Alleviate(TWD fan fiction)

By Lizzie_stargirl

8K 1.1K 180

"Their were bad people before this started. The world now just makes it easier to get away with it" Ava Reid... More

About Alleviate
Act 1
Chapter 1: The End of the World
Chapter 2: Bites kill?
Chapter 3: Happy Birthday
Chapter 4: Learn
Chapter 5: What happened and why?
Chapter 6: Time to leave
Chapter 7: On the road
Chapter 8: Home for now
Chapter 9: Attacked
Chapter 10: Where do we go from here?
Chapter 11: Monster within
Chapter 12: Guts
Chapter 13: Alone
Act 2
Chapter 14: How many Walkers have you killed?
Chapter 15: Welcome to Alexandria
Chapter 16: A normal life?
Chapter 17: Unraveled
Act 3
Chapter 18: JSS
Chapter 19: No way out
Chapter 20: The Next World
Chapter 21: The Same Boat
Chapter 22: After
Chapter 23: Last day on earth
Act 4
Chapter 24: The day will come when you won't be
Chapter 25: Service
Chapter 26: Go Getters
Chapter 27: Rock in the road
Chapter 28: Alleviate
Chapter 28: Something they need
Chapter 29: The first day of the rest of your lives
Act 5
Chapter 30: Surprise
Chapter 31: Complications (And poll decision)
Chapter 32: Miserable
Chapter 33: Senseless
Chapter 34: Lost soul
Chapter 35: I don't need a babysitter
Chapter 36: Returning
Act 6
Chapter 37: A new beginning
Chapter 38: The bridge
Act 7
Chapter 39: Adjustment
Chapter 40: The Whisperers
Chapter 41: The Calm Before
Chapter 42: The Calm Before(Part 2)
Chapter 43: The Storm
Act 8
Chapter 44: Lines we cross
Chapter 45: Silence The Whisperers
Chapter 46: Solicitude
Chapter 47: Squeeze
Chapter 48: Morning Star
Chapter 49: Walk with Us
Chapter 51: A Certain Doom
Chapter 52: Home Sweet Home
Act 9
Chapter 53: Acheron Part 1
Chapter 54: Acheron Part 2
Chapter 55: Hunted

Chapter 50: The Tower

36 17 1
By Lizzie_stargirl

Chapter 50 | The Tower

Episodes 10x14(Look at the flowers), and 10x15(The Tower)

"I'm sorry you had to see Earl like that. You shouldn't have had to see him like that."-Ava Reid


-August 31st 4383 days since the start.

-It's been a whole day and they're has still been no sign of Alden and Adam. Please don't let the last time I talked to him be an argument.

-The door opens bringing in more people. I get hopeful thinking it's Alden but it's not it's Yumiko and Magna. Wait Magna.

-Jerry gives her a hug before I can get to her.

-"I thought you were dead." I say to her after giving her a quick hug.

-"You better not think I could die that easily." Magna says.

-"Is Connie with you too." I ask.

-Her face drops and it tells me the answer without words needing to come out of her mouth.

-"I'm sorry." Magna I say.

-"I lost her in the horde. It doesn't mean she's dead." She says.


-I'm checking up on Rosita's burn Eugene right beside me making sure he's here for Rosita.

-"How are you feeling?" Eugene says and puts a wet cloth on her head.

-"Great." Rosita says in pain.

-"This might sting a bit." I say and put some aloe cream on her burn. It's the best thing I got for the burn. All our medicine is burned in the hilltop or with Alex and Alex hasn't shown up yet.

-"I can bring you to see Alex, he should have the medication. Well when we find Alex." Eugene says not very hopeful about our predicament.

-"Someone else can do that, you gotta go." Rosita says to him.

-I have no clue what the two of them are referring to.

-"Dammit Eugene, tell them already." Rosita says.

-They give each other a look. "Okay." Eugene says as he stands up. "Uh Excuse me. Excuse me, can I have your kind attention please" And everyone comes to hear what he is going to say.

-"I have some things I need to fess and request. Um I have been in radio communicado with someone with someone outside our orbit. A new person. And we set up a time to meet." Eugene says.

-"What? Who is it?" Yumiko asks.

-"Her name is Stephine-"

-"This is another community?" Magna asks.

-"Where is it?" Jerry asks.

-"What did you tell her about us?" I ask.

-"She could be another spy just like Dante." Magna says.

-"Uh." Eugene says.

-"Eugene, how long have you been keeping this from us?" Yumiko asks.

-"I have some of the same questions, but if Eugene insists that this Stephanie may be a new ally then let's hear him before we jump to conclusions. We're all on the same side here." Ezekiel says.

-"Now some of you are aware that I relocated to hilltop in pursuit of a metaphorical fresh start. I struggled for a while. I buried myself in work and community duties and that voice manifested itself into a voice from the void. And she became a friend. Some of you may claim that I'm foolish to believe in future friends and new alliances but after everything we just lost. I'm willing to be the fool. I simply ask that you spare me your derision as a hopeful expectation of new good people is wholly worth the risk." Eugene says.

-We all talk it over a bit more and we vote for Eugene to go. How much worse could things get. The person who Eugene was talking to could come from a good community and who knows they might be able to help us and become allies. Ezekiel is going with him.


-"I wanted to say goodbye before I leave." Yumiko tells me.

-"You're going with them too?"

-"Yeah, maybe these new people can help us. I can talk to them." Yumiko says.

-"Be safe out there. You better come back." I say.

-"We will. And Ava don't lose hope about Alden. I bet he will show up soon."

-"I'm trying to stay positive." I say.

-"I know you are." Yumiko says.


-"You've been avoiding me all day Maya." I say and sit down on the floor next to her. "I'm sorry you had to see Earl like that. You shouldn't have had to see him like that."

-"It's not your fault I need to listen to you. You told me you were just going to talk to Earl. I should have just let you and not gone to spy on you." She says.

-"You were scared honey, we just lost our home. I'm just sorry you had to see that." I say.

-"Dad died the same way Earl died didn't he? He got bit too right?"

-"Yes baby." I say.

-"Did you see dad like Earl was? All pale and like he was in pain?"

-"No, I didn't see him like that." I say.

-"I'm glad you didn't have to see him like that." Maya says.

-"Me too. The only thing I regret is not being able to say goodbye." I say.

-"Do you think Alden and Adam are okay?" Maya asks.

-"I hope so." I say.

-"Me too. Adam is just so little and Alden makes you happy. Were you as happy with dad as you are with Alden." Maya says.

-"Yeah." I say and memories of me and Carl go through my mind and it takes everything in me to not cry.

-"When did you get so mature just last year you wanted to fly like a bird." I say.

-"Being able to fly still seems awesome. But a lot has--- happened." Maya says.

-We have lost so much to the whisperers hilltop is gone, and they are going after Alexandria, and Oceanside next. What do we do if they destroy every community? Are we even going to be able to rebuild? What happens if we can't?

-"Ava. Maya." Jerry calls.

-"What's going on?" I say and stand up and run into the other room where I see Alden, and Kelly holding Adam.

-I run into his arms and I hold onto him so tight he does the same picking me up a bit like if we let go the other one wouldn't be there.

-"I thought I was never going to see you again." I say.

-"Me too. I'm sorry I was such an asshole. You were right." Alden says and puts me back on the floor.

-"Don't worry about it. Right now all I want to do is hold you." I say and kiss him.

-"I missed you." Maya says and gives Alden a quick hug.

-"I missed you too, feathers. Keep your mom out of trouble for me." Alden says.

-"Magna." Kelly says noticing she's here.

-"Can you take him?" Kelly says and hands me Adam and goes over to give Magna a hug.

-"Is Earl in the other room? He probably wants his son." Alden says.

-"Alden. Earl ....Um he didn't make it." I say.

-"Oh. How did h-how did he die." Alden says and I can tell it's taking everything in him to not break down.

-"He got bit. He wants us to take care of Adam for him." I say not trying to cry as well.

-There's a million things Alden wants to say for the man who has basically been his father for so many years he just isn't able to get the words out.

-"We'll raise him right. In his honor." Alden says.

-"We will he's part of our family now." I say and Maya latches onto my side.


-September 5th 4388 days since the start.

-Alpha is dead. Negan killed her, beheaded her and put her head on a pike like she did to our people. Carol let him out of his cell to kill her and surprisingly he fulfilled his end of the deal. One of the best things he's done would've been great if he killed Beta too. That's why we are huddled in this cat piss infested abandoned tower everyone from Alexandria, Oceanside, and Hilltop are here hoping to trick Beta and the whisperers into thinking we ran. Alden and Aaron are tracking the whisperers to see if our plan is working and I am so worried about both of them. Aaron was going to do it by himself but Alden volunteered when no one else did to help him.

-Everyone's scrambling worrying about the whisperers keeping watch or getting their weapons ready. Luke is panicking trying to fix the radio Jules comforting him to not worry.

-"Hey guys." Luke calls out. "I need someone to run an errand for me."

-"I'll go." Carol says immediately volunteering herself. Carol and Kelly go out in search for what Luke needs.


Alden and Aaron POV

-Alden and Aaron watch whisperers and thousands of walkers enter Alexandria from inside the Alexandria windmill.

-"No sign of them. They left quick. Couldn't have gone too far." A whisperer says right below them on the platform on the windmill.

-"Do we search elsewhere." Another whisperer asks Beta.

-"Where...... Ocean." Beta says.

-Alden peaks his head out the window of the windmill taking a look at the whisperers.

-Aaron and Alden ask each other questions through hand gestures and a bit of sign language.

-Alden looks out the window but immediately retreats when Beta looks at the window, almost seeing him.

-Did he see you. Aaron gestures.

-Alden looks out the window again hearing "Prepare the guardians. We walk." Beta says.

-Alden and Aaron watch Beta and the whisperers walk out Alexandria with the herd.



-The cat must like you. I tried to pet it earlier and it wouldn't let me. I say to Lydia who is petting a cat.

-"Don't blame it with the other things that look like us trying to eat it." Lydia says, sounding kinda out of it. But who can blame her even though her mother sucked Lydia still loved her. She was still her mom.

-"Lydia I'm not going to pretend like I know how you're feeling or anything but you are not alone. Okay. You can talk to me about anything you want." I say and put my arm on her shoulder and then walk away giving her some alone time.

-I notice Negan watching us when I get up. More specifically watching Lydia.


Alden and Aaron POV

-Alden and Aaron follow the herd that seems to be making its way to Oceanside. Aaron radios in having to bang on the radio a few times to get it to work.

-"Tower do you copy." Aaron says into the radio.

-"Yes we copy." Gabriel says back.

-"They're headed to Oceanside as expected." Aaron says kinda glad that there plan is working

-"Any signs of slowing?" Gabriels asks.

-"Not yet. We'll stay on them if anything changes, we'll send word." Aaron says.

-"Copy that. Be safe." Gabriel says.

-"Same. Over." Aaron says and clicks the walkie off.


-"Still no sign of slowing." Aaron says to Alden while the two of them are still following the herd.

-"You think this can work. This plan?" Alden asks, still not sure this plan is going to work. The whisperers might still try to find them after this.

-"Has to. Doesn't it?" Aaron says back.

-"Guess so. Always thought once Alpha was it'd be easier to see light. Past what we lost. You know." Alden says.

-"I don't know about seeing past. But I can fight here, try to make sure we don't lose again. For Gracie, Adam, Maya. Whatever it takes. Then maybe all this loss will add up to something." Aaron says.

-"Hold on, are they slowing down?" Alden says, looking at the herd.

-"No. They're changing directions towards the tower." Aaron says.

-"Call it in." Alden says worried.

-"Yeah." Aaron says and takes the walkie out quickly to alert the others. The walkie is all staticy so they can't radio to the tower.

-"That's no good, we gotta leave now." Aaron says.

-Alden and Aaron go to leave but are quickly surrounded by whisperers.



-"Capital of California." I say quizzing Maya to keep her mind off everything.

-"Sacramento." She quickly says.

-"Capital of Colorado."


-"Capital of Connecticut." I say.

-"Hartford." She responds with.

-"Capital of Delaware." I say.

-Maya goes silent trying to remember what it is.

-"Dover." Negan says intruding on our little game. "Doesn't matter much kid anymore, so you don't have to think about it too much anyways." Negan says to Maya and then he goes back to stirring the possum stew.

-"Maya why don't you go hang out with Gracie for a bit." I say trying to hide my annoyance with Negan to Maya. Maya knows what he did. I just don't want her to see me upset by him.

-"Okay." Maya says and goes to find Gracie.

-I turn to Negan.

-"Who the hell do you think you are talking to my daughter?" I say angry at the man who's hurt so many.

-"Sorry, I didn't think you would be so upset by it." Negan says.

-"Well now you know, so don't do it again. I appreciate that you saved Judith in the storm and Lydia when Gage and the others were bothering her, but that doesn't change who you are. Don't talk to her, don't look at her. Okay."

-"Okay. I just see so much of him in her." Negan says.

-"Don't you of all people dare bring Carl up." I say and go to storm away and Lydia storms up to Negan almost accidentally walking into me.

-"You don't get to tell me what to do." Lydia says to Negan.

-"You're right I can't." Negan says and Lydia goes to leave. "Hey. I think that you should hit me. And it will make you feel better." Negan says to her.

-"I feel fine." Lydia says unconvincingly.

-"You have to mourn her, you know. You need to say goodbye. Otherwise it's gonna eat you up from the insides. Just trust me on this. Look, she was still your mom. You know and we only get the one. So you--you should hit me and just try to let it out. Otherwise you are going to drift farther from these people and I know you don't want that." Negan says to her.

-"The hell do you know what I want huh?" Lydia says.

-"Tell me." Negan says.

-"You're a selfish asshole. You only killed her so they'd think you were a hero. But nothing you ever do will make you that here! Because you only care about yourself. Even now trying to get me to do this?! You liked her?! How'd the hell could you tell me you liked her huh?! I hated her! I want to hate her, so screw you for telling me I can't even do that!" Lydia screams at him.

-"It's okay Lydia." Negan says.

-"No! It's not okay! It's not okay! It's not okay." Lydia says while crying and hitting Negan repeatedly. Negan pulls her in for a hug to get her to stop and to console her.

-"It's okay." Negan repeats and she calms down a bit.

-The view of Negan consoling Lydia makes me feel a bit like an asshole for how I talked to him. No he deserved it. He killed Glenn. He killed Abraham. Sasha killed herself because of him. He helped burn down hilltop. Someone like him can't change right?

-"We're getting surrounded!" Somebody yells out.

-I look out the window to see what they are talking about and see thousands of walkers surrounding the tower.

Word Count 2425

~It's been three months since I last updated. Sorry about that been really busy working. I work in a daycare in the day and have a 2nd job at a restraunt for nights so things are hetic and when I have a day off I don't feel like doing anything lol. Things are slowing down at the restraunt I work at though because I live in a very summer tourist area so I'm always really busy working in the summer so now that summers over I have some free time.

~Also Alleviate hit 5k reads thank you all so much I could not do any of this without you. As always I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night :)

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