"The Best Mixed Tag Team Part...

By t_lane5

56.5K 602 68

After a long year of training non stop, Vince McMahon wants you to be a part of Monday Night Raw. You have wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 23

800 10 1
By t_lane5

"Mark?" My voice jittered.

"Oh y/n. I finally found you."

"Get away from me." I said as calmly as possible.

"You scared little girl?"

"No. Let me go." I was actually scared shitless.

"Come back home y/n. We could have fun."

"Absolutely not."

"You know what happens when I'm mad."

"Its been 12 years Mark and you still haven't changed?"

"Some things never change baby."

"Don't call me that. Get the hell away from me."

"Your making me mad y/n."

"I said get the hell away from me!" I screamed. He shoved his hand in front of my mouth, making my head slam against the brick building. I groan in pain as I look at him. He grasped my arm tightly and dragged me with him.

"Please let me go your hurting me!" I yelled. He gripped harder due to the fact I yelled.

Roman POV

"Y/n doesn't take this long in the bathroom usually." I said to her friends Allie and Hadley.

"She might be on her period Roman." Allie said.

"I've been there when she has been on her period multiple times. She never takes this long."

"Yeah I'm starting to get a little worried." Hadley said.

I was too. I had a really strong feeling that something has happened. "We need to go check on her." I said.

"Lets go, come on Allie." Hadley said. She agreed as we started jogging towards the building the y/n went in. We went inside and searched for her but she wasn't there. Shit.

"Lets check outside." I said. We went outside and searched around the building. We couldn't find her anywhere. I felt myself step on something and I looked down. No. It was y/n necklace she was wearing.

"Guys her necklace was on the ground!" I yelled. Hadley and Allie ran over to me.

"That is her necklace. Oh god." Allie said. I looked around and saw a old black car driving past the building. I looked at it suspiciously and saw a woman figure in the back seat. She leaned against the car window. Her eyes looked up as the sun shone through the window.

"Guys! Y/n is in that car!" I yelled pointing at it. She slammed her hand on the window and cried out. The car drove faster away after that.

"Oh my god, that was Mark!" Hadley screamed. My eyes widened and my blood boiled. We ran home and hopped in my car. The car passed the neighborhood and we quickly followed it. We stayed farther behind so we didn't get caught. The car drove about 20 minutes away from Steve's house. Allie texted Steve about what happened and where we were going. He said he was going to meet us.

After 25 minutes of driving, the car parked by this old rusty house.

"Stay in the car." I told Allie and Hadley. They nodded. I watched the drivers door open as a large man with dirty blonde hair climbed out of the car.

"Thats him." Allie whispered.

I kept watching as he reached into the back seat and pulled out a woman, who was y/n. He covered her mouth so she couldn't yell and she was grabbing her arm in pain.

"Lets wait till they are inside." I said. Allie looked at me.

"You really love her, do you?" She said quietly.

"Yes I love her with all my heart. She is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. If Mark hurts her he won't be alive for much longer."

"Wow, scary." Hadley said.

"Okay i'm going to go, you guys stay here."

They didn't fight about it and stayed in the car while I quietly headed out and towards the door.


Mark pulled me into the house and slammed me against the wall, causing me to fall to my knees. Tears flowed down my face as he came over to me. He knelt down and looked at me. He took his hand and ran it against my cheek.

"You know, I still remember that night very clearly. The night I made you a true woman."

"Shut the fuck up. I already have a man that can make me unload more than you!"

Mark slapped me and I groaned in pain. He took his hand and lifted my chin up. I refused to look him in the eyes.

"Look at me." He said.


"I said look at me."

"And I said NO!"

He slapped my face and pushed me to the ground. I squirmed around, trying everything I could to get out. I took my hand and started weakly punching him. He took my wrist and slammed it to the wall violently. I heard a big snap in my wrist as I screamed in pain.

"Shut the fuck up slut!" He told me. He hovered over me and got a hold of my jacket. At this point I was useless. The back of my head hurt, my wrist is probably broken, my face was bruised up, and if I make one wrong move, I could be knocked unconscious.

"Please stop!" I begged. He laughed and removed my sweater, revealing me in a tight tank top. I kicked my legs and desperately tried to escape his grasp but he wouldn't budge. He started laughing historically. I swear I thought I heard commotion behind him but it was too dark and I couldn't see. Just as he was about to unbuckle my jean shorts, I heard Mark yell as he rolled off me. The sound of punches filled the room as I desperately searched the wall for a light. I heard a huge bang and the wall shook. I found a light switch and barely pulled myself to my feet and flipped it.

I saw Roman in the corner beating up Mark. He took his head and slammed it against the wall. He punched his face constantly as I fell to the ground with relief, holding my wrist. It was severely swollen and purple. My lip was busted open as well.

"You get your filthy hands off my girlfriend you understand whore!" Roman yelled at him. He turned around and saw me hovered in the corner beat up.

"Oh my god." He mumbled as he ran over to me. He knelt down and looked at me.

"Are you okay? Did he do anything?" Roman said. I shook my head while tears fell down my face.

"We need to get you to the hospital."

I nodded as he very gently took my hand off my wrist. He looked at my wrist.

"Oh my god."

I groaned in pain as Roman gently lifted me up bridal style.

"I know baby. Its going to hurt. But you are strong. We are getting you help." He said. I nodded my head as he exited the house.

Allie POV

"I'm scared Hadley, he has been in there for 10 minutes already." I said. Hadley hugged me.

"Roman is a professional wrestler. He is strong. Theres no doubt that he will be okay."

I nodded and stared at the house. About 5 minutes later. A dark figure came out carrying a woman. Once they came closer to the car, the headlights revealed Roman holding y/n who was completely beat up.

"Oh my god!" I cried at the sight of y/n. Hadley quickly took out her phone and texted Steve to actually meet them at the hospital. Roman came around to the passenger side and opened the door.

Roman POV

I opened the passenger door and Hadley reclined the seat and I set y/n down. She groaned in pain.

"I know baby, we are going to get you help." I said. I closed the door and got into the drivers seat.

"Oh my god y/n are you okay? What happened?" Allie questioned.

"M-my wr-rist." She cried in pain. I turned around and shook my head at Allie, silently telling her "don't talk to her right now." She nodded and rubbed y/n's shoulder until we made it to the hospital. I grabbed y/n gently and brought her inside.

"We need help over here!" I yelled. A doctor quickly came over to me.

"What happened Mr?" She asked.

"Her dad beat her up and she has a possible broken wrist. I found her in time and brought her here. She is helpless!" I said. The doctor called for a stretcher as the grabbed one quickly and rolled it over.

"Do you know any personal information?" The doctor asked me.

"She is a 27 year old woman and she is a professional wrestler. I work with her and I'm her boyfriend." I said.

"We have a 27 year old woman with multiple injuries possibly a major broken wrist." The doctor said to some other doctors. The stretcher rolled over to me and I placed her down. She groaned in pain, not letting go of her wrist. The doctors rolled her away and kept me, Allie, and Hadley behind. I didn't argue with the doctors but I think I should have been able to see her. I lowered my head with frustration and anger. I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath. I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Allie.

"She is going to be okay Roman." She said. I took a deep breath.

"I know, it just makes me so angry that Mark did that. And I want to see her." I said.

"I know Roman. But we have to let the doctors do their job." Hadley said. I nodded and placed my face in my hands.

About 10 minutes later, Steve came in and went up to me.

"Wheres y/n? Is she okay?" he asked.

"She should be okay. She is getting help by the doctors right know. They will let us know when we can see her." I said. Steve sat down by me.

"Did you find her?" He asked.

"Yeah. I followed Mark's car. It was completely dark but I could hear y/n begging for her life. I started beating up Mark and y/n turned on the light and when I looked at her-" My voice cracked out. My eyes were starting to water. I never cry in public, but right now, I just wanted to cry. Which doesn't sound manly at all.

"What did she look like?" Steve asked.

"Her face was full of horrendous bruises and her lip was busted open. Bruises all over her arms and her wrist was so swollen and purple."

Steve took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Thank you so much Roman. You saved her life."

"Your welcome. I would never let anyone touch her or hurt her. I love her so much Steve." I said.

"I know you do. I'm glad she has you. She has never been this happy since Mark and Keiler."

I let out a little smile. I loved knowing that I make her happy. I looked up and saw a nurse walking over to me.

"Are you Joseph Anoa'i?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Mrs l/n wishes to see you and her friends she said were named Allison and Hadley?"

"thats us." Allie said. We got up and the nurse signaled us to follow her. She led us down a long hallway, then stopped at the door.

"Here you are." She said. I nodded a little and opened the door. Y/n was sitting on the bed. Her arm was wrapped up and in a sling. Her arm was bandaged up and her faced was cleaned up. She looked up slowly and looked at me. Her eyes sparkled.

Y/n POV:

I told the doctor to let Roman, Allie, and Hadley to come in here. They came about 5 minutes later, along with my uncle. I smiled as I saw them come in. Roman had a pure look of pain on his face.

"oh my baby are you okay?" he asked while coming over to the side of my bed.

"Couldn't be better." I said sarcastically. He chuckled a little as I saw my uncle come over.

"You are very lucky to have Roman. He's a great guy." Uncle Steve said. I smiled and looked at Roman.

"Its not luck. Its fate." I said. Allie and Hadley 'aww'ed as I gave Roman a little kiss on his forehead.

"How are you feeling hon?" Allie said walking over.

"Like shit." I responded.

"We left Mark's beat up ass in the house if you don't remember." Hadley said. I chuckled.

"Great." I smiled.

About 10 minutes later, two police officers came into the hospital room. Oh no. Was Roman in trouble?

"May we privately speak to y/n l/n and Joseph Anoa'i?" One of the officers said. I nodded as Allie, Hadley, and my uncle left the room.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I want to ask some questions." The officer said.

"Okay." I said.

"Mrs l/n, who is Mr Anoa'i to you?"

"He is my boyfriend, we have been dating for almost a year." I said. The other officer took some notes.

"Do you have any relationship to this man that took you?"

"Yes, he is my father."

"May you explain what he did."

"Well I was going to the bathroom and when I walked out he took me and pushed me up against the building and he said he was going to take me. He started hurting me if I yelled or screamed. He dragged me to his car and I saw Roman, Allie, and Hadley standing there looking around. I tried waving to get their attention but it didn't work. I saw Roman turn his head over and I pounded on the car window screaming and Mark drove off super fast after that. He brought me to this old rusty house and started beating me up. I begged him to stop but he didn't. He almost took off my clothes when I heard punching and banging. I found the light switch and turned on the light and I saw Roman. Please don't get him in trouble. He was protecting me." I said. The officer took more notes.

"Mr Anoa'i is not in trouble ma'am."

I sighed with relief as the officers asked Roman some questions. He answered them all honestly. They thanked us for our time and headed out to ask Allie and Hadley some questions.


Its been 2 days since I have been sent to the hospital and I have returned home. Me and Roman had to leave later today to go to Houston for Monday Night Raw. Of course, I had to take 3 weeks off because of my broken wrist.

"Promise you'll come to an event?" I asked Hadley and Allie.

"Yes we will buy tickets for the Elimination Chamber pay-per view coming up." Hadley said.

"Yay! I will be competing in it as far as I know."

I gave Hadley and Allie my last hugs before they left. Uncle Steve came downstairs along with Kenzy. They both came over to me and hugged me.

"Please stay safe sis." Kenzy said.

"I will."

My uncle looks over at Roman. "Please take care of her Roman."

"Of course." He said. Kenzy gave Roman and me a hug. Uncle Steve then gave me a hug and shook Romans hand. We grabbed our suitcases and headed off to Houston...

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