If Only(Kakashi X Oc)

By Cal_ci_fer

19.4K 757 209

It's your typical isekai/time travel fix-it. It's my first story so don't expect it to be great. The story i... More

Wakes up in another world
I love clones!
Chakra Points
New Year
Birthday Party
Level Up
Clone Summary
Yellow Flash
Kannabi Bridge
Cleaning Up
Pictures p1
Pictures p2
Summoning World
Uchiha Massacre
Danzo's end
Bell test
Gato Company
Chunin Exam
Edo Tensei


279 10 3
By Cal_ci_fer

6 months later ~ 6th April year 14

3rd POV

The village had recovered from that incident. There were at least 200 deaths both shinobis and villagers among them was the 3rd Hokage and Iruka. Minato organised a big funeral and only the clan elders knew that the fox was sealed inside Naruto and him. The village was slowly being reconstructed and Danzo tried to spread rumors about the fox but Minato had a 'talk' with him and he stopped.

Speaking of the fox, Minato met him in the mindscape and Kurama explained how he didn't plan on attacking the village and that he was controlled by the sharingan and the assailant was most likely Madara Uchiha.

Kushina was now better albeit a bit weaker since she no longer had Kurama but her anger punched still hurts like hell. She visits Sora with baby Naruto nearly everyday. She felt really guilty and so did Minato. The 3 Anbus who knew about Sora's situation were kept in her hospital room on guard duty.

Sora POV

Eh~.... Nope I'm not going to open my eyes this time. What if I see one more indecent scene! My poor pure eyes T_T

I sensed around and it looks like only an Anbu was here.

"Yamato, what's up!"

I think I surprised him caused he jumped out of his skin.

"Ōkami. You're awake! We thought you wouldn't-"

"Yeah yeah that's what they all say~"

"So what happened while I was in coma? How's the Hokage? I hope he didn't make you suffer for the order." I knew how bad Minato could hold a grudge sometimes.

"... The Hokage is currently sleeping. He comes here every morning before going to work. Well he didn't make us suffer per se~ but we were put to guard you and had to complete a bunch of D-missions and had to spar against him. More like he beat us up.", he muttered the last part.


"Should I summon the Hokage?"

"No you told me he will come in morning right.. Let's just wait for him. I'll prank him a bit."

He told me a bit about what happened around the village until I felt Minato's chakra close. I hid my chakra and told Yamato to go away. Minato entered and I felt him holding my hand.

Minato POV

"When will you wake up Sora-chan... ", he said sighing.

"Mi... Na... To...?"

Sora POV

I bit my tongue to act as though I was throwing up blood.

"Sora!!! You're awake!!"

"Wait Minato! Don't go!!"

"I don't have much time" I coughed more blood for the effect. Damn I really gotta thank the system for this acting skill.

"I only have a few minutes before the shinigami comes to take me away permanently."

"What! But Sora-"

"As my last wish I-", More blood.

"I hope to see... You and Kushina... make out...one last time...as I caught you the first time..", I add a bit of tears with that last one.


I couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing.

"You... You should have seen your face.. XD This was priceless! You really looked like you were about to do it."


"What! I didn't-",he hugged me and I felt my shoulder becoming wet.

"Welcome back, Sora"

"Hai!, I'm back."

We talked for about 15 minutes before the door burst open and everyone was inside hugging me. I felt quite moved and embarrassed to know they cared about me that much.

"Yeah guys I'm fine~ I told you I'm not gonna leave you this easily", I winked or at least try to. My eyes were still burning.

I moved my body to adjust my position and I winced a bit. It was this stupid cut that pumpkin bastard had left. I looked up again and Kushina was down on her knees while Minato held Naruto and he looked like he too was about to kneel.

"Wo! Wo! Wo! What's wrong with you 2! Why are you kneeling Kushina-san? Please get up." Could this get any more embarrassing.

(A/N: Kushina
right - Minato
left - Sora)

"I'm sorry Sora-chan. If I hadn't done that. If I had been more strong."

"Wait! I don't get-"

"Me too Sora-chan. If I had been faster!"

Now it's going too far even Minato was kneeling while Shikaku held Naruto. They were muttering some apologies.

"No wait wait! Let's all get up and then we'll talk."

"If I had been a better Hokage you wouldn't have lost your arm."

Oh~ right I did lost it. I hadn't felt it that much. I think it's because the anesthesia. Well I wasn't that worried about it. I knew there was an item in the system shop that could grow body part. But that's not why I'm planning on ever losing a limb again! Do you even know the amount of pain I felt! I would have fainted voluntarily had it not been for the adrenaline.

"I tried to put a prosthetic arm but everytime I placed one it was like it burnt. I'm really sorry Sora. I tried everything I knew. If I had the blade that he used to cut your arm... It was most likely coated with something. The gash on your side is also healing very slowly compared to your other wounds. It's not as bad as at the start but I am against you doing anything rough until it's healed."

"No it's fine Tsunade-san I'm grateful that you tried and understood nothing rough.", I smiled nodding.

Having heard that the 2 on their knees were apologizing even more. I got out of my bed and was about to fall had Jiraiya not held me.

"Hey!! Be careful Kid! We can't have you gain any more injuries!"

"Right, yeah thanks saint-nin : ) "

I tried to stand by myself with Jiraiya close behind. It seems my center of gravity has completely changed with me losing my arm. Ugh!! This will be a pain to train!!

I slowly walked towards the 2 of them and kneeled down to their eye view.

"Come on Kushina-chan get up, I promised we would raise Naruto together. I couldn't possibly allow you to die when I could have saved you." She teared up a bit and hugged me while mumbling sorries.

Then I went in front of Minato.

"Come on Hokage-sama stand up we can't have the Hokage kneeling in front of a mere ninja. And you couldn't have come any quicker since I had already ordered the Anbus to restrain you. Btw I would appreciate it if you could alleviate their punishment."

He stood up. I held his hand and brought him near Kushina and Naruto.

"I couldn't have allowed Naruto to grow up without knowing his parents. I know how bad it feels. I knew I could save you so I did so. And don't worry about my hand. I'm strong! This is merely an unexpected inconvenience. I'll be back on my 2 feet in no time.

I looked at Naruto.

"My Kushina~ your genes did not win at all. This looks like a little Minato."

We all laughed and had some small conversation.

"Since you're injured, I would like to invite you to join the Nara clan. Your intelligence would be a great help."

"Uhmm I appreciate it. Really Shikaku-san but... " I looked at Minato.

"I would like if I could remain in the Anbu."

"I'm sorry Sora-chan but-"

"Please it's a request of mine! I will send Miku undercover while I trained my skills again. Please Minato-san.", I would be the one to kneel down now if he doesn't agree.

"Ma~~ I don't see why you don't agree Minato~ you know Sora is always out there accomplishing miracles. What do you know maybe she'll be able to heal her arm.", Shikaku looked at me with a knowing smile. Minato still hesitated but agreed after being pressured by everyone.

They all left for their works leaving only Kushina and little Naruto here.

Naruto was really cute~ he didn't cry that often. Me and Kushina discussed a bit about him and the other babies. Now every character was born.

Later that night

I told everyone to go home that I'll be fine. Around 1 a.m I went outside on the island.

"Wow it's been so long since I last came here." The island was pretty much the same since the clones took care of it. I changed my clothes, while Tai and others reported what happened while I was out. Miku lost trace of pumpkin face; seems like he hid in his Kamui dimension.

I sat by the lake and sighed. Things have really changed uh~ I don't know if the plot will still be same with Minato and Kushina being alive. And the fake Obito. He can't be an Uchiha; I knew all the Uchihas in the village since many clones monitored each of them. Unless he was hiding somewhere and Zetsu recruited him. *sigh* But then again he was far too obsessed with me. It was like I was his whole goal and the Kyubi was just a distraction.

Ugh! This stupid arm. It really hurts. I acted as though I was fine when everybody was there but seriously it felt like thousands of needle were moving inside each time I moved. If not for my Endurance having increased exponentially I would have been stuck on a bed.

After organising my thoughts and memories, I stood up.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

In front of me 3 Ravens appeared. They looked bigger than any other ravens I had ever seen.


They did a small introduction. I already knew about their power. I think it's instinctual... Or maybe the system just helped me.

"Right I have to name you. I know names are important here~ uhm do you have any name you would like?"

"Whatever name you choose will please us master.", Looks like the black one was the leader; one was completely black, the other was white with some black spots and the third was black with some while spots.

"Ok your names will be: Cylla, Fei, Runa and your last name will be Suguru same as me. We're now a family : ) " (A/N: Names in the same order as above)

"Understood Master!"

Once they said that, my back started to burn. Like someone was marking me with a hot metal. I could feel it till my bones. After 30 minutes or so, I checked my reflection in the lake and it looks like I got a new tattoo in the middle of my back.

Cylla told me that with the tattoo, I didn't need to perform the summoning jutsu and just needed to call out their name while directing a bit of chakra there. I also could easily enter the summoning world through it.

We talked a bit and I tried their different powers. They could control all ravens and crows. Sorry Itachi~~ I tried the dispersing into birds like Itachi and by morning I could do it. YAY ME!!

I looked at the time and it was already 8 a.m Damn I have to go. What better way than using the new method I just practice.

Once I appeared with my ravens, Tsunade nearly killed me again. She nagged about how irresponsible it was to disappear when I just woke up and how I shouldn't use jutsus right now and so on.

Then Kushina came and I heard another nagging. I think my ears would start to bleed had their husband/boyfriend not come to take them away.

"So you have a summon now kid."

"Yup~ Ravens", I replied with a smug expression.

"Uh? Ravens not crows?", asked Jiraiya intrigued.

"Yeah" I summoned Cylla to show him.

"Uh~ yeah that's not a crow but it could definitely appear like one.", Not a second later, Cylla bit him. I giggled at them.

"They don't like to be called crows. They say they are a superior species than them XD"

"... Right. Well rest for now. See you later."

2 months later ~ 5th June year 14

I was forced to stay with the Namikaze's after Tsunade released me from the hospital. I trained everyday now and no longer falls just because I'm walking. The gash was nearly healed though my armless shoulder still hurts like hell.

All my other skills were totally reduced with me losing my arm. I understand why some shinobis would rather die than live with a missing limb. Had I not have the guaranteed that my arm could grow back I too would have fallen down the dark abyss of depression. Anyways, my skills are now worse than when I had first started training; my only good point now was my endurance which was stupidly high so I could trained for a longer time. Though, every night my shoulder hurts like hell and I have to go to the island just in case I were to scream in my sleep. It was a bit like when I had first started training back at the orphanage with me leaving at 1 a.m and coming back by 6.

My ninjutsus were just not it. If I had to defend myself, I could only rely on traps, seals, genjutsu and a little taijutsu and weapons. Minato and Shikaku had told me about some ninjas who could used single handed jutsus but I still have no idea how. I looked through the system shop and there was a book on it and a pill to regrow limbs. But the price. This FREAKING PRICE!!! THEY COST 60,000 points and 100,000 points respectively. THAT MEANS THAT I NEEDED 4 MILLIONS YEN. 4 FUCKING MILLIONS YEN. MY WHOLE ANBU SALARY PER YEAR WAS ABOUT 100,000 YEN! THAT MEANS I HAD TO WORK FOR ABOUT 40 YEARS IF I WANTED TO HAVE AN ARM BACK! FUCKING SYSTEM!!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I'LL BE ALIVE IN 40 YEARS T_T

Right now I'm baby-sitting Naruto while Minato and Kushina went on a date. It's been so long since they had a relaxing time.

Two hours earlier

"Go on Kushina. I'll take care of Naruto. He no longer cries when he's alone with me. He'll be just fine!"

"And wear something sexy!!!"

Minato's Office

right - Minato

"Yo! Flash-san! I need your help. Tell a clone to do the work while you come with me."

"Uh? What's up Sora-chan?"

"Just come with me~"

I took him to a tailor shop and made him wear a suit... That I bought using his money. I am in a situation where every cent count now. Then we went to a gift shop and bought some flowers.

"Umm... Sora-chan? For whom is all of that?"

"For your date."


"Ok come on. Go to the place where Jiraya had his first date. I'm sure you remember where. If you don't just follow this white raven."

I rang the bell to his house. Well more like my blood clone did before flickering away.

T_T I could only used the clones I had already created before losing my arm. Miku was now acting like the Anbu vice-captain. Tortoise was aware of my predicament so he was mainly in charge of training, paperworks and only did guard or spying jobs. I can't afford to lose any clone.

Kushina opened the door and I stood next to her, holding little Naruto who looked at his parents weirdly.

"Uh... Kushina-chan!"

"You look uh... You look"

"She looks beautiful I know she's my wife afterall! Ok kids better get going and you!"

I stared at Minato with my most threatening, piercing gaze while rotating my sharingan.

"You better bring her by 11 p.m!"

Naruto touched my face, while mumbling something in his babyish voice.

"Well~ since Naruto says so, I'll allow you till midnight. But not a minute later! Understood!!"

"Uh? What?"

Kushina was just chuckling by his side and walked away, with a still confused Minato.

"DON'T FORGET TO USE PROTECTION!! WE CAN'T AFFORD A SECOND NARUTO!", I shouted when they were a bit far.

They looked embarrassed as hell with my senses increasing because of the ravens I could see and hear up to 10 meters.

I observed them through Yuki's eyes until they reached the hill. At least they're not as awkward as Jiraiya and Tsunade.

I had been planning this since morning. So at 1 a.m when I was out I told Tai, Yuki and Yui to decorate the place while Kai and me cooked some food. And let me tell you I miss my clones!!! Life is so much harder without them T_T it's my goal right now to be able to do at least a shadow clone T_T just that one jutsu at least T_T I need them!!!

Anyway~ the place looked like that right now with Kushina and Minato wearing that:

Around midnight ~ Minato POV

I definitely have to repay Sora for today cause it was a fantastic night. We needed that.

We returned home and saw Sora asleep on the couch with a sleeping Naruto on her.

Me and Kushina shared a glanced and chuckled at them. In those moments Sora really looked like a kid.

"I'll take Naruto to his room while you wake Sora.", Kushina slowly took Naruto away without waking him up.

"Sora. Hey.. Wake up... "

"Sora~~" I shook her a bit and she woke up wincing while holding her cut shoulder. She looked annoyed and in pained. Once she saw me she quickly changed her expression.

"Oh! You're back! What time is it..."

She looked at her wrist as though there was a watch.

"Midnight! I knew you were a gentleman. It seems you 2 really~ enjoyed yourselves."

She pointed to her neck and I realized I had a hickey.

"yeah, yeah thank you~", I said embarrassed.

I observed her and it looks like she was trying her best to not move at all. "Sora-"

She flickered away before I could question her. At least she could use that jutsu. *eye roll*

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