Chapter 48

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I woke up with a horrible headache. It was really bad. I sat up on the bed, rubbing my eyes intensely.

I looked to my right and saw Joe sitting on the bed by me. He had a cup of water in his hand and a pill.

"I guess you feel like shit?" Romans low voice said.

"Yeah." I groan.

"Here's some medicine, suspected you would feel like this."

He handed me the cup of water and the tylenol. I flushed it down my throat and took a deep sigh. I can't even remember what happened last night. All I remember was me and Becky having a few drinks at the rooftop bar.


I look over at Roman, whose chin was lowered.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"The picture."

My eyes widened a little bit. I totally forgot about the Mindy girl. And how the mysterious number sent it to me.

"That picture was not intentional. I was at the gym with Seth and she came up to me. I have no idea who took that picture but I want you to know that it was nothing. She doesn't mean anything to me okay. I love you and only you, okay?"

I took a deep breath, processing Romans words.

"Then why were you smiling?" I asked.

"Because she was so god damn annoying. It was literally all stupidity coming out from her mouth and it's funny." Roman replied. I hummed and nodded my head.

"Alright then." I said. I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like horror. My mascara was smudged around my eyes, my foundation was smudged off the side of my face, probably onto the pillow, and I had dark circles under my eyes.

I washed up my face and redid my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and found Roman sitting on the couch with his laptop in his lap. He was talking to someone.

I walked over to Roman and sat next to him on the couch. I looked at the laptop and he was on a FaceTime call with his parents. Roman looked over at me, peaking out a smile. I smiled back and leaned towards his side closer so I was in the frame.

"Hello!" I exclaimed.

"Hello dear! How are you?" Patricia asked me.

"Not the best. Just a bit hungover." I groaned. I heard Sika laughing from the other side of the line while Patricia was holding in her laugh.

"You should have seen her. Couldn't even walk to the room. I had to carry her." Roman explained. I smacked his arm lightly while Patricia chuckled a little.

"Roman!" I whine. He shrugged his shoulders before turning back to the laptop. Patricia looked over to the side of her, and her face lit a little.

"Good morning Mrs Joelle. Want to say high to mom and dad?" Patricia said. I guess Joelle woke up.

"Ooh! Yeah!" She exclaimed. I heard her footsteps run over until she was in the camera frame.

"Hey mommy! Hey daddy!" The 10 year old girl exclaimed.

"Hey JoJo! How are you!" Roman exclaimed.

"I'm doing okay! I just woke up so I am a bit tired." She groans. I smile.

"I feel your pain honey." I said. She chuckled a little.

"When are you guys coming home?"

"I don't know sweetie. Work has been pretty busy. I can see if I can get you a ticket for a show coming up." Roman said.

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