Boboiboy Crossover: Meeting t...

By VarianSmith

55.4K 2.7K 973

⚠️I do not own Boboiboy, Izuku and/or any characters from this fan fiction whatsoever except for some to do t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 (part 2)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 (Part 2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: The Start
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Bonus Story! Lunch Time!
Boboiboy: Dead Friends AU
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Upcoming Q & A!
ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ °•*Q & A*•°⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Recall Chapter

Chapter 18

1.2K 85 14
By VarianSmith

Izuku boldly grabbed Fang's shoulder and swerved his attention to him, "Waitwaitwaitwait... Wait!! What agency?!?" Izuku asked, wildly asking questions in his head, "Yeah, man! Isn't he too young to be a part of the hero agency?! I mean... judging by his looks and all.." Kirishima commented, again, swerving Fang's attention to Kirishima's comments, "Fang! What agency?!" Izuku glaring asked yet again causing Fang to look at Izuku answer but then Kaminari grabbed both Fang's shoulder and shakes him in bewilderment, "Brooo!! That's so cool!!! So then, does that mean he's a hero?!?" Kaminari asked while Izuku waving his hands around in concern, "Ack! Kaminari, don't shake Fang!" Izuku worriedly said.

"What? That kid is part of a hero agency?"

"Maybe he's an intern?"

"Is that even allowed?"

"Which school is he from?"

The people murmured whilst Fang was bombarded by his three classmates, questioning and expressing of their shock.

Ying, Yaya, Gopal, Uraraka and Iida came back with the snacks and saw Fang's predicament, 'He must've blurted it out...' the certain three gang thought as they approach Fang, "Alright, alright, you three stop." Gopal said, "Let Fang breathe, geez."

"Hehe! You told them about that, didn't you?" Ying nudged Fang, "Can't be helped, they were suspecting Boboiboy to be a vigilante." Fang replied which flinched Ying by the conclusion of others, "W-woah! Really? Hmm.... Well, I guess it is kinda understandable why'd they thought that." Ying said, scratching the back of her head.

"Huh? What are you guys talking about?" Uraraka questioned, puzzled by the events that are taking place now, added with worry when a "villain" came in the stadium. "Did you guys not know?? Their friend is a part of a hero agency!" Kirishima answered, "Eh?! Since when?!" Uraraka asked in bewilderment, joining with Iida, "How could that be?! He's like the same age as us!" Iida added, "Huh, so he really is young... then why is he in the agency?!?" Kaminari shouted, "Guys... relax." Gopal said while vaguely pointing at the public who were listening in, "A-ah... sorry... let's talk at another time. Hehe.." Kaminari sheepishly laughed.

"Right, then." Fang muttered and turned to Izuku who was spacing out or... muttering about. Fang tapped his shoulder lightly causing Izuku to stop from his murmurs and turned to Fang, Fang raised his hand to hide his mouth from the others and whispered, "The agency that Boboiboy is in... is Protector of the Galaxy also known as P.O.T.G...." Fang then stands up and walks away, Yaya notices this and was puzzled to where is he going for then looked at Izuku and knew why now.

As for Ying, Yaya and Gopal, they were informed about the agency while Uraraka and Iida was distracted in debating which snack should go for the other snack or the drinks that go with the snack.

Meanwhile, Fang was able to get that update when evacuating, he was given an early update than the rest.

Due to the sudden information of a young boy being a part of the agency, don't know if he was an intern or a hero, the people were too busy thinking up theories about it rather than focusing on the previous event which is the "villain" who got in the stadium. And for that, the people weren't too panicked, same goes for the students who were whispering and gossiping amongst themselves.

"But seriously tho, which school is he from??" Stranger #1 questioned, "He might be just homeschooled and got randomly picked by some agency." Stranger #2 answered, "...are you an idiot..???" Stranger #1 replied, "Ghak! That hurts..!" Stranger #2 dramatically put his hands on his chest and clenched it as if he got stabbed by the heart. "We still don't even know which agency he's from..." Stranger #1 muttered.

"It's good that everyone's... calm...?" Yaya said, turning to Ying after observing the people, "Yeah, else they will be panicky and irrational. Fear can really take a toll on everyone..." Ying commented while munching on the snacks they bought, "I wonder what is Boboiboy doing? I hope this ends soon, we still need to handle the aftermath of this situation." Yaya sighed, she was concerned of the people's trust in heroes, "You're right, this big school even announced to have had there security as twice as much than before and even brought a ton of heroes here. If I were them, I would've think the heroes were pretty lax at their job." Ying remarked as she shook we head as if she was disappointed in someone, "Hehe.. this event is kinda random..." Yaya admitted, "Yeah... Author just forgot it was supposed to be the OC alien who can travel to planets but his powers got wibbled wobbled something so he teleported through realms instead and should ended up in this MHA universe but then a sky kid appeared in its stead." Ying replied, "Ying... don't expose the Author."

Gopal approached the two girls after talking with Kirishima, Kaminari and Izuku, "What are you guys talking about?" Gopal asked, drinking his juice, "Hey, Gopal!" Ying greeted with a wave, "We were just talking about what we should do in the aftermath of this event." Yaya responded, "Ohhh... well... it's a good thing there's a backstory for us to say." Gopal muttered out, Ying and Yaya just sheepishly laughed in agreement.

Back to Boboiboy, he was recollecting something in the previous events that's leading up to here, being alone in the room, "Hmmm... I'm pretty sure I forgot something but I can't remember what..." Boboiboy muttered, the one he forgot was the fact that All Might knew about T.A.P.O.P.S. Agency.

"Meeehh..It must be nothing." Boboiboy shrugged and went about his way to the ship that had landed inside the stadium.

When Fang left Izuku after telling him about what agency Boboiboy works for, he went to take a breather away from people. Unfortunately, no one can leave in this little evacuation area since the police are gonna be doing an investigation or an interrogation with them, one of the people here might be the culprit behind this event.

Fang looks around before sighing, "When is this is gonna be over already?" Fang muttered and just like that, he hears sirens that are closing in, "Huh? They called for back-up? For what for?" Fang asked himself, there were already a decent amount of police officers and heroes here and not to mention, the abrupt appearance of an agency which is where the KKG works for. He could see at least three police cars and two ambulances, 'The ambulance I get since there's a lot of people but the police?' Fang quizzically observed the ambulances pulling up somewhere near the people while the police cars pulled up far from the crowd. Then Fang saw a familiar face that got out from one the said vehicle, "Detective Tsukauchi?" Fang murmured under his breath, looking back at the stadium, "So he wasn't here in the beginning, huh."

Then, Fang sensed a presence walking up behind him which gained the attention of the visor user, "Isn't that Detective Tsukauchi?" Yaya said, who later on looked over her watch, "Hmmm... if the sports festival hadn't been interrupted, we could've been going home by now..." Yaya commented and Fang just glanced at Yaya before looking back at the detective who was now walking talking to other officers and before walking inside the stadium, the detective noticed the two and waved, Yaya and Fang waved back.

"Well, it can't be helped, since we're here then things will somehow be, you know, interrupted." Fang replied, turning to Yaya, "We've meddled into their world, some things are bound to happen for doing that."

Meanwhile, Ying and Gopal are chatting about with Izuku and Uraraka when she suddenly noticed Iida's complexion after getting back from the call, "What's wrong, Iida?" Uraraka asked, the others turning to him with concern in their eyes due to the sudden tense atmosphere around him but quickly disappeared as though it was never there, "A-ah... no, it's nothing." Iida said, his eyes wandering to look for someone, "I'll have to excuse myself first, I'll be back." Iida waved before going up to one of the police officers.

"...I hope nothing is really bad going on.." Izuku murmured under his breath, "I'm sure it's nothing, come on, cheer up! Let's all just hope that everything is fine rather than it is not, if we keep thinking of negative events, it might happen someday." Ying said, easing up the others, Izuku looked down to ponder before saying, "You're right... he might just be nervous by this." Izuku replied before looking up again with his big eyes, "But I still wanna know about the agency though." Ying and Gopal have been dodging the question many times now while Gopal looks like he's about to burst out wanting to tell them already.

"Haiizzz... you'll find out about it later, well, tomorrow to be exact." Ying admitted, "We—Boboiboy, and his team members of the agency will be announcing its agency." Ying added while Izuku listened and Uraraka slowly raising her hand, "Umm... about their agency, why is it a secret? Can you tell at least that?" Uraraka asked and Ying perk up by the question, "Yes! I can! The reason that it's a secret is because the agency's leader was afraid that an alien would suddenly bring in a lot of back-ups just to invade Earth. You see, their priority is this Earth so if any bad aliens came to know that then they'll attack this planet so in order for no aliens to not know that is for the agency to be kept a secret and while doing so, they would protect the Galaxy even if the planet they're protecting isn't Earth." Ying explained which caused Izuku to stop and load to process the information while Uraraka only stared in a bemused look before coming back to her senses to ask, "You... seem to know a lot. Did Boboiboy tell you that? Or... are you and the others in the same agency?" Uraraka asked, making Izuku look up to her, 'That's.. not a bad question. It could also explain how they enrolled despite being so late too...' Izuku thought, calculating every possible scenarios of his every 'what if's'.

Ying, on the other hand, flinched at the spot on question, 'She's quite perceptive...' Ying thought, "No... not really, we're just basically housemates and besides, we're all childhood friends so secrets aren't really a thing for us." Ying answered before adding on, "Well, except for the fact about... you know, Yaya's cookies..." Ying whispered halfway through the sentence and Uraraka chuckled at the answer, "Hehehe! Yeah... okay, I understand now." Uraraka replied while Izuku smiled because if Ying had decided to dodge that question then he'd have suspected them being a villain, hero or just some rich people who are doing this on a whim.

After that small conversation, Iida came back with some news, "Everyone... it's sudden but I have to leave, I already informed the police so.." Iida began, tensing everyone but listened nevertheless, "My brother was attacked by a villain." Iida added which made everyone gasped in shock, "You're brother... you mean Ingenium?" Izuku asked, "Yeah..." Iida answered, "How is his condition?" Uraraka asked worriedly, Ying and Gopal could only observe the conversation, looking serious as they heard what happened to Iida's brother, 'A villain?' Ying thought, 'Where did it happen?' Gopal wondered.

"I don't know the details.." Iida answered, "so I'm going to see for myself." Iida added, feeling as though his breath was short and hard to breathe, worried for his brother's condition.

Looking back, Izuku remembered the words of adoration from Iida for his brother, he clenched his fists and wished for Ingenium to be well.

After all that, it was a bit blurry but Iida left.

"Do you think... Ingenium is fine?" Uraraka asked, concern in her voice, "We can only hope.." Izuku replied back. Seeing how the two are worried and hearing the word 'villain', Ying and Gopal stiffened as one of their newfound friends got affected by a villain which made Ying clenched her fists, reminding her that she can't save everyone and Gopal whose face scrunched up for his friend's brother's condition, feeling worried and frustrated not being able to help. So when the two glance each other, they nodded lightly, understanding what the other are thinking, 'This villain must pay for its crimes.'

"What?!" Boboiboy yelled, his face puzzled by the sudden announcement by the Commander who is currently nodding his head, "You have mostly recovered now and ready too. But just don't forget to rest once in a while." Koko Ci said, only for the teen to let out a bead of sweat, "I'm already recovered, Commander..." the teen insisted, "So! You will have a new mission and that issss..." Commander drawled before raising his hand with his index finger pointing up then to the brunette boy, " will be attending the UA!!" Commander announced once more, "What?!" Boboiboy shouted again, shocked by the announcement given, "But, isn't it too late??? Wouldn't it be too weird????" Boboiboy voiced out and the Commander only hummed to say, "It's alright, Boboiboy. You're not staying there as an actual student but someone who is more on security. The reason why it's you because you are one of our best agents out there, of course, there will be other agents assisting you too, like the agents who you are now sharing the same house." Commander explained, "Also, this is to calm the people here, mostly the parents who let their kids stay at that school. And with you in it, they'll be reassure and I know that you're thinking that they might feel distrustful considering of your age but worry not! I will let them show the records you brought from your solo missions before you came into this world." Commander added, before fighting Retak'ka, Boboiboy would sometimes go on solo missions, not only him but his friends and Gopal is included too and he was successful at it.

"Eh? So you'll show them my other powers too, Commander?" Boboiboy questioned and the green alien shakes his head, "No, I remember you going on missions with only using Tanah or Quake so I'll be using those records." Commander replied, "Just in case the media wishes to see your abilities." Commander added before saying his farewell after he asked Boboiboy if there were any questions from him and also to report to him if there is anything he needs to know.

Boboiboy puffed out a sigh in relief that things finally will be resolved after tomorrow then he heard a sound coming from the metallic door sliding open, Boboiboy turns to look to reveal it was Kaizo, "Captain!" Boboiboy greeted him with a salute before putting his hands back down, "Is there anything you need?" Boboiboy asked, "No, just wanted to tell you that after the conference between us and to the media... you will be automatically have to go to school with your friends. Though, you're not necessarily have to stay inside the class, you will only be observing or patrolling. Nevertheless, the ones you have to protect are just the Class 1-A, the rest will handle the others." Kaizo explained with the boy who seemingly looks down, "...I see..." Boboiboy muttered, he expected to be with his friends inside the class and do school activities together but I guess it wasn't like that at all but Boboiboy perked up his head when Kaizo faked a cough before saying, "Of course, you're not only going to work on your own... you have your friends with you who are already in the school..." Kaizo began, looking away from the boy's eye contact, sighing before adding more, "What I mean to say is, you can participate the class and it's activities like a normal student with your friends as your team in protecting the Class 1-A altogether." Kaizo finished, finally glancing back to boy who is making a wide grin on his face, clearly happy at the statements of his Captain. Kaizo gently smiled at the beaming face of the boy, "Now then, you go check yourself up with the medic before going back home with your friends." Kaizo said, signaling the boy that he could go now but before he does, Boboiboy saluted his Captain, "Sir, yes, sir!" Boboiboy said before leaving with a happy vibe in the air.

Not sooner or later, Boboiboy got out of the spaceship and saw Commander Koko Ci talking with the Principal Nezu, the two noticed the boy's presence and waved at him, Boboiboy waved back before the two continues to talk while Boboiboy left the stadium.

But before he could, he met up with a certain detective in the hallways to which the boy comes to a halt and so did the man with the long brown coat, the latter was the first to speak, "Boboiboy...." even with such far distance, Boboiboy could hear the man from the echoes of the empty hall, causing the boy the meekly smile at the man while scratching his cheek sheepishly, "Hehe... hi, Mr. Tsukauchi." Boboiboy sheepishly laughed and the man approached the boy, "Before, I remember that you had no quirk...?" Tsukauchi noted, stopping at a fair distance from the boy, his face was plastered with a confused smile, "U-umm...! Well, that's because I'm sorta of a late bloomer..." Boboiboy glanced away and was thinking about when he was still 10 years old, the year of when he got his powers. But Tsukauchi only shook his head and sighed, "I'm sure you've had your reasons, I won't pry." Tsukauchi remarked, he knew of the flaws his quirk had but that's alright since he's smart nevertheless and besides, he let the kids off the hook anyways since he could tell from a far distance that they were by no means a danger except for being suspicious from here to there and I guess he's right considering that the boy that was in front of him right now was and is actually a hero from an agency.

Boboiboy's eyes widened at the statement of the man, "Really?" Boboiboy muttered aloud, "Of course, and besides, I heard about the agency, guess your identity is all clean then." Tsukauchi remarked, "You're a good person, Boboiboy. That much I could tell." he added before walking past the boy, "I should get going, it was nice to see you again!" the man looks back to smile at the boy before continuing back his walk.

Boboiboy stood there in silence for a brief moments before smiling and waving back to the man, "It was nice to meet you too, Mr. Tsukauchi!" Boboiboy beamed and the man didn't look back just as his hand waves above.

Hope you like this chapter!
If you do then please remember to drink water from time to time and please sleep when the night is already so late!
Gosh, now that I'm feeling all free and relaxed, I feel so disgusted by how I wrote the previous chapters
_('' )_

But I gotta continue... it's already too late to edit and change cuz I published it already....

Imma continue and make it connect! RAAHH!!! (Д)

Also... I think I should make the dead friends AU a long complete one chapter since it's gonna confuse to any readers who will read it from the same book

So the next chapter would be the AU but don't worry, I will give an extra two or probably three chapters after the AU chapter thing

Also, if anyone is confused or wondered why I wouldn't be too sure for how many chapters I would publish, it's because my notes tends to be outdated since I wouldn't publish this right away and that's why when announcing how many chapters I would be publishing isn't very affirmative...?

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