[BL] After chasing his wife i...

By NingNingduck

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After chasing his wife in the crematorium Associated Name 追妻火葬场HE后,双重生了 Author 玉山狸 Status in COO 112 Chapters... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 22

381 9 0
By NingNingduck

 It is not surprising to be able to dream, and it is not surprising that adolescent boys have colors in their dreams.

But Zhao Shun never knew that there is a dream that can be so real, so real that it is just like being around him now.

In the dream, he had a wife.

He heard himself calling the other party's wife, hugged the other party from behind, and kissed the back of the other party's fair neck passionately.

"I want to hold two weddings, one at home and one abroad. I want our marriage to start under the witness of two local cultures."

Zhao Shun heard himself panting.


This answer was warm and hoarse, like a green plant that hasn't been watered for a long time, with imperceptible pity.

"Honey, I love you."

The ensuing ecstasy made Zhao Shun feel like he didn't know what day and night it was.

However, he still kept a trace of clarity, trying to see clearly the face of the person he was hugging from behind.

Perhaps the action was too intense, and the person in front of him turned his head slightly.

Zhao Shun's heart beat like a drum.

However, he only had time to see a small black mole on the side of the left ear of the person in front of him, and then all the lights and shadows reversed and disappeared instantly.

"Brother Shun! Wake up, get up, today is the school sports meeting, we have to set up the venue in advance!"

Zhao Shun was woken up by someone patting his shoulder.

Opening his eyes in a daze, it took Zhao Shun two or three seconds to react. After the three souls and seven souls returned to their positions completely, he sat up from the bed in a jerk, and then froze suddenly.

After a pause, Zhao Shun slowly lowered his head and looked at the lower body which was still covered with the quilt.

The expression on his face changed completely, shocked, unbelievable, suspicious, annoyed... Ding Dayan couldn't ignore the drastic expression change.

Ding Dayan looked at the past, was puzzled at first, then suddenly realized, and then showed a joking smile of "I understand", "Brother Shun, it's still chilly in the early morning at the end of autumn, you are so angry~" The boys in the dormitory

listened After saying this, some poked their heads out from the toilet, and some poked their heads out from the upper bunk.

They all stared at the part of Zhao Shun covered by the quilt, and smiled.

"Brother Shun is in good health!"

"Brother Shun, what did you dream about? Is it the lady in the magazine I brought from home last week~"

Ding Dayan: "Hehehe~"

Zhao Shun blacked out With a face, he lifted the quilt and got up, regardless of the jokes from the boys around him, took out a set of clean pants, and went straight into the bathroom.

Looking at the panties he put in the basin, Zhao Shun fell into deep thought.

He dreamed, and had a very charming dream. In the dream, he was about to have a wife, he loved his wife very much, and this wife was a man.

Oh, it turns out he might be just like his brother.

The campus in the autumn morning was covered with a layer of cool mist. After the students came out of the dormitory, they shivered with some weakness.

Walking into the dining hall with a feeling of coolness, the dining hall was bustling with people, and the blue and white army lined up from the window far away.

The warm lights fell on the students and on the floor, making the whole dining hall look like a big warm lantern.

Tan Feizhou was facing the door, and saw Zhao Shun walking into the dining hall from the outside at a glance, "Fang Xiaoling, eat slowly, we have plenty of time, look, Zhao Shun and Ding Dayan are only here now." 

Weekend school sports meeting There is no class, but morning reading is still required, and the students who are responsible for arranging the venue are exempt from early reading and will go there early.

Fang Ling glanced back.

The tall boy was still wearing the short-sleeved summer dress, and the collar was not buttoned properly, revealing a firm wheat-colored chest despite the cold.

His complexion was a bit stinky, even if the companion beside him was grinning, as if he was talking about some interesting topic, it couldn't make his handsome face with sharp edges and corners change from cloudy to sunny.

In fact, Zhao Shun was really in a bad mood right now.

This bad mood does not come from a shaken perception of my past sexual orientation.

It was only yesterday that he told Ji Qingping that he would concentrate on studying, never talk about a partner, and even boldly say that those who fall in love are idiots, but he did such a charming one that night, which made him still feel like a beating after waking up. drum dream.

Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?

Zhao Shun was in a bad mood until several of them went to the equipment room to get the folding table, and then moved the table to the side of the playground, which had been planned as an open space for each class camp, and Zhao Shun finally recovered.

He figured it out.

Dreams are always the opposite, how can they be taken seriously! In the dream he has a wife, but in reality he is single~

In the dream he is an idiot man in love, but in reality he is sober in the world!

Right, isn't this the exact opposite!

Zhao Shun only felt the mist dissipate, and instantly felt refreshed, "Dayan, follow me to the supermarket and bring back two boxes of water."

Ding Dayan: "Good!"

The two left happily, especially Zhao Shun, this time Fang Ling felt that if he was given a pair of wings, he would have gone to heaven by now.

Lowering his eyes, Fang Ling was thoughtful.

A gaze fell on him, conspicuous and hard to ignore, Fang Ling looked up, and with this glance, he saw Ji Qingping not far away.

Class 9 camped next to Class 10. As the monitor of Class 10, Ji Qingping, of course, was exempted from the morning reading class and came down with his classmates.

Fang Ling knew that Ji Qingping had a problem with him as early as when the Golden Fruit Club was competing in rock climbing.

So he accepts the harsh scrutiny he is facing now.

At first I thought the other party was just looking at it, but I didn't expect Ji Qingping to let go of the unpacked applause, and it turned out to be this way.

Fang Ling raised his eyebrows slightly, and stood there waiting.

In fact, Ji Qingping was very confused at this time, so much so that he couldn't help but come over to find out the truth.

It stands to reason that Ah Shun should explain to Fang Ling after his proposal last night.

But why did it look like Ah Shun, who was confused and entangled just now, seemed a bit like... a failed confession.

Ji Qingping: "Fang Ling, did Ah Shun tell you last night?"

Fang Ling raised the corner of his mouth, his expression gentle and impeccable, "He talked a lot, which aspect do you mean?"

Ji Qingping paused, " It's about you and him."

Fang Ling pretended to think, and Ji Qingping couldn't help being nervous.

After a while, Fang Ling smiled, "It doesn't seem good to casually reveal other people's affairs. I remember that you have a very good relationship with Zhao Shun. Why don't you ask him when he comes back." 

Ji Qingping : "..."

After hitting a soft nail, Ji Qingping returned without success.

The camp was quickly set up. The main body was four folding tables put together. On the table stood a special double-sided card with the big characters of Class 9 (Senior Grade 3) printed on it.

There are also applause gadgets for cheering around, and some small whistles that can blow out color scrolls.

At the request of the class teacher, who is still childlike, they also bought a beautiful little crown made of paper.

As long as the students in the class participate in the school sports meeting, everyone is a warrior. After the end, the bald chapter... oh no, it should be the leader of the class, Mr. Zhang Zhiguo, who is personally crowned.

Towel boxes, wet tissue packs, and glucose are essential. In addition, there is a small medicine box containing emergency medical supplies such as Band-Aids and Dieda wine.

Zhao Shun and Ding Dayan went to the supermarket on campus and brought back two boxes of water.

The mist cleared away, and finally saw the sun. Zhao Shun, who had been entangled all morning, was now refreshed.

After all, Ji Qingping was young and couldn't hold his breath. When he saw Zhao Shun coming back, he stopped him before he entered the camp of class 9.

"Ah Shun, did you make it clear to him last night?" Ji Qingping asked in a low voice.

Zhao Shun froze.

No, he went straight back to the dormitory last night, went to wash and sleep, and didn't visit the door at all.

Looking at his expression, Ji Qingping knew that the situation did not develop as he imagined, so he immediately advised: "It's better not to delay this matter, lest he get stuck in the mud and hold you by then." 

Zhao Shun frowne, Suddenly a little impatient.

Of course he would say this, but he really didn't like being told over and over again.

"Of course I know, I'll just..." Zhao Shun, feeling annoying, turned his head, and at this moment, he happened to see Fang Ling standing sideways not far away.

His next words stopped abruptly.

Fang Ling lowered his head slightly, and was unpacking a large package of glucose powder. The morning sun fell on his hair, coating the black as ink with a light and gentle gold.

A little bit of the color of broken gold was sprinkled on his eyelashes, and the soft facial features were half shrouded in the morning light, and there was a bit of magnificence floating in gold.

But all Zhao Shun's eyes at this time were focused on the little mole on the other side's left ear.

Zhao Shun was stunned.

Little mole?

There is actually a small mole on Fang Ling's ear? ?

Shocked, he couldn't help but lose the strength in his hands, so the box of mineral water carried by Zhao Shun on his shoulders slid backwards and fell on the concrete floor with a loud bang.

The plastic packs well and even bounces a little when it hits the ground.

Everyone around looked over in an instant, including Fang Ling.

At this glance, the eyes of the two met, and Fang Ling saw undisguised astonishment in his eyes.


What is this silly old man surprised about?

The monitor, Weng Ruo, hurriedly said, "Check to see if the water is broken!"

Zhao Shun stood still, not even looking at the box of water at his feet.

Ding Dayan went over and looked it over carefully, "It's not broken, the plastic bottle is durable and can't be broken."

Zhao Shun wanted to take a closer look, but as Fang Ling turned his head, the little mole was no longer visible.

Ji Qingping felt something was wrong, "Ah Shun, what's wrong with you?"

Of course Zhao Shun couldn't tell what happened in his dream, even if this person was his best friend since junior high school.

"It's nothing, there seems to be a classmate in your class calling you, go over and have a look." Zhao Shun prevaricated. After finishing speaking, he ignored Ji Qingping and went back to the camp of Class 9.

Zhao Shun thought to himself, he had to confirm again, whether he had been thinking about this matter just now, so he had hallucinations.

Go over and take a closer look!

"Is there anything else to do?" Zhao Shun dawdled and walked in front of Fang Ling.

The two were separated by a folding table that had been put together.

Fang Ling pointed to the plastic box containing the folding chairs, "Take out five stools inside and unfold them."

Zhao Shun: "Oh good."

The box was on Fang Ling's right hand side. Five folding chairs.

When he was about to unfold the chair, Zhao Shun grinned, and instead of unfolding it on the spot, he took the chair and went around to Fang Ling's left hand side.

This strange behavior caught Fang Ling's attention.

He also turned his head, so he turned his eyes to Zhao Shun again.

Zhao Shun's mouth twitched.

Damn, I still can't see it!

"What are you looking at me for?" Fang Ling saw him staring at him viciously, as if he was on the fence with something.

Zhao Shun looked away instantly, "I didn't look at you, go quickly."

Fang Ling put down his things, walked around to the other side, and took out a small notebook from the big bag where he purchased supplies yesterday.

This small notebook has movable pages, and the paper is not large, which is very suitable for one-off submissions to radio stations.

When Zhao Shun saw Fang Ling walking away, he immediately lost face.

He just wanted to see a mole, why is it so difficult?

At this time, the bell rang for the end of the morning get out of class, and almost at the same time, the music of sports resounded throughout the campus.

Seeing that Fang Ling was about to go to another place, Zhao Shun, who was so anxious, simply put the stool on the ground and went straight forward.

Ding Dayan joked, "Brother Shun, are you so angry today?"

Fang Ling raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw Zhao Shun approaching menacingly, looking directly at him, his eyebrows and eyes were tense, looking fierce.

Fang Ling: "?"

Standing still, Fang Ling planned to see what this man wanted to do.

Walking up to Fang Ling step by step, Zhao Shun was afraid that someone would run away again, so he simply grabbed Fang Ling's right hand.

"Zhao Shun, what are you doing?" Fang Ling was puzzled.

Just finished speaking, the tall boy in front of him stretched out his hand, pressed his palm on his cheek, and turned his cheek to the right.

This time Zhao Shun saw it.

And he could see clearly that there was indeed a small black mole on the side of Fang Ling's left ear.

Exactly the same as the man in the dream!

Zhao Shun felt a little unbelievable, and wiped the little mole with his finger.

Real to touch, real to see.

Zhao Shun murmured: "It's amazing, it's exactly the same..."

Fang Ling, who was about to scold him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a dark light in them.

Ding Dayan came over, looked at this, and then at that, "Brother Shun, what game are you playing with Fang Ling?"

Zhao Shun woke up like a dream, and let go of his hand like a fire, "I'm going to the bathroom, you go on first."

After he finished speaking, he ran away, his back looked like a dog out of the cage.

Ding Dayan scratched his head, "People say that Chun'meng has Wuhen, but when he came to him, the effect was so long-lasting, it didn't feel right all morning."

Fang Ling raised his eyebrows and turned his head, "How do you know he did it last night? What dream?"

Ding Dayan chuckled, "Brother Shun woke up to wash his pants this morning, the whole dormitory knows."

Fang Ling had a deep meaning, "Oh~"

Zhao Shun galloped all the way, and finally found a secluded corner in the teaching building .

Taking out the mobile phone in his pocket, Zhao Shun opened Weibo with a solemn expression.

Undecided to find netizens, he decided to go to the emotional super chat for help again.

[4697381]: I had a colorful dream last night. I dreamed that I called a man to be my wife, and told him that I would hold two weddings!

After waking up from the dream, I found that some characteristics of the man in the dream were exactly the same as a classmate in the class who wrote me a love letter! ! !

Zhao Shun was so excited, followed by a series of exclamation points.

[It's boiled water]: Wow, double arrows, congratulations!

[Is there 0? ]: Today is another day to see other people's beautiful love.

Zhao Shun frowned.

Beautiful love? what the hell.

[4697381]: I don't like that boy.

[Is there 0? ]:? ? ?

[Maomao]: I can't understand this operation, but I was shocked!

[No krypton]: It's you again, I remember you! ! You said before that a classmate was very gentle to you, saying that he seemed to like you, why now someone wrote you a love letter, and the boy who wrote the love letter was still similar to the dream.

The more you look at it, the more false it becomes. Angrily (the dog's head sticks out his tongue)

, Zhao Shun looked at this id and got a little impression that the other party seemed to have left him a message when he posted a blog last time.

[4697381]: It's not fake, it's the same person last time and this time.

[Drama Clown]: ...It is estimated that you are facing him all day long, but you end up thinking about him every day and dreaming at night, and you dream about him. As for the color dream, hey~ The age of the blogger doesn't seem very old, the kind of eighteen or nineteen years old, he especially likes day and night, and the object is not important.

Zhao Shun pursed his lips.

I felt that what the other party said made sense, but after thinking about it, I found it strange.


The order was wrong, obviously he first saw the "wife" in the dream with a small mole on the left ear, and then accidentally saw Fang Ling also had it.

Zhao Shun frowned, for some reason, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the voice of the person in the dream said "Yes" was somewhat similar to Fang Ling.

My mind was in a mess.

Before Zhao Shun could figure it out, Ding Dayan was in the class @他。

[Ding Dayan: Brother Shun, are you OK? The 100-meter preliminaries are about to be checked. ]

Jinghai No. 1 Middle School's school sports meeting does not have an opening ceremony. After all the equipment and referees are in place, the competition can almost start.

[Zhao Shun:. ]

Zhao Shun stuffed the phone into his pocket and ran out from the corner of the corridor.


Class 9 camp.

Zhang Zhiguo held the race schedule, "This morning is all preliminaries, 100 meters for men, 100 meters for women..."

He was muttering, the few hairs on his head were blown by the autumn wind, he should feel chilly, Zhang Zhiguo Touched his head.

"Teacher, I'll put this on for you." Tan Feizhou took a paper crown, adjusted it to a suitable tightness, and boldly placed it on Zhang Zhiguo's head.

Zhang Zhiguo cheerfully straightened the paper crown, "Isn't it majestic?"

Fang Ling next to him said, "Extremely majestic."

As if thinking of something, Zhang Zhiguo asked, "The men's 100-meter preliminaries are about to start. Are you ready for the cheering script?"

Fang Ling nodded, "It's ready."

Zhang Zhiguo looked at the timetable in his hand again, "Your 3,000-meter is tomorrow, so don't worry, Fang Ling, you are staying at the radio station, and you can hand over the manuscript to me at any time. Broadcasting station."

This is a mission for Fang Ling.

Fang Ling nodded in agreement, then took the paper and pen on the table, took Tan Feizhou who followed, and the two went to the broadcasting station together.

In order to make it easier for students to submit manuscripts, the radio station set up a simple platform on the highest stone steps in the playground.

Several tables were put together, and the equipment was placed next to it. The members of the radio station sat around the table in twos and threes, and they were ready to start work.

"Great, I finally saw someone bring a pen and paper." A girl sighed, then smiled at Fang Ling and Tan Feizhou, "Do you want to read the manuscript now?"

 "Yes, but wait a little longer. "Fang Ling is not in a hurry.

His voice is warm and gentle, and people can't help but calm down when they listen to it.

The girl on the radio couldn't help but look at him more.


Zhao Shun went back to the camp first, drank some water to moisten his throat, and was surrounded by his classmates to the inspection office.

"Brother Shun, come on, beat them!!"

"Last year, Brother Shun won the second place, only a little behind the one who misses sports in class 30. This year he transferred away, so Brother Shun will definitely be able to take the second place!" 

Zhao Shun looked around, but didn't see the way His tangled figure.

It was obviously a good thing that the other party didn't hang around in front of him, but Zhao Shun couldn't figure out why, and he seemed to be more upset.

The mood changed from sunny to cloudy.

He looks fierce, with the face of Hades on his back, as if he brought his own cooling ice cubes, cooling down the enthusiastic students around him.

Let alone those in my class, let alone those who lined up for inspection.

Some boys subconsciously tightened their faces, and the muscles that had just warmed up tightened accordingly.

Damn, what kind of devil tactic is this? It seems a bit powerful!

At this time, a lively female voice came from the radio station, "Athletes in Class 7 (Grade 2), you are the wind, you are the electricity, you are the most heroic warriors, come on, win the first place!" 

Ding Dayan looked up Looking around, he quickly found the radio station, and muttered in a low voice: "Oh, what happened to Fang Ling? Someone took the first place."

Zhao Shun keenly caught a certain name, "What did you just say?" ?"

Ding Dayan didn't know why, but under Zhao Shun's unblinking gaze, he finally repeated his words.

Zhao Shun had a weird expression, "So, he was sent to the broadcasting station by the bald chapter?" 

There were many people around the check-in office, including athletes who were about to play, and some gang members who came to cheer.

Zhao Shun was tall and long-legged, with his outstanding height advantage, he easily passed the crowd and pointed at the radio station.

But the recording office was some distance away from the radio station, and Zhao Shun could only see a few figures in blue and white school uniforms walking there.

PE teacher: "Grade 3 (9) class, Zhao Shun."

Zhao Shun came back to his senses, "Yes."

After signing in the past, Zhao Shun got a number 5 red number plate.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is a number plate. It is a piece of cloth with a slightly harder texture. There are small pins at the four corners of the hard cloth, which can be used to pin the number on the school uniform pants.

Broadcasting is back.

Zhao Shun pricked up his ears instantly.

Broadcast: "Jiang Biao, Class 10, Senior Three, every step and run of yours is a legend, go forward bravely, victory belongs to you!"

Zhao Shun lost his face.

Ding Dayan: "Brother Shun is just the preliminaries, let's save some energy, Brother Shun...Brother Shun? What are you looking at?"

Zhao Shun looked back quietly, "It's nothing."

After a pause of two seconds, he finally couldn't help but say, " Didn't Fang Ling go to the broadcasting station? Why is there no manuscript from my class?"

Ding Dayan scratched his head, "Maybe we have to line up, but they haven't got their turn yet."

Zhao Shun: "Go over and have a look "

"Beep--!" The physical education teacher blew the whistle, "The first group of men's 100-meter preliminaries, come with me!"

Ding Dayan was very surprised, "Huh? Go now?"

Zhao Shun: "Go!"

Ding Dayan Dayan saw that his expression was heavy and scary, so he stopped talking immediately.

He exited the accompanying cheerleaders and turned toward the radio station.

After crossing half of the playground, Ding Dayan walked up the high stone steps one after another, and finally came to the radio station.

There are many people in the radio station that don't need to be questioned, and the announcers of all classes gather here.

Some students squatted on the ground, using their knees as a table, frowning to write a manuscript; some squatted on the ground in an awkward posture, using a higher stone step as a table; some......

Some students actually sat on chairs that only members of the radio station could sit on. Others stood or squatted, but he had a stool to sit on. He was even surrounded by a few students with radio station signs on their chests.

Several people were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

And this "other classmate" is none other than Fang Ling who was asked by Zhao Shun earlier.

Ding Dayan: "???"

Ding Dayan was dumbfounded, completely unable to understand what was going on.

"Dayan, why are you here?" Tan Feizhou saw Ding Dayan coming.

Ding Dayan came back to his senses, "Brother Shun has finished the inspection and is about to play, but he still can't hear the manuscript of our class, so he asked me to come over and ask." 

He quietly pointed to Fang Ling not far away, Ding Dayan whispered Ask: "What's the matter with Fang Ling, does he know people from the radio station?"

Tan Feizhou also had a complicated expression on his face, "Don't ask me, I don't know, they just chatted like this. Why didn't I I found out that Fang Xiaoling actually has social arrogance."

Ding Dayan's eyes lit up: "Since we are familiar with each other, wouldn't it be better, hurry up and submit manuscripts! Go to the Internet to find some good manuscripts, what the east wind is blowing war drums." 

Tan Feizhou Waving his hand, "Fang Ling said it's too old-fashioned, it's like this every year, it's been used badly, and it's not innovative at all."

Ding Dayan was anxious, "Then give me one first, I can't have one!"

These words After finishing speaking, the broadcast started again, and it was still the lively girl's voice: "The heroic appearance on the field is outstanding, and the feet are galloping. Zhao Shun cheers and rushes forward. You are the glory of the third (9) class of high school. The glory is because of you. And cast!"

The two who were talking paused.

Tan Feizhou patted Ding Dayan on the shoulder, "Look, this is coming, Fang Xiaoling is very stable, don't worry."

On the playground.Zhao Shun, who was following the teacher to the starting point, had a dark face at first, but when the word "Zhao Shun" came out on the radio, his face immediately glowed.

His manuscript is finally here!

Is there only one? any left? ?

Zhao Shun pricked up his ears to listen.

"The long track is your stage, work hard Jiang Biao, Class 3 (10) will always cheer for you."

Zhao Shun suddenly became unhappy again.

He knew Jiang Biao, and he knew better that this guy had already had two broadcasts.

Why even Jiang Biao has two, but he only has one? ?

"Wen Ze, come here." Zhao Shun waved to Wen Ze not far away.

Wen Ze walked over suspiciously, "What's wrong, brother Shun? Do you want to drink water?"

Zhao Shun: "Lend me your mobile phone."

Wen Ze: "Huh?"

Zhao Shun frowned impatiently, "Hurry up!" !"

"Oh!" Wen Ze took out the phone, unlocked it and handed it to Zhao Shun.

Zhao Shun looked through the address book, and as expected, Wen Ze was Fang Ling's deskmate, and he had Fang Ling's phone number.

Just make a phone call.

The call was quickly connected, "Hello, Wen Ze." 

The male voice over there was very gentle, reminiscent of the wind in the field, or the stream flowing in the mountain stream, and the dryness in his body seemed to follow the voice. was smoothed out.

Zhao Shun froze for a moment, waited for no reply, and then called out again, "It's me." "

Zhao Shun? What's the matter?"

Zhao Shun suddenly lost his previous sharpness, and even gave birth to a child. A little awkward, "Why are there so few manuscripts in our class?"

They said "our class", but among the first batch of athletes to participate, only Zhao Shun was the only one.

The other side smiled lightly, "Don't worry, there will be later."

How could Zhao Shun not be in a hurry, he was about to get on the runway.

A hundred meters is just such a small distance, and it takes only a few seconds to run.

"Give Wen Ze the phone number." Fang Ling over there said.

Zhao Shun's brows were about to tie into a knot, but seeing that the other party was not going to talk to him, so with a dark face, he returned the phone to Wen Ze.

A group of athletes were brought to the starting point, and following the words of the physical education teacher, "Go to the track", they walked to the corresponding positions one after another.

Wen Ze who was next to him said to his mobile phone: "Yes, Brother Shun is on the track, on the fifth track." 

The physical education teacher: "Get ready!"

Zhao Shun's face was stinky, and he couldn't help thinking.

Forget it, this is just the preliminaries, and there will be finals later, and he didn't just report for the 100 meters, and there are still 400 meters left!

After he finished this race, he must teach that lazy guy Fang Ling to work harder!

Just thinking this way, the radio that had been broadcast by the lively girl's voice before suddenly changed people.

This voice is very gentle, with the charm of landscape painting, very pleasant to hear, "The track is full of heroes, and the number of romantic figures has to be counted on the fifth track. Come on, Zhao Shun, the fifth track will win!" 

Zhao Shun's eyes suddenly opened Big, with surprise in his eyes.

And at this moment -

"Boom!" The guns rang.

Game start!

Zhao Shun flew out like an arrow off the string.

Yes, in the eyes of Wen Ze and others who were watching, Zhao Shun pulled out an afterimage, so fast that he could fly.

Compared with the other players next to him, Zhao Shun was like having a few oversized motors with him.

At this time, Zhao Shun's heart was beating fast, as if his heart had turned into a naughty little rabbit, about to jump out of his throat.

He himself didn't know whether it was the adrenaline rush after getting on the track, or because... he suddenly heard Fang Ling's voice coming from the radio.

The cheering and shouting from the people around seemed to be far away, only the segment from the radio just now.

To count romantic figures, you have to look at the fifth way.

He is on the fifth road, so we still have to watch him!

To see him! !

At the moment when he crossed the finish line for the first time, Zhao Shun even felt a little unsatisfied. The distance of the track was too short, and he ran it all at once.

He still hasn't exerted all his energy.

"No. 1! Brother Shun is amazing!"

There were classmates at the starting point, and there were classmates in the same class at the end.

Squad leader Weng Ruo led a group of little sisters, vigorously shaking the small props used for applause in their hands, shaking the little gadgets to crackle.

There were only a dozen of them, but they forced them to create a posture of hundreds of people applauding.

Zhang Zhiguo is also waiting at the finish line.

Seeing Zhao Shun sprinting, he walked over and took off the paper crown that was originally worn on his head, put it on Zhao Shun's head, and patted his shoulder, "Good boy, well done!" Everyone was overjoyed


"It's amazing, I got rid of several of them, today Brother Shun is blown away!" "

Brother Shun's form is off the charts today, keep it up, the final will definitely win the first place!" "

Come on, boss, drink up Water!"

Zhao Shun took a bottle of water casually, twisted it open and took a sip.

He ran too fast just now, and his hairstyle was all messed up, but now the black hair on his forehead is casually resting on the brow bone, showing a bit of rebelliousness.

Holding the water bottle, Zhao Shun looked at the radio station in the distance.

Jiang Biao and Zhao Shun ran in the same group. Compared with Zhao Shun who won the first place immediately, he only took the fourth place in the group.

This result has a high probability of not making it to the finals.

Ji Qingping handed Jiang Biao some water, and comforted him a few more words, but when he turned his head, he saw Zhao Shun staring straight at the radio station, with a light in his eyes that he didn't know about.

Ji Qingping paused.

At the end of the competition, there is a clear distinction between classes, and it is not easy for him to go directly...

"Brother Shun, where are you going? Aren't you going back to the base camp to rest?"

Zhao Shun waved his hand, "I'm going to find Ding Dayan, I have something to talk to him Say."

"Yan, I saw that he seemed to be going to the radio station, why don't you go over there and have a look."

Zhao Shun curled his lips silently.

I don't know, it's up to you to say?

Weng Ruo looked at Zhao Shun's back, his eyes stayed on the paper crown on his head for two seconds, and then rolled his eyes, "Yesterday I said that I was childish in suggesting to buy a paper crown, and now I'm wearing it and I don't want to take it off. "

The little sister next to him: "Hey, this is called a boy's mouth, a deceiving ghost~"

Wearing a paper crown on his head, Zhao Shun walked out with a manly pace.

The turnaround rate on this journey was quite high, and it attracted a lot of attention. Ordinary people would not be embarrassed if they said it, but Zhao Shun didn't care about it at all.

Let him see, anyway, there will be no loss of meat.

The finish line is relatively close to the broadcasting station, and you don't even need to go through the huge playground.

When stepping on the first stone steps, Zhao Shun recalled the words of encouragement uttered by Fang Ling himself, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, but quickly pulled it down again.

From this point of view, Fang Ling really likes him, and look, this is all in person. Hey~ If you refuse to confess, how can you say it decently...

In the midst of thoughts, the radio sounded again at this time, it was still that warm and comfortable voice.

"There will be bright glory rising from your leap. Geng Lin, you are a hero on the field, and all the students in Class 9 of Senior Three are proud of you! Come on, Geng Lin!" 

Zhao Shun: "??? "

Zhao Shun pupil earthquake.

The cognition in my heart that "he must like me, because he personally went to the battle to cheer for me", cracked a big crack with a "bang".

Zhao Shun's expression changed for a while, and then he looked like a ball that had been pierced, and also like a rooster that had been defeated in a fight, and he could no longer be arrogant.

Going up the stairs step by step, Zhao Shunren was discovered by Ding Dayan before he could get close enough.

Ding Dayan went over, "Brother Shun, why are you here?" 

Zhao Shun glared at him, "Can't I come ?" 

In the place where several tables were put together, a straight figure was sitting. Many people sit on chairs without backrests, and subconsciously relax their spines, but his shoulders are straight, with an elegant look that no one else has. 

"Senior, you are really amazing, you even know this kind of thing." "That's up to you, otherwise why would you be our senior~" Students with signs on their chests surrounded Fang Ling, chattering beside him. 

A boy took out his mobile phone, "Senior, please add your contact information, we will come out to play together when you have time." Zhao Shun saw Fang Ling take out his mobile phone with a smile, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of the kind of gentleness he was very familiar with. 

Zhao Shun's eyelids jumped wildly. "Fang Ling!" He couldn't help shouting.

Fang Ling turned his head when he saw Zhao Shun, and was taken aback when he saw Zhao Shun, then smiled, "Congratulations, you won the first place in the group and advanced to the final." 

Suddenly Zhao Shun was not so depressed, he coughed lightly, "You have seen it all "

Fang Ling nodded with a smile, "Yes, you run very fast, just now Lao Tan said that you are fast like a bolt of lightning."

Zhao Shun stared at the smile on his lips, not sure if it was an illusion or something, I feel that this smile is no different from the one just now.

As it was for them, so it was for him!

There seemed to be a "crack" in my ear, and the big "he must like me" sign, the gap that was originally cracked widened.

"..." Zhao Shun suddenly became uncertain.

Is it really like what the netizen said before, this is an illusion of life?

"Senior, is this your classmate?" A girl asked.

Zhao Shun recognized the voice immediately, it was the lively female voice that broadcast the radio before.

I thought it was nothing before, but now I feel a little annoying when I listen to it.

Fang Ling: "Yes, my classmate."

Seeing what she wanted to say, Zhao Shun took a few steps, walked over and pulled Fang Ling up from the stool, "I have something to say, come here to talk."

Fang Ling followed He walks with strength.

The two of them went all the way to the corner without going down the stone steps.

The hustle and bustle was in the distance, Fang Ling looked down at the opponent's big palm holding his wrist, Zhao Shun himself had great firepower, and now he had just finished running the 100 meters, his whole body was as hot as a big heater.

At the end of this slightly cool autumn, the warm stickers are very comfortable on the hands.

Fang Ling raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

 Next, when Zhao Shun turned around, he disappeared again.

Fang Ling asked him, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Shun looked away, not looking at him, "Just...you've been at the radio station, it's too troublesome to send messages to you, please add my WeChat, At that time, I will tell you directly on WeChat."

Zhao Shun may not have noticed that his voice was a little tense at the end of the sentence, like a straightened wire.

Fang Ling suddenly realized, as if he didn't hear anything strange, "Well, it's really because you are more thoughtful."

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the group of seven people who checked out after dinner last night.

Zhao Shun hurriedly said, "The one with the basketball profile picture is me!"

Fang Ling lowered his eyes and looked at the phone, "I know, you initiated the collection last night."

Zhao Shun's eyes flickered with annoyance, and he closed the mic and did not speak.

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