Alleviate(TWD fan fiction)

By Lizzie_stargirl

7.9K 1.1K 183

"Their were bad people before this started. The world now just makes it easier to get away with it" Ava Reid... More

About Alleviate
Act 1
Chapter 1: The End of the World
Chapter 2: Bites kill?
Chapter 3: Happy Birthday
Chapter 4: Learn
Chapter 5: What happened and why?
Chapter 6: Time to leave
Chapter 7: On the road
Chapter 8: Home for now
Chapter 9: Attacked
Chapter 10: Where do we go from here?
Chapter 11: Monster within
Chapter 12: Guts
Chapter 13: Alone
Act 2
Chapter 14: How many Walkers have you killed?
Chapter 15: Welcome to Alexandria
Chapter 16: A normal life?
Chapter 17: Unraveled
Act 3
Chapter 18: JSS
Chapter 19: No way out
Chapter 20: The Next World
Chapter 21: The Same Boat
Chapter 22: After
Chapter 23: Last day on earth
Act 4
Chapter 24: The day will come when you won't be
Chapter 25: Service
Chapter 26: Go Getters
Chapter 27: Rock in the road
Chapter 28: Alleviate
Chapter 28: Something they need
Chapter 29: The first day of the rest of your lives
Act 5
Chapter 30: Surprise
Chapter 31: Complications (And poll decision)
Chapter 32: Miserable
Chapter 33: Senseless
Chapter 34: Lost soul
Chapter 35: I don't need a babysitter
Chapter 36: Returning
Act 6
Chapter 37: A new beginning
Chapter 38: The bridge
Act 7
Chapter 39: Adjustment
Chapter 40: The Whisperers
Chapter 41: The Calm Before
Chapter 42: The Calm Before(Part 2)
Chapter 43: The Storm
Act 8
Chapter 44: Lines we cross
Chapter 45: Silence The Whisperers
Chapter 46: Solicitude
Chapter 48: Morning Star
Chapter 49: Walk with Us
Chapter 50: The Tower
Chapter 51: A Certain Doom
Chapter 52: Home Sweet Home
Act 9
Chapter 53: Acheron Part 1
Chapter 54: Acheron Part 2
Chapter 55: Hunted

Chapter 47: Squeeze

44 17 2
By Lizzie_stargirl

Chapter 47 | Squeeze

Episode 10x9(Squeeze)

"I'm sorry for putting you in that position the other day, you don't owe me."-Magna


-We all look around with our flashlights to see if there's another way out of here.

-"Uh hey guys." Jerry says and points up to where we fell from with his flashlight.

-We look at Alpha staring down at us.

-Carol screams at her out of frustration.


-Magna tries climbing up from where we fell but it's no use and she falls down.

-"I almost had it." Magna says.

-"Nah it's too high you'll risk breaking your neck. We need to find a better way." Daryl says.

-Daryl looks around with his flashlight and notices something.

-"You got something." I ask, hoping that we can get out of this cave as fast as possible.

-"Groundwaters deep in here it's coming from outside." Daryl says.

-"I don't see a way across." Carol says.

-"Whoa go back, go back." Aaron says.

-Carol moves her flashlight revealing some rocks in between the walkers.

-"We could use those to jump across." Aaron says.

-"Wait for real?" Kelly says.

-"One wrong slip on those rocks and it's over." I say, fucking whisperers putting us in this situation.

-"You ready? Let's go." Daryl says to all of us then jumps on the first rock. Carol follows after and so does Magna.

-I jump on the first rock after Magna gets off of it. It's times like these that I really am glad I did Track and field for 2 years while in school. Jumping the hurdles was something I was actually good at.

-Kelly jumps on the rocks but trips causing her to fall down. She manages to get the walkers to let go of her. We all make it across safely. A walker grabs Kelly's ankle and Jerry cuts the walker's arm off.

-"Hey. Hand me that thing." Daryl says about the walker arm.

-"Knock yourself out dude." Jerry says and hands Daryl the walker's arm.

-Daryl lights the arm on fire using the arm as a torch.

-"I need you to stay here and keep everyone together." Daryl says to Connie.

-"How are we doing on food." Aaron says.

-"Not great." Jerry says.

-"Food? How long you think we're gonna be here." Kelly says worried.

-"Hey, no worries. Walkers got here somehow. We'll get out." Jerry says.

-"I think we know exactly how they got here." Aaron says.

-"This is where Alphas herd. It's not at the national forest like you were told. So who you were talking to was lying." I say to Aaron.

-"We don't know that she was lying." Aaron says.

-"It seems like it. We have to assume we're not alone." I say.

-Connie asks if Carols ok.

-"I'm fine, just a little winded." Carol says.

-"She's claustrophobic." Daryl says about Carol.

-"Why didn't you think of that before you got us all trapped down here." Magna says.

-"Hey, it's not the time for this." Aaron says.

-"Why not? Seems like we have plenty of it." Magna says.

-"Magna how about you don't start this now." I say.

-She ignores me. "What the hell were you thinking huh? Running off like that by yourself." Magna says to Carol.

-"Hey we don't have time for this shit. We got in this mess together. We can get out of it together. Now follow me. I think I found a way out." Daryl says.


-We spend a while looking for a way out and eventually we decide to take a break for a bit. I however am only worrying about what Maya and Alden must be thinking right now. I don't know how long we've been in this cave but I know it's been more than a day since I left with the others to look for this herd, and where did that get us stuck in a cave. 

-"Hey can I get matches." Magna says to Daryl.

-"You should try to take it easy for a minute." Daryl says to her.

-"I can't. I need to do something." Magna says.

-Daryl hands her the matches.

-"Thanks." She says.

-"I'm coming with you." I say to Magna and get up from the cave ground .

-"I'm sorry for putting you in that position the other day, you don't owe me." Magna says while we are looking around with matches.

-"Don't worry about it, I just still wanna know why. Do you really not trust us?" I ask.

-"I trust you. It's just with everything going on I just wanted a back up if things went bad at the hilltop." Magna says.

-"I get it." I say. And then hear the noise of people running.

-"Do you hear that?" I say and then whisperers come out of the darkness attacking us.

-"Skins!" Magna yells to alert the others.

-One of the whispers pin me against the rocks but I use all of my hatred to get them off of me. He falls to the ground and before he can get up I start stabbing him. Each stab for time every person that they have killed. Joanna, Addy, Rodney, Henry, Tammy, Tara, Frankie, DJ, Ozzy, Alek and Siddiq. I keep on stabbing the man well past the point he is dead.

-"Hey he's dead you got him." Aaron says and puts his hand on my shoulder to get me to stop.

-"Let's go." Daryl says. And we all get out of this part in the cave.

-We all accidently go separate ways, good thing it leads to the same spot.

-"If we don't follow each other we're going to get split up in the dark." Kelly says, interpreting what Connie signed.

-"She's right we stick together." Carol says.

-"At least we know there's a way out." Jerry says.

-"Yeah. But where?" Magna says.

-"I think they went this way." Jerry says.

-"You see where they went." Daryl asks.

-"Not exactly but I know a road sign when I see one." Jerry says and a light gets pointed to an arrow carved into the rock.

-"Hey. Come on." Daryl says and we all follow him.

-"This is it." Daryl says, finding a path.

-We crawl through this really tight part in the cave.

-"Hey you okay back there?" Aaron asks Jerry.

-"Yeah I'm just a 6'2 dude who had trouble fitting in airplane bathrooms. Why wouldn't I be okay?" Jerry says sarcastically.

-"Fair enough." Aaron says.

-"Alright I'm out, follow my voice." Daryl says.

-Magna gets through.

-"Come on." Daryl says and I hand Daryl my bow so I can crawl out easier and he helps pull me up a bit.

-Kelly is right behind me and gets out as well.

-"Carol! Carol!" Daryl says when she isn't responding.

-"I'm here." She says, sounding scared.

-"You hurt?" Daryl asks.

-"I'm okay." Carol says.

-"Can you see my light?" Daryl says to her.

-"Yes." She says back, still sounding scared.

-"Just follow my light." Daryl says again.

-"I can't." Carol says.

-"You can do it Carol." I say.

-"We're gonna get through this together. Come on. Come on." Daryl says to her.

-Carol crawls out of the tight section of the cave.

-"Go, go, go." Jerry yells from still being in the crawl space in the cave and then we hear the sounds of walkers.

-"Jerry come on." Aaron says.

-Me and Daryl help pull up Connie and Aaron as fast as possible.

-"Jerry. You're almost there!" Aaron yells down to him.

-"Guys I'm stuck." Jerry says.

-"Here take my hand." Daryl says and reaches down for him.

-"Ahh. My feet! They got my feet! They're biting my feet!" Jerry says.

-"Take your gear off." I say hoping that he can fit through with it off.

-Aaron and Daryl pull him up and we check his feet to see if he got bit.

-"You're okay they didn't bite through." Kelly says.

-I spot some light peaking through the cave. I get relief hoping that it's an easy exit for us.

-"Hey look." I say to the others and walk up closer to the light.

-"Wait!" Daryl says and catches me before I walk off the cliff I didn't notice.

-Daryl drops the walker torch down below revealing a long drop along with hundreds of walkers down below.

-I could've just died from being a dumb ass and not paying attention. I need to make sure to keep my head on straight.


-We get into a section of the cave that used to be a mineshaft.

-"Why are we looking at it?" Magna says.

-"We have to be very careful if we take out the wrong piece this whole thing is gonna collapse." Kelly says, interpreting what Connie signs.

-"Alright find something to dig with." Daryl says.

-We all start clearing stuff away to get out.

-"Hey check this out. Somebody left this crate of dynamite." Kelly says walking over with a stick of it.

-"Yeah that's really cool. Maybe somebody left it there because it's obviously insanely dangerous. That things sweatier than I am. I need you to put it back very carefully." Jerry says.

-Kelly puts the dynamite back as gently as possible.

-"Hey, why don't you take a rest." Aaron says to Magna.

-"I can rest when we get home." Magna says.

-"You in a hurry?" Aaron says.

-"I just don't wanna hang out here any longer than I have to. Do you?" Magna says.

-"No but you barely rested. You haven't eaten anything. You never stop." Aaron says to her.

-"I didn't leave things good with Yumiko." Magna says.

-"I'm sorry." Aaron says.

-"Me too." Magna says.


-We manage to make a hole to the outside.

-"Come on go." Daryl says.

-Kelly tries to see if she can fit through.

-"Just a little more." She tells us.

-"Hey where's Carol?" Daryl says.

-"Damn it." He says and runs after her when he notices the crate of dynamite is exposed again.

-And explosion goes off a few minutes later and this causes the beam holding up the mineshaft to fall in.

-"Come on move." Aaron says while holding the beam up so we can get out.

-Magna and Connie go to help Daryl and Carol.

-"Hey where are you going?" Aaron yells to them.

-Kelly gets out first.

-"We got freaks." She yells down to us.

-"Ava go!" Aaron says.

-I get up as fast as I can to help Kelly fight the whisperers.

-I stab one of them in the head. And one is coming at us from the trees and I shoot them with my bow.

-"Come on!" Aaron yells to the remaining people in the cave. Daryl gets up from the hole.

-"Give me your hand I'll pull you up." Daryl says and he pulls Carol out of the cave.

-"Get outta here!" Magna yells from inside the cave still.

-"Jerry give me your hand!" Aaron yells.

-Jerry gets out of the cave just in time before another huge explosion goes off causing the rock to fall down over the hole.

-"No!" Kelly cries out because Connie and Magna were still in there.

-Me and Jerry try to comfort Kelly.

-Daryl throws around rocks hoping he can refind the hole we came out of.

-"Daryl. Daryl it will take us a week to clear this." Aaron says.

-"Then help me!" Daryl says.

-"No! We can't! This blast is going to call walkers and whisperers from a hundred miles from here. We don't want our backs pressed against this mountain when they come. We can't save them if we're dead." Kelly says.

-"Come on." Aaron says and helps Daryl off the rock pile.

-"Go ahead and say it to me. I deserve it. Just say it to me. You were right about everything. Just say it." Carol says while crying.

-Daryl tries to walk away from her but she grabs him.

-"No please. You cared about her and now she's gone because of me. Please just say it! Please say it." Carol says pleading.

-"Go home tell the others we found the horde." Daryl says.

-"Where are you going?" I ask.

-"They got out before us. There's gotta be another way in." Daryl says and walks away.

-We follow his instructions and start on our way back home.

Word count 1870

~Hey new chapter. Sorry it's been taking me forever to update lately have online classes I've been trying to do. Theres this really good book I think some of y'all should check out.

~It's call What we could of been by Cpostic heres the summary for the book.

What if Carl never died but became a core member of Alexandria ? What if Enid escaped alpha and had to go back to her old ways while surviving in the woods ? It's been years since Carl lost his father and Enid left to become a doctor in Hilltop. But when a new threat arises and Enid is missing, Carl is determined to get her back by any means necessary, even if that means stepping on Alpha's territory.

~Y'all should check it out easily became my favorite fanfic. As always hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night :)

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