictures or autographs, it just becomes a lot. But I love meeting my fans

L: yeah I can agree. Too much fans at once is overwhelming. So, how long have you been holding the title for?

Y: I'm pretty sure I have been holding it for 657 days.

M: that's fucking crazy. How do you feel about that?

Y: it's a blessing to be a superstar who can hold that title for that long. But defending it is a bit nerve racking cause you don't know what the crowd is gonna do

L: yeah because not only you want to win and make yourself happy, you also want to keep the fans entertained

Y: yeah I totally agree.

M: Also, congratulations on your marriage over to weekend!

L: oh yeah, you and the universal champion Roman Reigns got married! How did that go?

Y: thank you Mike, and yeah, we did get married. It went amazing.

L: I'm going to make you take a trip down to memory lane. How did you and Roman meet?

Y: Well it was around 3 weeks since I debuted and I saw him a restaurant with Seth and other friends. That's when I first saw him

G: did you feel an instant connection?

Y: from what I remember, no. I thought we was really good looking. But definitely wasn't instant.

M: when did you start talking?

Y: I think a week or two after I saw him. We started talking backstage and then we just grew closer. Little did I know he was going to be my future husband.

M: awhhhh

L: if you don't mind me asking... how did you guys start dating?

Y: no it's totally fine. Um, well we were walking on the beach together. It was just the two of us and the sun started setting so it wasn't too bright out. We just sat down by the water and talked for a bit. Then we just both kissed each other. That's kind of how it happened.

M: you guys just kissed each other?

Y: I mean yeah. I didn't give him any warning

G: how did he react?

Y: Well I immediately went into a stage of embarrassment after, and he then kissed me again, so, yeah.

L: how romantic

Y: I know. Never would have pictured this whole journey starting as beautiful as that.

L: that's really nice. I mean usually I don't see much romance in WWE but ever since 5 years ago so many coworkers fell in love. Do you ever get nervous about that?

Y: at first yeah. I was scared that if we broke up, he wouldn't talk to me anymore and there would be very awkward tension between us, but now I think the complete opposite.

M: Do you like doing mixed tag matches with him?

Y: of course. He is so fun to work and wrestle with

L: are you a bit upset about the mixed tag titles being deactivated?

Y: at first yeah, but it wasn't really necessary and I realized that now


"Thank you for having me!" I said while I grabbed my purse.

"Of course! We would love to have both you and Roman next time!" Logan said.

"I'll definitely talk to him! Have a good rest of your day!"

"Bye!" All the boys said. I smiled and left their little studio. I quickly ran to my car and drove to Starbucks. I was really in my mood for coffee.

I ordered a white chocolate mocha latte. I took a sip of it then started to drive back to the hotel.


Short Chapter! Let me know how you guys are liking it so far!!!!

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