Chapter 57

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I was currently backstage of the grandest stages of them all. Romans parents, Joelle, my mom, uncle, sister, and Allie and Hadley were all here in front row seats. That just put much more pressure on me.

I have never been so nervous coming up to this match. Roman has noticed my mood change a little, but I have always said that I was fine, even though I wasn't. I chugged down a bottle of water, trying to ease up my nerves. I looked in the mirror and jumped up and down nervously.

"Y/n to the gorilla!" I heard a backstage member yell. "Coming!" I yell back. I take in a huge breath of air and head out of my locker room. As I was walking through the hallways, I run into my best friends, The Bella Twins.

"Hey hon! Good luck on your match tonight!" Nikki exclaims. My mind was totally out of the game, listening to the faint cheers from the huge stage.

"Thank you." I reply lowly. Brie could obviously tell somethings wrong.

"You okay?" Brie asks, resting her hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and looked up at her. "yes I am okay. Nervous I guess."

"its okay to be nervous. But go show Mindy that you are better than her, and you always will be okay? We love you." Nikki said. I looked up at them and smiled faintly. "Thank you guys. I love you too." I hugged both of them tightly. I feel like this is what I need right now. To hug my friends. There isn't a better feeling in the world, in my opinion.

I head down to the gorilla, and was met by Vince and Hunter. Vince was the first one to come up to me. "Just remember y/n, go out there and have fun. Don't just entertain the crowd, but also entertain yourself. Thats the purpose of this job. You got this." His old, rusty voice spoke. "Thank you very much Vince." I smiled. He gave me a quick hug before I turned around to Hunter. He placed a hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. I love the fact that Hunter and Vince believe in me. It makes me think of what the bigger picture can be, not what the smaller picture could become.

Mindy just finished her entrance, and let me say, her outfit was HORRENDOUS. She was wearing a sparkly red attire, and it showed LOTS of skin. It made me cringe just looking at her. I take a deep breath and enter through the curtain the shield music blares through the stadium. Hundreds of thousands of cheers apply as I make my way to the stage. I feel like my heart is pounding out of my chest, and my nerves are shooting through my veins. I have never felt this nervous ever before in my career.

I walked down the ramp and gave some fans some high fives. I climbed up the steel steps and walked on the apron, and let the crowd cheer loudly. I look at the front row, seeing my friends and family sitting there.

"And sitting here in front is y/n's family and friends, watching her and cheering her on tonight." Michael Cole says.

I look at Joelle, who was leaning up against the barricade smiling at me. I blew her a kiss, and waved to everyone else before heading inside the ring. I almost broke character and starting laughing because of the look Patricia was giving Mindy. I look over at Mindy, and her attire was totally distracting me. It made me wanna throw up. It was absolutely awful. I looked around at the crowd as my music was ending very soon. I spotted a young man in the crowd, and he looked awfully familiar. It couldn't click in my head though. But I don't need to focus on that. I need to focus on this match and being careful.

The ref rung the bell, and me and Mindy started circling each other. I stop and admire the crowd as they start chanting 'y/n! y/n!" I chuckle a little and look at Mindy, who looked pissed off. I quickly look at Allie and Hadley. Hadley was cheering and clapping, but Allie looked scared and nervous. She was nervous about me wrestling while I was pregnant. 'Be careful' she mouthed to me. I nodded and turned around, and Mindy was charging at me. She lifted her leg up to kick me, but I caught her leg and looked at her, shaking my head.

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